kiwimato / unifi-protect-arm64

Run UniFi Protect in Docker on ARM64 hardware
6 stars 0 forks source link

problems applying patch #2

Closed gurkburk76 closed 1 year ago

gurkburk76 commented 1 year ago

To continue from this, Yeah it wasen't fully obvious to me from the docs that i should run docker-compose and use that yaml file you made, point taken and taken into account :)

Still having issues when trying to apply the patch, i made some modifications to the paths:

version: '3.8'

services: unifi-protect: image: unifi-patch build: context: patch dockerfile: Dockerfile.patch container_name: unifi-protect platform: linux/arm64/v8 volumes:

The error i get is this, i also chmod 777 just to be damned sure (tm) that it's not some silly permission thing:

root@streams:/home/apa/protect/unifi-protect-arm64# chmod -R 777 /storage/ root@streams:/home/apa/protect/unifi-protect-arm64# docker-compose up Building unifi-protect [+] Building 1.9s (5/5) FINISHED => [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile.patch 0.0s => => transferring dockerfile: 579B 0.0s => [internal] load .dockerignore 0.0s => => transferring context: 2B 0.0s => [internal] load metadata for 0.0s => CACHED [1/2] FROM 0.0s => ERROR [2/2] RUN sed -i -e 's/Restart=always/Restart=always\nTimeoutStartSec=600/g' /lib/systemd/system/unifi-core.service && sed -i -e 's/TimeoutStartSec=180/TimeoutStartSec=600/g' /lib/systemd/system/unifi-protec 1.7s

[2/2] RUN sed -i -e 's/Restart=always/Restart=always\nTimeoutStartSec=600/g' /lib/systemd/system/unifi-core.service && sed -i -e 's/TimeoutStartSec=180/TimeoutStartSec=600/g' /lib/systemd/system/unifi-protect.service && sed -i -e 's/#ForwardToConsole=no/ForwardToConsole=yes/g' /etc/systemd/journald.conf && mkdir -p /data/unifi-core/logs/ && chmod 777 /persistent:

0 1.380 chmod: cannot access '/persistent': No such file or directory


3 | # this is just a patch to prevent the unifi-core service stopping every 2 minutes because it hits the systemd timeout 4 | >>> RUN sed -i -e 's/Restart=always/Restart=always\nTimeoutStartSec=600/g' /lib/systemd/system/unifi-core.service \ 5 | >>> && sed -i -e 's/TimeoutStartSec=180/TimeoutStartSec=600/g' /lib/systemd/system/unifi-protect.service \ 6 | >>> && sed -i -e 's/#ForwardToConsole=no/ForwardToConsole=yes/g' /etc/systemd/journald.conf \ 7 | >>> && mkdir -p /data/unifi-core/logs/ \ 8 | >>> && chmod 777 /persistent 9 |

ERROR: failed to solve: process "/bin/sh -c sed -i -e 's/Restart=always/Restart=always\nTimeoutStartSec=600/g' /lib/systemd/system/unifi-core.service && sed -i -e 's/TimeoutStartSec=180/TimeoutStartSec=600/g' /lib/systemd/system/unifi-protect.service && sed -i -e 's/#ForwardToConsole=no/ForwardToConsole=yes/g' /etc/systemd/journald.conf && mkdir -p /data/unifi-core/logs/ && chmod 777 /persistent" did not complete successfully: exit code: 1 ERROR: Service 'unifi-protect' failed to build : Build failed

Also tried to nuke everything under /storage and see if it rebuilds what's needed, no luck.

redid the dirs, still no luck. root@streams:/home/apa/protect/unifi-protect-arm64# mkdir /storage/persistent root@streams:/home/apa/protect/unifi-protect-arm64# mkdir /storage/data root@streams:/home/apa/protect/unifi-protect-arm64# mkdir /storage/srv root@streams:/home/apa/protect/unifi-protect-arm64# docker-compose up Building unifi-protect [+] Building 1.5s (5/5) FINISHED => [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile.patch 0.0s => => transferring dockerfile: 579B 0.0s => [internal] load .dockerignore 0.0s => => transferring context: 2B 0.0s => [internal] load metadata for 0.0s => CACHED [1/2] FROM 0.0s => ERROR [2/2] RUN sed -i -e 's/Restart=always/Restart=always\nTimeoutStartSec=600/g' /lib/systemd/system/unifi-core.service && sed -i -e 's/TimeoutStartSec=180/TimeoutStartSec=600/g' /lib/systemd/system/unifi-protec 1.4s

[2/2] RUN sed -i -e 's/Restart=always/Restart=always\nTimeoutStartSec=600/g' /lib/systemd/system/unifi-core.service && sed -i -e 's/TimeoutStartSec=180/TimeoutStartSec=600/g' /lib/systemd/system/unifi-protect.service && sed -i -e 's/#ForwardToConsole=no/ForwardToConsole=yes/g' /etc/systemd/journald.conf && mkdir -p /data/unifi-core/logs/ && chmod 777 /persistent:

0 1.161 chmod: cannot access '/persistent': No such file or directory


3 | # this is just a patch to prevent the unifi-core service stopping every 2 minutes because it hits the systemd timeout 4 | >>> RUN sed -i -e 's/Restart=always/Restart=always\nTimeoutStartSec=600/g' /lib/systemd/system/unifi-core.service \ 5 | >>> && sed -i -e 's/TimeoutStartSec=180/TimeoutStartSec=600/g' /lib/systemd/system/unifi-protect.service \ 6 | >>> && sed -i -e 's/#ForwardToConsole=no/ForwardToConsole=yes/g' /etc/systemd/journald.conf \ 7 | >>> && mkdir -p /data/unifi-core/logs/ \ 8 | >>> && chmod 777 /persistent 9 |

ERROR: failed to solve: process "/bin/sh -c sed -i -e 's/Restart=always/Restart=always\nTimeoutStartSec=600/g' /lib/systemd/system/unifi-core.service && sed -i -e 's/TimeoutStartSec=180/TimeoutStartSec=600/g' /lib/systemd/system/unifi-protect.service && sed -i -e 's/#ForwardToConsole=no/ForwardToConsole=yes/g' /etc/systemd/journald.conf && mkdir -p /data/unifi-core/logs/ && chmod 777 /persistent" did not complete successfully: exit code: 1 ERROR: Service 'unifi-protect' failed to build : Build failed

it's obviously complaining about the persistent dir, but i'm too blind to see what i did wrong.

kiwimato commented 1 year ago

hmm maybe try to remove line 8? && chmod 777 /persistent at the \ and the end of line 7. I don't know why it worked for me and why I had that dir, and you don't. can you also do: docker images | grep unifi and paste the output ? I'm curious if you maybe have an older image of markdegroot/unifi-protect-arm64:latest

Pro tip: always enclose code or logs in triple backticks to make it easier to read: ``` code here ```

and then it looks like this:

code here
gurkburk76 commented 1 year ago

Yeah that formating was.. horrible :) docker images | grep unifi unifi-patch latest 6d3fd5eb8495 About a minute ago 1.29GB markdegroot/unifi-protect-arm64 latest e73b4bce49df 2 months ago 1.29GB markdegroot/unifi-protect-x86 latest 3cf77dafd624 22 months ago 403MB iamjamestl/unifi-protect latest 271b093e3bba 3 years ago 536MB

I'll clean that out, removing the chmod at least got it started. I'll get back to you.

kiwimato commented 1 year ago

cool awesome, please let me know how it works, I'll remove it from the code here if it works for you. I think it's just something I tried at some point and I don't know if it's even necessary anyway, I thought I already cleaned all the unnecessary things, but maybe i didn't :)

gurkburk76 commented 1 year ago

Still some strange stuff with the database, here is my full log i think:

to start it:

docker-compose --verbose up
compose.config.config.find: Using configuration files: ./docker-compose.yaml
compose.cli.docker_client.get_client: docker-compose version 1.29.2, build 5becea4c
docker-py version: 5.0.0
CPython version: 3.7.10
OpenSSL version: OpenSSL 1.1.0l  10 Sep 2019
compose.cli.docker_client.get_client: Docker base_url: http+docker://localhost
compose.cli.docker_client.get_client: Docker version: Platform={'Name': 'Docker Engine - Community'}, Components=[{'Name': 'Engine', 'Version': '24.0.2', 'Details': {'ApiVersion': '1.43', 'Arch': 'amd64', 'BuildTime': '2023-05-25T21:52:22.000000000+00:00', 'Experimental': 'false', 'GitCommit': '659604f', 'GoVersion': 'go1.20.4', 'KernelVersion': '5.15.0-73-generic', 'MinAPIVersion': '1.12', 'Os': 'linux'}}, {'Name': 'containerd', 'Version': '1.6.21', 'Details': {'GitCommit': '3dce8eb055cbb6872793272b4f20ed16117344f8'}}, {'Name': 'runc', 'Version': '1.1.7', 'Details': {'GitCommit': 'v1.1.7-0-g860f061'}}, {'Name': 'docker-init', 'Version': '0.19.0', 'Details': {'GitCommit': 'de40ad0'}}], Version=24.0.2, ApiVersion=1.43, MinAPIVersion=1.12, GitCommit=659604f, GoVersion=go1.20.4, Os=linux, Arch=amd64, KernelVersion=5.15.0-73-generic, BuildTime=2023-05-25T21:52:22.000000000+00:00
compose.cli.verbose_proxy.proxy_callable: docker info <- ()
compose.cli.verbose_proxy.proxy_callable: docker info -> {'Architecture': 'x86_64',
 'BridgeNfIp6tables': True,
 'BridgeNfIptables': True,
 'CPUSet': True,
 'CPUShares': True,
 'CgroupDriver': 'cgroupfs',
 'CgroupVersion': '1',
 'ContainerdCommit': {'Expected': '3dce8eb055cbb6872793272b4f20ed16117344f8',
                      'ID': '3dce8eb055cbb6872793272b4f20ed16117344f8'},
 'Containers': 13,
compose.cli.verbose_proxy.proxy_callable: docker containers <- (all=False, filters={'label': ['com.docker.compose.project=unifi-protect-arm64', 'com.docker.compose.oneoff=False']})
compose.cli.verbose_proxy.proxy_callable: docker containers -> (list with 0 items)
compose.cli.verbose_proxy.proxy_callable: docker containers <- (all=False, filters={'label': ['com.docker.compose.project=unifiprotectarm64', 'com.docker.compose.oneoff=False']})
compose.cli.verbose_proxy.proxy_callable: docker containers -> (list with 0 items)
compose.cli.verbose_proxy.proxy_callable: docker containers <- (all=True, filters={'label': ['com.docker.compose.project=unifi-protect-arm64', 'com.docker.compose.oneoff=False']})
compose.cli.verbose_proxy.proxy_callable: docker containers -> (list with 0 items)
compose.cli.verbose_proxy.proxy_callable: docker containers <- (all=True, filters={'label': ['com.docker.compose.project=unifiprotectarm64', 'com.docker.compose.oneoff=False']})
compose.cli.verbose_proxy.proxy_callable: docker containers -> (list with 0 items)
compose.cli.verbose_proxy.proxy_callable: docker containers <- (all=True, filters={'label': ['com.docker.compose.project=unifi-protect-arm64', 'com.docker.compose.service=unifi-protect', 'com.docker.compose.oneoff=False']})
compose.cli.verbose_proxy.proxy_callable: docker containers -> (list with 0 items)
compose.cli.verbose_proxy.proxy_callable: docker containers <- (all=True, filters={'label': ['com.docker.compose.project=unifiprotectarm64', 'com.docker.compose.service=unifi-protect', 'com.docker.compose.oneoff=False']})
compose.cli.verbose_proxy.proxy_callable: docker containers -> (list with 0 items)
compose.cli.verbose_proxy.proxy_callable: docker inspect_image <- ('unifi-patch') Building unifi-protect
[+] Building 1.9s (6/6) FINISHED
 => [internal] load .dockerignore                                                                                                                                                                                           0.0s
 => => transferring context: 2B                                                                                                                                                                                             0.0s
 => [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile.patch                                                                                                                                                                  0.0s
 => => transferring dockerfile: 541B                                                                                                                                                                                        0.0s
 => [internal] load metadata for                                                                                                                                           1.7s
 => [1/2] FROM                                                                                     0.0s
 => => resolve                                                                                     0.0s
 => CACHED [2/2] RUN sed -i -e 's/Restart=always/Restart=always\nTimeoutStartSec=600/g' /lib/systemd/system/unifi-core.service && sed -i -e 's/TimeoutStartSec=180/TimeoutStartSec=600/g' /lib/systemd/system/unifi-protec  0.0s
 => exporting to image                                                                                                                                                                                                      0.0s
 => => exporting layers                                                                                                                                                                                                     0.0s
 => => writing image sha256:6d3fd5eb8495a328813dce16cd37d3bac8cadbdbc5c97785c616e55444428a3d                                                                                                                                0.0s
 => => naming to                                                                                                                                                                              0.0s
WARNING: compose.service.ensure_image_exists: Image for service unifi-protect was built because it did not already exist. To rebuild this image you must use `docker-compose build` or `docker-compose up --build`.
compose.cli.verbose_proxy.proxy_callable: docker containers <- (all=True, filters={'label': ['com.docker.compose.project=unifi-protect-arm64', 'com.docker.compose.service=unifi-protect', 'com.docker.compose.oneoff=False']})
compose.cli.verbose_proxy.proxy_callable: docker containers -> (list with 0 items)
compose.cli.verbose_proxy.proxy_callable: docker containers <- (all=True, filters={'label': ['com.docker.compose.project=unifiprotectarm64', 'com.docker.compose.service=unifi-protect', 'com.docker.compose.oneoff=False']})
compose.cli.verbose_proxy.proxy_callable: docker containers -> (list with 0 items)
compose.parallel.feed_queue: Pending: {<Service: unifi-protect>}
compose.parallel.feed_queue: Starting producer thread for <Service: unifi-protect>
compose.cli.verbose_proxy.proxy_callable: docker containers <- (all=True, filters={'label': ['com.docker.compose.project=unifi-protect-arm64', 'com.docker.compose.service=unifi-protect', 'com.docker.compose.oneoff=False']})
compose.cli.verbose_proxy.proxy_callable: docker containers -> (list with 0 items)
compose.cli.verbose_proxy.proxy_callable: docker containers <- (all=True, filters={'label': ['com.docker.compose.project=unifiprotectarm64', 'com.docker.compose.service=unifi-protect', 'com.docker.compose.oneoff=False']})
compose.cli.verbose_proxy.proxy_callable: docker containers -> (list with 0 items)
Creating unifi-protect ...
compose.parallel.feed_queue: Pending: {ServiceName(project='unifi-protect-arm64', service='unifi-protect', number=1)}
compose.parallel.feed_queue: Starting producer thread for ServiceName(project='unifi-protect-arm64', service='unifi-protect', number=1)
compose.cli.verbose_proxy.proxy_callable: docker inspect_image <- ('unifi-patch')
compose.cli.verbose_proxy.proxy_callable: docker inspect_image -> {'Architecture': 'arm64',
 'Author': '',
 'Comment': 'buildkit.dockerfile.v0',
 'Config': {'ArgsEscaped': True,
            'AttachStderr': False,
            'AttachStdin': False,
            'AttachStdout': False,
            'Cmd': ['/lib/systemd/systemd'],
            'Domainname': '',
            'Entrypoint': None,
compose.cli.verbose_proxy.proxy_callable: docker inspect_image <- ('unifi-patch')
compose.cli.verbose_proxy.proxy_callable: docker inspect_image -> {'Architecture': 'arm64',
 'Author': '',
 'Comment': 'buildkit.dockerfile.v0',
 'Config': {'ArgsEscaped': True,
            'AttachStderr': False,
            'AttachStdin': False,
            'AttachStdout': False,
            'Cmd': ['/lib/systemd/systemd'],
            'Domainname': '',
            'Entrypoint': None,
compose.service.build_container_labels: Added config hash: b9c9d039b7fa6e1c1d599d079757a94fbed9c2756095ae03750393b080b0b8d8
compose.cli.verbose_proxy.proxy_callable: docker create_host_config <- (links=[], port_bindings={}, binds=['/storage/srv:/srv:rw', '/storage/persistent:/persistent:rw', '/etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:rw', '/storage/data:/data:rw', '/sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup:ro'], volumes_from=[], privileged=True, network_mode='host', devices=None, device_requests=None, dns=None, dns_opt=None, dns_search=None, restart_policy={'Name': 'unless-stopped', 'MaximumRetryCount': 0}, runtime=None, cap_add=['dac_read_search', 'sys_admin'], cap_drop=None, mem_limit=None, mem_reservation=None, memswap_limit=None, ulimits=None, log_config={'Type': '', 'Config': {}}, extra_hosts=None, read_only=None, pid_mode=None, security_opt=['apparmor=unconfined'], ipc_mode=None, cgroup_parent=None, cpu_quota=None, shm_size=None, sysctls=None, pids_limit=None, tmpfs=['/run', '/run/lock', '/tmp'], oom_kill_disable=None, oom_score_adj=None, mem_swappiness=None, group_add=None, userns_mode=None, init=None, init_path=None, isolation=None, cpu_count=None, cpu_percent=None, nano_cpus=None, volume_driver=None, cpuset_cpus=None, cpu_shares=None, storage_opt=None, blkio_weight=None, blkio_weight_device=None, device_read_bps=None, device_read_iops=None, device_write_bps=None, device_write_iops=None, mounts=None, device_cgroup_rules=None, cpu_period=None, cpu_rt_period=None, cpu_rt_runtime=None)
compose.cli.verbose_proxy.proxy_callable: docker create_host_config -> {'Binds': ['/storage/srv:/srv:rw',
 'CapAdd': ['dac_read_search', 'sys_admin'],
 'Links': [],
 'LogConfig': {'Config': {}, 'Type': ''},
 'NetworkMode': 'host',
 'PortBindings': {},
compose.cli.verbose_proxy.proxy_callable: docker create_container <- (image='unifi-patch', volumes={'/srv': {}, '/persistent': {}, '/etc/localtime': {}, '/data': {}, '/sys/fs/cgroup': {}}, name='unifi-protect', detach=True, environment=[], labels={'com.docker.compose.project': 'unifi-protect-arm64', 'com.docker.compose.service': 'unifi-protect', 'com.docker.compose.oneoff': 'False', 'com.docker.compose.project.working_dir': '/home/apa/protect/unifi-protect-arm64', 'com.docker.compose.project.config_files': 'docker-compose.yaml', 'com.docker.compose.container-number': '1', 'com.docker.compose.version': '1.29.2', 'com.docker.compose.config-hash': 'b9c9d039b7fa6e1c1d599d079757a94fbed9c2756095ae03750393b080b0b8d8'}, host_config={'Privileged': True, 'NetworkMode': 'host', 'RestartPolicy': {'Name': 'unless-stopped', 'MaximumRetryCount': 0}, 'CapAdd': ['dac_read_search', 'sys_admin'], 'SecurityOpt': ['apparmor=unconfined'], 'VolumesFrom': [], 'Binds': ['/storage/srv:/srv:rw', '/storage/persistent:/persistent:rw', '/etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:rw', '/storage/data:/data:rw', '/sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup:ro'], 'PortBindings': {}, 'Links': [], 'LogConfig': {'Type': '', 'Config': {}}, 'Tmpfs': {'/run': '', '/run/lock': '', '/tmp': ''}})
compose.parallel.feed_queue: Pending: set()
compose.parallel.feed_queue: Pending: set()
compose.cli.verbose_proxy.proxy_callable: docker create_container -> {'Id': 'd30c9c12e951356b073ddae1442a2905b719f446cefd01a533efeeb2098d6a6c',
 'Warnings': ["The requested image's platform (linux/arm64) does not match the "
              'detected host platform (linux/amd64/v2) and no specific '
              'platform was requested']}
compose.cli.verbose_proxy.proxy_callable: docker inspect_container <- ('d30c9c12e951356b073ddae1442a2905b719f446cefd01a533efeeb2098d6a6c')
compose.parallel.feed_queue: Pending: set()
compose.cli.verbose_proxy.proxy_callable: docker inspect_container -> {'AppArmorProfile': 'unconfined',
 'Args': [],
 'Config': {'AttachStderr': False,
            'AttachStdin': False,
            'AttachStdout': False,
            'Cmd': ['/lib/systemd/systemd'],
            'Domainname': '',
            'Entrypoint': None,
            'Env': ['PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin'],
            'Hostname': 'streams',
compose.cli.verbose_proxy.proxy_callable: docker attach <- ('d30c9c12e951356b073ddae1442a2905b719f446cefd01a533efeeb2098d6a6c', stdout=True, stderr=True, stream=True)
compose.parallel.feed_queue: Pending: set()
compose.cli.verbose_proxy.proxy_callable: docker attach -> <docker.types.daemon.CancellableStream object at 0x7fe9c227d510>
compose.cli.verbose_proxy.proxy_callable: docker start <- ('d30c9c12e951356b073ddae1442a2905b719f446cefd01a533efeeb2098d6a6c')
compose.parallel.feed_queue: Pending: set()
compose.parallel.feed_queue: Pending: set()
compose.parallel.feed_queue: Pending: set()
compose.parallel.feed_queue: Pending: set()
compose.cli.verbose_proxy.proxy_callable: docker start -> None
Creating unifi-protect ... done
compose.parallel.feed_queue: Pending: set()
compose.parallel.parallel_execute_iter: Finished processing: <Service: unifi-protect>
compose.parallel.feed_queue: Pending: set()
Attaching to unifi-protect
compose.cli.verbose_proxy.proxy_callable: docker events <- (filters={'label': ['com.docker.compose.project=unifi-protect-arm64', 'com.docker.compose.oneoff=False']}, decode=True)
compose.cli.verbose_proxy.proxy_callable: docker events -> <docker.types.daemon.CancellableStream object at 0x7fe9c2277d10>
compose.cli.verbose_proxy.proxy_callable: docker inspect_container <- ('d30c9c12e951356b073ddae1442a2905b719f446cefd01a533efeeb2098d6a6c')
compose.cli.verbose_proxy.proxy_callable: docker inspect_container -> {'AppArmorProfile': '',
 'Args': [],
 'Config': {'AttachStderr': False,
            'AttachStdin': False,
            'AttachStdout': False,
            'Cmd': ['/lib/systemd/systemd'],
            'Domainname': '',
            'Entrypoint': None,
            'Env': ['PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin'],
            'Hostname': 'streams',
compose.cli.verbose_proxy.proxy_callable: docker inspect_container <- ('d30c9c12e951356b073ddae1442a2905b719f446cefd01a533efeeb2098d6a6c')
compose.cli.verbose_proxy.proxy_callable: docker inspect_container -> {'AppArmorProfile': '',
 'Args': [],
 'Config': {'AttachStderr': False,
            'AttachStdin': False,
            'AttachStdout': False,
            'Cmd': ['/lib/systemd/systemd'],
            'Domainname': '',
            'Entrypoint': None,
            'Env': ['PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin'],
            'Hostname': 'streams',

And then the log itself from within the container. posting it shortly..

