kiwimato / invoiceninja-v5-unraid

Invoice Ninja v5 for unRAID
1 stars 1 forks source link

error viewing PDF of quote #1

Closed wynterca closed 2 years ago

wynterca commented 2 years ago

when viewing pdf of quotes from the quote menu via the three dot menu beside a quote this error appears

500: Internal Server Error

file_put_contents(/var/www/app/public/storage/c7crua8praxmtcioc9t24bbifkdubpk3/Nr6lPNtGZmuX8Vmr1yJ1t8HCVT9hvhae3Emud3qg/thgqeguunth9makvkpw43wuitej5zb4x/quotes/Q5102.pdf): failed to open stream: Permission denied

the file had been created as root/root ownership which is incorrect? if I rename the base folder and try again it works for a few views but eventually ends up with the same permission issue, possibly after trying to email the quote

if this is an invoice ninja issue let me know

kiwimato commented 2 years ago

hmm that is really odd, my files are created by www-data, which is uid 82:

/var/www/app/public/storage # ls -lan
total 4
drwxr-sr-x    3 82       82              21 Jun 13 06:05 .
drwxr-sr-x    1 82       82            4096 Jun 13 21:27 ..
drwxr-sr-x    2 82       82               6 Jun 13 06:05 backups
/var/www/app/public/storage # grep :82: /etc/passwd
www-data:x:82:82:Linux User,,,:/home/www-data:/sbin/nologin
/var/www/app/public/storage # 

Just tried creating a quote and it seems to work for me:

/var/www/app/public/storage # find ./ | grep quote
/var/www/app/public/storage # ls -la ./jtbtxznkytdqcgkbchbxxcei408cq9ln/Ura74hGYSWZVBGhclZkoJeEOm4KeV0g4Qh6tyvUh/vel9tq0slf0qjlhj2mqdnv5e8d2hccdh/quotes
total 28
drwxrwsr-x    2 www-data www-data        20 Jun 13 21:31 .
drwxrwsr-x    3 www-data www-data        20 Jun 13 21:31 ..
-rw-rw-r--    1 www-data www-data     24981 Jun 13 21:31 05.pdf
/var/www/app/public/storage # 

Not sure exactly what the problem is to be honest, can you maybe execute ls -la /var/www/app/public/storage ? And also maybe attach to the container and run ps fauxw to check what UID is nginx running under. I have:

w/app/public/storage # ps fauxw
    1 root      0:00 {supervisord} /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/supervisord
   88 root      0:00 {} /bin/sh /usr/local/bin/
   89 root      0:00 nginx: master process /usr/sbin/nginx -g daemon off;
   90 root      0:00 php-fpm: master process (/usr/local/etc/php-fpm.conf)
   91 root      0:00 php artisan queue:work --sleep=3 --tries=1 --memory=256 --timeout=3600
   92 root      0:00 php artisan queue:work --sleep=3 --tries=1 --memory=256 --timeout=3600
   93 root      0:00 php artisan schedule:work
   94 www-data  0:00 nginx: worker process
   95 www-data  0:04 php-fpm: pool www
   96 www-data  0:02 php-fpm: pool www
  115 root      0:00 /bin/sh
  374 root      0:00 ps fauxw
/var/www/app/public/storage # 
wynterca commented 2 years ago

I'm not able to console into the image from unraid for some reason (flashes an error about executable bash not found in $path over and over) but when I check them from the unraid terminal the directories are user 82:82 but the file is root:root? The first time after clearing the directory they might show up correctly but a few minutes later they are the wrong use again...

kiwimato commented 2 years ago

yeah only /bin/sh is in the container, but you can also exec directly:

docker exec -it invoiceninja-v5 ps fauxw

can you maybe share the logs in <volume_mount_point>/storage/logs/laravel.log ?

wynterca commented 2 years ago

Here is the processes list... do you want the whole laravel.log?

PID USER TIME COMMAND 1 root 0:01 {supervisord} /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/supervisord 89 root 0:00 {} /bin/sh /usr/local/bin/ 90 root 0:00 nginx: master process /usr/sbin/nginx -g daemon off; 91 root 0:00 php-fpm: master process (/usr/local/etc/php-fpm.conf) 92 root 0:43 php artisan queue:work --sleep=3 --tries=1 --memory=256 -- 93 root 0:34 php artisan queue:work --sleep=3 --tries=1 --memory=256 -- 94 root 0:03 php artisan schedule:work 113 www-data 0:00 nginx: worker process 115 www-data 0:49 php-fpm: pool www 434 www-data 0:35 php-fpm: pool www 1517 www-data 0:11 php-fpm: pool www 7363 root 0:00 ps fauxw

kiwimato commented 2 years ago

Can you please run: ls -la /var/www/app/public/storage ? Maybe laravel.log is not that useful, but maybe sharing the output of docker logs invoiceninjav5 might be.

wynterca commented 2 years ago

Here is the docker logs

2022-06-13T17:35:35Z [INFO] [Entrypoint]: Initialising Invoice Ninja... Configuration cache cleared! Configuration cached successfully! Configuration cache cleared! Configuration cached successfully! Route cache cleared! Routes cached successfully! Files cached successfully! Nothing to migrate. Updating php.ini with memory_limit = 512M Configuration cache cleared! Configuration cached successfully! Creating link for certificates 2022-06-13 13:35:40,137 CRIT Supervisor is running as root. Privileges were not dropped because no user is specified in the config file. If you intend to run as root, you can set user=root in the config file to avoid this message. 2022-06-13 13:35:40,138 WARN For [program:php-fpm], redirect_stderr=true but stderr_logfile has also been set to a filename, the filename has been ignored 2022-06-13 13:35:40,138 WARN For [program:nginx], redirect_stderr=true but stderr_logfile has also been set to a filename, the filename has been ignored 2022-06-13 13:35:40,138 WARN For [program:scheduler], redirect_stderr=true but stderr_logfile has also been set to a filename, the filename has been ignored 2022-06-13 13:35:40,138 WARN For [program:queue-worker], redirect_stderr=true but stderr_logfile has also been set to a filename, the filename has been ignored 2022-06-13 13:35:40,138 WARN For [program:queue-worker], redirect_stderr=true but stderr_logfile has also been set to a filename, the filename has been ignored 2022-06-13 13:35:40,142 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 2022-06-13 13:35:41,145 INFO spawned: 'shutdown' with pid 89 2022-06-13 13:35:41,150 INFO spawned: 'nginx_00' with pid 90 2022-06-13 13:35:41,152 INFO spawned: 'php-fpm' with pid 91 2022-06-13 13:35:41,157 INFO spawned: 'queue-worker_00' with pid 92 2022-06-13 13:35:41,161 INFO spawned: 'queue-worker_01' with pid 93 2022-06-13 13:35:41,164 INFO spawned: 'scheduler' with pid 94 READY 2022-06-13 13:35:41,165 INFO success: nginx_00 entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 0 seconds (startsecs) Schedule worker started successfully. [13-Jun-2022 13:35:42] NOTICE: fpm is running, pid 91 2022-06-13 13:35:42,149 INFO success: shutdown entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) [13-Jun-2022 13:35:42] NOTICE: ready to handle connections 2022-06-13 13:35:42,150 INFO success: php-fpm entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) 2022-06-13 13:35:43,152 INFO success: queue-worker_00 entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) 2022-06-13 13:35:43,152 INFO success: queue-worker_01 entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) 2022-06-13 13:35:43,152 INFO success: scheduler entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) - 13/Jun/2022:13:35:44 -0400 "GET /index.php" 302 - 13/Jun/2022:13:35:45 -0400 "GET /index.php" 500 2022-06-13 13:35:49,628 INFO reaped unknown pid 120 (exit status 0) 2022-06-13 13:35:49,629 INFO reaped unknown pid 121 (exit status 0) 2022-06-13 13:35:49,629 INFO reaped unknown pid 141 (exit status 0)

[2022-06-13T17:36:00+00:00] Execution #1 output: No scheduled commands are ready to run. - 13/Jun/2022:13:36:23 -0400 "GET /index.php" 200