gurkburk76 commented 1 year ago
root@streams:/home/apa/protect/unifi-protect-arm64# docker-compose exec unifi-protect /bin/bash
root@streams:/# journalctl -xf
-- Journal begins at Fri 2023-06-09 17:21:32 CEST. --
Jun 09 17:21:38 streams systemd[1]: Failed to start PostgreSQL Cluster 9.6-protect.
░░ Subject: A start job for unit postgresql@9.6-protect.service has failed
░░ Defined-By: systemd
░░ Support:
░░ A start job for unit postgresql@9.6-protect.service has finished with a failure.
░░ The job identifier is 33 and the job result is failed.
Jun 09 17:21:38 streams systemd[1]: Finished PostgreSQL initial setup service.
░░ Subject: A start job for unit postgresql-cluster@14-main.service has finished successfully
░░ Defined-By: systemd
░░ Support:
░░ A start job for unit postgresql-cluster@14-main.service has finished successfully.
░░ The job identifier is 47.
Jun 09 17:21:38 streams systemd[1]: Starting PostgreSQL Cluster 14-main...
░░ Subject: A start job for unit postgresql@14-main.service has begun execution
░░ Defined-By: systemd
░░ Support:
░░ A start job for unit postgresql@14-main.service has begun execution.
░░ The job identifier is 35.
Jun 09 17:21:39 streams systemd[1]: postgresql-cluster-14-protect-migrate.service: Succeeded.
░░ Subject: Unit succeeded
░░ Defined-By: systemd
░░ Support:
░░ The unit postgresql-cluster-14-protect-migrate.service has successfully entered the 'dead' state.
Jun 09 17:21:39 streams systemd[1]: Finished Postgresql cluster migrate service.
░░ Subject: A start job for unit postgresql-cluster-14-protect-migrate.service has finished successfully
░░ Defined-By: systemd
░░ Support:
░░ A start job for unit postgresql-cluster-14-protect-migrate.service has finished successfully.
░░ The job identifier is 37.
Jun 09 17:21:39 streams systemd[1]: Starting PostgreSQL initial setup service...
░░ Subject: A start job for unit postgresql-cluster@14-protect.service has begun execution
░░ Defined-By: systemd
░░ Support:
░░ A start job for unit postgresql-cluster@14-protect.service has begun execution.
░░ The job identifier is 31.
Jun 09 17:21:39 streams systemd[1]: Reloading.
Jun 09 17:21:44 streams unifi-protect-db-cluster-migrate-setuppgconf[390]: data_dir: /srv/postgresql/14/protect/data
Jun 09 17:21:45 streams systemd[1]: Started PostgreSQL Cluster 14-main.
░░ Subject: A start job for unit postgresql@14-main.service has finished successfully
░░ Defined-By: systemd
░░ Support:
░░ A start job for unit postgresql@14-main.service has finished successfully.
░░ The job identifier is 35.
Jun 09 17:21:48 streams unifi-protect-db-cluster-migrate-setuppgconf[390]: data_dir: /srv/postgresql/14/protect/data
Jun 09 17:21:54 streams systemd[1]: Finished PostgreSQL initial setup service.
░░ Subject: A start job for unit postgresql-cluster@14-protect.service has finished successfully
░░ Defined-By: systemd
░░ Support:
░░ A start job for unit postgresql-cluster@14-protect.service has finished successfully.
░░ The job identifier is 31.
Jun 09 17:21:54 streams systemd[1]: Starting Postgresql cluster cleanup service...
░░ Subject: A start job for unit postgresql-cluster-14-protect-cleanup.service has begun execution
░░ Defined-By: systemd
░░ Support:
░░ A start job for unit postgresql-cluster-14-protect-cleanup.service has begun execution.
░░ The job identifier is 42.
Jun 09 17:21:54 streams systemd[1]: Starting PostgreSQL Cluster 14-protect...
░░ Subject: A start job for unit postgresql@14-protect.service has begun execution
░░ Defined-By: systemd
░░ Support:
░░ A start job for unit postgresql@14-protect.service has begun execution.
░░ The job identifier is 40.
Jun 09 17:22:02 streams systemd[1]: Started PostgreSQL Cluster 14-protect.
░░ Subject: A start job for unit postgresql@14-protect.service has finished successfully
░░ Defined-By: systemd
░░ Support:
░░ A start job for unit postgresql@14-protect.service has finished successfully.
░░ The job identifier is 40.
Jun 09 17:22:02 streams systemd[1]: Starting PostgreSQL RDBMS...
░░ Subject: A start job for unit postgresql.service has begun execution
░░ Defined-By: systemd
░░ Support:
░░ A start job for unit postgresql.service has begun execution.
░░ The job identifier is 32.
Jun 09 17:22:03 streams systemd[1]: Finished PostgreSQL RDBMS.
░░ Subject: A start job for unit postgresql.service has finished successfully
░░ Defined-By: systemd
░░ Support:
░░ A start job for unit postgresql.service has finished successfully.
░░ The job identifier is 32.
Jun 09 17:22:03 streams systemd[1]: Starting ULP-GO...
░░ Subject: A start job for unit ulp-go.service has begun execution
░░ Defined-By: systemd
░░ Support:
░░ A start job for unit ulp-go.service has begun execution.
░░ The job identifier is 49.
Jun 09 17:22:03 streams[547]: cat: /tmp/.restore_status: No such file or directory
Jun 09 17:22:05 streams sudo[566]:     root : PWD=/ ; USER=postgres ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/psql -tAc SELECT 1 FROM pg_roles WHERE rolname='ulp-go'
Jun 09 17:22:05 streams sudo[566]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user postgres(uid=104) by (uid=0)
Jun 09 17:22:05 streams systemd[1]: Reloading.
Jun 09 17:22:08 streams sudo[566]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user postgres
Jun 09 17:22:08 streams[560]: psql createuser ulp-go
Jun 09 17:22:08 streams sudo[649]:     root : PWD=/ ; USER=postgres ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/createuser ulp-go
Jun 09 17:22:08 streams sudo[649]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user postgres(uid=104) by (uid=0)
Jun 09 17:22:08 streams systemd[1]: Reloading.
Jun 09 17:22:10 streams sudo[649]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user postgres
Jun 09 17:22:11 streams systemd[1]: Reloading.
Jun 09 17:22:12 streams sudo[732]:     root : PWD=/ ; USER=postgres ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/psql -d ulp-go -U postgres -c select 1
Jun 09 17:22:12 streams sudo[732]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user postgres(uid=104) by (uid=0)
Jun 09 17:22:13 streams sudo[732]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user postgres
Jun 09 17:22:14 streams sudo[812]:     root : PWD=/ ; USER=postgres ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/createdb ulp-go
Jun 09 17:22:14 streams sudo[812]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user postgres(uid=104) by (uid=0)
Jun 09 17:22:14 streams systemd[1]: Reloading.
Jun 09 17:22:17 streams sudo[812]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user postgres
Jun 09 17:22:17 streams unifi-protect-db-cluster-cleanup[557]: Warning: corrupted cluster: data directory does not exist
Jun 09 17:22:18 streams sudo[892]:     root : PWD=/ ; USER=postgres ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/psql
Jun 09 17:22:18 streams sudo[892]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user postgres(uid=104) by (uid=0)
Jun 09 17:22:18 streams systemd[1]: Reloading.
Jun 09 17:22:20 streams[898]: GRANT
Jun 09 17:22:20 streams sudo[892]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user postgres
Jun 09 17:22:20 streams sudo[966]:     root : PWD=/ ; USER=postgres ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/psql -d ulp-go-syslog -U postgres -c select 1
Jun 09 17:22:20 streams sudo[966]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user postgres(uid=104) by (uid=0)
Jun 09 17:22:22 streams sudo[966]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user postgres
Jun 09 17:22:22 streams sudo[995]:     root : PWD=/ ; USER=postgres ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/createdb ulp-go-syslog
Jun 09 17:22:22 streams sudo[995]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user postgres(uid=104) by (uid=0)
Jun 09 17:22:25 streams systemd[1]: Finished Postgresql cluster cleanup service.
░░ Subject: A start job for unit postgresql-cluster-14-protect-cleanup.service has finished successfully
░░ Defined-By: systemd
░░ Support:
░░ A start job for unit postgresql-cluster-14-protect-cleanup.service has finished successfully.
░░ The job identifier is 42.
Jun 09 17:22:26 streams sudo[995]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user postgres
Jun 09 17:22:26 streams sudo[1034]:     root : PWD=/ ; USER=postgres ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/psql
Jun 09 17:22:26 streams sudo[1034]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user postgres(uid=104) by (uid=0)
Jun 09 17:22:28 streams[1037]: GRANT
Jun 09 17:22:28 streams sudo[1034]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user postgres
Jun 09 17:22:34 streams[1085]: logVer:v2
Jun 09 17:22:34 streams[1085]: try to kill exist ulp-go process
Jun 09 17:22:34 streams[1085]: /usr/lib/ulp-go/scripts/service/ line 43: kill: (2095) - No such process
Jun 09 17:22:45 streams sudo[1166]:   ulp-go : PWD=/data/ulp-go ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/lib/ulp-go/scripts/wrapper/
Jun 09 17:22:45 streams sudo[1166]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=999)
Jun 09 17:22:47 streams sudo[1183]:     root : PWD=/data/ulp-go ; USER=postgres ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/psql -U postgres -c DROP TABLE IF EXISTS device ulp-go
Jun 09 17:22:47 streams sudo[1183]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user postgres(uid=104) by (uid=0)
Jun 09 17:22:49 streams sudo[1183]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user postgres
Jun 09 17:22:49 streams sudo[1201]:     root : PWD=/data/ulp-go ; USER=postgres ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/psql -U postgres -c DROP TABLE IF EXISTS device_config ulp-go
Jun 09 17:22:49 streams sudo[1201]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user postgres(uid=104) by (uid=0)
Jun 09 17:22:51 streams sudo[1201]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user postgres
Jun 09 17:22:52 streams sudo[1216]:     root : PWD=/data/ulp-go ; USER=postgres ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/psql -U postgres -c DROP TABLE IF EXISTS device_firmware ulp-go
Jun 09 17:22:52 streams sudo[1216]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user postgres(uid=104) by (uid=0)
Jun 09 17:22:54 streams sudo[1216]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user postgres
Jun 09 17:22:54 streams sudo[1231]:     root : PWD=/data/ulp-go ; USER=postgres ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/psql -U postgres -c DROP TABLE IF EXISTS device_version ulp-go
Jun 09 17:22:54 streams sudo[1231]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user postgres(uid=104) by (uid=0)
Jun 09 17:22:56 streams sudo[1231]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user postgres
Jun 09 17:22:57 streams sudo[1246]:     root : PWD=/data/ulp-go ; USER=postgres ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/psql -U postgres -c DROP TABLE IF EXISTS holiday ulp-go
Jun 09 17:22:57 streams sudo[1246]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user postgres(uid=104) by (uid=0)
Jun 09 17:22:59 streams sudo[1246]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user postgres
Jun 09 17:22:59 streams sudo[1264]:     root : PWD=/data/ulp-go ; USER=postgres ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/psql -U postgres -c DROP TABLE IF EXISTS holiday_group ulp-go
Jun 09 17:22:59 streams sudo[1264]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user postgres(uid=104) by (uid=0)
Jun 09 17:23:01 streams sudo[1264]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user postgres
Jun 09 17:23:02 streams sudo[1283]:     root : PWD=/data/ulp-go ; USER=postgres ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/psql -U postgres -c DROP TABLE IF EXISTS holiday_in_group ulp-go
Jun 09 17:23:02 streams sudo[1283]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user postgres(uid=104) by (uid=0)
Jun 09 17:23:04 streams sudo[1283]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user postgres
Jun 09 17:23:04 streams sudo[1298]:     root : PWD=/data/ulp-go ; USER=postgres ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/psql -U postgres -c DROP TABLE IF EXISTS holiday_item ulp-go
Jun 09 17:23:04 streams sudo[1298]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user postgres(uid=104) by (uid=0)
Jun 09 17:23:06 streams sudo[1298]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user postgres
Jun 09 17:23:07 streams sudo[1316]:     root : PWD=/data/ulp-go ; USER=postgres ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/psql -U postgres -c DROP TABLE IF EXISTS holiday_timezone ulp-go
Jun 09 17:23:07 streams sudo[1316]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user postgres(uid=104) by (uid=0)
Jun 09 17:23:09 streams sudo[1316]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user postgres
Jun 09 17:23:09 streams sudo[1331]:     root : PWD=/data/ulp-go ; USER=postgres ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/psql -U postgres -c DROP TABLE IF EXISTS user_timezone ulp-go
Jun 09 17:23:09 streams sudo[1331]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user postgres(uid=104) by (uid=0)
Jun 09 17:23:11 streams sudo[1331]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user postgres
Jun 09 17:23:12 streams sudo[1346]:     root : PWD=/data/ulp-go ; USER=postgres ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/psql -U postgres -c DROP TABLE IF EXISTS user_nfc ulp-go
Jun 09 17:23:12 streams sudo[1346]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user postgres(uid=104) by (uid=0)
Jun 09 17:23:14 streams sudo[1346]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user postgres
Jun 09 17:23:14 streams sudo[1361]:     root : PWD=/data/ulp-go ; USER=postgres ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/psql -U postgres -c DROP TABLE IF EXISTS nfc_record ulp-go
Jun 09 17:23:14 streams sudo[1361]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user postgres(uid=104) by (uid=0)
Jun 09 17:23:16 streams sudo[1361]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user postgres
Jun 09 17:23:17 streams sudo[1379]:     root : PWD=/data/ulp-go ; USER=postgres ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/psql -U postgres -c DROP TABLE IF EXISTS schedule ulp-go
Jun 09 17:23:17 streams sudo[1379]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user postgres(uid=104) by (uid=0)
Jun 09 17:23:19 streams sudo[1379]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user postgres
Jun 09 17:23:19 streams sudo[1394]:     root : PWD=/data/ulp-go ; USER=postgres ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/psql -U postgres -c DROP TABLE IF EXISTS visitor_profile ulp-go
Jun 09 17:23:19 streams sudo[1394]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user postgres(uid=104) by (uid=0)
Jun 09 17:23:21 streams sudo[1394]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user postgres
Jun 09 17:23:22 streams sudo[1411]:     root : PWD=/data/ulp-go ; USER=postgres ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/psql -U postgres -c DROP TABLE IF EXISTS visitor_record ulp-go
Jun 09 17:23:22 streams sudo[1411]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user postgres(uid=104) by (uid=0)
Jun 09 17:23:24 streams sudo[1411]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user postgres
Jun 09 17:23:24 streams sudo[1426]:     root : PWD=/data/ulp-go ; USER=postgres ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/psql -U postgres -c DROP TABLE IF EXISTS visitor_user ulp-go
Jun 09 17:23:24 streams sudo[1426]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user postgres(uid=104) by (uid=0)
Jun 09 17:23:26 streams sudo[1426]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user postgres
Jun 09 17:23:27 streams sudo[1444]:     root : PWD=/data/ulp-go ; USER=postgres ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/psql -U postgres -c DROP TABLE IF EXISTS visitor_user_profile ulp-go
Jun 09 17:23:27 streams sudo[1444]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user postgres(uid=104) by (uid=0)
Jun 09 17:23:29 streams sudo[1444]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user postgres
Jun 09 17:23:29 streams sudo[1459]:     root : PWD=/data/ulp-go ; USER=postgres ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/psql -U postgres -c DROP TABLE IF EXISTS activities_resource ulp-go
Jun 09 17:23:29 streams sudo[1459]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user postgres(uid=104) by (uid=0)
Jun 09 17:23:31 streams sudo[1459]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user postgres
Jun 09 17:23:31 streams sudo[1474]:     root : PWD=/data/ulp-go ; USER=postgres ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/psql -U postgres -c DROP TABLE IF EXISTS door_group ulp-go
Jun 09 17:23:31 streams sudo[1474]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user postgres(uid=104) by (uid=0)
Jun 09 17:23:34 streams sudo[1474]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user postgres
Jun 09 17:23:34 streams sudo[1489]:     root : PWD=/data/ulp-go ; USER=postgres ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/psql -U postgres -c DROP TABLE IF EXISTS door_in_group ulp-go
Jun 09 17:23:34 streams sudo[1489]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user postgres(uid=104) by (uid=0)
Jun 09 17:23:36 streams sudo[1489]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user postgres
Jun 09 17:23:36 streams sudo[1504]:     root : PWD=/data/ulp-go ; USER=postgres ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/psql -U postgres -c DROP TABLE IF EXISTS user_face ulp-go
Jun 09 17:23:36 streams sudo[1504]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user postgres(uid=104) by (uid=0)
Jun 09 17:23:38 streams sudo[1504]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user postgres
Jun 09 17:23:39 streams sudo[1166]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:23:41 streams sudo[1551]:   ulp-go : PWD=/data/ulp-go ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ubnt-tools id
Jun 09 17:23:41 streams sudo[1551]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=999)
Jun 09 17:23:42 streams sudo[1551]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:24:06 streams[1085]: waiting for ulp-go app starting completed......................................................................................SUCCESS, consumed 83 seconds
Jun 09 17:24:06 streams systemd[1]: Started ULP-GO.
░░ Subject: A start job for unit ulp-go.service has finished successfully
░░ Defined-By: systemd
░░ Support:
░░ A start job for unit ulp-go.service has finished successfully.
░░ The job identifier is 49.
Jun 09 17:24:06 streams systemd[1]: cgroup compatibility translation between legacy and unified hierarchy settings activated. See cgroup-compat debug messages for details.
Jun 09 17:24:06 streams systemd[1]: Starting UniFi Core...
░░ Subject: A start job for unit unifi-core.service has begun execution
░░ Defined-By: systemd
░░ Support:
░░ A start job for unit unifi-core.service has begun execution.
░░ The job identifier is 46.
Jun 09 17:24:07 streams sudo[1795]:     root : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=postgres ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/createuser unifi-core -p 5432 -d
Jun 09 17:24:07 streams sudo[1795]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user postgres(uid=104) by (uid=0)
Jun 09 17:24:09 streams sudo[1795]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user postgres
Jun 09 17:24:15 streams sudo[1897]:   ulp-go : PWD=/data/ulp-go ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ubnt-tools id
Jun 09 17:24:15 streams sudo[1897]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=999)
Jun 09 17:24:16 streams sudo[1897]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:24:39 streams node[1846]: Skip UbiOS migration due to no migration data at "/data/ubios-migration-data.tar"
Jun 09 17:24:39 streams node[1846]: no file, no need to migrate
Jun 09 17:24:41 streams node[1846]: error: role "unifi-protect" does not exist
Jun 09 17:24:41 streams node[1846]:     at Parser.parseErrorMessage (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/pg-protocol/dist/parser.js:287:98)
Jun 09 17:24:41 streams node[1846]:     at Parser.handlePacket (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/pg-protocol/dist/parser.js:126:29)
Jun 09 17:24:41 streams node[1846]:     at Parser.parse (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/pg-protocol/dist/parser.js:39:38)
Jun 09 17:24:41 streams node[1846]:     at Socket.<anonymous> (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/pg-protocol/dist/index.js:11:42)
Jun 09 17:24:41 streams node[1846]:     at Socket.emit (node:events:513:28)
Jun 09 17:24:41 streams node[1846]:     at addChunk (node:internal/streams/readable:315:12)
Jun 09 17:24:41 streams node[1846]:     at readableAddChunk (node:internal/streams/readable:289:9)
Jun 09 17:24:41 streams node[1846]:     at Socket.Readable.push (node:internal/streams/readable:228:10)
Jun 09 17:24:41 streams node[1846]:     at TCP.onStreamRead (node:internal/stream_base_commons:190:23) {
Jun 09 17:24:41 streams node[1846]:   length: 105,
Jun 09 17:24:41 streams node[1846]:   severity: 'FATAL',
Jun 09 17:24:41 streams node[1846]:   code: '28000',
Jun 09 17:24:41 streams node[1846]:   detail: undefined,
Jun 09 17:24:41 streams node[1846]:   hint: undefined,
Jun 09 17:24:41 streams node[1846]:   position: undefined,
Jun 09 17:24:41 streams node[1846]:   internalPosition: undefined,
Jun 09 17:24:41 streams node[1846]:   internalQuery: undefined,
Jun 09 17:24:41 streams node[1846]:   where: undefined,
Jun 09 17:24:41 streams node[1846]:   schema: undefined,
Jun 09 17:24:41 streams node[1846]:   table: undefined,
Jun 09 17:24:41 streams node[1846]:   column: undefined,
Jun 09 17:24:41 streams node[1846]:   dataType: undefined,
Jun 09 17:24:41 streams node[1846]:   constraint: undefined,
Jun 09 17:24:41 streams node[1846]:   file: 'miscinit.c',
Jun 09 17:24:41 streams node[1846]:   line: '708',
Jun 09 17:24:41 streams node[1846]:   routine: 'InitializeSessionUserId'
Jun 09 17:24:41 streams node[1846]: }
Jun 09 17:28:22 streams node[2346]: CONFIG LOADED : ./config/config.yaml
Jun 09 17:28:22 streams node[2346]: (node:2346) Warning: Accessing non-existent property 'padLevels' of module exports inside circular dependency
Jun 09 17:28:22 streams node[2346]: (Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
Jun 09 17:28:40 streams sudo[2652]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ubnt-tools id
Jun 09 17:28:40 streams sudo[2652]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:28:40 streams sudo[2652]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:28:41 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:28:41.734Z - [discovery.client] : Discovery Client is now listening on ports 0 10001
Jun 09 17:28:42 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:28:42.885Z - [app] : Attached database middleware 14.318s
Jun 09 17:28:43 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:28:42.981Z - [app] : Attached trace middleware 14.327s
Jun 09 17:28:43 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:28:43.106Z - [app] : Attached systemd middleware 13.788s
Jun 09 17:28:43 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:28:43.207Z - [app] : Attached taskQueue middleware 13.801s
Jun 09 17:28:43 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:28:43.399Z - [app] : Attached taskTracker middleware 13.761s
Jun 09 17:28:43 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:28:43.429Z - [app] : Attached cloud.api middleware 12.814s
Jun 09 17:28:43 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:28:43.509Z - [app] : Attached firmware middleware 12.301s
Jun 09 17:28:43 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:28:43.530Z - [app] : Attached sso middleware 4.86s
Jun 09 17:28:43 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:28:43.624Z - [app] : Attached uumMessageBox middleware 3.462s
Jun 09 17:28:43 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:28:43.849Z - [app] : Attached messageBox middleware 2.929s
Jun 09 17:28:43 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:28:43.878Z - [app] : Attached sdnotify middleware 2.849s
Jun 09 17:28:44 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:28:44.029Z - [app] : Attached fingerprint middleware 2.938s
Jun 09 17:28:44 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:28:44.060Z - [app] : Attached chiper middleware 1.956s
Jun 09 17:28:44 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:28:44.115Z - [app] : Attached health middleware 1.993s
Jun 09 17:28:44 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:28:44.124Z - [app] : Attached notifications middleware 1.836s
Jun 09 17:28:44 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:28:44.132Z - [app] : Attached floorplans middleware 1.747s
Jun 09 17:28:44 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:28:44.138Z - [app] : Attached sharedTokens middleware 1.714s
Jun 09 17:28:44 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:28:44.228Z - [app] : Attached grpc middleware 1.643s
Jun 09 17:28:44 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:28:44.414Z - [app] : Attached cloud middleware 13.76s
Jun 09 17:28:45 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:28:45.137Z - [app] : Attached webrtc middleware 4.816s
Jun 09 17:28:45 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:28:45.157Z - [app] : Attached discovery middleware 3.092s
Jun 09 17:28:45 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:28:45.220Z - [app] : Attached uum middleware 5.071s
Jun 09 17:28:45 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:28:45.234Z - [app] : Attached ipc middleware 4.457s
Jun 09 17:28:45 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:28:45.344Z - [ipc] : IPC Server is now listening on port 11081
Jun 09 17:28:45 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:28:45.402Z - [app] : apps.controllers middleware taking a long time to attach. 15.514s
Jun 09 17:28:45 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:28:45.417Z - [app] : apps middleware taking a long time to attach. 15.511s
Jun 09 17:28:45 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:28:45.425Z - [app] : auth middleware taking a long time to attach. 15.217s
Jun 09 17:28:45 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:28:45.485Z - [app] : http middleware taking a long time to attach. 6.896s
Jun 09 17:28:45 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:28:45.577Z - [app] : system middleware taking a long time to attach. 5.802s
Jun 09 17:28:45 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:28:45.594Z - [app] : redux middleware taking a long time to attach. 4.618s
Jun 09 17:28:51 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:28:51.697Z - [app] : Attached auth middleware 21.424s
Jun 09 17:28:54 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:28:54.089Z - [app] : Attached redux.wsUpdates middleware 0.02s
Jun 09 17:28:56 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:28:56.810Z - [app] : Attached redux middleware 15.831s
Jun 09 17:28:57 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:28:57.396Z - [system] : Full firmware version string: UNVR4.al324.v3.0.16.6b26dca.230118.1723
Jun 09 17:29:05 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:29:05.168Z - [app] : Attached apps.controllers.systemd middleware 0.01s
Jun 09 17:29:05 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:29:05.481Z - [controllers.clientList] : Create Client list MB
Jun 09 17:29:05 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:29:05.553Z - [app] : Attached apps.controllers.topology middleware 0.087s
Jun 09 17:29:05 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:29:05.565Z - [app] : Attached apps.controllers.deviceList middleware 0.179s
Jun 09 17:29:05 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:29:05.574Z - [app] : Attached apps.controllers.clientList middleware 0.061s
Jun 09 17:29:05 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:29:05.852Z - [app] : Attached apps.controllers middleware 35.96s
Jun 09 17:29:06 streams sudo[2700]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/systemctl is-system-running --wait
Jun 09 17:29:06 streams sudo[2700]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:29:12 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:29:12.797Z - [app] : Attached apps middleware 42.834s
Jun 09 17:29:13 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:29:13.349Z - [app] : uncaughtException, shutting down...
Jun 09 17:29:13 streams sudo[2711]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ubnt-tools id /data/unifi-core/d178b835-1b89-44bd-af9d-d101db2988b5
Jun 09 17:29:13 streams sudo[2711]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:29:13 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:29:13.667Z - [app] : uncaughtException Error: SASL: SCRAM-SERVER-FIRST-MESSAGE: client password must be a string
Jun 09 17:29:13 streams node[2346]:     at Object.continueSession (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/pg/lib/sasl.js:24:11)
Jun 09 17:29:13 streams node[2346]:     at Client._handleAuthSASLContinue (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/pg/lib/client.js:257:10)
Jun 09 17:29:13 streams node[2346]:     at Connection.emit (node:events:513:28)
Jun 09 17:29:13 streams node[2346]:     at /usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/pg/lib/connection.js:114:12
Jun 09 17:29:13 streams node[2346]:     at Parser.parse (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/pg-protocol/dist/parser.js:40:17)
Jun 09 17:29:13 streams node[2346]:     at Socket.<anonymous> (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/pg-protocol/dist/index.js:11:42)
Jun 09 17:29:13 streams node[2346]:     at Socket.emit (node:events:513:28)
Jun 09 17:29:13 streams node[2346]:     at addChunk (node:internal/streams/readable:315:12)