[2022-06-13T17:37:00+00:00] Execution #2 output: No scheduled commands are ready to run. - 13/Jun/2022:13:37:01 -0400 "POST /index.php" 200 - 13/Jun/2022:13:37:07 -0400 "GET /index.php" 302 - 13/Jun/2022:13:37:09 -0400 "GET /index.php" 404 - 13/Jun/2022:13:37:07 -0400 "GET /index.php" 200 2022-06-13 13:37:10,185 INFO reaped unknown pid 203 (exit status 0) 2022-06-13 13:37:10,186 INFO reaped unknown pid 182 (exit status 0) 2022-06-13 13:37:10,186 INFO reaped unknown pid 183 (exit status 0) - 13/Jun/2022:13:37:20 -0400 "GET /index.php" 302 - 13/Jun/2022:13:37:21 -0400 "GET /index.php" 404 - 13/Jun/2022:13:37:20 -0400 "GET /index.php" 200 2022-06-13 13:37:22,262 INFO reaped unknown pid 226 (exit status 0) 2022-06-13 13:37:22,263 INFO reaped unknown pid 227 (exit status 0) 2022-06-13 13:37:22,263 INFO reaped unknown pid 247 (exit status 0) - 13/Jun/2022:13:37:30 -0400 "GET /index.php" 404 - 13/Jun/2022:13:37:28 -0400 "POST /index.php" 200 2022-06-13 13:37:30,409 INFO reaped unknown pid 270 (exit status 0) 2022-06-13 13:37:30,409 INFO reaped unknown pid 271 (exit status 0) 2022-06-13 13:37:30,410 INFO reaped unknown pid 291 (exit status 0)

[2022-06-13T17:38:00+00:00] Execution #3 output: No scheduled commands are ready to run.

[2022-06-13T17:39:00+00:00] Execution #4 output: No scheduled commands are ready to run.

[2022-06-13T17:40:00+00:00] Execution #5 output: [2022-06-13T17:40:00+00:00] Running scheduled command: App\Jobs\Ninja\QueueSize [2022-06-13T17:40:00+00:00] Running scheduled command: Callback [2022-06-13 17:40:03][19370] Processing: App\Jobs\Ninja\QueueSize [2022-06-13 17:40:03][19370] Processed: App\Jobs\Ninja\QueueSize

[2022-06-13T17:41:00+00:00] Execution #6 output: No scheduled commands are ready to run. - 13/Jun/2022:13:41:23 -0400 "GET /index.php" 200 - 13/Jun/2022:13:41:53 -0400 "PUT /index.php" 200 - 13/Jun/2022:13:41:57 -0400 "POST /index.php" 200

[2022-06-13T17:42:00+00:00] Execution #7 output: No scheduled commands are ready to run. - 13/Jun/2022:13:42:06 -0400 "GET /index.php" 302 - 13/Jun/2022:13:42:06 -0400 "GET /index.php" 200 2022-06-13 13:42:09,244 INFO reaped unknown pid 349 (exit status 0) 2022-06-13 13:42:09,245 INFO reaped unknown pid 350 (exit status 0) 2022-06-13 13:42:09,245 INFO reaped unknown pid 370 (exit status 0) - 13/Jun/2022:13:42:14 -0400 "GET /index.php" 302 2022-06-13 13:42:19,911 INFO reaped unknown pid 394 (exit status 0) 2022-06-13 13:42:19,911 INFO reaped unknown pid 395 (exit status 0) 2022-06-13 13:42:19,911 INFO reaped unknown pid 415 (exit status 0) - 13/Jun/2022:13:42:14 -0400 "GET /index.php" 200 - 13/Jun/2022:13:42:38 -0400 "GET /index.php" 302 - 13/Jun/2022:13:42:38 -0400 "GET /index.php" 200 - 13/Jun/2022:13:42:38 -0400 "POST /index.php" 200 - 13/Jun/2022:13:42:38 -0400 "GET /index.php" 200 2022-06-13 13:42:40,794 INFO reaped unknown pid 439 (exit status 0) 2022-06-13 13:42:40,795 INFO reaped unknown pid 440 (exit status 0) 2022-06-13 13:42:40,795 INFO reaped unknown pid 460 (exit status 0) - 13/Jun/2022:13:42:42 -0400 "POST /index.php" 200 [2022-06-13 17:42:45][19371] Processing: App\Jobs\Entity\CreateEntityPdf [2022-06-13 17:42:45][19372] Processing: App\Jobs\Entity\EmailEntity [2022-06-13 17:42:48][19371] Processed: App\Jobs\Entity\CreateEntityPdf 2022-06-13 13:42:48,476 INFO reaped unknown pid 483 (exit status 0) 2022-06-13 13:42:48,477 INFO reaped unknown pid 484 (exit status 0) 2022-06-13 13:42:48,478 INFO reaped unknown pid 505 (exit status 0) [2022-06-13 17:42:49][19372] Processed: App\Jobs\Entity\EmailEntity [2022-06-13 17:42:49][19373] Processing: App\Listeners\Quote\QuoteEmailActivity [2022-06-13 17:42:51][19374] Processing: App\Listeners\Quote\QuoteEmailedNotification [2022-06-13 17:42:51][19374] Processed: App\Listeners\Quote\QuoteEmailedNotification [2022-06-13 17:42:51][19375] Processing: App\Listeners\Mail\MailSentListener [2022-06-13 17:42:51][19375] Processed: App\Listeners\Mail\MailSentListener [2022-06-13 17:42:51][19376] Processing: App\Jobs\Mail\NinjaMailerJob [2022-06-13 17:42:52][19373] Processed: App\Listeners\Quote\QuoteEmailActivity [2022-06-13 17:42:53][19376] Processed: App\Jobs\Mail\NinjaMailerJob [2022-06-13 17:42:53][19377] Processing: App\Listeners\Mail\MailSentListener [2022-06-13 17:42:53][19377] Processed: App\Listeners\Mail\MailSentListener

[2022-06-13T17:43:00+00:00] Execution #8 output: No scheduled commands are ready to run.

[2022-06-13T17:44:00+00:00] Execution #9 output: No scheduled commands are ready to run. - 13/Jun/2022:13:44:05 -0400 "POST /index.php" 200 [2022-06-13 17:44:10][19378] Processing: App\Listeners\Quote\QuoteDeletedActivity [2022-06-13 17:44:13][19378] Processed: App\Listeners\Quote\QuoteDeletedActivity - 13/Jun/2022:13:44:16 -0400 "POST /index.php" 200 - 13/Jun/2022:13:44:18 -0400 "GET /index.php" 200 - 13/Jun/2022:13:44:19 -0400 "GET /index.php" 200 - 13/Jun/2022:13:44:19 -0400 "GET /index.php" 200 - 13/Jun/2022:13:44:26 -0400 "GET /index.php" 200 - 13/Jun/2022:13:44:27 -0400 "GET /index.php" 200 - 13/Jun/2022:13:44:30 -0400 "GET /index.php" 200 - 13/Jun/2022:13:44:32 -0400 "GET /index.php" 200 - 13/Jun/2022:13:44:32 -0400 "GET /index.php" 200 - 13/Jun/2022:13:44:32 -0400 "GET /index.php" 200 - 13/Jun/2022:13:44:32 -0400 "GET /index.php" 200 - 13/Jun/2022:13:44:32 -0400 "GET /index.php" 200 - 13/Jun/2022:13:44:32 -0400 "GET /index.php" 200 - 13/Jun/2022:13:44:49 -0400 "POST /index.php" 200

[2022-06-13T17:45:00+00:00] Execution #10 output: [2022-06-13T17:45:00+00:00] Running scheduled command: App\Jobs\Ninja\QueueSize [2022-06-13T17:45:00+00:00] Running scheduled command: Callback [2022-06-13 17:45:01][19379] Processing: App\Jobs\Ninja\QueueSize [2022-06-13 17:45:01][19379] Processed: App\Jobs\Ninja\QueueSize - 13/Jun/2022:13:45:05 -0400 "GET /index.php" 302 - 13/Jun/2022:13:45:05 -0400 "GET /index.php" 200 2022-06-13 13:45:08,919 INFO reaped unknown pid 551 (exit status 0) 2022-06-13 13:45:08,919 INFO reaped unknown pid 552 (exit status 0) 2022-06-13 13:45:08,920 INFO reaped unknown pid 573 (exit status 0) - 13/Jun/2022:13:45:16 -0400 "GET /index.php" 302 - 13/Jun/2022:13:45:16 -0400 "GET /index.php" 200 2022-06-13 13:45:18,389 INFO reaped unknown pid 596 (exit status 0) 2022-06-13 13:45:18,389 INFO reaped unknown pid 597 (exit status 0) 2022-06-13 13:45:18,389 INFO reaped unknown pid 616 (exit status 0)

[2022-06-13T17:46:00+00:00] Execution #11 output: No scheduled commands are ready to run. - 13/Jun/2022:13:46:24 -0400 "GET /index.php" 200 - 13/Jun/2022:13:46:48 -0400 "GET /index.php" 302 - 13/Jun/2022:13:46:49 -0400 "GET /index.php" 200 2022-06-13 13:46:53,382 INFO reaped unknown pid 663 (exit status 0) 2022-06-13 13:46:53,382 INFO reaped unknown pid 647 (exit status 0) 2022-06-13 13:46:53,382 INFO reaped unknown pid 648 (exit status 0)

[2022-06-13T17:47:00+00:00] Execution #12 output: No scheduled commands are ready to run.