Jun 09 17:29:13 streams node[2346]:     at readableAddChunk (node:internal/streams/readable:289:9)
Jun 09 17:29:13 streams node[2346]:     at Socket.Readable.push (node:internal/streams/readable:228:10)
Jun 09 17:29:13 streams node[2346]:     at TCP.onStreamRead (node:internal/stream_base_commons:190:23)
Jun 09 17:29:14 streams sudo[2711]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:29:16 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:29:16.943Z - [http] : HTTPS Server is now listening on port 443
Jun 09 17:29:18 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:29:18.648Z - [system] :  Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/data/unifi-core/d178b835-1b89-44bd-af9d-d101db2988b5'
Jun 09 17:29:19 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:29:19.901Z - [app] : Attached middleware 0.993s
Jun 09 17:29:19 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:29:19.910Z - [app] : Attached backup middleware 0.551s
Jun 09 17:29:19 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:29:19.919Z - [app] : Attached system.ustorage middleware 0.14s
Jun 09 17:29:19 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:29:19.927Z - [app] : Attached system middleware 40.152s
Jun 09 17:29:21 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:29:21.701Z - [app] : Attached http middleware 43.031s
Jun 09 17:29:21 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:29:21.900Z - [http] : HTTP Server is now listening on port 80
Jun 09 17:29:22 streams sudo[2808]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/mdadm --detail /dev/md3
Jun 09 17:29:22 streams sudo[2808]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:29:23 streams sudo[2808]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:29:24 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:29:24.844Z - [messageBox] : Subscribe token: UUM
Jun 09 17:29:24 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:29:24.861Z - [messageBox] : Subscribe token: WAN_TRANSITION
Jun 09 17:29:25 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:29:25.986Z - [messageBox] : Subscribe token: DEVICE_LIST
Jun 09 17:29:26 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:29:26.010Z - [messageBox] : Subscribe token: CLIENT_LIST
Jun 09 17:29:26 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:29:26.151Z - [taskQueue] : Adding task "cleanAptCache-1686324566136"
Jun 09 17:29:26 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:29:26.201Z - [controllers] : Cleaning apt cache...
Jun 09 17:29:26 streams sudo[2874]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/apt-get clean
Jun 09 17:29:26 streams sudo[2874]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:29:27 streams sudo[2874]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:29:27 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:29:27.851Z - [app] : App Startup Complete. VERSION : 3.0.54
Jun 09 17:29:29 streams sudo[2883]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ubnt-systool network-speed enp0s2
Jun 09 17:29:29 streams sudo[2883]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:29:29 streams sudo[2889]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ubnt-systool network-speed enp0s2
Jun 09 17:29:29 streams sudo[2889]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:29:29 streams sudo[2883]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:29:29 streams sudo[2889]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:29:35 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:29:35.468Z - [firmware] : Startup: No auto-update scheduled.
Jun 09 17:29:37 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:29:37.011Z - [controllers.deviceTopology] : Network is not available on this console. Will be using dummy topology fallback.
Jun 09 17:29:37 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:29:37.535Z - [system.ustorage] : ustorage config
Jun 09 17:29:37 streams node[2346]: { hotspare: false, raid: 'single' }
Jun 09 17:29:37 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:29:37.769Z - [sdnotify] : sd-notify ready()
Jun 09 17:29:37 streams systemd[1]: Started UniFi Core.
░░ Subject: A start job for unit unifi-core.service has finished successfully
░░ Defined-By: systemd
░░ Support:
░░ A start job for unit unifi-core.service has finished successfully.
░░ The job identifier is 46.
Jun 09 17:29:37 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:29:37.788Z - [sdnotify] : Starting Watchdog mode (interval = 120000ms)
Jun 09 17:29:37 streams systemd[1]: Started Unifi Pion Gateway service.
░░ Subject: A start job for unit unifi-pion-gw.service has finished successfully
░░ Defined-By: systemd
░░ Support:
░░ A start job for unit unifi-pion-gw.service has finished successfully.
░░ The job identifier is 44.
Jun 09 17:29:37 streams systemd[1]: Starting UniFi Protect...
░░ Subject: A start job for unit unifi-protect.service has begun execution
░░ Defined-By: systemd
░░ Support:
░░ A start job for unit unifi-protect.service has begun execution.
░░ The job identifier is 30.
Jun 09 17:29:38 streams su[2963]: (to postgres) root on none
Jun 09 17:29:38 streams su[2963]: pam_unix(su:session): session opened for user postgres(uid=104) by (uid=0)
Jun 09 17:29:38 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:29:38.415Z - [discovery.responder] : Discovery responder listening on
Jun 09 17:29:39 streams sudo[2977]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ubnt-systool cpuload
Jun 09 17:29:39 streams sudo[2977]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:29:39 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:29:39.034Z - [firmware] : Setting update check job for timezone null with randomly generated schedule 41 18 3-23/6 * * *
Jun 09 17:29:39 streams sudo[2985]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ubnt-systool cputemp
Jun 09 17:29:39 streams sudo[2985]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:29:39 streams sudo[2992]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ubnt-systool sshd
Jun 09 17:29:39 streams sudo[2992]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:29:39 streams sudo[2997]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ubnt-systool cpuload
Jun 09 17:29:39 streams sudo[2997]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:29:39 streams sudo[3007]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ubnt-systool sshd
Jun 09 17:29:39 streams sudo[3007]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:29:39 streams sudo[3004]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ubnt-systool cputemp
Jun 09 17:29:39 streams sudo[3004]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:29:39 streams sudo[2985]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:29:39 streams sudo[2992]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:29:39 streams sudo[3004]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:29:39 streams sudo[3007]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:29:40 streams su[2963]: pam_unix(su:session): session closed for user postgres
Jun 09 17:29:41 streams sudo[2977]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:29:41 streams sudo[2997]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:29:41 streams pre-start[3159]: chown: missing operand after ‘unifi-protect:unifi-protect’
Jun 09 17:29:41 streams pre-start[3159]: Try 'chown --help' for more information.
Jun 09 17:29:42 streams pre-start[3168]: chown: cannot access '/srv/unifi-protect/cv': No such file or directory
Jun 09 17:29:42 streams sudo[3182]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ubnt-systool network-speed enp0s2
Jun 09 17:29:42 streams sudo[3182]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:29:42 streams sudo[3188]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ubnt-systool cpuload
Jun 09 17:29:42 streams sudo[3188]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:29:42 streams sudo[3197]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ubnt-systool cputemp
Jun 09 17:29:42 streams sudo[3197]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:29:42 streams sudo[3200]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ubnt-systool sshd
Jun 09 17:29:42 streams sudo[3200]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:29:43 streams sudo[3197]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:29:43 streams sudo[3182]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:29:43 streams sudo[3200]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:29:43 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:29:43.747Z - [grpc] : Local gRPC server started on port 11051
Jun 09 17:29:44 streams sudo[3188]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:30:09 streams sudo[3334]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/dpkg-query --showformat=${Status}|${Version} --show unifi
Jun 09 17:30:09 streams sudo[3334]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:30:10 streams sudo[3334]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:30:17 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:30:17.507Z - [app] : Detached database middleware 0.034s
Jun 09 17:30:18 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:30:18.174Z - [discovery.responder] : Discovery responder listening on
Jun 09 17:30:18 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:30:18.209Z - [taskQueue] : Task "cleanAptCache-1686324566136" completed
Jun 09 17:30:18 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:30:18.246Z - [controllers] : Updating apt creds...
Jun 09 17:30:18 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:30:18.487Z - [uum] : UUM does not appear to be running: network timeout at:
Jun 09 17:30:19 streams sudo[3347]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ubnt-systool network-speed enp0s2
Jun 09 17:30:19 streams sudo[3347]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:30:19 streams sudo[3351]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ubnt-systool sshd
Jun 09 17:30:19 streams sudo[3351]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:30:19 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:30:19.518Z - [fingerprint] : Failed to fetch fingerprint DB FetchError: network timeout at:
Jun 09 17:30:19 streams node[2346]:     at Timeout.<anonymous> (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/node-fetch/lib/index.js:1484:13)
Jun 09 17:30:19 streams node[2346]:     at listOnTimeout (node:internal/timers:559:17)
Jun 09 17:30:19 streams node[2346]:     at processTimers (node:internal/timers:502:7)
Jun 09 17:30:19 streams sudo[3347]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:30:20 streams sudo[3351]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:30:20 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:30:20.399Z - [controllers] : Unable to write apt creds files cloud.aptCreds was published but has no subscribers.
Jun 09 17:30:20 streams sudo[3400]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ubnt-systool network-speed enp0s2
Jun 09 17:30:20 streams sudo[3400]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:30:20 streams sudo[3404]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ubnt-systool network-speed enp0s2
Jun 09 17:30:20 streams sudo[3404]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:30:20 streams sudo[3410]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ubnt-systool network-speed enp0s2
Jun 09 17:30:20 streams sudo[3410]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:30:20 streams sudo[3419]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/apt-get update
Jun 09 17:30:20 streams sudo[3419]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:30:21 streams sudo[3400]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:30:21 streams sudo[3404]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:30:21 streams sudo[3410]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:30:21 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:30:21.346Z - [database] : Failed to init db client: Error: Connection terminated unexpectedly
Jun 09 17:30:21 streams node[2346]:     at Connection.<anonymous> (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/pg/lib/client.js:132:73)
Jun 09 17:30:21 streams node[2346]:     at Object.onceWrapper (node:events:627:28)
Jun 09 17:30:21 streams node[2346]:     at Connection.emit (node:events:513:28)
Jun 09 17:30:21 streams node[2346]:     at Socket.<anonymous> (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/pg/lib/connection.js:107:12)
Jun 09 17:30:21 streams node[2346]:     at Socket.emit (node:events:525:35)
Jun 09 17:30:21 streams node[2346]:     at endReadableNT (node:internal/streams/readable:1358:12)
Jun 09 17:30:21 streams node[2346]:     at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:83:21)
Jun 09 17:30:21 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:30:21.389Z - [database] : Running migrations...
Jun 09 17:30:21 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:30:21.459Z - [database] : Failed to run migrations: TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'migrate')
Jun 09 17:30:21 streams node[2346]:     at Object.a [as runMigrations] (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:99:1436)
Jun 09 17:30:21 streams node[2346]:     at /usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:101:911
Jun 09 17:30:21 streams node[2346]:     at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)
Jun 09 17:30:22 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:30:22.134Z - [auth] : Failed to cleanup JWT denylist TypeError: t is not a function
Jun 09 17:30:22 streams node[2346]:     at WC._cleanupExpiredTokensFromDatabase (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:86:10707)
Jun 09 17:30:22 streams node[2346]:     at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)
Jun 09 17:30:22 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:30:22.181Z - [firmware] : Failed to update applications on startup: TypeError: _ is not a function
Jun 09 17:30:22 streams node[2346]:     at N (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:86:82928)
Jun 09 17:30:22 streams node[2346]:     at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)
Jun 09 17:30:22 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:30:22.273Z - [sharedTokens] : Failed to clean-up old expired tokens TypeError: (intermediate value) is not a function
Jun 09 17:30:22 streams node[2346]:     at Timeout.n [as _onTimeout] (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:22:3306)
Jun 09 17:30:22 streams node[2346]:     at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)
Jun 09 17:30:22 streams sudo[3638]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ubnt-systool network-speed enp0s2
Jun 09 17:30:22 streams sudo[3638]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:30:22 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:30:22.430Z - [taskTracker] : Failed to cleanup tasks on startup: TypeError: p is not a function
Jun 09 17:30:22 streams node[2346]:     at d (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:83:40407)
Jun 09 17:30:22 streams node[2346]:     at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)
Jun 09 17:30:22 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:30:22.477Z - [notifications] : Failed to cleanup old notifications on startup: TypeError: (intermediate value) is not a function
Jun 09 17:30:22 streams node[2346]:     at E (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:22:464)
Jun 09 17:30:22 streams node[2346]:     at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)
Jun 09 17:30:22 streams node[2346]:     at Timeout._onTimeout (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:22:1247)
Jun 09 17:30:22 streams sudo[3793]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ubnt-systool sshd
Jun 09 17:30:22 streams sudo[3793]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:30:23 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:30:23.050Z - [systemd] : network is not installed
Jun 09 17:30:23 streams sudo[3638]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:30:23 streams sudo[3793]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:30:24 streams sudo[3855]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/dpkg-query --showformat=${Status}|${Version} --show unifi-protect
Jun 09 17:30:24 streams sudo[3855]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:30:24 streams sudo[3855]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:30:24 streams sudo[3882]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ubnt-systool network-speed enp0s2
Jun 09 17:30:24 streams sudo[3882]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:30:25 streams sudo[3889]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ubnt-systool sshd
Jun 09 17:30:25 streams sudo[3889]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:30:25 streams sudo[3882]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:30:25 streams sudo[3940]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ubnt-systool network-speed enp0s2
Jun 09 17:30:25 streams sudo[3940]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:30:25 streams sudo[3889]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:30:26 streams sudo[3956]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/sbin/smartctl -i -H /dev/sda1
Jun 09 17:30:26 streams sudo[3956]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:30:26 streams sudo[3940]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:30:26 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:30:26.747Z - [app] : Detached trace middleware 0.117s
Jun 09 17:30:27 streams kernel: program smartctl.orig is using a deprecated SCSI ioctl, please convert it to SG_IO
Jun 09 17:30:27 streams kernel: program smartctl.orig is using a deprecated SCSI ioctl, please convert it to SG_IO
Jun 09 17:30:27 streams kernel: program smartctl.orig is using a deprecated SCSI ioctl, please convert it to SG_IO
Jun 09 17:30:27 streams sudo[3956]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:30:27 streams sudo[4022]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/dpkg-query --showformat=${Status}|${Version} --show unifi-access
Jun 09 17:30:27 streams sudo[4022]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:30:27 streams sudo[4022]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:30:28 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:30:28.093Z - [system] : error reading network data Error: Unexpected speed=0 received by cmd=/usr/bin/sudo -n /sbin/ubnt-systool network-speed enp0s2
Jun 09 17:30:28 streams node[2346]:     at dl (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:22:6530)
Jun 09 17:30:28 streams node[2346]:     at async Promise.all (index 1)
Jun 09 17:30:28 streams node[2346]:     at r (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:24:986)
Jun 09 17:30:28 streams node[2346]:     at async Promise.all (index 1)
Jun 09 17:30:28 streams node[2346]:     at Object.s [as getClientNetwork] (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:24:1161)
Jun 09 17:30:28 streams node[2346]:     at async Promise.all (index 7)
Jun 09 17:30:28 streams node[2346]:     at $ (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:83:25082)
Jun 09 17:30:28 streams node[2346]:     at j (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:83:26785)
Jun 09 17:30:28 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:30:28.639Z - [system] : error reading network data Error: Unexpected speed=0 received by cmd=/usr/bin/sudo -n /sbin/ubnt-systool network-speed enp0s2
Jun 09 17:30:28 streams node[2346]:     at dl (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:22:6530)
Jun 09 17:30:28 streams node[2346]:     at async Promise.all (index 1)
Jun 09 17:30:28 streams node[2346]:     at r (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:24:986)
Jun 09 17:30:28 streams node[2346]:     at async Promise.all (index 1)
Jun 09 17:30:28 streams node[2346]:     at Object.s [as getClientNetwork] (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:24:1161)
Jun 09 17:30:28 streams node[2346]:     at async Promise.all (index 7)
Jun 09 17:30:28 streams node[2346]:     at $ (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:83:25082)
Jun 09 17:30:28 streams node[2346]:     at j (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:83:26785)
Jun 09 17:30:28 streams node[2346]:     at Object.JL.exports [as info] (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:88:20101)
Jun 09 17:30:28 streams node[2346]:     at /usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:88:24781
Jun 09 17:30:28 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:30:28.731Z - [system] : error reading network data Error: Unexpected speed=0 received by cmd=/usr/bin/sudo -n /sbin/ubnt-systool network-speed enp0s2
Jun 09 17:30:28 streams node[2346]:     at dl (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:22:6530)
Jun 09 17:30:28 streams node[2346]:     at async Promise.all (index 1)
Jun 09 17:30:28 streams node[2346]:     at r (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:24:986)
Jun 09 17:30:28 streams node[2346]:     at async Promise.all (index 1)
Jun 09 17:30:28 streams node[2346]:     at Object.s [as getClientNetwork] (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:24:1161)
Jun 09 17:30:28 streams node[2346]:     at async Promise.all (index 7)
Jun 09 17:30:28 streams node[2346]:     at $ (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:83:25082)
Jun 09 17:30:28 streams node[2346]:     at j (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:83:26785)
Jun 09 17:30:28 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:30:28.792Z - [uum] : UUM does not appear to be running: network timeout at:
Jun 09 17:30:28 streams sudo[4068]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ubnt-systool network-speed enp0s2
Jun 09 17:30:28 streams sudo[4068]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:30:28 streams sudo[4079]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ubnt-systool sshd
Jun 09 17:30:28 streams sudo[4079]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:30:29 streams sudo[4068]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:30:29 streams sudo[4079]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:30:29 streams sudo[4139]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ubnt-systool network-speed enp0s2
Jun 09 17:30:29 streams sudo[4139]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:30:29 streams sudo[4168]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ubnt-systool network-speed enp0s2
Jun 09 17:30:29 streams sudo[4168]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:30:30 streams sudo[4139]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:30:30 streams sudo[4168]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:30:31 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:30:31.119Z - [systemd] : access is not installed
Jun 09 17:30:31 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:30:31.446Z - [system] : error reading network data Error: Unexpected speed=0 received by cmd=/usr/bin/sudo -n /sbin/ubnt-systool network-speed enp0s2
Jun 09 17:30:31 streams node[2346]:     at dl (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:22:6530)
Jun 09 17:30:31 streams node[2346]:     at async Promise.all (index 1)
Jun 09 17:30:31 streams node[2346]:     at r (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:24:986)
Jun 09 17:30:31 streams node[2346]:     at async Promise.all (index 1)
Jun 09 17:30:31 streams node[2346]:     at Object.s [as getClientNetwork] (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:24:1161)
Jun 09 17:30:31 streams node[2346]:     at async Promise.all (index 7)
Jun 09 17:30:31 streams node[2346]:     at $ (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:83:25082)
Jun 09 17:30:31 streams node[2346]:     at j (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:83:26785)
Jun 09 17:30:31 streams node[2346]:     at ce (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:83:27026)
Jun 09 17:30:31 streams node[2346]:     at async Promise.all (index 0)
Jun 09 17:30:31 streams node[2346]:     at a4 (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:16388)
Jun 09 17:30:31 streams node[2346]:     at Sr (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:16628)
Jun 09 17:30:31 streams node[2346]:     at o4 (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:18167)
Jun 09 17:30:31 streams node[2346]:     at Object.error (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:18636)
Jun 09 17:30:31 streams sudo[4336]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/dpkg-query --showformat=${Status}|${Version} --show unifi-talk
Jun 09 17:30:31 streams sudo[4336]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:30:32 streams sudo[4336]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:30:32 streams sudo[4361]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ubnt-systool network-speed enp0s2
Jun 09 17:30:32 streams sudo[4361]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:30:32 streams sudo[4369]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ubnt-systool cpuload
Jun 09 17:30:32 streams sudo[4369]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:30:32 streams sudo[4379]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ubnt-systool cputemp
Jun 09 17:30:32 streams sudo[4379]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:30:32 streams sudo[4385]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ubnt-systool sshd
Jun 09 17:30:32 streams sudo[4385]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:30:33 streams sudo[4379]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:30:33 streams sudo[4361]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:30:33 streams node[2346]: Error during trace:error publish Error: trace was published but has no subscribers.
Jun 09 17:30:33 streams node[2346]:     at notifyObjects (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:66:13)
Jun 09 17:30:33 streams node[2346]:     at publishNotification (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:83:10)
Jun 09 17:30:33 streams node[2346]:     at publish (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:101:10)
Jun 09 17:30:33 streams node[2346]:     at o4 (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:18219)
Jun 09 17:30:33 streams node[2346]:     at Object.crash (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:18636) {
Jun 09 17:30:33 streams node[2346]:   code: 'ENOSYS'
Jun 09 17:30:33 streams node[2346]: }
Jun 09 17:30:33 streams node[2346]: Error during trace:error publish Error: trace was published but has no subscribers.
Jun 09 17:30:33 streams node[2346]:     at notifyObjects (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:66:13)
Jun 09 17:30:33 streams node[2346]:     at publishNotification (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:83:10)
Jun 09 17:30:33 streams node[2346]:     at publish (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:101:10)
Jun 09 17:30:33 streams node[2346]:     at o4 (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:18219)
Jun 09 17:30:33 streams node[2346]:     at Object.error (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:18636) {
Jun 09 17:30:33 streams node[2346]:   code: 'ENOSYS'
Jun 09 17:30:33 streams node[2346]: }
Jun 09 17:30:33 streams sudo[4385]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:30:34 streams sudo[4482]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ubnt-systool anonid
Jun 09 17:30:34 streams sudo[4482]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:30:34 streams sudo[4493]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ubnt-systool network-speed enp0s2
Jun 09 17:30:34 streams sudo[4493]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:30:34 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:30:34.356Z - [system] : syncTime
Jun 09 17:30:34 streams sudo[4482]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:30:34 streams sudo[4369]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:30:34 streams sudo[4493]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:30:34 streams sudo[4551]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ubnt-systool synctime
Jun 09 17:30:34 streams sudo[4551]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:30:35 streams dbus-daemon[102]: [system] Activating via systemd: service name='org.freedesktop.timedate1' unit='dbus-org.freedesktop.timedate1.service' requested by ':1.3' (uid=0 pid=4590 comm="/usr/libexec/qemu-binfmt/aarch64-binfmt-P /usr/bin")
Jun 09 17:30:35 streams systemd[1]: Starting Time & Date Service...
░░ Subject: A start job for unit systemd-timedated.service has begun execution
░░ Defined-By: systemd
░░ Support:
░░ A start job for unit systemd-timedated.service has begun execution.
░░ The job identifier is 97.
Jun 09 17:30:35 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:30:35.528Z - [systemd] : talk is not installed
Jun 09 17:30:36 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:30:36.003Z - [system] : error reading network data Error: Unexpected speed=0 received by cmd=/usr/bin/sudo -n /sbin/ubnt-systool network-speed enp0s2
Jun 09 17:30:36 streams node[2346]:     at dl (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:22:6530)
Jun 09 17:30:36 streams node[2346]:     at async Promise.all (index 1)
Jun 09 17:30:36 streams node[2346]:     at r (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:24:986)
Jun 09 17:30:36 streams node[2346]:     at async Promise.all (index 1)
Jun 09 17:30:36 streams node[2346]:     at Object.s [as getClientNetwork] (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:24:1161)
Jun 09 17:30:36 streams node[2346]:     at async Promise.all (index 7)
Jun 09 17:30:36 streams node[2346]:     at $ (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:83:25082)