[2022-06-13T17:48:00+00:00] Execution #13 output: No scheduled commands are ready to run. - 13/Jun/2022:13:48:17 -0400 "GET /index.php" 302 - 13/Jun/2022:13:48:17 -0400 "GET /index.php" 200 - 13/Jun/2022:13:48:17 -0400 "POST /index.php" 200 - 13/Jun/2022:13:48:17 -0400 "GET /index.php" 200 2022-06-13 13:48:21,570 INFO reaped unknown pid 705 (exit status 0) 2022-06-13 13:48:21,571 INFO reaped unknown pid 706 (exit status 0) 2022-06-13 13:48:21,571 INFO reaped unknown pid 726 (exit status 0) - 13/Jun/2022:13:48:37 -0400 "GET /index.php" 302 2022-06-13 13:48:40,213 INFO reaped unknown pid 748 (exit status 0) 2022-06-13 13:48:40,214 INFO reaped unknown pid 749 (exit status 0) 2022-06-13 13:48:40,214 INFO reaped unknown pid 769 (exit status 0) - 13/Jun/2022:13:48:37 -0400 "GET /index.php" 200 - 13/Jun/2022:13:48:42 -0400 "GET /index.php" 400 - 13/Jun/2022:13:48:45 -0400 "GET /index.php" 200 - 13/Jun/2022:13:48:46 -0400 "GET /index.php" 404 - 13/Jun/2022:13:48:53 -0400 "GET /index.php" 200 - 13/Jun/2022:13:48:58 -0400 "POST /index.php" 200 - 13/Jun/2022:13:48:59 -0400 "GET /index.php" 200

[2022-06-13T17:49:00+00:00] Execution #14 output: No scheduled commands are ready to run. - 13/Jun/2022:13:49:01 -0400 "GET /index.php" 200 - 13/Jun/2022:13:49:03 -0400 "GET /index.php" 200 - 13/Jun/2022:13:49:04 -0400 "GET /index.php" 404 - 13/Jun/2022:13:49:03 -0400 "GET /index.php" 200 - 13/Jun/2022:13:49:07 -0400 "POST /index.php" 200 - 13/Jun/2022:13:49:08 -0400 "GET /index.php" 400 - 13/Jun/2022:13:49:11 -0400 "GET /index.php" 200 - 13/Jun/2022:13:49:12 -0400 "POST /index.php" 302 - 13/Jun/2022:13:49:12 -0400 "GET /index.php" 200 - 13/Jun/2022:13:49:15 -0400 "GET /index.php" 200 - 13/Jun/2022:13:49:17 -0400 "GET /index.php" 200 - 13/Jun/2022:13:49:17 -0400 "GET /index.php" 200 - 13/Jun/2022:13:49:17 -0400 "GET /index.php" 200 - 13/Jun/2022:13:49:17 -0400 "GET /index.php" 200 - 13/Jun/2022:13:49:17 -0400 "GET /index.php" 200 - 13/Jun/2022:13:49:17 -0400 "GET /index.php" 200 - 13/Jun/2022:13:49:21 -0400 "GET /index.php" 302 - 13/Jun/2022:13:49:21 -0400 "GET /index.php" 200 2022-06-13 13:49:25,920 INFO reaped unknown pid 823 (exit status 0) 2022-06-13 13:49:25,921 INFO reaped unknown pid 802 (exit status 0) 2022-06-13 13:49:25,921 INFO reaped unknown pid 803 (exit status 0) - 13/Jun/2022:13:49:33 -0400 "POST /index.php" 200 [2022-06-13 17:49:34][19381] Processing: App\Jobs\Entity\CreateEntityPdf - 13/Jun/2022:13:49:30 -0400 "GET /index.php" 302 [2022-06-13 17:49:36][19382] Processing: App\Jobs\Ninja\TransactionLog [2022-06-13 17:49:36][19382] Processed: App\Jobs\Ninja\TransactionLog [2022-06-13 17:49:36][19384] Processing: App\Listeners\Invoice\CreateInvoicePdf [2022-06-13 17:49:36][19384] Processed: App\Listeners\Invoice\CreateInvoicePdf [2022-06-13 17:49:36][19385] Processing: App\Jobs\Entity\CreateEntityPdf - 13/Jun/2022:13:49:35 -0400 "GET /index.php" 200 [2022-06-13 17:49:37][19381] Processed: App\Jobs\Entity\CreateEntityPdf 2022-06-13 13:49:37,531 INFO reaped unknown pid 847 (exit status 0) 2022-06-13 13:49:37,532 INFO reaped unknown pid 848 (exit status 0) 2022-06-13 13:49:37,533 INFO reaped unknown pid 871 (exit status 0) [2022-06-13 17:49:37][19388] Processing: App\Jobs\Ninja\TransactionLog [2022-06-13 17:49:37][19388] Processed: App\Jobs\Ninja\TransactionLog [2022-06-13 17:49:37][19390] Processing: App\Listeners\Invoice\CreateInvoicePdf [2022-06-13 17:49:37][19390] Processed: App\Listeners\Invoice\CreateInvoicePdf [2022-06-13 17:49:37][19391] Processing: App\Jobs\Mail\NinjaMailerJob - 13/Jun/2022:13:49:36 -0400 "POST /index.php" 200 - 13/Jun/2022:13:49:38 -0400 "GET /index.php" 400 [2022-06-13 17:49:39][19385] Processed: App\Jobs\Entity\CreateEntityPdf 2022-06-13 13:49:39,569 INFO reaped unknown pid 893 (exit status 0) 2022-06-13 13:49:39,569 INFO reaped unknown pid 894 (exit status 0) 2022-06-13 13:49:39,569 INFO reaped unknown pid 915 (exit status 0) [2022-06-13 17:49:39][19383] Processing: App\Listeners\Invoice\InvoicePaidActivity [2022-06-13 17:49:41][19391] Processed: App\Jobs\Mail\NinjaMailerJob [2022-06-13 17:49:41][19386] Processing: App\Listeners\Invoice\InvoiceArchivedActivity [2022-06-13 17:49:43][19383] Processed: App\Listeners\Invoice\InvoicePaidActivity [2022-06-13 17:49:43][19389] Processing: App\Listeners\Invoice\UpdateInvoiceActivity [2022-06-13 17:49:44][19386] Processed: App\Listeners\Invoice\InvoiceArchivedActivity [2022-06-13 17:49:44][19392] Processing: App\Listeners\Payment\PaymentEmailedActivity [2022-06-13 17:49:45][19392] Processed: App\Listeners\Payment\PaymentEmailedActivity [2022-06-13 17:49:45][19393] Processing: App\Listeners\Activity\PaymentCreatedActivity [2022-06-13 17:49:45][19393] Processed: App\Listeners\Activity\PaymentCreatedActivity [2022-06-13 17:49:45][19394] Processing: App\Listeners\Payment\PaymentNotification - 13/Jun/2022:13:49:44 -0400 "GET /index.php" 200 [2022-06-13 17:49:46][19394] Processed: App\Listeners\Payment\PaymentNotification [2022-06-13 17:49:46][19395] Processing: App\Jobs\Util\SystemLogger [2022-06-13 17:49:46][19395] Processed: App\Jobs\Util\SystemLogger [2022-06-13 17:49:46][19396] Processing: App\Jobs\Entity\CreateEntityPdf - 13/Jun/2022:13:49:46 -0400 "GET /index.php" 404 [2022-06-13 17:49:47][19389] Processed: App\Listeners\Invoice\UpdateInvoiceActivity [2022-06-13 17:49:47][19397] Processing: App\Jobs\Entity\CreateEntityPdf 2022-06-13 13:49:49,199 INFO reaped unknown pid 940 (exit status 0) 2022-06-13 13:49:49,199 INFO reaped unknown pid 941 (exit status 0) 2022-06-13 13:49:49,199 INFO reaped unknown pid 963 (exit status 0) [2022-06-13 17:49:49][19396] Processed: App\Jobs\Entity\CreateEntityPdf [2022-06-13 17:49:49][19398] Processing: App\Listeners\Mail\MailSentListener [2022-06-13 17:49:49][19398] Processed: App\Listeners\Mail\MailSentListener [2022-06-13 17:49:49][19399] Processing: App\Jobs\Entity\CreateEntityPdf [2022-06-13 17:49:49][19397] Processed: App\Jobs\Entity\CreateEntityPdf 2022-06-13 13:49:49,939 INFO reaped unknown pid 987 (exit status 0) 2022-06-13 13:49:49,940 INFO reaped unknown pid 988 (exit status 0) 2022-06-13 13:49:49,940 INFO reaped unknown pid 1009 (exit status 0) [2022-06-13 17:49:49][19400] Processing: App\Jobs\Mail\NinjaMailerJob [2022-06-13 17:49:51][19400] Processed: App\Jobs\Mail\NinjaMailerJob [2022-06-13 17:49:51][19401] Processing: App\Jobs\Mail\NinjaMailerJob [2022-06-13 17:49:51][19399] Processed: App\Jobs\Entity\CreateEntityPdf 2022-06-13 13:49:51,866 INFO reaped unknown pid 1033 (exit status 0) 2022-06-13 13:49:51,867 INFO reaped unknown pid 1034 (exit status 0) 2022-06-13 13:49:51,867 INFO reaped unknown pid 1052 (exit status 0) [2022-06-13 17:49:51][19402] Processing: App\Listeners\Mail\MailSentListener [2022-06-13 17:49:51][19402] Processed: App\Listeners\Mail\MailSentListener [2022-06-13 17:49:53][19401] Processed: App\Jobs\Mail\NinjaMailerJob [2022-06-13 17:49:53][19403] Processing: App\Listeners\Mail\MailSentListener [2022-06-13 17:49:53][19403] Processed: App\Listeners\Mail\MailSentListener