Jun 09 17:30:36 streams node[2346]:     at j (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:83:26785)
Jun 09 17:30:36 streams dbus-daemon[102]: [system] Successfully activated service 'org.freedesktop.timedate1'
Jun 09 17:30:36 streams systemd[1]: Started Time & Date Service.
░░ Subject: A start job for unit systemd-timedated.service has finished successfully
░░ Defined-By: systemd
░░ Support:
░░ A start job for unit systemd-timedated.service has finished successfully.
░░ The job identifier is 97.
Jun 09 17:30:36 streams sudo[4625]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/mdadm --detail /dev/md3
Jun 09 17:30:36 streams sudo[4625]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:30:36 streams sudo[4623]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/dpkg-query --showformat=${Status}|${Version} --show unifi-led
Jun 09 17:30:36 streams sudo[4623]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:30:36 streams systemd-timedated[4602]: Set NTP to enabled (systemd-timesyncd.service).
Jun 09 17:30:36 streams systemd[1]: Starting Network Time Synchronization...
░░ Subject: A start job for unit systemd-timesyncd.service has begun execution
░░ Defined-By: systemd
░░ Support:
░░ A start job for unit systemd-timesyncd.service has begun execution.
░░ The job identifier is 115.
Jun 09 17:30:36 streams sudo[4551]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:30:36 streams sudo[4623]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:30:36 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:30:36.728Z - [system] : error reading network data Error: Unexpected speed=0 received by cmd=/usr/bin/sudo -n /sbin/ubnt-systool network-speed enp0s2
Jun 09 17:30:36 streams node[2346]:     at dl (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:22:6530)
Jun 09 17:30:36 streams node[2346]:     at async Promise.all (index 1)
Jun 09 17:30:36 streams node[2346]:     at r (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:24:986)
Jun 09 17:30:36 streams node[2346]:     at async Promise.all (index 1)
Jun 09 17:30:36 streams node[2346]:     at Object.s [as getClientNetwork] (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:24:1161)
Jun 09 17:30:36 streams node[2346]:     at async Promise.all (index 7)
Jun 09 17:30:36 streams node[2346]:     at $ (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:83:25082)
Jun 09 17:30:36 streams node[2346]:     at j (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:83:26785)
Jun 09 17:30:36 streams sudo[4660]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ubnt-systool network-speed enp0s2
Jun 09 17:30:36 streams sudo[4660]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:30:36 streams sudo[4677]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ubnt-systool cpuload
Jun 09 17:30:36 streams sudo[4677]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:30:36 streams sudo[4686]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ubnt-systool cputemp
Jun 09 17:30:37 streams sudo[4686]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:30:37 streams sudo[4703]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ubnt-systool sshd
Jun 09 17:30:37 streams sudo[4703]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:30:37 streams sudo[4686]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:30:37 streams sudo[4660]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:30:37 streams sudo[4625]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:30:37 streams sudo[4703]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:30:37 streams systemd[1]: Started Network Time Synchronization.
░░ Subject: A start job for unit systemd-timesyncd.service has finished successfully
░░ Defined-By: systemd
░░ Support:
░░ A start job for unit systemd-timesyncd.service has finished successfully.
░░ The job identifier is 115.
Jun 09 17:30:38 streams systemd[1]: Reached target System Time Set.
░░ Subject: A start job for unit has finished successfully
░░ Defined-By: systemd
░░ Support:
░░ A start job for unit has finished successfully.
░░ The job identifier is 118.
Jun 09 17:30:38 streams systemd[1]: Reached target System Time Synchronized.
░░ Subject: A start job for unit has finished successfully
░░ Defined-By: systemd
░░ Support:
░░ A start job for unit has finished successfully.
░░ The job identifier is 120.
Jun 09 17:30:38 streams sudo[4837]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ubnt-systool network-speed enp0s2
Jun 09 17:30:38 streams sudo[4837]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:30:38 streams sudo[4861]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ubnt-systool cpuload
Jun 09 17:30:38 streams sudo[4861]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:30:38 streams sudo[4872]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ubnt-systool cputemp
Jun 09 17:30:38 streams sudo[4872]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:30:38 streams sudo[4882]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ubnt-systool sshd
Jun 09 17:30:38 streams sudo[4882]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:30:38 streams systemd-timesyncd[4697]: Failed to set up connection socket: Protocol not available
Jun 09 17:30:38 streams sudo[4872]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:30:39 streams sudo[4837]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:30:39 streams sudo[4882]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:30:39 streams node[2346]: Error during trace:error publish Error: trace was published but has no subscribers.
Jun 09 17:30:39 streams node[2346]:     at notifyObjects (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:66:13)
Jun 09 17:30:39 streams node[2346]:     at publishNotification (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:83:10)
Jun 09 17:30:39 streams node[2346]:     at publish (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:101:10)
Jun 09 17:30:39 streams node[2346]:     at o4 (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:18219)
Jun 09 17:30:39 streams node[2346]:     at Object.error (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:18636) {
Jun 09 17:30:39 streams node[2346]:   code: 'ENOSYS'
Jun 09 17:30:39 streams node[2346]: }
Jun 09 17:30:39 streams sudo[4677]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:30:40 streams sudo[4861]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:30:41 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:30:41.737Z - [fingerprint] : Using bundled copy of UI DB (version 842090e15770296ca1751ef56853d4ad1908a569)
Jun 09 17:30:42 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:30:42.662Z - [controllers.deviceTopology] : Populating topology (type: dummy) with 1 devices: Unidentified device (No name @ undefined)
Jun 09 17:30:43 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:30:43.716Z - [app] : Detached systemd middleware 8.46s
Jun 09 17:30:43 streams sudo[5095]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ubnt-systool network-speed enp0s2
Jun 09 17:30:43 streams sudo[5095]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:30:44 streams sudo[5095]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:30:45 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:30:45.447Z - [systemd] : led is not installed
Jun 09 17:30:45 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:30:45.904Z - [system] : syncTime complete. BEFORE: Fri Jun 09 2023 15:30:34 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time). AFTER: Fri Jun 09 2023 15:30:45 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Jun 09 17:30:46 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:30:46.019Z - [system] : error reading network data Error: Unexpected speed=0 received by cmd=/usr/bin/sudo -n /sbin/ubnt-systool network-speed enp0s2
Jun 09 17:30:46 streams node[2346]:     at dl (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:22:6530)
Jun 09 17:30:46 streams node[2346]:     at async Promise.all (index 1)
Jun 09 17:30:46 streams node[2346]:     at r (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:24:986)
Jun 09 17:30:46 streams node[2346]:     at async Promise.all (index 1)
Jun 09 17:30:46 streams node[2346]:     at Object.s [as getClientNetwork] (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:24:1161)
Jun 09 17:30:46 streams node[2346]:     at async Promise.all (index 7)
Jun 09 17:30:46 streams node[2346]:     at $ (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:83:25082)
Jun 09 17:30:46 streams node[2346]:     at j (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:83:26785)
Jun 09 17:30:46 streams sudo[5259]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/dpkg-query --showformat=${Status}|${Version} --show uid-agent
Jun 09 17:30:46 streams sudo[5259]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:30:46 streams sudo[5259]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:30:46 streams sudo[5290]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ubnt-systool network-speed enp0s2
Jun 09 17:30:46 streams sudo[5290]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:30:46 streams sudo[5308]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ubnt-systool cpuload
Jun 09 17:30:46 streams sudo[5308]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:30:46 streams sudo[5317]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ubnt-systool cputemp
Jun 09 17:30:46 streams sudo[5317]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:30:46 streams sudo[5321]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ubnt-systool sshd
Jun 09 17:30:46 streams sudo[5321]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:30:47 streams sudo[5317]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:30:47 streams sudo[5351]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ubnt-systool network-speed enp0s2
Jun 09 17:30:47 streams sudo[5351]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:30:47 streams sudo[5290]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:30:47 streams sudo[5364]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ubnt-systool cpuload
Jun 09 17:30:47 streams sudo[5372]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ubnt-systool cputemp
Jun 09 17:30:47 streams sudo[5364]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:30:47 streams sudo[5372]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:30:47 streams sudo[5402]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ubnt-systool sshd
Jun 09 17:30:47 streams sudo[5402]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:30:47 streams sudo[5321]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:30:47 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:30:47.712Z - [uum] : UUM does not appear to be running: network timeout at:
Jun 09 17:30:47 streams sudo[5372]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:30:48 streams sudo[5351]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:30:48 streams sudo[5402]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:30:48 streams node[2346]: Error during trace:error publish Error: trace was published but has no subscribers.
Jun 09 17:30:48 streams node[2346]:     at notifyObjects (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:66:13)
Jun 09 17:30:48 streams node[2346]:     at publishNotification (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:83:10)
Jun 09 17:30:48 streams node[2346]:     at publish (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:101:10)
Jun 09 17:30:48 streams node[2346]:     at o4 (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:18219)
Jun 09 17:30:48 streams node[2346]:     at Object.error (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:18636) {
Jun 09 17:30:48 streams node[2346]:   code: 'ENOSYS'
Jun 09 17:30:48 streams node[2346]: }
Jun 09 17:30:48 streams node[2346]: Error during trace:error publish Error: trace was published but has no subscribers.
Jun 09 17:30:48 streams node[2346]:     at notifyObjects (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:66:13)
Jun 09 17:30:48 streams node[2346]:     at publishNotification (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:83:10)
Jun 09 17:30:48 streams node[2346]:     at publish (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:101:10)
Jun 09 17:30:48 streams node[2346]:     at o4 (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:18219)
Jun 09 17:30:48 streams node[2346]:     at Object.error (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:18636) {
Jun 09 17:30:48 streams node[2346]:   code: 'ENOSYS'
Jun 09 17:30:48 streams node[2346]: }
Jun 09 17:30:48 streams node[2346]: Error during trace:error publish Error: trace was published but has no subscribers.
Jun 09 17:30:48 streams node[2346]:     at notifyObjects (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:66:13)
Jun 09 17:30:48 streams node[2346]:     at publishNotification (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:83:10)
Jun 09 17:30:48 streams node[2346]:     at publish (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:101:10)
Jun 09 17:30:48 streams node[2346]:     at o4 (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:18219)
Jun 09 17:30:48 streams node[2346]:     at Object.error (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:18636) {
Jun 09 17:30:48 streams node[2346]:   code: 'ENOSYS'
Jun 09 17:30:48 streams node[2346]: }
Jun 09 17:30:48 streams node[2346]: Error during trace:error publish Error: trace was published but has no subscribers.
Jun 09 17:30:48 streams node[2346]:     at notifyObjects (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:66:13)
Jun 09 17:30:48 streams node[2346]:     at publishNotification (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:83:10)
Jun 09 17:30:48 streams node[2346]:     at publish (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:101:10)
Jun 09 17:30:48 streams node[2346]:     at o4 (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:18219)
Jun 09 17:30:48 streams node[2346]:     at Object.error (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:18636) {
Jun 09 17:30:48 streams node[2346]:   code: 'ENOSYS'
Jun 09 17:30:48 streams node[2346]: }
Jun 09 17:30:48 streams node[2346]: Error during trace:error publish Error: trace was published but has no subscribers.
Jun 09 17:30:48 streams node[2346]:     at notifyObjects (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:66:13)
Jun 09 17:30:48 streams node[2346]:     at publishNotification (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:83:10)
Jun 09 17:30:48 streams node[2346]:     at publish (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:101:10)
Jun 09 17:30:48 streams node[2346]:     at o4 (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:18219)
Jun 09 17:30:48 streams node[2346]:     at Object.error (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:18636) {
Jun 09 17:30:48 streams node[2346]:   code: 'ENOSYS'
Jun 09 17:30:48 streams node[2346]: }
Jun 09 17:30:48 streams node[2346]: Error during trace:error publish Error: trace was published but has no subscribers.
Jun 09 17:30:48 streams node[2346]:     at notifyObjects (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:66:13)
Jun 09 17:30:48 streams node[2346]:     at publishNotification (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:83:10)
Jun 09 17:30:48 streams node[2346]:     at publish (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:101:10)
Jun 09 17:30:48 streams node[2346]:     at o4 (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:18219)
Jun 09 17:30:48 streams node[2346]:     at Object.error (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:18636) {
Jun 09 17:30:48 streams node[2346]:   code: 'ENOSYS'
Jun 09 17:30:48 streams node[2346]: }
Jun 09 17:30:48 streams node[2346]: Error during trace:error publish Error: trace was published but has no subscribers.
Jun 09 17:30:48 streams node[2346]:     at notifyObjects (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:66:13)
Jun 09 17:30:48 streams node[2346]:     at publishNotification (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:83:10)
Jun 09 17:30:48 streams node[2346]:     at publish (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:101:10)
Jun 09 17:30:48 streams node[2346]:     at o4 (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:18219)
Jun 09 17:30:48 streams node[2346]:     at Object.error (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:18636) {
Jun 09 17:30:48 streams node[2346]:   code: 'ENOSYS'
Jun 09 17:30:48 streams node[2346]: }
Jun 09 17:30:49 streams sudo[5308]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:30:49 streams sudo[5364]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:30:50 streams sudo[5579]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ubnt-systool network-speed enp0s2
Jun 09 17:30:50 streams sudo[5579]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:30:50 streams sudo[5591]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ubnt-systool network-speed enp0s2
Jun 09 17:30:50 streams sudo[5591]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:30:50 streams sudo[5579]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:30:50 streams sudo[5591]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:30:51 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:30:51.033Z - [app] : Detached taskQueue middleware 0.136s
Jun 09 17:30:52 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:30:52.000Z - [systemd] : uid-agent is not installed
Jun 09 17:30:52 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:30:52.279Z - [system] : error reading network data Error: Unexpected speed=0 received by cmd=/usr/bin/sudo -n /sbin/ubnt-systool network-speed enp0s2
Jun 09 17:30:52 streams node[2346]:     at dl (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:22:6530)
Jun 09 17:30:52 streams node[2346]:     at async Promise.all (index 1)
Jun 09 17:30:52 streams node[2346]:     at r (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:24:986)
Jun 09 17:30:52 streams node[2346]:     at async Promise.all (index 1)
Jun 09 17:30:52 streams node[2346]:     at Object.s [as getClientNetwork] (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:24:1161)
Jun 09 17:30:52 streams node[2346]:     at async Promise.all (index 7)
Jun 09 17:30:52 streams node[2346]:     at $ (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:83:25082)
Jun 09 17:30:52 streams node[2346]:     at j (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:83:26785)
Jun 09 17:30:52 streams node[2346]:     at ce (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:83:27026)
Jun 09 17:30:52 streams node[2346]:     at async Promise.all (index 0)
Jun 09 17:30:52 streams node[2346]:     at a4 (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:16388)
Jun 09 17:30:52 streams node[2346]:     at Sr (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:16628)
Jun 09 17:30:52 streams node[2346]:     at o4 (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:18167)
Jun 09 17:30:52 streams node[2346]:     at Object.error (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:18636)
Jun 09 17:30:52 streams sudo[5721]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/dpkg-query --showformat=${Status}|${Version} --show unifi-connect
Jun 09 17:30:52 streams sudo[5721]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:30:52 streams sudo[5721]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:30:52 streams sudo[5735]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ubnt-systool network-speed enp0s2
Jun 09 17:30:52 streams sudo[5735]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:30:52 streams sudo[5741]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ubnt-systool cpuload
Jun 09 17:30:52 streams sudo[5741]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:30:53 streams sudo[5750]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ubnt-systool cputemp
Jun 09 17:30:53 streams sudo[5750]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:30:53 streams sudo[5754]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ubnt-systool sshd
Jun 09 17:30:53 streams sudo[5754]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:30:53 streams sudo[5750]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:30:53 streams sudo[5735]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:30:53 streams node[2346]: Error during trace:error publish Error: trace was published but has no subscribers.
Jun 09 17:30:53 streams node[2346]:     at notifyObjects (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:66:13)
Jun 09 17:30:53 streams node[2346]:     at publishNotification (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:83:10)
Jun 09 17:30:53 streams node[2346]:     at publish (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:101:10)
Jun 09 17:30:53 streams node[2346]:     at o4 (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:18219)
Jun 09 17:30:53 streams node[2346]:     at Object.error (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:18636) {
Jun 09 17:30:53 streams node[2346]:   code: 'ENOSYS'
Jun 09 17:30:53 streams node[2346]: }
Jun 09 17:30:53 streams node[2346]: Error during trace:error publish Error: trace was published but has no subscribers.
Jun 09 17:30:53 streams node[2346]:     at notifyObjects (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:66:13)
Jun 09 17:30:53 streams node[2346]:     at publishNotification (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:83:10)
Jun 09 17:30:53 streams node[2346]:     at publish (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:101:10)
Jun 09 17:30:53 streams node[2346]:     at o4 (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:18219)
Jun 09 17:30:53 streams node[2346]:     at Object.error (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:18636) {
Jun 09 17:30:53 streams node[2346]:   code: 'ENOSYS'
Jun 09 17:30:53 streams node[2346]: }
Jun 09 17:30:53 streams sudo[5754]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:30:54 streams node[2346]: Error during trace:error publish Error: trace was published but has no subscribers.
Jun 09 17:30:54 streams node[2346]:     at notifyObjects (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:66:13)
Jun 09 17:30:54 streams node[2346]:     at publishNotification (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:83:10)
Jun 09 17:30:54 streams node[2346]:     at publish (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:101:10)
Jun 09 17:30:54 streams node[2346]:     at o4 (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:18219)
Jun 09 17:30:54 streams node[2346]:     at Object.error (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:18636) {
Jun 09 17:30:54 streams node[2346]:   code: 'ENOSYS'
Jun 09 17:30:54 streams node[2346]: }
Jun 09 17:30:54 streams node[2346]: Error during trace:error publish Error: trace was published but has no subscribers.
Jun 09 17:30:54 streams node[2346]:     at notifyObjects (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:66:13)
Jun 09 17:30:54 streams node[2346]:     at publishNotification (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:83:10)
Jun 09 17:30:54 streams node[2346]:     at publish (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:101:10)
Jun 09 17:30:54 streams node[2346]:     at o4 (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:18219)
Jun 09 17:30:54 streams node[2346]:     at Object.error (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:18636) {
Jun 09 17:30:54 streams node[2346]:   code: 'ENOSYS'
Jun 09 17:30:54 streams node[2346]: }
Jun 09 17:30:54 streams sudo[5853]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ubnt-systool network-speed enp0s2
Jun 09 17:30:54 streams sudo[5853]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:30:54 streams sudo[5870]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/sbin/smartctl -i -H /dev/sda1
Jun 09 17:30:54 streams sudo[5865]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ubnt-systool network-speed enp0s2
Jun 09 17:30:54 streams sudo[5870]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:30:54 streams sudo[5865]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:30:55 streams sudo[5865]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:30:55 streams sudo[5741]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:30:55 streams sudo[5853]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:30:56 streams kernel: program smartctl.orig is using a deprecated SCSI ioctl, please convert it to SG_IO
Jun 09 17:30:56 streams kernel: program smartctl.orig is using a deprecated SCSI ioctl, please convert it to SG_IO
Jun 09 17:30:56 streams kernel: program smartctl.orig is using a deprecated SCSI ioctl, please convert it to SG_IO
Jun 09 17:30:56 streams sudo[5870]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:30:56 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:30:56.594Z - [systemd] : connect is not installed
Jun 09 17:30:56 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:30:56.978Z - [system] : error reading network data Error: Unexpected speed=0 received by cmd=/usr/bin/sudo -n /sbin/ubnt-systool network-speed enp0s2
Jun 09 17:30:56 streams node[2346]:     at dl (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:22:6530)
Jun 09 17:30:56 streams node[2346]:     at async Promise.all (index 1)
Jun 09 17:30:56 streams node[2346]:     at r (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:24:986)
Jun 09 17:30:56 streams node[2346]:     at async Promise.all (index 1)
Jun 09 17:30:56 streams node[2346]:     at Object.s [as getClientNetwork] (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:24:1161)
Jun 09 17:30:56 streams node[2346]:     at async Promise.all (index 7)
Jun 09 17:30:56 streams node[2346]:     at $ (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:83:25082)
Jun 09 17:30:56 streams node[2346]:     at j (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:83:26785)
Jun 09 17:30:56 streams node[2346]:     at Object.JL.exports [as info] (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:88:20101)
Jun 09 17:30:56 streams node[2346]:     at /usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:88:24781
Jun 09 17:30:57 streams sudo[6089]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ubnt-systool network-speed enp0s2
Jun 09 17:30:57 streams sudo[6089]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:30:58 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:30:58.204Z - [system] : error reading network data Error: Unexpected speed=0 received by cmd=/usr/bin/sudo -n /sbin/ubnt-systool network-speed enp0s2
Jun 09 17:30:58 streams node[2346]:     at dl (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:22:6530)
Jun 09 17:30:58 streams node[2346]:     at async Promise.all (index 1)
Jun 09 17:30:58 streams node[2346]:     at r (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:24:986)
Jun 09 17:30:58 streams node[2346]:     at async Promise.all (index 1)
Jun 09 17:30:58 streams node[2346]:     at Object.s [as getClientNetwork] (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:24:1161)
Jun 09 17:30:58 streams node[2346]:     at async Promise.all (index 7)
Jun 09 17:30:58 streams node[2346]:     at $ (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:83:25082)
Jun 09 17:30:58 streams node[2346]:     at j (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:83:26785)
Jun 09 17:30:58 streams sudo[6089]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:30:58 streams sudo[6152]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ubnt-systool sshd
Jun 09 17:30:58 streams sudo[6152]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:30:58 streams node[2346]: Error during trace:error publish Error: trace was published but has no subscribers.
Jun 09 17:30:58 streams node[2346]:     at notifyObjects (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:66:13)
Jun 09 17:30:58 streams node[2346]:     at publishNotification (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:83:10)
Jun 09 17:30:58 streams node[2346]:     at publish (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:101:10)
Jun 09 17:30:58 streams node[2346]:     at o4 (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:18219)
Jun 09 17:30:58 streams node[2346]:     at Object.error (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:18636) {
Jun 09 17:30:58 streams node[2346]:   code: 'ENOSYS'
Jun 09 17:30:58 streams node[2346]: }
Jun 09 17:30:58 streams node[2346]: Error during trace:error publish Error: trace was published but has no subscribers.
Jun 09 17:30:58 streams node[2346]:     at notifyObjects (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:66:13)
Jun 09 17:30:58 streams node[2346]:     at publishNotification (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:83:10)
Jun 09 17:30:58 streams node[2346]:     at publish (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:101:10)
Jun 09 17:30:58 streams node[2346]:     at o4 (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:18219)
Jun 09 17:30:58 streams node[2346]:     at Object.error (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:18636) {
Jun 09 17:30:58 streams node[2346]:   code: 'ENOSYS'
Jun 09 17:30:58 streams node[2346]: }
Jun 09 17:30:58 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:30:58.874Z - [uum] : UUM does not appear to be running: network timeout at:
Jun 09 17:30:58 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:30:58.911Z - [system] : Failed to get timezone by GeoIP, fallback to "Etc/UTC": network timeout at:
Jun 09 17:30:59 streams sudo[6152]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:31:00 streams node[2346]: Error during trace:error publish Error: trace was published but has no subscribers.
Jun 09 17:31:00 streams node[2346]:     at notifyObjects (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:66:13)
Jun 09 17:31:00 streams node[2346]:     at publishNotification (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:83:10)