[2022-06-13T17:50:00+00:00] Execution #15 output: [2022-06-13T17:50:00+00:00] Running scheduled command: App\Jobs\Ninja\QueueSize [2022-06-13T17:50:00+00:00] Running scheduled command: Callback [2022-06-13 17:50:00][19404] Processing: App\Jobs\Ninja\QueueSize [2022-06-13 17:50:00][19404] Processed: App\Jobs\Ninja\QueueSize

[2022-06-13T17:51:00+00:00] Execution #16 output: No scheduled commands are ready to run. - 13/Jun/2022:13:51:24 -0400 "GET /index.php" 200

[2022-06-13T17:52:00+00:00] Execution #17 output: No scheduled commands are ready to run. - 13/Jun/2022:13:52:17 -0400 "GET /index.php" 302 - 13/Jun/2022:13:52:17 -0400 "GET /index.php" 200 2022-06-13 13:52:22,281 INFO reaped unknown pid 1099 (exit status 0) 2022-06-13 13:52:22,282 INFO reaped unknown pid 1100 (exit status 0) 2022-06-13 13:52:22,282 INFO reaped unknown pid 1120 (exit status 0) - 13/Jun/2022:13:52:46 -0400 "POST /index.php" 200 2022-06-13 13:52:50,839 INFO reaped unknown pid 1144 (exit status 0) 2022-06-13 13:52:50,839 INFO reaped unknown pid 1145 (exit status 0) 2022-06-13 13:52:50,839 INFO reaped unknown pid 1166 (exit status 0) - 13/Jun/2022:13:52:54 -0400 "POST /index.php" 200 2022-06-13 13:52:58,593 INFO reaped unknown pid 1188 (exit status 0) 2022-06-13 13:52:58,594 INFO reaped unknown pid 1189 (exit status 0) 2022-06-13 13:52:58,594 INFO reaped unknown pid 1209 (exit status 0)

[2022-06-13T17:53:00+00:00] Execution #18 output: No scheduled commands are ready to run. - 13/Jun/2022:13:53:30 -0400 "POST /index.php" 200 2022-06-13 13:53:34,731 INFO reaped unknown pid 1239 (exit status 0) 2022-06-13 13:53:34,731 INFO reaped unknown pid 1240 (exit status 0) 2022-06-13 13:53:34,731 INFO reaped unknown pid 1261 (exit status 0) - 13/Jun/2022:13:53:34 -0400 "POST /index.php" 200 2022-06-13 13:53:39,389 INFO reaped unknown pid 1283 (exit status 0) 2022-06-13 13:53:39,390 INFO reaped unknown pid 1284 (exit status 0) 2022-06-13 13:53:39,390 INFO reaped unknown pid 1305 (exit status 0)

[2022-06-13T17:54:00+00:00] Execution #19 output: No scheduled commands are ready to run. - 13/Jun/2022:13:54:05 -0400 "POST /index.php" 200 2022-06-13 13:54:09,553 INFO reaped unknown pid 1335 (exit status 0) 2022-06-13 13:54:09,553 INFO reaped unknown pid 1336 (exit status 0) 2022-06-13 13:54:09,553 INFO reaped unknown pid 1356 (exit status 0) [2022-06-13 17:54:13][19380] Processing: App\Jobs\Ledger\ClientLedgerBalanceUpdate [2022-06-13 17:54:13][19380] Processed: App\Jobs\Ledger\ClientLedgerBalanceUpdate - 13/Jun/2022:13:54:17 -0400 "POST /index.php" 200 2022-06-13 13:54:21,785 INFO reaped unknown pid 1379 (exit status 0) 2022-06-13 13:54:21,786 INFO reaped unknown pid 1380 (exit status 0) 2022-06-13 13:54:21,787 INFO reaped unknown pid 1395 (exit status 0) - 13/Jun/2022:13:54:24 -0400 "PUT /index.php" 200 [2022-06-13 17:54:25][19405] Processing: App\Listeners\Activity\QuoteUpdatedActivity [2022-06-13 17:54:26][19406] Processing: App\Listeners\Invoice\CreateInvoicePdf [2022-06-13 17:54:26][19406] Processed: App\Listeners\Invoice\CreateInvoicePdf [2022-06-13 17:54:26][19407] Processing: App\Jobs\Entity\CreateEntityPdf - 13/Jun/2022:13:54:26 -0400 "POST /index.php" 200 2022-06-13 13:54:30,700 INFO reaped unknown pid 1444 (exit status 0) 2022-06-13 13:54:30,701 INFO reaped unknown pid 1423 (exit status 0) 2022-06-13 13:54:30,701 INFO reaped unknown pid 1424 (exit status 0) [2022-06-13 17:54:31][19407] Processed: App\Jobs\Entity\CreateEntityPdf 2022-06-13 13:54:31,085 INFO reaped unknown pid 1468 (exit status 0) 2022-06-13 13:54:31,086 INFO reaped unknown pid 1469 (exit status 0) 2022-06-13 13:54:31,086 INFO reaped unknown pid 1486 (exit status 0) [2022-06-13 17:54:32][19405] Processed: App\Listeners\Activity\QuoteUpdatedActivity [2022-06-13 17:54:34][19387] Processing: App\Jobs\Ledger\ClientLedgerBalanceUpdate [2022-06-13 17:54:34][19387] Processed: App\Jobs\Ledger\ClientLedgerBalanceUpdate - 13/Jun/2022:13:54:49 -0400 "POST /index.php" 200

[2022-06-13T17:55:00+00:00] Execution #20 output: [2022-06-13T17:55:00+00:00] Running scheduled command: App\Jobs\Ninja\QueueSize [2022-06-13T17:55:00+00:00] Running scheduled command: Callback [2022-06-13 17:55:01][19408] Processing: App\Jobs\Ninja\QueueSize [2022-06-13 17:55:01][19408] Processed: App\Jobs\Ninja\QueueSize - 13/Jun/2022:13:55:01 -0400 "PUT /index.php" 200 [2022-06-13 17:55:02][19409] Processing: App\Listeners\Activity\QuoteUpdatedActivity [2022-06-13 17:55:04][19410] Processing: App\Listeners\Invoice\CreateInvoicePdf [2022-06-13 17:55:04][19410] Processed: App\Listeners\Invoice\CreateInvoicePdf [2022-06-13 17:55:04][19411] Processing: App\Jobs\Entity\CreateEntityPdf - 13/Jun/2022:13:55:07 -0400 "GET /index.php" 302 - 13/Jun/2022:13:55:03 -0400 "POST /index.php" 200 2022-06-13 13:55:08,873 INFO reaped unknown pid 1544 (exit status 0) 2022-06-13 13:55:08,874 INFO reaped unknown pid 1522 (exit status 0) 2022-06-13 13:55:08,874 INFO reaped unknown pid 1523 (exit status 0) - 13/Jun/2022:13:55:07 -0400 "POST /index.php" 200 [2022-06-13 17:55:09][19411] Processed: App\Jobs\Entity\CreateEntityPdf 2022-06-13 13:55:09,330 INFO reaped unknown pid 1592 (exit status 0) 2022-06-13 13:55:09,330 INFO reaped unknown pid 1568 (exit status 0) 2022-06-13 13:55:09,331 INFO reaped unknown pid 1569 (exit status 0) [2022-06-13 17:55:10][19409] Processed: App\Listeners\Activity\QuoteUpdatedActivity - 13/Jun/2022:13:55:07 -0400 "GET /index.php" 500 2022-06-13 13:55:12,123 INFO reaped unknown pid 1615 (exit status 0) 2022-06-13 13:55:12,123 INFO reaped unknown pid 1616 (exit status 0) 2022-06-13 13:55:12,123 INFO reaped unknown pid 1636 (exit status 0)

[2022-06-13T17:56:00+00:00] Execution #21 output: No scheduled commands are ready to run. - 13/Jun/2022:13:56:24 -0400 "GET /index.php" 200

[2022-06-13T17:57:00+00:00] Execution #22 output: No scheduled commands are ready to run. - 13/Jun/2022:13:57:13 -0400 "GET /index.php" 302 - 13/Jun/2022:13:57:13 -0400 "GET /index.php" 200 2022-06-13 13:57:16,730 INFO reaped unknown pid 1673 (exit status 0) 2022-06-13 13:57:16,730 INFO reaped unknown pid 1674 (exit status 0) 2022-06-13 13:57:16,730 INFO reaped unknown pid 1694 (exit status 0) - 13/Jun/2022:13:57:20 -0400 "GET /index.php" 302 - 13/Jun/2022:13:57:20 -0400 "GET /index.php" 500 2022-06-13 13:57:25,117 INFO reaped unknown pid 1717 (exit status 0) 2022-06-13 13:57:25,118 INFO reaped unknown pid 1718 (exit status 0) 2022-06-13 13:57:25,118 INFO reaped unknown pid 1739 (exit status 0)

[2022-06-13T17:58:00+00:00] Execution #23 output: No scheduled commands are ready to run.

[2022-06-13T17:59:00+00:00] Execution #24 output: No scheduled commands are ready to run.

[2022-06-13T18:00:00+00:00] Execution #25 output: [2022-06-13T18:00:00+00:00] Running scheduled command: App\Jobs\Util\ReminderJob [2022-06-13T18:00:00+00:00] Running scheduled command: App\Jobs\Ninja\QueueSize [2022-06-13T18:00:00+00:00] Running scheduled command: App\Jobs\Cron\RecurringInvoicesCron [2022-06-13T18:00:00+00:00] Running scheduled command: Callback [2022-06-13 18:00:00][19412] Processing: App\Jobs\Util\ReminderJob [2022-06-13 18:00:00][19412] Processed: App\Jobs\Util\ReminderJob [2022-06-13 18:00:00][19413] Processing: App\Jobs\Ninja\QueueSize [2022-06-13 18:00:00][19413] Processed: App\Jobs\Ninja\QueueSize

[2022-06-13T18:01:00+00:00] Execution #26 output: No scheduled commands are ready to run. - 13/Jun/2022:14:01:24 -0400 "GET /index.php" 200

[2022-06-13T18:02:00+00:00] Execution #27 output: No scheduled commands are ready to run.

[2022-06-13T18:03:00+00:00] Execution #28 output: No scheduled commands are ready to run.

[2022-06-13T18:04:00+00:00] Execution #29 output: No scheduled commands are ready to run. - 13/Jun/2022:14:04:49 -0400 "POST /index.php" 200

[2022-06-13T18:05:00+00:00] Execution #30 output: [2022-06-13T18:05:00+00:00] Running scheduled command: App\Jobs\Ninja\QueueSize [2022-06-13T18:05:00+00:00] Running scheduled command: Callback [2022-06-13 18:05:00][19414] Processing: App\Jobs\Ninja\QueueSize [2022-06-13 18:05:00][19414] Processed: App\Jobs\Ninja\QueueSize

[2022-06-13T18:06:00+00:00] Execution #31 output: No scheduled commands are ready to run. - 13/Jun/2022:14:06:25 -0400 "GET /index.php" 200

[2022-06-13T18:07:00+00:00] Execution #32 output: No scheduled commands are ready to run. - 13/Jun/2022:14:07:32 -0400 "GET /index.php" 302 - 13/Jun/2022:14:07:32 -0400 "POST /index.php" 200 - 13/Jun/2022:14:07:33 -0400 "GET /index.php" 500 2022-06-13 14:07:37,464 INFO reaped unknown pid 1833 (exit status 0) 2022-06-13 14:07:37,465 INFO reaped unknown pid 1834 (exit status 0) 2022-06-13 14:07:37,465 INFO reaped unknown pid 1854 (exit status 0)

[2022-06-13T18:08:00+00:00] Execution #33 output: No scheduled commands are ready to run.

[2022-06-13T18:09:00+00:00] Execution #34 output: No scheduled commands are ready to run. - 13/Jun/2022:14:09:12 -0400 "POST /index.php" 200 - 13/Jun/2022:14:09:26 -0400 "PUT /index.php" 200 - 13/Jun/2022:14:09:30 -0400 "POST /index.php" 200 - 13/Jun/2022:14:09:40 -0400 "GET /index.php" 302 - 13/Jun/2022:14:09:40 -0400 "POST /index.php" 200 - 13/Jun/2022:14:09:40 -0400 "GET /index.php" 200 2022-06-13 14:09:45,024 INFO reaped unknown pid 1891 (exit status 0) 2022-06-13 14:09:45,025 INFO reaped unknown pid 1892 (exit status 0) 2022-06-13 14:09:45,025 INFO reaped unknown pid 1912 (exit status 0)

[2022-06-13T18:10:00+00:00] Execution #35 output: [2022-06-13T18:10:00+00:00] Running scheduled command: App\Jobs\Ninja\QueueSize [2022-06-13T18:10:00+00:00] Running scheduled command: Callback [2022-06-13 18:10:01][19415] Processing: App\Jobs\Ninja\QueueSize [2022-06-13 18:10:01][19415] Processed: App\Jobs\Ninja\QueueSize [2022-06-13 18:10:08][19416] Processing: App\Jobs\Entity\CreateEntityPdf - 13/Jun/2022:14:10:07 -0400 "POST /index.php" 200 [2022-06-13 18:10:10][19417] Processing: App\Jobs\Entity\EmailEntity [2022-06-13 18:10:12][19416] Processed: App\Jobs\Entity\CreateEntityPdf 2022-06-13 14:10:12,674 INFO reaped unknown pid 1942 (exit status 0) 2022-06-13 14:10:12,674 INFO reaped unknown pid 1943 (exit status 0) 2022-06-13 14:10:12,674 INFO reaped unknown pid 1964 (exit status 0) [2022-06-13 18:10:14][19417] Processed: App\Jobs\Entity\EmailEntity [2022-06-13 18:10:14][19418] Processing: App\Listeners\Quote\QuoteEmailActivity [2022-06-13 18:10:15][19419] Processing: App\Listeners\Quote\QuoteEmailedNotification [2022-06-13 18:10:15][19419] Processed: App\Listeners\Quote\QuoteEmailedNotification [2022-06-13 18:10:15][19420] Processing: App\Listeners\Mail\MailSentListener [2022-06-13 18:10:16][19420] Processed: App\Listeners\Mail\MailSentListener [2022-06-13 18:10:16][19421] Processing: App\Jobs\Mail\NinjaMailerJob [2022-06-13 18:10:17][19421] Processed: App\Jobs\Mail\NinjaMailerJob [2022-06-13 18:10:17][19422] Processing: App\Listeners\Mail\MailSentListener [2022-06-13 18:10:17][19422] Processed: App\Listeners\Mail\MailSentListener - 13/Jun/2022:14:10:17 -0400 "POST /index.php" 200 2022-06-13 14:10:20,162 INFO reaped unknown pid 1986 (exit status 0) 2022-06-13 14:10:20,163 INFO reaped unknown pid 1987 (exit status 0) 2022-06-13 14:10:20,163 INFO reaped unknown pid 2007 (exit status 0) [2022-06-13 18:10:21][19418] Processed: App\Listeners\Quote\QuoteEmailActivity

[2022-06-13T18:11:00+00:00] Execution #36 output: No scheduled commands are ready to run. - 13/Jun/2022:14:11:25 -0400 "GET /index.php" 200

[2022-06-13T18:12:00+00:00] Execution #37 output: No scheduled commands are ready to run.