Jun 09 17:31:00 streams node[2346]:     at publish (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:101:10)
Jun 09 17:31:00 streams node[2346]:     at o4 (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:18219)
Jun 09 17:31:00 streams node[2346]:     at Object.error (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:18636) {
Jun 09 17:31:00 streams node[2346]:   code: 'ENOSYS'
Jun 09 17:31:00 streams node[2346]: }
Jun 09 17:31:01 streams sudo[6247]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ubnt-systool network-speed enp0s2
Jun 09 17:31:01 streams sudo[6247]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:31:01 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:31:01.628Z - [app] : Detached taskTracker middleware 0.046s
Jun 09 17:31:01 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:31:01.722Z - [system] : error reading network data Error: Unexpected speed=0 received by cmd=/usr/bin/sudo -n /sbin/ubnt-systool network-speed enp0s2
Jun 09 17:31:01 streams node[2346]:     at dl (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:22:6530)
Jun 09 17:31:01 streams node[2346]:     at async Promise.all (index 1)
Jun 09 17:31:01 streams node[2346]:     at r (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:24:986)
Jun 09 17:31:01 streams node[2346]:     at async Promise.all (index 1)
Jun 09 17:31:01 streams node[2346]:     at Object.s [as getClientNetwork] (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:24:1161)
Jun 09 17:31:01 streams node[2346]:     at async Promise.all (index 7)
Jun 09 17:31:01 streams node[2346]:     at $ (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:83:25082)
Jun 09 17:31:01 streams node[2346]:     at j (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:83:26785)
Jun 09 17:31:01 streams node[2346]:     at Object.JL.exports [as info] (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:88:20101)
Jun 09 17:31:01 streams node[2346]:     at /usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:88:24781
Jun 09 17:31:01 streams sudo[6247]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:31:02 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:31:02.204Z - [system] : error reading network data Error: Unexpected speed=0 received by cmd=/usr/bin/sudo -n /sbin/ubnt-systool network-speed enp0s2
Jun 09 17:31:02 streams node[2346]:     at dl (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:22:6530)
Jun 09 17:31:02 streams node[2346]:     at async Promise.all (index 1)
Jun 09 17:31:02 streams node[2346]:     at r (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:24:986)
Jun 09 17:31:02 streams node[2346]:     at async Promise.all (index 1)
Jun 09 17:31:02 streams node[2346]:     at Object.s [as getClientNetwork] (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:24:1161)
Jun 09 17:31:02 streams node[2346]:     at async Promise.all (index 7)
Jun 09 17:31:02 streams node[2346]:     at $ (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:83:25082)
Jun 09 17:31:02 streams node[2346]:     at j (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:83:26785)
Jun 09 17:31:02 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:31:02.304Z - [fingerprint] : Failed to fetch fingerprint DB FetchError: network timeout at:
Jun 09 17:31:02 streams node[2346]:     at Timeout.<anonymous> (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/node-fetch/lib/index.js:1484:13)
Jun 09 17:31:02 streams node[2346]:     at listOnTimeout (node:internal/timers:559:17)
Jun 09 17:31:02 streams node[2346]:     at processTimers (node:internal/timers:502:7)
Jun 09 17:31:02 streams sudo[6301]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ubnt-systool network-speed enp0s2
Jun 09 17:31:02 streams sudo[6301]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:31:02 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:31:02.411Z - [fingerprint] : Missing triplet (UNSPECIFIED||)
Jun 09 17:31:02 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:31:02.436Z - [fingerprint] : Missing device with triplet UNSPECIFIED||
Jun 09 17:31:02 streams sudo[6308]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ubnt-systool sshd
Jun 09 17:31:02 streams sudo[6308]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:31:02 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:31:02.793Z - [uum] : ULP environment changed to "prd"
Jun 09 17:31:02 streams sudo[6308]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:31:02 streams sudo[6301]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:31:03 streams sudo[6356]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ubnt-systool network-speed enp0s2
Jun 09 17:31:03 streams sudo[6356]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:31:03 streams sudo[6356]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:31:04 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:31:04.065Z - [floorplans] : Failed to update floorplan data: Error: db.getClient was published but has no subscribers.
Jun 09 17:31:04 streams node[2346]:     at notifyObjects (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:66:13)
Jun 09 17:31:04 streams node[2346]:     at publishNotification (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:83:10)
Jun 09 17:31:04 streams node[2346]:     at publish (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:101:10)
Jun 09 17:31:04 streams node[2346]:     at l (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:101:3353)
Jun 09 17:31:04 streams node[2346]:     at b (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:101:4545)
Jun 09 17:31:04 streams node[2346]:     at /usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:101:5621
Jun 09 17:31:04 streams node[2346]:     at createTaskIterator (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/@redux-saga/core/dist/
Jun 09 17:31:04 streams node[2346]:     at runForkEffect (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/@redux-saga/core/dist/
Jun 09 17:31:04 streams node[2346]:     at runEffect (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/@redux-saga/core/dist/
Jun 09 17:31:04 streams node[2346]:     at digestEffect (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/@redux-saga/core/dist/
Jun 09 17:31:04 streams node[2346]:     at next (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/@redux-saga/core/dist/
Jun 09 17:31:04 streams node[2346]:     at currCb (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/@redux-saga/core/dist/
Jun 09 17:31:04 streams node[2346]:     at takeCb (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/@redux-saga/core/dist/
Jun 09 17:31:04 streams node[2346]:     at put (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/@redux-saga/core/dist/
Jun 09 17:31:04 streams node[2346]:     at /usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/@redux-saga/core/dist/
Jun 09 17:31:04 streams node[2346]:     at exec (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/@redux-saga/core/dist/
Jun 09 17:31:04 streams sudo[6514]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ubnt-systool network-speed enp0s2
Jun 09 17:31:04 streams sudo[6514]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:31:05 streams sudo[6536]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ubnt-systool sshd
Jun 09 17:31:05 streams sudo[6536]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:31:05 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:31:05.510Z - [system] : error reading network data Error: Unexpected speed=0 received by cmd=/usr/bin/sudo -n /sbin/ubnt-systool network-speed enp0s2
Jun 09 17:31:05 streams node[2346]:     at dl (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:22:6530)
Jun 09 17:31:05 streams node[2346]:     at async Promise.all (index 1)
Jun 09 17:31:05 streams node[2346]:     at r (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:24:986)
Jun 09 17:31:05 streams node[2346]:     at async Promise.all (index 1)
Jun 09 17:31:05 streams node[2346]:     at Object.s [as getClientNetwork] (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:24:1161)
Jun 09 17:31:05 streams node[2346]:     at async Promise.all (index 7)
Jun 09 17:31:05 streams node[2346]:     at $ (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:83:25082)
Jun 09 17:31:05 streams node[2346]:     at j (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:83:26785)
Jun 09 17:31:05 streams node[2346]:     at ce (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:83:27026)
Jun 09 17:31:05 streams node[2346]:     at async Promise.all (index 0)
Jun 09 17:31:05 streams node[2346]:     at a4 (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:16388)
Jun 09 17:31:05 streams node[2346]:     at Sr (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:16628)
Jun 09 17:31:05 streams node[2346]:     at o4 (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:18167)
Jun 09 17:31:05 streams node[2346]:     at Object.error (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:18636)
Jun 09 17:31:05 streams sudo[6514]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:31:05 streams node[2346]: Error during trace:error publish Error: trace was published but has no subscribers.
Jun 09 17:31:05 streams node[2346]:     at notifyObjects (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:66:13)
Jun 09 17:31:05 streams node[2346]:     at publishNotification (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:83:10)
Jun 09 17:31:05 streams node[2346]:     at publish (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:101:10)
Jun 09 17:31:05 streams node[2346]:     at o4 (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:18219)
Jun 09 17:31:05 streams node[2346]:     at Object.error (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:18636) {
Jun 09 17:31:05 streams node[2346]:   code: 'ENOSYS'
Jun 09 17:31:05 streams node[2346]: }
Jun 09 17:31:05 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:31:05.689Z - [system] : Timezone changed to "Etc/UTC"
Jun 09 17:31:05 streams sudo[6536]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:31:06 streams sudo[6617]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ubnt-systool network-speed enp0s2
Jun 09 17:31:07 streams sudo[6617]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:31:07 streams sudo[6621]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ubnt-systool sshd
Jun 09 17:31:07 streams sudo[6621]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:31:07 streams node[2346]: Error during trace:error publish Error: trace was published but has no subscribers.
Jun 09 17:31:07 streams node[2346]:     at notifyObjects (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:66:13)
Jun 09 17:31:07 streams node[2346]:     at publishNotification (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:83:10)
Jun 09 17:31:07 streams node[2346]:     at publish (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:101:10)
Jun 09 17:31:07 streams node[2346]:     at o4 (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:18219)
Jun 09 17:31:07 streams node[2346]:     at Object.error (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:18636) {
Jun 09 17:31:07 streams node[2346]:   code: 'ENOSYS'
Jun 09 17:31:07 streams node[2346]: }
Jun 09 17:31:07 streams node[2346]: Error during trace:error publish Error: trace was published but has no subscribers.
Jun 09 17:31:07 streams node[2346]:     at notifyObjects (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:66:13)
Jun 09 17:31:07 streams node[2346]:     at publishNotification (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:83:10)
Jun 09 17:31:07 streams node[2346]:     at publish (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:101:10)
Jun 09 17:31:07 streams node[2346]:     at o4 (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:18219)
Jun 09 17:31:07 streams node[2346]:     at Object.error (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:18636) {
Jun 09 17:31:07 streams node[2346]:   code: 'ENOSYS'
Jun 09 17:31:07 streams node[2346]: }
Jun 09 17:31:07 streams sudo[6643]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ubnt-systool network-speed enp0s2
Jun 09 17:31:07 streams sudo[6643]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:31:07 streams sudo[6617]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:31:07 streams sudo[6664]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ubnt-systool sshd
Jun 09 17:31:07 streams sudo[6664]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:31:07 streams sudo[6621]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:31:08 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:31:08.031Z - [app] : Detached apps middleware 0.019s
Jun 09 17:31:08 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:31:08.093Z - [system] : error reading network data Error: Unexpected speed=0 received by cmd=/usr/bin/sudo -n /sbin/ubnt-systool network-speed enp0s2
Jun 09 17:31:08 streams node[2346]:     at dl (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:22:6530)
Jun 09 17:31:08 streams node[2346]:     at async Promise.all (index 1)
Jun 09 17:31:08 streams node[2346]:     at r (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:24:986)
Jun 09 17:31:08 streams node[2346]:     at async Promise.all (index 1)
Jun 09 17:31:08 streams node[2346]:     at Object.s [as getClientNetwork] (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:24:1161)
Jun 09 17:31:08 streams node[2346]:     at async Promise.all (index 7)
Jun 09 17:31:08 streams node[2346]:     at $ (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:83:25082)
Jun 09 17:31:08 streams node[2346]:     at j (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:83:26785)
Jun 09 17:31:08 streams sudo[6643]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:31:08 streams sudo[6664]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:31:08 streams sudo[6718]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ubnt-systool network-speed enp0s2
Jun 09 17:31:08 streams sudo[6718]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:31:08 streams node[2346]: Error during trace:error publish Error: trace was published but has no subscribers.
Jun 09 17:31:08 streams node[2346]:     at notifyObjects (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:66:13)
Jun 09 17:31:08 streams node[2346]:     at publishNotification (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:83:10)
Jun 09 17:31:08 streams node[2346]:     at publish (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:101:10)
Jun 09 17:31:08 streams node[2346]:     at o4 (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:18219)
Jun 09 17:31:08 streams node[2346]:     at Object.error (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:18636) {
Jun 09 17:31:08 streams node[2346]:   code: 'ENOSYS'
Jun 09 17:31:08 streams node[2346]: }
Jun 09 17:31:08 streams sudo[6741]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ubnt-systool network-speed enp0s2
Jun 09 17:31:08 streams sudo[6741]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:31:08 streams node[2346]: Error during trace:error publish Error: trace was published but has no subscribers.
Jun 09 17:31:08 streams node[2346]:     at notifyObjects (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:66:13)
Jun 09 17:31:08 streams node[2346]:     at publishNotification (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:83:10)
Jun 09 17:31:08 streams node[2346]:     at publish (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:101:10)
Jun 09 17:31:08 streams node[2346]:     at o4 (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:18219)
Jun 09 17:31:08 streams node[2346]:     at Object.error (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:18636) {
Jun 09 17:31:08 streams node[2346]:   code: 'ENOSYS'
Jun 09 17:31:08 streams node[2346]: }
Jun 09 17:31:08 streams sudo[6718]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:31:08 streams node[2346]: Error during trace:error publish Error: trace was published but has no subscribers.
Jun 09 17:31:08 streams node[2346]:     at notifyObjects (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:66:13)
Jun 09 17:31:08 streams node[2346]:     at publishNotification (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:83:10)
Jun 09 17:31:08 streams node[2346]:     at publish (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:101:10)
Jun 09 17:31:08 streams node[2346]:     at o4 (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:18219)
Jun 09 17:31:08 streams node[2346]:     at Object.error (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:18636) {
Jun 09 17:31:08 streams node[2346]:   code: 'ENOSYS'
Jun 09 17:31:08 streams node[2346]: }
Jun 09 17:31:08 streams node[2346]: Error during trace:error publish Error: trace was published but has no subscribers.
Jun 09 17:31:08 streams node[2346]:     at notifyObjects (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:66:13)
Jun 09 17:31:08 streams node[2346]:     at publishNotification (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:83:10)
Jun 09 17:31:08 streams node[2346]:     at publish (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:101:10)
Jun 09 17:31:08 streams node[2346]:     at o4 (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:18219)
Jun 09 17:31:08 streams node[2346]:     at Object.error (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:18636) {
Jun 09 17:31:08 streams node[2346]:   code: 'ENOSYS'
Jun 09 17:31:08 streams node[2346]: }
Jun 09 17:31:08 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:31:08.904Z - [uum] : UUM does not appear to be running: network timeout at:
Jun 09 17:31:08 streams sudo[6763]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ubnt-systool cpuload
Jun 09 17:31:08 streams sudo[6769]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ubnt-systool cputemp
Jun 09 17:31:09 streams sudo[6769]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:31:09 streams sudo[6763]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:31:09 streams sudo[6784]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ubnt-systool sshd
Jun 09 17:31:09 streams sudo[6784]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:31:09 streams sudo[6741]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:31:09 streams sudo[6769]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:31:09 streams sudo[6825]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ubnt-systool network-speed enp0s2
Jun 09 17:31:09 streams sudo[6825]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:31:09 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:31:09.628Z - [system] : error reading network data Error: Unexpected speed=0 received by cmd=/usr/bin/sudo -n /sbin/ubnt-systool network-speed enp0s2
Jun 09 17:31:09 streams node[2346]:     at dl (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:22:6530)
Jun 09 17:31:09 streams node[2346]:     at async Promise.all (index 1)
Jun 09 17:31:09 streams node[2346]:     at r (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:24:986)
Jun 09 17:31:09 streams node[2346]:     at async Promise.all (index 1)
Jun 09 17:31:09 streams node[2346]:     at Object.s [as getClientNetwork] (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:24:1161)
Jun 09 17:31:09 streams node[2346]:     at async Promise.all (index 7)
Jun 09 17:31:09 streams node[2346]:     at $ (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:83:25082)
Jun 09 17:31:09 streams node[2346]:     at j (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:83:26785)
Jun 09 17:31:09 streams sudo[6839]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ubnt-systool network-speed enp0s2
Jun 09 17:31:09 streams sudo[6839]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:31:09 streams node[2346]: Error during trace:error publish Error: trace was published but has no subscribers.
Jun 09 17:31:09 streams node[2346]:     at notifyObjects (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:66:13)
Jun 09 17:31:09 streams node[2346]:     at publishNotification (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:83:10)
Jun 09 17:31:09 streams node[2346]:     at publish (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:101:10)
Jun 09 17:31:09 streams node[2346]:     at o4 (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:18219)
Jun 09 17:31:09 streams node[2346]:     at Object.error (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:18636) {
Jun 09 17:31:09 streams node[2346]:   code: 'ENOSYS'
Jun 09 17:31:09 streams node[2346]: }
Jun 09 17:31:09 streams sudo[6784]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:31:09 streams node[2346]: Error during trace:error publish Error: trace was published but has no subscribers.
Jun 09 17:31:09 streams node[2346]:     at notifyObjects (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:66:13)
Jun 09 17:31:09 streams node[2346]:     at publishNotification (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:83:10)
Jun 09 17:31:09 streams node[2346]:     at publish (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:101:10)
Jun 09 17:31:09 streams node[2346]:     at o4 (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:18219)
Jun 09 17:31:09 streams node[2346]:     at Object.error (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:18636) {
Jun 09 17:31:09 streams node[2346]:   code: 'ENOSYS'
Jun 09 17:31:09 streams node[2346]: }
Jun 09 17:31:09 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:31:09.889Z - [fingerprint] : Failed to send missing triplet trace Error: trace was published but has no subscribers.
Jun 09 17:31:09 streams node[2346]:     at notifyObjects (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:66:13)
Jun 09 17:31:09 streams node[2346]:     at publishNotification (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:83:10)
Jun 09 17:31:09 streams node[2346]:     at publish (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:101:10)
Jun 09 17:31:09 streams node[2346]:     at n4 (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:18401)
Jun 09 17:31:09 streams sudo[6867]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ubnt-systool network-speed enp0s2
Jun 09 17:31:09 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:31:09.939Z - [fingerprint] : Failed to send missing device trace Error: trace was published but has no subscribers.
Jun 09 17:31:09 streams node[2346]:     at notifyObjects (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:66:13)
Jun 09 17:31:09 streams node[2346]:     at publishNotification (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:83:10)
Jun 09 17:31:09 streams node[2346]:     at publish (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:101:10)
Jun 09 17:31:09 streams node[2346]:     at n4 (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:18401)
Jun 09 17:31:09 streams sudo[6867]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:31:10 streams sudo[6825]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:31:10 streams sudo[6839]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:31:10 streams sudo[6867]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:31:10 streams sudo[6953]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ubnt-systool network-speed enp0s2
Jun 09 17:31:10 streams sudo[6953]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:31:11 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:31:11.012Z - [app] : Detached auth middleware 0.22s
Jun 09 17:31:11 streams sudo[6953]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:31:11 streams sudo[6763]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:31:11 streams sudo[7023]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ubnt-systool cpuload
Jun 09 17:31:11 streams sudo[7023]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:31:11 streams sudo[7017]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ubnt-systool network-speed enp0s2
Jun 09 17:31:11 streams sudo[7017]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:31:11 streams sudo[7029]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ubnt-systool cputemp
Jun 09 17:31:11 streams sudo[7033]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ubnt-systool sshd
Jun 09 17:31:11 streams sudo[7029]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:31:11 streams sudo[7033]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:31:12 streams sudo[7029]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:31:12 streams sudo[7017]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:31:12 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:31:12.297Z - [system] : error reading network data Error: Unexpected speed=0 received by cmd=/usr/bin/sudo -n /sbin/ubnt-systool network-speed enp0s2
Jun 09 17:31:12 streams node[2346]:     at dl (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:22:6530)
Jun 09 17:31:12 streams node[2346]:     at async Promise.all (index 1)
Jun 09 17:31:12 streams node[2346]:     at r (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:24:986)
Jun 09 17:31:12 streams node[2346]:     at async Promise.all (index 1)
Jun 09 17:31:12 streams node[2346]:     at Object.s [as getClientNetwork] (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:24:1161)
Jun 09 17:31:12 streams node[2346]:     at async Promise.all (index 7)
Jun 09 17:31:12 streams node[2346]:     at $ (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:83:25082)
Jun 09 17:31:12 streams node[2346]:     at j (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:83:26785)
Jun 09 17:31:12 streams sudo[7033]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:31:13 streams node[2346]: Error during trace:error publish Error: trace was published but has no subscribers.
Jun 09 17:31:13 streams node[2346]:     at notifyObjects (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:66:13)
Jun 09 17:31:13 streams node[2346]:     at publishNotification (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:83:10)
Jun 09 17:31:13 streams node[2346]:     at publish (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:101:10)
Jun 09 17:31:13 streams node[2346]:     at o4 (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:18219)
Jun 09 17:31:13 streams node[2346]:     at Object.error (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:18636) {
Jun 09 17:31:13 streams node[2346]:   code: 'ENOSYS'
Jun 09 17:31:13 streams node[2346]: }
Jun 09 17:31:13 streams node[2346]: Error during trace:error publish Error: trace was published but has no subscribers.
Jun 09 17:31:13 streams node[2346]:     at notifyObjects (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:66:13)
Jun 09 17:31:13 streams node[2346]:     at publishNotification (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:83:10)
Jun 09 17:31:13 streams node[2346]:     at publish (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:101:10)
Jun 09 17:31:13 streams node[2346]:     at o4 (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:18219)
Jun 09 17:31:13 streams node[2346]:     at Object.error (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:18636) {
Jun 09 17:31:13 streams node[2346]:   code: 'ENOSYS'
Jun 09 17:31:13 streams node[2346]: }
Jun 09 17:31:13 streams node[2346]: Error during trace:error publish Error: trace was published but has no subscribers.
Jun 09 17:31:13 streams node[2346]:     at notifyObjects (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:66:13)
Jun 09 17:31:13 streams node[2346]:     at publishNotification (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:83:10)
Jun 09 17:31:13 streams node[2346]:     at publish (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:101:10)
Jun 09 17:31:13 streams node[2346]:     at o4 (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:18219)
Jun 09 17:31:13 streams node[2346]:     at Object.error (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:18636) {
Jun 09 17:31:13 streams node[2346]:   code: 'ENOSYS'
Jun 09 17:31:13 streams node[2346]: }
Jun 09 17:31:13 streams node[2346]: Error during trace:error publish Error: trace was published but has no subscribers.
Jun 09 17:31:13 streams node[2346]:     at notifyObjects (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:66:13)
Jun 09 17:31:13 streams node[2346]:     at publishNotification (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:83:10)
Jun 09 17:31:13 streams node[2346]:     at publish (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:101:10)
Jun 09 17:31:13 streams node[2346]:     at o4 (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:18219)
Jun 09 17:31:13 streams node[2346]:     at Object.error (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:18636) {
Jun 09 17:31:13 streams node[2346]:   code: 'ENOSYS'
Jun 09 17:31:13 streams node[2346]: }
Jun 09 17:31:13 streams node[2346]: Error during trace:error publish Error: trace was published but has no subscribers.
Jun 09 17:31:13 streams node[2346]:     at notifyObjects (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:66:13)
Jun 09 17:31:13 streams node[2346]:     at publishNotification (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:83:10)
Jun 09 17:31:13 streams node[2346]:     at publish (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:101:10)
Jun 09 17:31:13 streams node[2346]:     at o4 (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:18219)
Jun 09 17:31:13 streams node[2346]:     at Object.error (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:18636) {
Jun 09 17:31:13 streams node[2346]:   code: 'ENOSYS'
Jun 09 17:31:13 streams node[2346]: }
Jun 09 17:31:13 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:31:13.488Z - [system] : error reading network data Error: Unexpected speed=0 received by cmd=/usr/bin/sudo -n /sbin/ubnt-systool network-speed enp0s2
Jun 09 17:31:13 streams node[2346]:     at dl (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:22:6530)
Jun 09 17:31:13 streams node[2346]:     at async Promise.all (index 1)
Jun 09 17:31:13 streams node[2346]:     at r (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:24:986)
Jun 09 17:31:13 streams node[2346]:     at async Promise.all (index 1)
Jun 09 17:31:13 streams node[2346]:     at Object.s [as getClientNetwork] (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:24:1161)
Jun 09 17:31:13 streams node[2346]:     at async Promise.all (index 7)
Jun 09 17:31:13 streams node[2346]:     at $ (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:83:25082)
Jun 09 17:31:13 streams node[2346]:     at j (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:83:26785)
Jun 09 17:31:13 streams sudo[7023]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:31:13 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:31:13.772Z - [system] : error reading network data Error: Unexpected speed=0 received by cmd=/usr/bin/sudo -n /sbin/ubnt-systool network-speed enp0s2
Jun 09 17:31:13 streams node[2346]:     at dl (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:22:6530)
Jun 09 17:31:13 streams node[2346]:     at async Promise.all (index 1)
Jun 09 17:31:13 streams node[2346]:     at r (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:24:986)
Jun 09 17:31:13 streams node[2346]:     at async Promise.all (index 1)
Jun 09 17:31:13 streams node[2346]:     at Object.s [as getClientNetwork] (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:24:1161)
Jun 09 17:31:13 streams node[2346]:     at async Promise.all (index 7)
Jun 09 17:31:13 streams node[2346]:     at $ (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:83:25082)
Jun 09 17:31:13 streams node[2346]:     at j (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:83:26785)
Jun 09 17:31:13 streams node[2346]:     at Object.JL.exports [as info] (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:88:20101)
Jun 09 17:31:13 streams node[2346]:     at /usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:88:24781
Jun 09 17:31:13 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:31:13.822Z - [system] : error reading network data Error: Unexpected speed=0 received by cmd=/usr/bin/sudo -n /sbin/ubnt-systool network-speed enp0s2
Jun 09 17:31:13 streams node[2346]:     at dl (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:22:6530)
Jun 09 17:31:13 streams node[2346]:     at async Promise.all (index 1)
Jun 09 17:31:13 streams node[2346]:     at r (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:24:986)
Jun 09 17:31:13 streams node[2346]:     at async Promise.all (index 1)
Jun 09 17:31:13 streams node[2346]:     at Object.s [as getClientNetwork] (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:24:1161)
Jun 09 17:31:13 streams node[2346]:     at async Promise.all (index 7)
Jun 09 17:31:13 streams node[2346]:     at $ (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:83:25082)
Jun 09 17:31:13 streams node[2346]:     at j (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:83:26785)
Jun 09 17:31:13 streams node[2346]: Error during trace:error publish Error: trace was published but has no subscribers.
Jun 09 17:31:13 streams node[2346]:     at notifyObjects (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:66:13)
Jun 09 17:31:13 streams node[2346]:     at publishNotification (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:83:10)
Jun 09 17:31:13 streams node[2346]:     at publish (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:101:10)
Jun 09 17:31:13 streams node[2346]:     at o4 (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:18219)
Jun 09 17:31:13 streams node[2346]:     at Object.error (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:18636) {
Jun 09 17:31:13 streams node[2346]:   code: 'ENOSYS'
Jun 09 17:31:13 streams node[2346]: }
Jun 09 17:31:13 streams node[2346]: Error during trace:error publish Error: trace was published but has no subscribers.
Jun 09 17:31:13 streams node[2346]:     at notifyObjects (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:66:13)
Jun 09 17:31:13 streams node[2346]:     at publishNotification (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:83:10)
Jun 09 17:31:13 streams node[2346]:     at publish (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:101:10)
Jun 09 17:31:13 streams node[2346]:     at o4 (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:18219)
Jun 09 17:31:13 streams node[2346]:     at Object.error (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:18636) {
Jun 09 17:31:13 streams node[2346]:   code: 'ENOSYS'
Jun 09 17:31:13 streams node[2346]: }
Jun 09 17:31:14 streams sudo[7128]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ubnt-systool network-speed enp0s2
Jun 09 17:31:14 streams sudo[7128]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:31:14 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:31:14.047Z - [uum] : UUM does not appear to be running: apps.fetchManifest was published but has no subscribers.
Jun 09 17:31:14 streams sudo[7132]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ubnt-systool sshd
Jun 09 17:31:14 streams sudo[7132]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:31:14 streams sudo[7128]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:31:14 streams sudo[7132]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:31:14 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:31:14.844Z - [app] : Detached cloud.api middleware 0.014s
Jun 09 17:31:14 streams sudo[7185]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ubnt-systool network-speed enp0s2
Jun 09 17:31:14 streams sudo[7185]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:31:15 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:31:15.019Z - [app] : Detached cloud middleware 0.431s
Jun 09 17:31:15 streams sudo[7200]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ubnt-systool network-speed enp0s2
Jun 09 17:31:15 streams sudo[7200]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:31:15 streams sudo[7185]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:31:15 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:31:15.537Z - [app] : Detached firmware middleware 0.086s
Jun 09 17:31:15 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:31:15.973Z - [app] : unhandledRejection Error: firmware.getLatestUpdateInfo was published but has no subscribers.
Jun 09 17:31:15 streams node[2346]:     at notifyObjects (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:66:13)
Jun 09 17:31:15 streams node[2346]:     at publishNotification (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:83:10)
Jun 09 17:31:15 streams node[2346]:     at publish (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:101:10)
Jun 09 17:31:15 streams node[2346]:     at $ (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:83:25322)
Jun 09 17:31:15 streams node[2346]:     at j (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:83:26791)
Jun 09 17:31:16 streams sudo[7200]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:31:16 streams node[2346]: Error during trace:error publish Error: firmware.getLatestUpdateInfo was published but has no subscribers.
Jun 09 17:31:16 streams node[2346]:     at notifyObjects (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:66:13)
Jun 09 17:31:16 streams node[2346]:     at publishNotification (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:83:10)
Jun 09 17:31:16 streams node[2346]:     at publish (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:101:10)
Jun 09 17:31:16 streams node[2346]:     at $ (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:83:25322)
Jun 09 17:31:16 streams node[2346]:     at j (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:83:26791) {
Jun 09 17:31:16 streams node[2346]:   code: 'ENOSYS'
Jun 09 17:31:16 streams node[2346]: }
Jun 09 17:31:16 streams node[2346]: (node:2346) PromiseRejectionHandledWarning: Promise rejection was handled asynchronously (rejection id: 42)
Jun 09 17:31:16 streams sudo[7243]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ubnt-systool network-speed enp0s2
Jun 09 17:31:16 streams sudo[7243]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:31:16 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:31:16.230Z - [system] : error reading network data Error: Unexpected speed=0 received by cmd=/usr/bin/sudo -n /sbin/ubnt-systool network-speed enp0s2
Jun 09 17:31:16 streams node[2346]:     at dl (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:22:6530)
Jun 09 17:31:16 streams node[2346]:     at async Promise.all (index 1)
Jun 09 17:31:16 streams node[2346]:     at r (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:24:986)
Jun 09 17:31:16 streams node[2346]:     at async Promise.all (index 1)
Jun 09 17:31:16 streams node[2346]:     at Object.s [as getClientNetwork] (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:24:1161)
Jun 09 17:31:16 streams node[2346]:     at async Promise.all (index 7)
Jun 09 17:31:16 streams node[2346]:     at $ (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:83:25082)
Jun 09 17:31:16 streams node[2346]:     at j (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:83:26785)
Jun 09 17:31:16 streams node[2346]: Error during trace:error publish Error: firmware.getLatestUpdateInfo was published but has no subscribers.
Jun 09 17:31:16 streams node[2346]:     at notifyObjects (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:66:13)
Jun 09 17:31:16 streams node[2346]:     at publishNotification (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:83:10)
Jun 09 17:31:16 streams node[2346]:     at publish (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:101:10)
Jun 09 17:31:16 streams node[2346]:     at $ (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:83:25322)
Jun 09 17:31:16 streams node[2346]:     at j (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:83:26791) {
Jun 09 17:31:16 streams node[2346]:   code: 'ENOSYS'
Jun 09 17:31:16 streams node[2346]: }
Jun 09 17:31:16 streams sudo[7259]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ubnt-systool sshd
Jun 09 17:31:16 streams sudo[7259]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:31:16 streams node[2346]: Error during trace:error publish Error: trace was published but has no subscribers.
Jun 09 17:31:16 streams node[2346]:     at notifyObjects (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:66:13)
Jun 09 17:31:16 streams node[2346]:     at publishNotification (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:83:10)
Jun 09 17:31:16 streams node[2346]:     at publish (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:101:10)
Jun 09 17:31:16 streams node[2346]:     at o4 (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:18219)
Jun 09 17:31:16 streams node[2346]:     at Object.error (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:18636) {
Jun 09 17:31:16 streams node[2346]:   code: 'ENOSYS'
Jun 09 17:31:16 streams node[2346]: }
Jun 09 17:31:16 streams node[2346]: Error during trace:error publish Error: trace was published but has no subscribers.
Jun 09 17:31:16 streams node[2346]:     at notifyObjects (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:66:13)
Jun 09 17:31:16 streams node[2346]:     at publishNotification (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:83:10)
Jun 09 17:31:16 streams node[2346]:     at publish (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:101:10)
Jun 09 17:31:16 streams node[2346]:     at o4 (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:18219)
Jun 09 17:31:16 streams node[2346]:     at Object.error (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:18636) {
Jun 09 17:31:16 streams node[2346]:   code: 'ENOSYS'
Jun 09 17:31:16 streams node[2346]: }
Jun 09 17:31:16 streams node[2346]: Error during trace:error publish Error: trace was published but has no subscribers.
Jun 09 17:31:16 streams node[2346]:     at notifyObjects (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:66:13)
Jun 09 17:31:16 streams node[2346]:     at publishNotification (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:83:10)
Jun 09 17:31:16 streams node[2346]:     at publish (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:101:10)
Jun 09 17:31:16 streams node[2346]:     at o4 (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:18219)
Jun 09 17:31:16 streams node[2346]:     at Object.error (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:18636) {
Jun 09 17:31:16 streams node[2346]:   code: 'ENOSYS'
Jun 09 17:31:16 streams node[2346]: }
Jun 09 17:31:16 streams node[2346]: Error during trace:error publish Error: trace was published but has no subscribers.
Jun 09 17:31:16 streams node[2346]:     at notifyObjects (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:66:13)
Jun 09 17:31:16 streams node[2346]:     at publishNotification (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:83:10)
Jun 09 17:31:16 streams node[2346]:     at publish (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:101:10)
Jun 09 17:31:16 streams node[2346]:     at o4 (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:18219)
Jun 09 17:31:16 streams node[2346]:     at Object.error (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:18636) {
Jun 09 17:31:16 streams node[2346]:   code: 'ENOSYS'
Jun 09 17:31:16 streams node[2346]: }
Jun 09 17:31:16 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:31:16.430Z - [system] : error reading network data Error: Unexpected speed=0 received by cmd=/usr/bin/sudo -n /sbin/ubnt-systool network-speed enp0s2
Jun 09 17:31:16 streams node[2346]:     at dl (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:22:6530)
Jun 09 17:31:16 streams node[2346]:     at async Promise.all (index 1)
Jun 09 17:31:16 streams node[2346]:     at r (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:24:986)
Jun 09 17:31:16 streams node[2346]:     at async Promise.all (index 1)
Jun 09 17:31:16 streams node[2346]:     at Object.s [as getClientNetwork] (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:24:1161)
Jun 09 17:31:16 streams node[2346]:     at async Promise.all (index 7)
Jun 09 17:31:16 streams node[2346]:     at $ (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:83:25082)
Jun 09 17:31:16 streams node[2346]:     at j (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:83:26785)
Jun 09 17:31:16 streams node[2346]: Error during trace:error publish Error: firmware.getLatestUpdateInfo was published but has no subscribers.
Jun 09 17:31:16 streams node[2346]:     at notifyObjects (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:66:13)
Jun 09 17:31:16 streams node[2346]:     at publishNotification (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:83:10)
Jun 09 17:31:16 streams node[2346]:     at publish (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:101:10)
Jun 09 17:31:16 streams node[2346]:     at $ (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:83:25322)
Jun 09 17:31:16 streams node[2346]:     at j (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:83:26791) {
Jun 09 17:31:16 streams node[2346]:   code: 'ENOSYS'
Jun 09 17:31:16 streams node[2346]: }
Jun 09 17:31:16 streams node[2346]: Error during trace:error publish Error: trace was published but has no subscribers.
Jun 09 17:31:16 streams node[2346]:     at notifyObjects (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:66:13)
Jun 09 17:31:16 streams node[2346]:     at publishNotification (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:83:10)
Jun 09 17:31:16 streams node[2346]:     at publish (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:101:10)
Jun 09 17:31:16 streams node[2346]:     at o4 (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:18219)
Jun 09 17:31:16 streams node[2346]:     at Object.error (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:18636) {
Jun 09 17:31:16 streams node[2346]:   code: 'ENOSYS'
Jun 09 17:31:16 streams node[2346]: }
Jun 09 17:31:16 streams sudo[7243]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:31:16 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:31:16.882Z - [app] : Detached http middleware 0.161s
Jun 09 17:31:16 streams sudo[7259]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:31:17 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:31:17.050Z - [app] : Detached sso middleware 0.135s
Jun 09 17:31:17 streams sudo[7306]: unifi-core : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ubnt-systool network-speed enp0s2
Jun 09 17:31:17 streams sudo[7306]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=998)
Jun 09 17:31:17 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:31:17.484Z - [app] : Detached middleware 0.197s
Jun 09 17:31:17 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:31:17.496Z - [app] : Detached system.ustorage middleware 0.194s
Jun 09 17:31:17 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:31:17.526Z - [app] : Detached backup middleware 0.229s
Jun 09 17:31:17 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:31:17.543Z - [app] : Detached system middleware 0.451s
Jun 09 17:31:17 streams sudo[7306]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:31:17 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:31:17.780Z - [app] : Detached uumMessageBox middleware 0.008s
Jun 09 17:31:17 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:31:17.813Z - [system] : error reading network data Error: Unexpected speed=0 received by cmd=/usr/bin/sudo -n /sbin/ubnt-systool network-speed enp0s2
Jun 09 17:31:17 streams node[2346]:     at dl (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:22:6530)
Jun 09 17:31:17 streams node[2346]:     at async Promise.all (index 1)
Jun 09 17:31:17 streams node[2346]:     at r (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:24:986)
Jun 09 17:31:17 streams node[2346]:     at async Promise.all (index 1)
Jun 09 17:31:17 streams node[2346]:     at Object.s [as getClientNetwork] (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:24:1161)
Jun 09 17:31:17 streams node[2346]:     at async Promise.all (index 7)
Jun 09 17:31:17 streams node[2346]: Error during trace:error publish Error: was published but has no subscribers.
Jun 09 17:31:17 streams node[2346]:     at notifyObjects (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:66:13)
Jun 09 17:31:17 streams node[2346]:     at publishNotification (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:83:10)
Jun 09 17:31:17 streams node[2346]:     at publish (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:101:10)
Jun 09 17:31:17 streams node[2346]:     at a4 (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:16421)
Jun 09 17:31:17 streams node[2346]:     at Sr (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:16634)
Jun 09 17:31:17 streams node[2346]:     at o4 (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:18173)
Jun 09 17:31:17 streams node[2346]:     at Object.error (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:18642)
Jun 09 17:31:17 streams node[2346]:     at tw.exports.log (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:19181)
Jun 09 17:31:17 streams node[2346]:     at transportLog (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/winston/lib/winston/logger.js:234:15)
Jun 09 17:31:17 streams node[2346]:     at /usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/async/lib/async.js:157:13
Jun 09 17:31:17 streams node[2346]:     at _each (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/async/lib/async.js:57:9)
Jun 09 17:31:17 streams node[2346]:     at Object.async.each (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/async/lib/async.js:156:9)
Jun 09 17:31:17 streams node[2346]:     at exports.Logger.Logger.log (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/winston/lib/winston/logger.js:246:9)
Jun 09 17:31:17 streams node[2346]:     at uw.exports.log (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:13:1719)
Jun 09 17:31:17 streams node[2346]:     at Object.s.<computed> [as error] (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:13:2156)
Jun 09 17:31:17 streams node[2346]:     at r (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:24:1109) {
Jun 09 17:31:17 streams node[2346]:   code: 'ENOSYS'
Jun 09 17:31:17 streams node[2346]: }
Jun 09 17:31:18 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:31:17.998Z - [app] : Detached uum middleware 0.425s
Jun 09 17:31:18 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:31:18.178Z - [messageBox] : Unsubscribe token: WAN_TRANSITION
Jun 09 17:31:21 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:31:21.326Z - [controllers.deviceTopology] : Removing 1 device: Unidentified device (No name @ undefined)
Jun 09 17:31:21 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:31:21.337Z - [controllers.deviceTopology] : Adding 1 device: UNVR (No name @ 6AADE043A8DB)
Jun 09 17:31:21 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:31:21.344Z - [controllers.deviceTopology] : Topology now has 1 device
Jun 09 17:31:21 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:31:21.381Z - [app] : Detached webrtc middleware 3.337s
Jun 09 17:31:21 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:31:21.397Z - [uum] : UUM does not appear to be running: apps.fetchManifest was published but has no subscribers.
Jun 09 17:31:21 streams node[2346]: Error during trace:error publish Error: was published but has no subscribers.
Jun 09 17:31:21 streams node[2346]:     at notifyObjects (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:66:13)
Jun 09 17:31:21 streams node[2346]:     at publishNotification (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:83:10)
Jun 09 17:31:21 streams node[2346]:     at publish (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:101:10)
Jun 09 17:31:21 streams node[2346]:     at a4 (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:16421)
Jun 09 17:31:21 streams node[2346]:     at Sr (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:16634)
Jun 09 17:31:21 streams node[2346]:     at o4 (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:18173)
Jun 09 17:31:21 streams node[2346]:     at Object.error (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:18642)
Jun 09 17:31:21 streams node[2346]:     at tw.exports.log (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:19181)
Jun 09 17:31:21 streams node[2346]:     at transportLog (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/winston/lib/winston/logger.js:234:15)
Jun 09 17:31:21 streams node[2346]:     at /usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/async/lib/async.js:157:13
Jun 09 17:31:21 streams node[2346]:     at _each (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/async/lib/async.js:57:9)
Jun 09 17:31:21 streams node[2346]:     at Object.async.each (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/async/lib/async.js:156:9)
Jun 09 17:31:21 streams node[2346]:     at exports.Logger.Logger.log (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/winston/lib/winston/logger.js:246:9)
Jun 09 17:31:21 streams node[2346]:     at uw.exports.log (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:13:1719)
Jun 09 17:31:21 streams node[2346]:     at Object.s.<computed> [as error] (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:13:2156)
Jun 09 17:31:21 streams node[2346]:     at U (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:88:69418) {
Jun 09 17:31:21 streams node[2346]:   code: 'ENOSYS'
Jun 09 17:31:21 streams node[2346]: }
Jun 09 17:31:21 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:31:21.829Z - [fingerprint] : UI DB data saved to local file (version 9e47c0d78e3d94f15668ce883a73206e53565668)
Jun 09 17:31:21 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:31:21.939Z - [app] : Detached messageBox middleware 0.088s
Jun 09 17:31:21 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:31:21.970Z - [app] : Detached ipc middleware 0.19s
Jun 09 17:31:22 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:31:22.106Z - [controllers.deviceList] : Adding UNVR (6AADE043A8DB) from  device discovery
Jun 09 17:31:22 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:31:22.183Z - [controllers.deviceList] : Couldn't publish to MessageBox: Error: was published but has no subscribers.
Jun 09 17:31:22 streams node[2346]:     at notifyObjects (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:66:13)
Jun 09 17:31:22 streams node[2346]:     at publishNotification (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:83:10)
Jun 09 17:31:22 streams node[2346]:     at publish (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:101:10)
Jun 09 17:31:22 streams node[2346]:     at a (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:83:49625)
Jun 09 17:31:22 streams node[2346]:     at Object.publishUpdatedFull (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:83:49884)
Jun 09 17:31:22 streams node[2346]:     at E (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:83:54265)
Jun 09 17:31:22 streams node[2346]:     at o (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:88:95627)
Jun 09 17:31:22 streams node[2346]:     at n (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:88:97685)
Jun 09 17:31:22 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:31:22.270Z - [controllers.deviceList] : Couldn't publish to MessageBox: Error: was published but has no subscribers.
Jun 09 17:31:22 streams node[2346]:     at notifyObjects (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:66:13)
Jun 09 17:31:22 streams node[2346]:     at publishNotification (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:83:10)
Jun 09 17:31:22 streams node[2346]:     at publish (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:101:10)
Jun 09 17:31:22 streams node[2346]:     at a (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:83:49625)
Jun 09 17:31:22 streams node[2346]:     at Object.publishUpdatedPartial (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:83:50028)
Jun 09 17:31:22 streams node[2346]:     at E (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:83:54437)
Jun 09 17:31:22 streams node[2346]:     at o (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:88:95627)
Jun 09 17:31:22 streams node[2346]:     at n (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:88:97685)
Jun 09 17:31:22 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:31:22.336Z - [floorplans] : Failed to update floorplan data: Error: db.getClient was published but has no subscribers.
Jun 09 17:31:22 streams node[2346]:     at notifyObjects (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:66:13)
Jun 09 17:31:22 streams node[2346]:     at publishNotification (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:83:10)
Jun 09 17:31:22 streams node[2346]:     at publish (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:101:10)
Jun 09 17:31:22 streams node[2346]:     at l (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:101:3353)
Jun 09 17:31:22 streams node[2346]:     at b (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:101:4545)
Jun 09 17:31:22 streams node[2346]:     at /usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:101:5621
Jun 09 17:31:22 streams node[2346]:     at createTaskIterator (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/@redux-saga/core/dist/
Jun 09 17:31:22 streams node[2346]:     at runForkEffect (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/@redux-saga/core/dist/
Jun 09 17:31:22 streams node[2346]:     at runEffect (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/@redux-saga/core/dist/
Jun 09 17:31:22 streams node[2346]:     at digestEffect (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/@redux-saga/core/dist/
Jun 09 17:31:22 streams node[2346]:     at next (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/@redux-saga/core/dist/
Jun 09 17:31:22 streams node[2346]:     at currCb (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/@redux-saga/core/dist/
Jun 09 17:31:22 streams node[2346]:     at takeCb (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/@redux-saga/core/dist/
Jun 09 17:31:22 streams node[2346]:     at put (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/@redux-saga/core/dist/
Jun 09 17:31:22 streams node[2346]:     at /usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/@redux-saga/core/dist/
Jun 09 17:31:22 streams node[2346]:     at exec (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/@redux-saga/core/dist/
Jun 09 17:31:22 streams node[2346]: Error during trace:error publish Error: was published but has no subscribers.
Jun 09 17:31:22 streams node[2346]:     at notifyObjects (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:66:13)
Jun 09 17:31:22 streams node[2346]:     at publishNotification (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:83:10)
Jun 09 17:31:22 streams node[2346]:     at publish (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:101:10)
Jun 09 17:31:22 streams node[2346]:     at a4 (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:16421)
Jun 09 17:31:22 streams node[2346]:     at Sr (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:16634)
Jun 09 17:31:22 streams node[2346]:     at o4 (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:18173)
Jun 09 17:31:22 streams node[2346]:     at Object.error (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:18642)
Jun 09 17:31:22 streams node[2346]:     at tw.exports.log (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:19181)
Jun 09 17:31:22 streams node[2346]:     at transportLog (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/winston/lib/winston/logger.js:234:15)
Jun 09 17:31:22 streams node[2346]:     at /usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/async/lib/async.js:157:13
Jun 09 17:31:22 streams node[2346]:     at _each (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/async/lib/async.js:57:9)