[2022-06-13T18:13:00+00:00] Execution #38 output: No scheduled commands are ready to run.

[2022-06-13T18:14:00+00:00] Execution #39 output: No scheduled commands are ready to run. - 13/Jun/2022:14:14:49 -0400 "POST /index.php" 200

[2022-06-13T18:15:00+00:00] Execution #40 output: [2022-06-13T18:15:00+00:00] Running scheduled command: App\Jobs\Ninja\QueueSize [2022-06-13T18:15:00+00:00] Running scheduled command: Callback [2022-06-13 18:15:02][19423] Processing: App\Jobs\Ninja\QueueSize [2022-06-13 18:15:02][19423] Processed: App\Jobs\Ninja\QueueSize

[2022-06-13T18:16:00+00:00] Execution #41 output: No scheduled commands are ready to run. - 13/Jun/2022:14:16:25 -0400 "GET /index.php" 200

[2022-06-13T18:17:00+00:00] Execution #42 output: No scheduled commands are ready to run.

[2022-06-13T18:18:00+00:00] Execution #43 output: No scheduled commands are ready to run. - 13/Jun/2022:14:18:07 -0400 "PUT /index.php" 200 - 13/Jun/2022:14:18:04 -0400 "POST /index.php" 200 2022-06-13 14:18:07,818 INFO reaped unknown pid 2090 (exit status 0) 2022-06-13 14:18:07,818 INFO reaped unknown pid 2091 (exit status 0) 2022-06-13 14:18:07,819 INFO reaped unknown pid 2111 (exit status 0) [2022-06-13 18:18:09][19424] Processing: App\Listeners\Activity\QuoteUpdatedActivity [2022-06-13 18:18:09][19425] Processing: App\Listeners\Invoice\CreateInvoicePdf [2022-06-13 18:18:09][19425] Processed: App\Listeners\Invoice\CreateInvoicePdf [2022-06-13 18:18:09][19426] Processing: App\Jobs\Entity\CreateEntityPdf - 13/Jun/2022:14:18:12 -0400 "GET /index.php" 200 - 13/Jun/2022:14:18:12 -0400 "GET /index.php" 302 - 13/Jun/2022:14:18:09 -0400 "POST /index.php" 200 2022-06-13 14:18:12,556 INFO reaped unknown pid 2157 (exit status 0) 2022-06-13 14:18:12,556 INFO reaped unknown pid 2136 (exit status 0) 2022-06-13 14:18:12,557 INFO reaped unknown pid 2137 (exit status 0) [2022-06-13 18:18:13][19426] Processed: App\Jobs\Entity\CreateEntityPdf 2022-06-13 14:18:13,145 INFO reaped unknown pid 2181 (exit status 0) 2022-06-13 14:18:13,146 INFO reaped unknown pid 2182 (exit status 0) 2022-06-13 14:18:13,146 INFO reaped unknown pid 2198 (exit status 0) - 13/Jun/2022:14:18:12 -0400 "POST /index.php" 200 [2022-06-13 18:18:13][19424] Processed: App\Listeners\Activity\QuoteUpdatedActivity - 13/Jun/2022:14:18:12 -0400 "GET /index.php" 500 2022-06-13 14:18:15,269 INFO reaped unknown pid 2225 (exit status 0) 2022-06-13 14:18:15,270 INFO reaped unknown pid 2226 (exit status 0) 2022-06-13 14:18:15,270 INFO reaped unknown pid 2247 (exit status 0)

[2022-06-13T18:19:00+00:00] Execution #44 output: No scheduled commands are ready to run.

[2022-06-13T18:20:00+00:00] Execution #45 output: [2022-06-13T18:20:00+00:00] Running scheduled command: App\Jobs\Ninja\QueueSize [2022-06-13T18:20:00+00:00] Running scheduled command: Callback [2022-06-13 18:20:01][19427] Processing: App\Jobs\Ninja\QueueSize [2022-06-13 18:20:01][19427] Processed: App\Jobs\Ninja\QueueSize

[2022-06-13T18:21:00+00:00] Execution #46 output: No scheduled commands are ready to run. - 13/Jun/2022:14:21:25 -0400 "GET /index.php" 200

[2022-06-13T18:22:00+00:00] Execution #47 output: No scheduled commands are ready to run.

[2022-06-13T18:23:00+00:00] Execution #48 output: No scheduled commands are ready to run. - 13/Jun/2022:14:23:22 -0400 "GET /index.php" 302 - 13/Jun/2022:14:23:20 -0400 "POST /index.php" 200 2022-06-13 14:23:23,115 INFO reaped unknown pid 2305 (exit status 0) 2022-06-13 14:23:23,116 INFO reaped unknown pid 2306 (exit status 0) 2022-06-13 14:23:23,116 INFO reaped unknown pid 2327 (exit status 0) - 13/Jun/2022:14:23:22 -0400 "GET /index.php" 500 2022-06-13 14:23:25,765 INFO reaped unknown pid 2350 (exit status 0) 2022-06-13 14:23:25,766 INFO reaped unknown pid 2351 (exit status 0) 2022-06-13 14:23:25,766 INFO reaped unknown pid 2371 (exit status 0)

[2022-06-13T18:24:00+00:00] Execution #49 output: No scheduled commands are ready to run. - 13/Jun/2022:14:24:08 -0400 "GET /index.php" 302 - 13/Jun/2022:14:24:08 -0400 "POST /index.php" 200 - 13/Jun/2022:14:24:08 -0400 "GET /index.php" 500 2022-06-13 14:24:11,028 INFO reaped unknown pid 2400 (exit status 0) 2022-06-13 14:24:11,029 INFO reaped unknown pid 2401 (exit status 0) 2022-06-13 14:24:11,029 INFO reaped unknown pid 2422 (exit status 0) - 13/Jun/2022:14:24:45 -0400 "GET /index.php" 404 - 13/Jun/2022:14:24:49 -0400 "POST /index.php" 200

[2022-06-13T18:25:00+00:00] Execution #50 output: [2022-06-13T18:25:00+00:00] Running scheduled command: App\Jobs\Ninja\QueueSize [2022-06-13T18:25:00+00:00] Running scheduled command: Callback [2022-06-13 18:25:01][19428] Processing: App\Jobs\Ninja\QueueSize [2022-06-13 18:25:01][19428] Processed: App\Jobs\Ninja\QueueSize - 13/Jun/2022:14:25:41 -0400 "GET /index.php" 404 - 13/Jun/2022:14:25:45 -0400 "GET /index.php" 302 - 13/Jun/2022:14:25:45 -0400 "GET /index.php" 302 - 13/Jun/2022:14:25:45 -0400 "GET /index.php" 200 - 13/Jun/2022:14:25:50 -0400 "GET /index.php" 200

[2022-06-13T18:26:00+00:00] Execution #51 output: No scheduled commands are ready to run. - 13/Jun/2022:14:26:02 -0400 "GET /index.php" 404 - 13/Jun/2022:14:26:05 -0400 "GET /index.php" 302 - 13/Jun/2022:14:26:05 -0400 "GET /index.php" 302 - 13/Jun/2022:14:26:05 -0400 "GET /index.php" 200 - 13/Jun/2022:14:26:10 -0400 "GET /index.php" 302 - 13/Jun/2022:14:26:10 -0400 "GET /index.php" 200 - 13/Jun/2022:14:26:14 -0400 "GET /index.php" 404 - 13/Jun/2022:14:26:15 -0400 "GET /index.php" 200 - 13/Jun/2022:14:26:25 -0400 "GET /index.php" 200

[2022-06-13T18:27:00+00:00] Execution #52 output: No scheduled commands are ready to run.

[2022-06-13T18:28:00+00:00] Execution #53 output: No scheduled commands are ready to run.

[2022-06-13T18:29:00+00:00] Execution #54 output: No scheduled commands are ready to run.

[2022-06-13T18:30:00+00:00] Execution #55 output: [2022-06-13T18:30:00+00:00] Running scheduled command: App\Jobs\Ninja\QueueSize [2022-06-13T18:30:00+00:00] Running scheduled command: Callback [2022-06-13 18:30:01][19429] Processing: App\Jobs\Ninja\QueueSize [2022-06-13 18:30:01][19429] Processed: App\Jobs\Ninja\QueueSize

[2022-06-13T18:31:00+00:00] Execution #56 output: No scheduled commands are ready to run. - 13/Jun/2022:14:31:26 -0400 "GET /index.php" 200 - 13/Jun/2022:14:31:47 -0400 "GET /index.php" 404

[2022-06-13T18:32:00+00:00] Execution #57 output: No scheduled commands are ready to run. [2022-06-13 18:32:23][19430] Processing: App\Jobs\Entity\CreateEntityPdf - 13/Jun/2022:14:32:23 -0400 "POST /index.php" 200 [2022-06-13 18:32:26][19431] Processing: App\Jobs\Entity\EmailEntity [2022-06-13 18:32:27][19430] Processed: App\Jobs\Entity\CreateEntityPdf 2022-06-13 14:32:27,076 INFO reaped unknown pid 2503 (exit status 0) 2022-06-13 14:32:27,076 INFO reaped unknown pid 2504 (exit status 0) 2022-06-13 14:32:27,078 INFO reaped unknown pid 2523 (exit status 0) [2022-06-13 18:32:29][19431] Processed: App\Jobs\Entity\EmailEntity [2022-06-13 18:32:29][19432] Processing: App\Listeners\Quote\QuoteEmailActivity [2022-06-13 18:32:30][19433] Processing: App\Listeners\Quote\QuoteEmailedNotification - 13/Jun/2022:14:32:29 -0400 "POST /index.php" 200 [2022-06-13 18:32:30][19433] Processed: App\Listeners\Quote\QuoteEmailedNotification [2022-06-13 18:32:30][19434] Processing: App\Listeners\Mail\MailSentListener [2022-06-13 18:32:30][19434] Processed: App\Listeners\Mail\MailSentListener [2022-06-13 18:32:30][19435] Processing: App\Jobs\Mail\NinjaMailerJob [2022-06-13 18:32:32][19435] Processed: App\Jobs\Mail\NinjaMailerJob [2022-06-13 18:32:32][19436] Processing: App\Listeners\Mail\MailSentListener [2022-06-13 18:32:32][19436] Processed: App\Listeners\Mail\MailSentListener [2022-06-13 18:32:34][19432] Processed: App\Listeners\Quote\QuoteEmailActivity - 13/Jun/2022:14:32:35 -0400 "GET /index.php" 302 - 13/Jun/2022:14:32:35 -0400 "GET /index.php" 500 2022-06-13 14:32:38,601 INFO reaped unknown pid 2547 (exit status 0) 2022-06-13 14:32:38,602 INFO reaped unknown pid 2548 (exit status 0) 2022-06-13 14:32:38,602 INFO reaped unknown pid 2568 (exit status 0) - 13/Jun/2022:14:32:46 -0400 "GET /index.php" 302 - 13/Jun/2022:14:32:46 -0400 "GET /index.php" 200

[2022-06-13T18:33:00+00:00] Execution #58 output: No scheduled commands are ready to run. - 13/Jun/2022:14:33:03 -0400 "GET /index.php" 200 - 13/Jun/2022:14:33:07 -0400 "GET /index.php" 200 - 13/Jun/2022:14:33:09 -0400 "GET /index.php" 200 - 13/Jun/2022:14:33:10 -0400 "GET /index.php" 200 - 13/Jun/2022:14:33:12 -0400 "GET /index.php" 200 - 13/Jun/2022:14:33:13 -0400 "GET /index.php" 200 - 13/Jun/2022:14:33:14 -0400 "GET /index.php" 200 - 13/Jun/2022:14:33:15 -0400 "GET /index.php" 200 - 13/Jun/2022:14:33:16 -0400 "GET /index.php" 200 - 13/Jun/2022:14:33:16 -0400 "GET /index.php" 200 2022-06-13 14:33:18,045 INFO reaped unknown pid 2599 (exit status 0) 2022-06-13 14:33:18,046 INFO reaped unknown pid 2600 (exit status 0) 2022-06-13 14:33:18,046 INFO reaped unknown pid 2621 (exit status 0) - 13/Jun/2022:14:33:18 -0400 "GET /index.php" 200 - 13/Jun/2022:14:33:19 -0400 "GET /index.php" 200 - 13/Jun/2022:14:33:27 -0400 "GET /index.php" 200 [2022-06-13 18:33:31][19437] Processing: App\Listeners\Misc\InvitationViewedListener [2022-06-13 18:33:31][19437] Processed: App\Listeners\Misc\InvitationViewedListener [2022-06-13 18:33:31][19439] Processing: App\Jobs\Mail\NinjaMailerJob - 13/Jun/2022:14:33:30 -0400 "GET /index.php" 200 [2022-06-13 18:33:32][19439] Processed: App\Jobs\Mail\NinjaMailerJob [2022-06-13 18:33:33][19440] Processing: App\Listeners\Mail\MailSentListener [2022-06-13 18:33:33][19440] Processed: App\Listeners\Mail\MailSentListener [2022-06-13 18:33:35][19438] Processing: App\Listeners\Quote\QuoteViewedActivity [2022-06-13 18:33:39][19438] Processed: App\Listeners\Quote\QuoteViewedActivity

[2022-06-13T18:34:00+00:00] Execution #59 output: No scheduled commands are ready to run. - 13/Jun/2022:14:34:49 -0400 "POST /index.php" 200

[2022-06-13T18:35:00+00:00] Execution #60 output: [2022-06-13T18:35:00+00:00] Running scheduled command: App\Jobs\Ninja\QueueSize [2022-06-13T18:35:00+00:00] Running scheduled command: Callback [2022-06-13 18:35:00][19441] Processing: App\Jobs\Ninja\QueueSize [2022-06-13 18:35:00][19441] Processed: App\Jobs\Ninja\QueueSize

[2022-06-13T18:36:00+00:00] Execution #61 output: No scheduled commands are ready to run. - 13/Jun/2022:14:36:26 -0400 "GET /index.php" 200

[2022-06-13T18:37:00+00:00] Execution #62 output: No scheduled commands are ready to run.

[2022-06-13T18:38:00+00:00] Execution #63 output: No scheduled commands are ready to run.

[2022-06-13T18:39:00+00:00] Execution #64 output: No scheduled commands are ready to run.

[2022-06-13T18:40:00+00:00] Execution #65 output: [2022-06-13T18:40:00+00:00] Running scheduled command: App\Jobs\Ninja\QueueSize [2022-06-13T18:40:00+00:00] Running scheduled command: Callback [2022-06-13 18:40:00][19442] Processing: App\Jobs\Ninja\QueueSize [2022-06-13 18:40:00][19442] Processed: App\Jobs\Ninja\QueueSize

[2022-06-13T18:41:00+00:00] Execution #66 output: No scheduled commands are ready to run. - 13/Jun/2022:14:41:26 -0400 "GET /index.php" 200

[2022-06-13T18:42:00+00:00] Execution #67 output: No scheduled commands are ready to run.

[2022-06-13T18:43:00+00:00] Execution #68 output: No scheduled commands are ready to run.