Jun 09 17:31:22 streams node[2346]:     at Object.async.each (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/async/lib/async.js:156:9)
Jun 09 17:31:22 streams node[2346]:     at exports.Logger.Logger.log (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/winston/lib/winston/logger.js:246:9)
Jun 09 17:31:22 streams node[2346]:     at uw.exports.log (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:13:1719)
Jun 09 17:31:22 streams node[2346]:     at Object.s.<computed> [as error] (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:13:2156)
Jun 09 17:31:22 streams node[2346]:     at b (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:101:5213) {
Jun 09 17:31:22 streams node[2346]:   code: 'ENOSYS'
Jun 09 17:31:22 streams node[2346]: }
Jun 09 17:31:22 streams sudo[3419]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:31:22 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:31:22.688Z - [app] : Detached redux.wsUpdates middleware 0.179s
Jun 09 17:31:22 streams node[2346]: Error: system.device was published but has no subscribers.
Jun 09 17:31:22 streams node[2346]:     at notifyObjects (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:66:13)
Jun 09 17:31:22 streams node[2346]:     at publishNotification (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:83:10)
Jun 09 17:31:22 streams node[2346]:     at publish (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:101:10)
Jun 09 17:31:22 streams node[2346]:     at /usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:17:12888
Jun 09 17:31:22 streams node[2346]:     at /usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/set-interval-async/dynamic/index.js:147:13
Jun 09 17:31:22 streams node[2346]:     at (<anonymous>)
Jun 09 17:31:22 streams node[2346]:     at asyncGeneratorStep (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/set-interval-async/node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/asyncToGenerator.js:3:24)
Jun 09 17:31:22 streams node[2346]:     at _next (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/set-interval-async/node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/asyncToGenerator.js:25:9)
Jun 09 17:31:22 streams node[2346]:     at /usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/set-interval-async/node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/asyncToGenerator.js:32:7
Jun 09 17:31:22 streams node[2346]:     at new Promise (<anonymous>)
Jun 09 17:31:22 streams node[2346]:     at /usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/set-interval-async/node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/asyncToGenerator.js:21:12
Jun 09 17:31:22 streams node[2346]:     at Timeout.timeoutHandler [as _onTimeout] (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/set-interval-async/dynamic/index.js:162:5)
Jun 09 17:31:22 streams node[2346]:     at listOnTimeout (node:internal/timers:561:11)
Jun 09 17:31:22 streams node[2346]:     at processTimers (node:internal/timers:502:7) {
Jun 09 17:31:22 streams node[2346]:   code: 'ENOSYS'
Jun 09 17:31:22 streams node[2346]: }
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:31:23.230Z - [discovery.client] : Discovery error,  Error: was published but has no subscribers.
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]:     at notifyObjects (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:66:13)
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]:     at publishNotification (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:83:10)
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]:     at publish (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:101:10)
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]:     at n (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:88:96998)
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]:     at /usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/set-interval-async/dynamic/index.js:147:13
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]:     at (<anonymous>)
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]:     at asyncGeneratorStep (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/set-interval-async/node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/asyncToGenerator.js:3:24)
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]:     at _next (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/set-interval-async/node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/asyncToGenerator.js:25:9)
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]:     at /usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/set-interval-async/node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/asyncToGenerator.js:32:7
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]:     at new Promise (<anonymous>)
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]:     at /usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/set-interval-async/node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/asyncToGenerator.js:21:12
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]:     at Timeout.timeoutHandler [as _onTimeout] (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/set-interval-async/dynamic/index.js:162:5)
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]:     at listOnTimeout (node:internal/timers:561:11)
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]:     at processTimers (node:internal/timers:502:7)
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:31:23.251Z - [app] : Detached redux middleware 0.753s
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]: Error during trace:error publish Error: was published but has no subscribers.
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]:     at notifyObjects (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:66:13)
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]:     at publishNotification (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:83:10)
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]:     at publish (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:101:10)
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]:     at a4 (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:16421)
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]:     at Sr (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:16634)
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]:     at o4 (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:18173)
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]:     at Object.error (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:18642)
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]:     at tw.exports.log (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:19181)
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]:     at transportLog (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/winston/lib/winston/logger.js:234:15)
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]:     at /usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/async/lib/async.js:157:13
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]:     at _each (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/async/lib/async.js:57:9)
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]:     at Object.async.each (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/async/lib/async.js:156:9)
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]:     at exports.Logger.Logger.log (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/winston/lib/winston/logger.js:246:9)
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]:     at uw.exports.log (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:13:1719)
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]:     at Object.s.<computed> [as error] (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:13:2156)
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]:     at n (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:88:97707) {
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]:   code: 'ENOSYS'
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]: }
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:31:23.367Z - [app] : Detached sdnotify middleware 0.014s
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:31:23.437Z - [app] : Detached fingerprint middleware 0.057s
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:31:23.727Z - [discovery.responder] : Failed to redux.saga.remove: Error: redux.saga.remove was published but has no subscribers.
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]:     at notifyObjects (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:66:13)
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]:     at publishNotification (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:83:10)
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]:     at publish (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:101:10)
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]:     at /usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:88:102542
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]:     at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]:     at /usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:88:102531
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]:     at /usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:88:102839
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]:     at tryCatcher (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/util.js:16:23)
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]:     at MappingPromiseArray._promiseFulfilled (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/map.js:68:38)
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]:     at Promise._settlePromise (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/promise.js:609:26)
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]:     at Promise._settlePromise0 (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/promise.js:649:10)
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]:     at Promise._settlePromises (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/promise.js:729:18)
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]:     at _drainQueueStep (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/async.js:93:12)
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]:     at _drainQueue (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/async.js:86:9)
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]:     at Async._drainQueues (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/async.js:102:5)
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]:     at Immediate.Async.drainQueues (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/async.js:15:14)
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:31:23.803Z - [discovery.responder] : Failed to redux.saga.remove: Error: redux.saga.remove was published but has no subscribers.
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]:     at notifyObjects (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:66:13)
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]:     at publishNotification (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:83:10)
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]:     at publish (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:101:10)
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]:     at /usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:88:102542
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]:     at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]:     at /usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:88:102531
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]:     at /usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:88:102839
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]:     at tryCatcher (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/util.js:16:23)
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]:     at MappingPromiseArray._promiseFulfilled (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/map.js:68:38)
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]:     at Promise._settlePromise (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/promise.js:609:26)
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]:     at Promise._settlePromise0 (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/promise.js:649:10)
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]:     at Promise._settlePromises (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/promise.js:729:18)
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]:     at _drainQueueStep (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/async.js:93:12)
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]:     at _drainQueue (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/async.js:86:9)
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]:     at Async._drainQueues (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/async.js:102:5)
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]:     at Immediate.Async.drainQueues (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/async.js:15:14)
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]: Error during trace:error publish Error: was published but has no subscribers.
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]:     at notifyObjects (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:66:13)
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]:     at publishNotification (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:83:10)
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]:     at publish (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:101:10)
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]:     at a4 (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:16421)
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]:     at Sr (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:16634)
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]:     at o4 (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:18173)
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]:     at Object.error (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:18642)
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]:     at tw.exports.log (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:19181)
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]:     at transportLog (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/winston/lib/winston/logger.js:234:15)
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]:     at /usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/async/lib/async.js:157:13
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]:     at _each (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/async/lib/async.js:57:9)
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]:     at Object.async.each (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/async/lib/async.js:156:9)
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]:     at exports.Logger.Logger.log (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/winston/lib/winston/logger.js:246:9)
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]:     at uw.exports.log (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:13:1719)
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]:     at Object.s.<computed> [as error] (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:13:2156)
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]:     at /usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:88:102580 {
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]:   code: 'ENOSYS'
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]: }
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]: Error during trace:error publish Error: was published but has no subscribers.
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]:     at notifyObjects (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:66:13)
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]:     at publishNotification (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:83:10)
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]:     at publish (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:101:10)
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]:     at a4 (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:16421)
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]:     at Sr (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:16634)
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]:     at o4 (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:18173)
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]:     at Object.error (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:18642)
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]:     at tw.exports.log (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:19181)
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]:     at transportLog (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/winston/lib/winston/logger.js:234:15)
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]:     at /usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/async/lib/async.js:157:13
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]:     at _each (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/async/lib/async.js:57:9)
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]:     at Object.async.each (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/async/lib/async.js:156:9)
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]:     at exports.Logger.Logger.log (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/winston/lib/winston/logger.js:246:9)
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]:     at uw.exports.log (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:13:1719)
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]:     at Object.s.<computed> [as error] (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:13:2156)
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]:     at /usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:88:102580 {
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]:   code: 'ENOSYS'
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]: }
Jun 09 17:31:23 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:31:23.956Z - [app] : Detached discovery middleware 0.506s
Jun 09 17:31:24 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:31:23.982Z - [app] : Detached chiper middleware 0.011s
Jun 09 17:31:24 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:31:24.010Z - [app] : Detached health middleware 0.012s
Jun 09 17:31:24 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:31:24.057Z - [app] : Detached notifications middleware 0.031s
Jun 09 17:31:24 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:31:24.281Z - [floorplans] : Failed to redux.saga.remove: Error: redux.saga.remove was published but has no subscribers.
Jun 09 17:31:24 streams node[2346]:     at notifyObjects (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:66:13)
Jun 09 17:31:24 streams node[2346]:     at publishNotification (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:83:10)
Jun 09 17:31:24 streams node[2346]:     at publish (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:101:10)
Jun 09 17:31:24 streams node[2346]:     at /usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:101:5697
Jun 09 17:31:24 streams node[2346]:     at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
Jun 09 17:31:24 streams node[2346]:     at /usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:101:5686
Jun 09 17:31:24 streams node[2346]:     at /usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:28:39947
Jun 09 17:31:24 streams node[2346]:     at /usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:101:7648
Jun 09 17:31:24 streams node[2346]:     at tryCatcher (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/util.js:16:23)
Jun 09 17:31:24 streams node[2346]:     at Object.gotValue (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/reduce.js:166:18)
Jun 09 17:31:24 streams node[2346]:     at Object.tryCatcher (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/util.js:16:23)
Jun 09 17:31:24 streams node[2346]:     at Promise._settlePromiseFromHandler (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/promise.js:547:31)
Jun 09 17:31:24 streams node[2346]:     at Promise._settlePromise (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/promise.js:604:18)
Jun 09 17:31:24 streams node[2346]:     at Promise._settlePromise0 (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/promise.js:649:10)
Jun 09 17:31:24 streams node[2346]:     at Promise._settlePromises (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/promise.js:729:18)
Jun 09 17:31:24 streams node[2346]:     at _drainQueueStep (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/async.js:93:12)
Jun 09 17:31:24 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:31:24.302Z - [app] : Detached floorplans middleware 0.108s
Jun 09 17:31:24 streams node[2346]: Error during trace:error publish Error: was published but has no subscribers.
Jun 09 17:31:24 streams node[2346]:     at notifyObjects (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:66:13)
Jun 09 17:31:24 streams node[2346]:     at publishNotification (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:83:10)
Jun 09 17:31:24 streams node[2346]:     at publish (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/handoff/handoff.js:101:10)
Jun 09 17:31:24 streams node[2346]:     at a4 (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:16421)
Jun 09 17:31:24 streams node[2346]:     at Sr (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:16634)
Jun 09 17:31:24 streams node[2346]:     at o4 (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:18173)
Jun 09 17:31:24 streams node[2346]:     at Object.error (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:18642)
Jun 09 17:31:24 streams node[2346]:     at tw.exports.log (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:7:19181)
Jun 09 17:31:24 streams node[2346]:     at transportLog (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/winston/lib/winston/logger.js:234:15)
Jun 09 17:31:24 streams node[2346]:     at /usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/async/lib/async.js:157:13
Jun 09 17:31:24 streams node[2346]:     at _each (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/async/lib/async.js:57:9)
Jun 09 17:31:24 streams node[2346]:     at Object.async.each (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/async/lib/async.js:156:9)
Jun 09 17:31:24 streams node[2346]:     at exports.Logger.Logger.log (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/winston/lib/winston/logger.js:246:9)
Jun 09 17:31:24 streams node[2346]:     at uw.exports.log (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:13:1719)
Jun 09 17:31:24 streams node[2346]:     at Object.s.<computed> [as error] (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:13:2156)
Jun 09 17:31:24 streams node[2346]:     at /usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:101:5735 {
Jun 09 17:31:24 streams node[2346]:   code: 'ENOSYS'
Jun 09 17:31:24 streams node[2346]: }
Jun 09 17:31:24 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:31:24.397Z - [app] : Detached sharedTokens middleware 0.017s
Jun 09 17:31:24 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:31:24.412Z - [grpc] : Unsubscribe from gRPC
Jun 09 17:31:24 streams node[2346]: 2023-06-09T15:31:24.422Z - [app] : Detached grpc middleware 0.013s
Jun 09 17:31:25 streams systemd[1]: unifi-core.service: Succeeded.
░░ Subject: Unit succeeded
░░ Defined-By: systemd
░░ Support:
░░ The unit unifi-core.service has successfully entered the 'dead' state.
Jun 09 17:31:25 streams systemd[1]: unifi-core.service: Unit process 2697 (sh) remains running after unit stopped.
Jun 09 17:31:25 streams systemd[1]: unifi-core.service: Unit process 2700 (sudo) remains running after unit stopped.
Jun 09 17:31:25 streams systemd[1]: unifi-core.service: Unit process 2703 (systemctl) remains running after unit stopped.
Jun 09 17:31:25 streams systemd[1]: unifi-core.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 1.
░░ Subject: Automatic restarting of a unit has been scheduled
░░ Defined-By: systemd
░░ Support:
░░ Automatic restarting of the unit unifi-core.service has been scheduled, as the result for
░░ the configured Restart= setting for the unit.
Jun 09 17:31:25 streams systemd[1]: Stopped UniFi Core.
░░ Subject: A stop job for unit unifi-core.service has finished
░░ Defined-By: systemd
░░ Support:
░░ A stop job for unit unifi-core.service has finished.
░░ The job identifier is 121 and the job result is done.
Jun 09 17:31:25 streams systemd[1]: unifi-core.service: Found left-over process 2697 (sh) in control group while starting unit. Ignoring.
Jun 09 17:31:25 streams systemd[1]: This usually indicates unclean termination of a previous run, or service implementation deficiencies.
Jun 09 17:31:25 streams systemd[1]: unifi-core.service: Found left-over process 2700 (sudo) in control group while starting unit. Ignoring.
Jun 09 17:31:25 streams systemd[1]: This usually indicates unclean termination of a previous run, or service implementation deficiencies.
Jun 09 17:31:25 streams systemd[1]: unifi-core.service: Found left-over process 2703 (systemctl) in control group while starting unit. Ignoring.
Jun 09 17:31:25 streams systemd[1]: This usually indicates unclean termination of a previous run, or service implementation deficiencies.
Jun 09 17:31:25 streams systemd[1]: Starting UniFi Core...
░░ Subject: A start job for unit unifi-core.service has begun execution
░░ Defined-By: systemd
░░ Support:
░░ A start job for unit unifi-core.service has begun execution.
░░ The job identifier is 121.
Jun 09 17:31:26 streams sudo[7348]:     root : PWD=/usr/share/unifi-core/app ; USER=postgres ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/createuser unifi-core -p 5432 -d
Jun 09 17:31:26 streams sudo[7348]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user postgres(uid=104) by (uid=0)
Jun 09 17:31:27 streams pre-start[7351]: createuser: error: creation of new role failed: ERROR:  role "unifi-core" already exists
Jun 09 17:31:28 streams sudo[7348]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user postgres
Jun 09 17:31:30 streams systemd[1]: systemd-timedated.service: Succeeded.
░░ Subject: Unit succeeded
░░ Defined-By: systemd
░░ Support:
░░ The unit systemd-timedated.service has successfully entered the 'dead' state.
Jun 09 17:31:59 streams node[7385]: Skip UbiOS migration due to no migration data at "/data/ubios-migration-data.tar"
Jun 09 17:31:59 streams node[7385]: no file, no need to migrate
Jun 09 17:32:02 streams node[7385]: error: database "unifi-protect" does not exist
Jun 09 17:32:02 streams node[7385]:     at Parser.parseErrorMessage (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/pg-protocol/dist/parser.js:287:98)
Jun 09 17:32:02 streams node[7385]:     at Parser.handlePacket (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/pg-protocol/dist/parser.js:126:29)
Jun 09 17:32:02 streams node[7385]:     at Parser.parse (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/pg-protocol/dist/parser.js:39:38)
Jun 09 17:32:02 streams node[7385]:     at Socket.<anonymous> (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/pg-protocol/dist/index.js:11:42)
Jun 09 17:32:02 streams node[7385]:     at Socket.emit (node:events:513:28)
Jun 09 17:32:02 streams node[7385]:     at addChunk (node:internal/streams/readable:315:12)
Jun 09 17:32:02 streams node[7385]:     at readableAddChunk (node:internal/streams/readable:289:9)
Jun 09 17:32:02 streams node[7385]:     at Socket.Readable.push (node:internal/streams/readable:228:10)
Jun 09 17:32:02 streams node[7385]:     at TCP.onStreamRead (node:internal/stream_base_commons:190:23) {
Jun 09 17:32:02 streams node[7385]:   length: 98,
Jun 09 17:32:02 streams node[7385]:   severity: 'FATAL',
Jun 09 17:32:02 streams node[7385]:   code: '3D000',
Jun 09 17:32:02 streams node[7385]:   detail: undefined,
Jun 09 17:32:02 streams node[7385]:   hint: undefined,
Jun 09 17:32:02 streams node[7385]:   position: undefined,
Jun 09 17:32:02 streams node[7385]:   internalPosition: undefined,
Jun 09 17:32:02 streams node[7385]:   internalQuery: undefined,
Jun 09 17:32:02 streams node[7385]:   where: undefined,
Jun 09 17:32:02 streams node[7385]:   schema: undefined,
Jun 09 17:32:02 streams node[7385]:   table: undefined,
Jun 09 17:32:02 streams node[7385]:   column: undefined,
Jun 09 17:32:02 streams node[7385]:   dataType: undefined,
Jun 09 17:32:02 streams node[7385]:   constraint: undefined,
Jun 09 17:32:02 streams node[7385]:   file: 'postinit.c',
Jun 09 17:32:02 streams node[7385]:   line: '885',
Jun 09 17:32:02 streams node[7385]:   routine: 'InitPostgres'
Jun 09 17:32:02 streams node[7385]: }
Jun 09 17:32:02 streams systemd[1]: unifi-core.service: Found left-over process 2697 (sh) in control group while starting unit. Ignoring.
Jun 09 17:32:02 streams systemd[1]: This usually indicates unclean termination of a previous run, or service implementation deficiencies.
Jun 09 17:32:02 streams systemd[1]: unifi-core.service: Found left-over process 2700 (sudo) in control group while starting unit. Ignoring.
Jun 09 17:32:02 streams systemd[1]: This usually indicates unclean termination of a previous run, or service implementation deficiencies.
Jun 09 17:32:02 streams systemd[1]: unifi-core.service: Found left-over process 2703 (systemctl) in control group while starting unit. Ignoring.
Jun 09 17:32:02 streams systemd[1]: This usually indicates unclean termination of a previous run, or service implementation deficiencies.