[2022-06-13T18:44:00+00:00] Execution #69 output: No scheduled commands are ready to run. - 13/Jun/2022:14:44:49 -0400 "POST /index.php" 200

[2022-06-13T18:45:00+00:00] Execution #70 output: [2022-06-13T18:45:00+00:00] Running scheduled command: App\Jobs\Ninja\QueueSize [2022-06-13T18:45:00+00:00] Running scheduled command: Callback [2022-06-13 18:45:00][19443] Processing: App\Jobs\Ninja\QueueSize [2022-06-13 18:45:00][19443] Processed: App\Jobs\Ninja\QueueSize

[2022-06-13T18:46:00+00:00] Execution #71 output: No scheduled commands are ready to run. - 13/Jun/2022:14:46:26 -0400 "GET /index.php" 200

[2022-06-13T18:47:00+00:00] Execution #72 output: No scheduled commands are ready to run.

[2022-06-13T18:48:00+00:00] Execution #73 output: No scheduled commands are ready to run. - 13/Jun/2022:14:48:47 -0400 "GET /index.php" 404

[2022-06-13T18:49:00+00:00] Execution #74 output: No scheduled commands are ready to run.

[2022-06-13T18:50:00+00:00] Execution #75 output: [2022-06-13T18:50:00+00:00] Running scheduled command: App\Jobs\Ninja\QueueSize [2022-06-13T18:50:00+00:00] Running scheduled command: Callback [2022-06-13 18:50:00][19444] Processing: App\Jobs\Ninja\QueueSize [2022-06-13 18:50:00][19444] Processed: App\Jobs\Ninja\QueueSize

[2022-06-13T18:51:00+00:00] Execution #76 output: No scheduled commands are ready to run. - 13/Jun/2022:14:51:27 -0400 "GET /index.php" 200

[2022-06-13T18:52:00+00:00] Execution #77 output: No scheduled commands are ready to run.

[2022-06-13T18:53:00+00:00] Execution #78 output: No scheduled commands are ready to run.

[2022-06-13T18:54:00+00:00] Execution #79 output: No scheduled commands are ready to run. - 13/Jun/2022:14:54:17 -0400 "POST /index.php" 200 - 13/Jun/2022:14:54:21 -0400 "GET /index.php" 302 - 13/Jun/2022:14:54:21 -0400 "GET /index.php" 200 2022-06-13 14:54:25,766 INFO reaped unknown pid 7430 (exit status 0) 2022-06-13 14:54:25,767 INFO reaped unknown pid 7431 (exit status 0) 2022-06-13 14:54:25,767 INFO reaped unknown pid 7451 (exit status 0) - 13/Jun/2022:14:54:30 -0400 "GET /index.php" 302 - 13/Jun/2022:14:54:30 -0400 "GET /index.php" 500 2022-06-13 14:54:33,319 INFO reaped unknown pid 7475 (exit status 0) 2022-06-13 14:54:33,320 INFO reaped unknown pid 7476 (exit status 0) 2022-06-13 14:54:33,320 INFO reaped unknown pid 7496 (exit status 0) - 13/Jun/2022:14:54:49 -0400 "POST /index.php" 200

[2022-06-13T18:55:00+00:00] Execution #80 output: [2022-06-13T18:55:00+00:00] Running scheduled command: App\Jobs\Ninja\QueueSize [2022-06-13T18:55:00+00:00] Running scheduled command: Callback [2022-06-13 18:55:01][19445] Processing: App\Jobs\Ninja\QueueSize [2022-06-13 18:55:01][19445] Processed: App\Jobs\Ninja\QueueSize

[2022-06-13T18:56:00+00:00] Execution #81 output: No scheduled commands are ready to run. - 13/Jun/2022:14:56:27 -0400 "GET /index.php" 200

wynterca commented 2 years ago

Here is the ls

total 0 drwxr-xr-x 1 www-data www-data 84 Jun 13 14:52 . drwxr-sr-x 1 www-data www-data 704 Jun 13 13:35 .. drwxrwxr-x 1 www-data www-data 248 Jun 13 14:18 c7crua8praxmtcioc9t24bbifkdubpk3 drwxrwxr-x 1 www-data www-data 232 Feb 4 10:18 migrations

wynterca commented 2 years ago

This is whats in the c7crua8praxmtcioc9t24bbifkdubpk3 folder though

total 112 drwxrwxr-x 1 www-data www-data 248 Jun 13 14:18 . drwxr-xr-x 1 www-data www-data 84 Jun 13 14:52 .. -rw-rw-r-- 1 www-data www-data 111488 Jun 13 14:09 JZ5EmMXZefbxd5v13Sjmj2GJXV66rJrvwtHmfWp3.png drwxrwxr-x 1 www-data www-data 78 Jun 13 14:10 Nr6lPNtGZmuX8Vmr1yJ1t8HCVT9hvhae3Emud3qg drwxrwxr-x 1 root root 94 Jun 13 14:18 xiM1kpBJ4ycDmoEp620lujKcemg1v0q8BnHk6AJs

wynterca commented 2 years ago

I renamed the c7crua8praxmtcioc9t24bbifkdubpk3 folder earlier to clear the error and the permissions were okay for a few quotes then this happened again.

wynterca commented 2 years ago

Now I can't get it to repeat with any new quotes but I have noticed it doing this over the last couple weeks.

Just noticed this in the health report on Invoice Ninja.


kiwimato commented 2 years ago

ah, so it's also intermitent? that might make it tricky to solve. I have an idea though, could you edit the Docker container in Unraid and switch from latest branch to test ? So the Repository field would be this: maihai/invoiceninja_v5:test

I tried something and let's see if it's still an issue for a few days, a week. I'll nee your help with this one since I can't seem to reproduce it on my side. Thank you!

wynterca commented 2 years ago

I updated to the test branch but before I did I removed that file and got this..

health 2

I then restarted the container and it went back to a file named almost the same as before.

After updating to the test branch I sill have that error on the health check.

Currently I haven't been able to get one of the quotes to error out again. I'll update if I see further errors.

kiwimato commented 2 years ago

hmm just noticed that my change didn't include all files, so please make sure to "Check for updates" and update the container when you have time from Unraid.

wynterca commented 2 years ago

That permissions error is gone from health checks after the last update.

wynterca commented 2 years ago

Side note.. the console work now also.

kiwimato commented 2 years ago

awesome, which console? Docker one?

wynterca commented 2 years ago

Yes, the unraid docker console for the app. Had it set to shell but it just kept flashing the bash error and wouldn’t open but now it does.   Looks better but I’ll give you an update later this week if I don’t have any further issues just to verify. On Jun 13, 2022, 4:39 PM -0400, Mihai @.***>, wrote:

awesome, which console? Docker one? — Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe. You are receiving this because you authored the thread.Message ID: @.***>

wynterca commented 2 years ago

I keep getting the errors from the health check on the web interface for permissions.

total 140 drwxrwxr-x 1 www-data www-data 672 Jun 14 10:59 . drwxrwxr-x 1 www-data www-data 78 Jun 13 16:30 .. -rw-rw-r-- 1 www-data www-data 17191 Jun 13 17:07 2022_06_13_340bc398c7b65558da7062a0169a6aa7.html -rw-rw-r-- 1 www-data www-data 17236 Jun 13 16:30 2022_06_13_4b3ecf7496e5e1ce06c06dd01989b8dd.html -rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 17204 Jun 14 10:59 2022_06_14_21397bcacde9cdd7aa9d3c2c4d645e7a.html -rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 17203 Jun 14 10:58 2022_06_14_60ab530efd7d66a5f067810361556673.html -rw-rw-r-- 1 www-data www-data 17236 Jun 13 20:15 2022_06_14_67534ac78565542c3b152923590c57f0.html -rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 17204 Jun 14 10:59 2022_06_14_d9d72f245cc361b923f6c5c19b3f86e5.html -rw-rw-r-- 1 www-data www-data 17236 Jun 13 20:15 2022_06_14_f7a08cdb5f2887e2e0110bfe6406462c.html /var/www/app/public/storage/c7crua8praxmtcioc9t24bbifkdubpk3/fPzSX5SaRMtB8u9QyJ2kR8tcvO7ryEb9JVuso9ke/backups

kiwimato commented 2 years ago

can you update the container one more time? I just made a change to run all queues and php processes as www-data, let's see if it changes anything.

wynterca commented 2 years ago

No further errors after that update. Let me know if or when I should change back from the test branch.

kiwimato commented 2 years ago

I just merged the PR, you can switch back to latest whenever you want, the image is already built. I'll close this one for now, feel free to reopen it if the issue appears again.