That's quite the mouthfull ;)

kiwimato commented 1 year ago

I think you used a different character, on PC and laptops so anything else than Macs the backtick key ` is right before 1. Did you remove the unifi-protect volume folder before starting the container? because having data from before can cause a lot of problems I'll look into it, but sadly this thing creates soooo many logs which makes them ridiculously hard to read.

gurkburk76 commented 1 year ago

I did clear out /storage if that's what you are asking.

kiwimato commented 1 year ago

can you run these commands ? maybe it will help figure out which service failed.

systemctl status postgresql@14-protect.service 
systemctl status postgresql@14-main.service 
systemctl status ulp-go.service
systemctl status unifi-core.service 
systemctl status  unifi-protect.service 
gurkburk76 commented 1 year ago
root@streams:/# systemctl status postgresql@14-protect.service
● postgresql@14-protect.service - PostgreSQL Cluster 14-protect
     Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/postgresql@.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
    Drop-In: /lib/systemd/system/postgresql@14-protect.service.d
             └─clean-postmaster-pid.conf, unifi-protect.conf
     Active: active (running) since Fri 2023-06-09 17:22:02 CEST; 18min ago
   Main PID: 493 (postgres)
      Tasks: 14 (limit: 14230)
     Memory: 40.0M
     CGroup: /docker/d30c9c12e951356b073ddae1442a2905b719f446cefd01a533efeeb2098d6a6c/system.slice/system-postgresql.slice/postgresql@14-protect.service
             ├─493 /usr/libexec/qemu-binfmt/aarch64-binfmt-P /usr/lib/postgresql/14/bin/postgres /usr/lib/postgresql/14/bin/postgres -D /srv/postgresql/14/protect/data -c config_file=/etc/postgresql/14/protect/postgresql.conf
             ├─499 /usr/libexec/qemu-binfmt/aarch64-binfmt-P /usr/lib/postgresql/14/bin/postgres /usr/lib/postgresql/14/bin/postgres -D /srv/postgresql/14/protect/data -c config_file=/etc/postgresql/14/protect/postgresql.conf
             ├─501 /usr/libexec/qemu-binfmt/aarch64-binfmt-P /usr/lib/postgresql/14/bin/postgres /usr/lib/postgresql/14/bin/postgres -D /srv/postgresql/14/protect/data -c config_file=/etc/postgresql/14/protect/postgresql.conf
             ├─503 /usr/libexec/qemu-binfmt/aarch64-binfmt-P /usr/lib/postgresql/14/bin/postgres /usr/lib/postgresql/14/bin/postgres -D /srv/postgresql/14/protect/data -c config_file=/etc/postgresql/14/protect/postgresql.conf
             ├─505 /usr/libexec/qemu-binfmt/aarch64-binfmt-P /usr/lib/postgresql/14/bin/postgres /usr/lib/postgresql/14/bin/postgres -D /srv/postgresql/14/protect/data -c config_file=/etc/postgresql/14/protect/postgresql.conf
             ├─507 /usr/libexec/qemu-binfmt/aarch64-binfmt-P /usr/lib/postgresql/14/bin/postgres /usr/lib/postgresql/14/bin/postgres -D /srv/postgresql/14/protect/data -c config_file=/etc/postgresql/14/protect/postgresql.conf
             └─509 /usr/libexec/qemu-binfmt/aarch64-binfmt-P /usr/lib/postgresql/14/bin/postgres /usr/lib/postgresql/14/bin/postgres -D /srv/postgresql/14/protect/data -c config_file=/etc/postgresql/14/protect/postgresql.conf

Jun 09 17:21:54 streams systemd[1]: Starting PostgreSQL Cluster 14-protect...
Jun 09 17:22:02 streams systemd[1]: Started PostgreSQL Cluster 14-protect.
root@streams:/# systemctl status postgresql@14-main.service
● postgresql@14-main.service - PostgreSQL Cluster 14-main
     Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/postgresql@.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
     Active: active (running) since Fri 2023-06-09 17:21:45 CEST; 19min ago
   Main PID: 364 (postgres)
      Tasks: 22 (limit: 14230)
     Memory: 167.7M
     CGroup: /docker/d30c9c12e951356b073ddae1442a2905b719f446cefd01a533efeeb2098d6a6c/system.slice/system-postgresql.slice/postgresql@14-main.service
             ├─ 364 /usr/libexec/qemu-binfmt/aarch64-binfmt-P /usr/lib/postgresql/14/bin/postgres /usr/lib/postgresql/14/bin/postgres -D /var/lib/postgresql/14/main -c config_file=/etc/postgresql/14/main/postgresql.conf
             ├─ 373 /usr/libexec/qemu-binfmt/aarch64-binfmt-P /usr/lib/postgresql/14/bin/postgres /usr/lib/postgresql/14/bin/postgres -D /var/lib/postgresql/14/main -c config_file=/etc/postgresql/14/main/postgresql.conf
             ├─ 375 /usr/libexec/qemu-binfmt/aarch64-binfmt-P /usr/lib/postgresql/14/bin/postgres /usr/lib/postgresql/14/bin/postgres -D /var/lib/postgresql/14/main -c config_file=/etc/postgresql/14/main/postgresql.conf
             ├─ 377 /usr/libexec/qemu-binfmt/aarch64-binfmt-P /usr/lib/postgresql/14/bin/postgres /usr/lib/postgresql/14/bin/postgres -D /var/lib/postgresql/14/main -c config_file=/etc/postgresql/14/main/postgresql.conf
             ├─ 379 /usr/libexec/qemu-binfmt/aarch64-binfmt-P /usr/lib/postgresql/14/bin/postgres /usr/lib/postgresql/14/bin/postgres -D /var/lib/postgresql/14/main -c config_file=/etc/postgresql/14/main/postgresql.conf
             ├─ 381 /usr/libexec/qemu-binfmt/aarch64-binfmt-P /usr/lib/postgresql/14/bin/postgres /usr/lib/postgresql/14/bin/postgres -D /var/lib/postgresql/14/main -c config_file=/etc/postgresql/14/main/postgresql.conf
             ├─ 383 /usr/libexec/qemu-binfmt/aarch64-binfmt-P /usr/lib/postgresql/14/bin/postgres /usr/lib/postgresql/14/bin/postgres -D /var/lib/postgresql/14/main -c config_file=/etc/postgresql/14/main/postgresql.conf
             ├─1125 /usr/libexec/qemu-binfmt/aarch64-binfmt-P /usr/lib/postgresql/14/bin/postgres /usr/lib/postgresql/14/bin/postgres -D /var/lib/postgresql/14/main -c config_file=/etc/postgresql/14/main/postgresql.conf
             ├─1148 /usr/libexec/qemu-binfmt/aarch64-binfmt-P /usr/lib/postgresql/14/bin/postgres /usr/lib/postgresql/14/bin/postgres -D /var/lib/postgresql/14/main -c config_file=/etc/postgresql/14/main/postgresql.conf
             ├─2068 /usr/libexec/qemu-binfmt/aarch64-binfmt-P /usr/lib/postgresql/14/bin/postgres /usr/lib/postgresql/14/bin/postgres -D /var/lib/postgresql/14/main -c config_file=/etc/postgresql/14/main/postgresql.conf
             └─2072 /usr/libexec/qemu-binfmt/aarch64-binfmt-P /usr/lib/postgresql/14/bin/postgres /usr/lib/postgresql/14/bin/postgres -D /var/lib/postgresql/14/main -c config_file=/etc/postgresql/14/main/postgresql.conf

Jun 09 17:21:38 streams systemd[1]: Starting PostgreSQL Cluster 14-main...
Jun 09 17:21:45 streams systemd[1]: Started PostgreSQL Cluster 14-main.
root@streams:/# systemctl status ulp-go.service
● ulp-go.service - ULP-GO
     Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/ulp-go.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
     Active: active (running) since Fri 2023-06-09 17:24:06 CEST; 16min ago
    Process: 543 ExecStartPre=/usr/lib/ulp-go/scripts/service/ (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
    Process: 1085 ExecStart=/usr/lib/ulp-go/scripts/service/ (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
   Main PID: 1106 (ulp-go-app)
     Status: "{"controllerStatus":"READY","isConfigured":false,"version":"1.5.7+2224"}"
      Tasks: 12 (limit: 14230)
     Memory: 63.9M
     CGroup: /docker/d30c9c12e951356b073ddae1442a2905b719f446cefd01a533efeeb2098d6a6c/system.slice/ulp-go.service
             └─1106 /usr/libexec/qemu-binfmt/aarch64-binfmt-P /usr/sbin/ulp-go-app /usr/sbin/ulp-go-app --prop /usr/lib/ulp-go/config.props

Jun 09 17:23:41 streams sudo[1551]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=999)
Jun 09 17:23:42 streams sudo[1551]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:24:06 streams[1085]: waiting for ulp-go app starting completed......................................................................................SUCCESS, consumed 83 seconds
Jun 09 17:24:06 streams systemd[1]: Started ULP-GO.
Jun 09 17:24:15 streams sudo[1897]:   ulp-go : PWD=/data/ulp-go ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ubnt-tools id
Jun 09 17:24:15 streams sudo[1897]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=999)
Jun 09 17:24:16 streams sudo[1897]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 09 17:33:41 streams sudo[7697]:   ulp-go : PWD=/data/ulp-go ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ubnt-tools id
Jun 09 17:33:41 streams sudo[7697]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=999)
Jun 09 17:33:41 streams sudo[7697]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
root@streams:/# systemctl status unifi-core.service
● unifi-core.service - UniFi Core
     Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/unifi-core.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
     Active: activating (start) since Fri 2023-06-09 17:39:08 CEST; 1min 59s ago
    Process: 12682 ExecStartPre=/usr/share/unifi-core/app/hooks/pre-start (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
    Process: 12724 ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/node /usr/share/unifi-core/app/premigrate.js (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
   Main PID: 13009 (node)
      Tasks: 20 (limit: 14230)
     Memory: 212.0M (max: 1.0G)
     CGroup: /docker/d30c9c12e951356b073ddae1442a2905b719f446cefd01a533efeeb2098d6a6c/system.slice/unifi-core.service
             ├─ 2697 /usr/libexec/qemu-binfmt/aarch64-binfmt-P /bin/sh /bin/sh -c sudo -n systemctl is-system-running --wait
             ├─ 2700 /usr/libexec/qemu-binfmt/aarch64-binfmt-P /usr/bin/sudo sudo -n systemctl is-system-running --wait
             ├─ 2703 /usr/libexec/qemu-binfmt/aarch64-binfmt-P /bin/systemctl systemctl is-system-running --wait
             ├─ 8081 /usr/libexec/qemu-binfmt/aarch64-binfmt-P /bin/sh /bin/sh -c sudo -n systemctl is-system-running --wait
             ├─ 8084 /usr/libexec/qemu-binfmt/aarch64-binfmt-P /usr/bin/sudo sudo -n systemctl is-system-running --wait
             ├─ 8087 /usr/libexec/qemu-binfmt/aarch64-binfmt-P /bin/systemctl systemctl is-system-running --wait
             └─13009 /usr/libexec/qemu-binfmt/aarch64-binfmt-P /usr/bin/node /usr/bin/node --expose-gc --optimize-for-size --memory-reducer --max-old-space-size=1024 /usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js

Jun 09 17:39:46 streams systemd[1]: unifi-core.service: Found left-over process 2700 (sudo) in control group while starting unit. Ignoring.
Jun 09 17:39:46 streams systemd[1]: This usually indicates unclean termination of a previous run, or service implementation deficiencies.
Jun 09 17:39:46 streams systemd[1]: unifi-core.service: Found left-over process 2703 (systemctl) in control group while starting unit. Ignoring.
Jun 09 17:39:46 streams systemd[1]: This usually indicates unclean termination of a previous run, or service implementation deficiencies.
Jun 09 17:39:46 streams systemd[1]: unifi-core.service: Found left-over process 8081 (sh) in control group while starting unit. Ignoring.
Jun 09 17:39:46 streams systemd[1]: This usually indicates unclean termination of a previous run, or service implementation deficiencies.
Jun 09 17:39:46 streams systemd[1]: unifi-core.service: Found left-over process 8084 (sudo) in control group while starting unit. Ignoring.
Jun 09 17:39:46 streams systemd[1]: This usually indicates unclean termination of a previous run, or service implementation deficiencies.
Jun 09 17:39:46 streams systemd[1]: unifi-core.service: Found left-over process 8087 (systemctl) in control group while starting unit. Ignoring.
Jun 09 17:39:46 streams systemd[1]: This usually indicates unclean termination of a previous run, or service implementation deficiencies.
root@streams:/# systemctl status  unifi-protect.service
● unifi-protect.service - UniFi Protect
     Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/unifi-protect.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
     Active: inactive (dead) (Result: timeout) since Fri 2023-06-09 17:39:50 CEST; 1min 26s ago
    Process: 2956 ExecStartPre=/usr/share/unifi-protect/app/hooks/pre-start (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
    Process: 3194 ExecStartPre=/bin/bash -c /bin/systemctl set-environment UFP_RECORDING_DISABLED=$( ! mountpoint -q /srv && [ ! -L /srv ] && echo 'true' ) (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
    Process: 3267 ExecStartPre=/bin/bash -c /bin/systemctl set-environment UFP_RECORDING_MOTION_ONLY=$( mountpoint -q /ssd1 && ! mountpoint -q /srv && [ ! -L /srv ] && echo 'true' ) (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
    Process: 3289 ExecStart=/usr/bin/node --expose-gc --optimize-for-size --memory-reducer --max-old-space-size=512 --v8-pool-size=16 --no-use-idle-notification --title=unifi-protect /usr/share/unifi-protect/app/service.js (code=killed, signal=TERM)
    Process: 12995 ExecStopPost=/usr/share/unifi-protect/app/hooks/post-stop (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
   Main PID: 3289 (code=killed, signal=TERM)

Jun 09 17:39:49 streams systemd[1]: unifi-protect.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 1.
Jun 09 17:39:50 streams systemd[1]: Stopped UniFi Protect.

last 2 are a problem.

kiwimato commented 1 year ago

we have to figure out why unifi-core is failing, unifi-protect starts after it, you can see that in Before field in /lib/systemd/system/unifi-core.service

kiwimato commented 1 year ago

there seems to be an error with the way PostgreSQL is initialized [database] : Failed to init db client: Error: Connection terminated unexpectedly maybe just try to stop the containers, remove the /storage folder and start them up again?

I also just remembered I also did this along the way: if all other things fail, maybe it's worth giving it a shot, I don't know if this cases your current issue, but it's worth a try, if it still doesn't work after a clean restart

kiwimato commented 1 year ago

I tried rerunning everything from scratch and it seems to work, not sure what's different on your machine. image

gurkburk76 commented 1 year ago

Yeah did the above, does not help. i did see the core service turn on for a brief second but then died again. Oh well, would have been fun to get it running.

kiwimato commented 1 year ago

I compared my logs and the only thing so far I noticed that I don't have this error [database] : Failed to init db client: Error: Connection terminated unexpectedly I think the key would be to look at PostgreSQL logs: cat /var/log/postgresql/* maybe it helps to see why the connection dropped

If you want we could also have a call in the weekend or some time when we both are free to debug this together. Unfortunately I can't reproduce it on my side, at least not yet.

gurkburk76 commented 1 year ago

Those logfiles do not seem to be accesable outside of the container for soem reason, i'de expect them do be found somewhere within /storage but no. No big deal, but perhaps worth mentioning.

cat /var/log/postgresql/*
2023-06-09 18:08:07.510 CEST [1423] LOG:  starting PostgreSQL 14.7 (Debian 14.7-1.pgdg110+1) on aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (Debian 10.2.1-6) 10.2.1 20210110, 64-bit
2023-06-09 18:08:07.572 CEST [1423] LOG:  listening on IPv6 address "::1", port 5432
2023-06-09 18:08:07.573 CEST [1423] LOG:  listening on IPv4 address "", port 5432
2023-06-09 18:08:07.580 CEST [1423] LOG:  listening on Unix socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432"
2023-06-09 18:08:07.631 CEST [1427] LOG:  database system was shut down at 2023-06-09 18:07:50 CEST
2023-06-09 18:08:07.713 CEST [1423] LOG:  database system is ready to accept connections
2023-06-09 18:08:30.594 CEST [1826] postgres@ulp-go FATAL:  database "ulp-go" does not exist
2023-06-09 18:08:38.288 CEST [2012] postgres@ulp-go-syslog FATAL:  database "ulp-go-syslog" does not exist
2023-06-09 18:22:31.298 CEST [5340] postgres@postgres ERROR:  role "unifi-core" already exists
2023-06-09 18:22:31.298 CEST [5340] postgres@postgres STATEMENT:  CREATE ROLE "unifi-core" NOSUPERUSER CREATEDB NOCREATEROLE INHERIT LOGIN;
2023-06-09 18:27:27.573 CEST [6772] unifi-core@postgres ERROR:  database "unifi-core" already exists
2023-06-09 18:27:27.573 CEST [6772] unifi-core@postgres STATEMENT:  CREATE DATABASE "unifi-core"
[2023-06-09 16:07:04 +0000] - Removing old services
Failed to reset failed state of unit postgresql-cluster@9.6-protect.service: Unit postgresql-cluster@9.6-protect.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit postgresql-cluster@9.6-protect-cleanup.service: Unit postgresql-cluster@9.6-protect-cleanup.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit postgresql-cluster-9.6-protect-cleanup.service: Unit postgresql-cluster-9.6-protect-cleanup.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit postgresql-cluster@9.6-protect-migrate.service: Unit postgresql-cluster@9.6-protect-migrate.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit postgresql-cluster-9.6-protect-migrate.service: Unit postgresql-cluster-9.6-protect-migrate.service not loaded.
[2023-06-09 16:07:21 +0000] - Creating a new cluster
Creating new PostgreSQL cluster 14/protect ...
/usr/lib/postgresql/14/bin/initdb -D /srv/postgresql/14/protect/data --no-instructions --encoding UTF8 --locale C --auth=trust --auth-local=trust
The files belonging to this database system will be owned by user "postgres".
This user must also own the server process.

The database cluster will be initialized with locale "C".
The default text search configuration will be set to "english".

Data page checksums are disabled.

fixing permissions on existing directory /srv/postgresql/14/protect/data ... ok
creating subdirectories ... ok
selecting dynamic shared memory implementation ... posix
selecting default max_connections ... 100
selecting default shared_buffers ... 128MB
selecting default time zone ... Etc/UTC
creating configuration files ... ok
running bootstrap script ... ok
performing post-bootstrap initialization ... ok
syncing data to disk ... ok
Ver Cluster Port Status Owner    Data directory                  Log file
14  protect 5433 down   postgres /srv/postgresql/14/protect/data /var/log/postgresql/postgresql-14-protect.log
[2023-06-09 16:07:53 +0000] - Copying configuration
2023-06-09 18:08:16.155 CEST [1512] LOG:  starting PostgreSQL 14.7 (Debian 14.7-1.pgdg110+1) on aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (Debian 10.2.1-6) 10.2.1 20210110, 64-bit
2023-06-09 18:08:16.220 CEST [1512] LOG:  listening on IPv6 address "::1", port 5433
2023-06-09 18:08:16.221 CEST [1512] LOG:  listening on IPv4 address "", port 5433
2023-06-09 18:08:16.230 CEST [1512] LOG:  listening on Unix socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5433"
2023-06-09 18:08:16.289 CEST [1516] LOG:  database system was shut down at 2023-06-09 18:07:43 CEST
2023-06-09 18:08:16.367 CEST [1512] LOG:  database system is ready to accept connections
2023-06-09 18:08:21.190 CEST [1580] root@root FATAL:  role "root" does not exist
2023-06-09 18:10:56.871 CEST [3361] unifi-protect@unifi-protect FATAL:  role "unifi-protect" does not exist
2023-06-09 18:23:02.165 CEST [5772] unifi-protect@unifi-protect FATAL:  database "unifi-protect" does not exist
2023-06-09 18:32:43.526 CEST [19399] postgres@postgres ERROR:  role "unifi-protect" already exists
2023-06-09 18:32:43.526 CEST [19399] postgres@postgres STATEMENT:  CREATE ROLE "unifi-protect" NOSUPERUSER CREATEDB NOCREATEROLE INHERIT LOGIN;
2023-06-09 18:42:55.789 CEST [52922] postgres@postgres ERROR:  role "unifi-protect" already exists
2023-06-09 18:42:55.789 CEST [52922] postgres@postgres STATEMENT:  CREATE ROLE "unifi-protect" NOSUPERUSER CREATEDB NOCREATEROLE INHERIT LOGIN;
2023-06-09 18:53:07.664 CEST [86764] postgres@postgres ERROR:  role "unifi-protect" already exists
2023-06-09 18:53:07.664 CEST [86764] postgres@postgres STATEMENT:  CREATE ROLE "unifi-protect" NOSUPERUSER CREATEDB NOCREATEROLE INHERIT LOGIN;
2023-06-09 19:03:19.566 CEST [120795] postgres@postgres ERROR:  role "unifi-protect" already exists
2023-06-09 19:03:19.566 CEST [120795] postgres@postgres STATEMENT:  CREATE ROLE "unifi-protect" NOSUPERUSER CREATEDB NOCREATEROLE INHERIT LOGIN;
2023-06-09 19:13:31.677 CEST [154526] postgres@postgres ERROR:  role "unifi-protect" already exists
2023-06-09 19:13:31.677 CEST [154526] postgres@postgres STATEMENT:  CREATE ROLE "unifi-protect" NOSUPERUSER CREATEDB NOCREATEROLE INHERIT LOGIN;

FATAL is obviously bad, why this happens or dosen't happen (creation of needed things) is the question :)

kiwimato commented 1 year ago

Comparing with my logs, I see all of them, except FATAL: database "unifi-protect" does not exist

2023-06-09 18:06:27.472 CEST [1494] LOG:  listening on Unix socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5433"
2023-06-09 18:06:27.498 CEST [1498] LOG:  database system was shut down at 2023-06-09 18:06:13 CEST
2023-06-09 18:06:27.531 CEST [1494] LOG:  database system is ready to accept connections
2023-06-09 18:06:32.467 CEST [1580] root@root FATAL:  role "root" does not exist
2023-06-09 18:07:30.624 CEST [3055] unifi-protect@unifi-protect FATAL:  role "unifi-protect" does not exist
2023-06-09 18:13:41.694 CEST [23464] unifi-protect@unifi-protect ERROR:  relation "nvrs" does not exist at character 15
2023-06-09 18:13:41.694 CEST [23464] unifi-protect@unifi-protect STATEMENT:  select * from nvrs limit 1
2023-06-09 18:13:42.664 CEST [23583] unifi-protect@postgres ERROR:  database "unifi-protect" already exists
2023-06-09 18:13:42.664 CEST [23583] unifi-protect@postgres STATEMENT:  CREATE DATABASE "unifi-protect"

I removed the chmod 777 command from my Docker image just to see if it that's the cause, but still can't reproduce it. I do see this error now in the logs, but the app seems to start even with it.

Jun 09 20:37:10 zou node[3050]: 2023-06-09T18:37:10.015Z - [system] : Failed to retrieve setupDeviceId Error: EACCES: permission denied, mkdir '/persistent/unifi-core/'

Can you share your docker-compose.yml file?

gurkburk76 commented 1 year ago
version: '3.8'

image: unifi-patch
context: patch
dockerfile: Dockerfile.patch
container_name: unifi-protect
platform: linux/arm64/v8
- /sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup:ro
- /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime
- /storage/srv:/srv
- /storage/data:/data
- /storage/persistent:/persistent
# - STORAGE_DISK=/dev/sda1
restart: unless-stopped
- dac_read_search
- sys_admin
- apparmor=unconfined
- /run
- /run/lock
- /tmp
privileged: true
network_mode: host

I've disabled apparmor, but that should not do anything i think. BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-5.15.0-73-generic root=UUID=31f93f3c-8482-49b5-88b8-535c3f9a1269 ro splash quiet systemd.unified_cgroup_hierarchy=0 apparmor=0 vt.handoff=7 apa@streams:~$

Using ubuntu 22.xx LTS, what are you using ?

docker version Client: Docker Engine - Community Version: 24.0.2 API version: 1.43 Go version: go1.20.4 Git commit: cb74dfc Built: Thu May 25 21:52:22 2023 OS/Arch: linux/amd64 Context: default

Server: Docker Engine - Community Engine: Version: 24.0.2 API version: 1.43 (minimum version 1.12) Go version: go1.20.4 Git commit: 659604f Built: Thu May 25 21:52:22 2023 OS/Arch: linux/amd64 Experimental: false containerd: Version: 1.6.21 GitCommit: 3dce8eb055cbb6872793272b4f20ed16117344f8 runc: Version: 1.1.7 GitCommit: v1.1.7-0-g860f061 docker-init: Version: 0.19.0 GitCommit: de40ad0

kiwimato commented 1 year ago

I'm using latest NixOS, but not sure how much that matters, but I see that I do have an older version of Docker Engine:

[mihai@zou:~/unifi-protect-arm64]$ docker version
 Version:           20.10.21
 API version:       1.41
 Go version:        go1.19.9
 Git commit:        v20.10.21
 Built:             Thu Jan  1 00:00:00 1970
 OS/Arch:           linux/amd64
 Context:           default
 Experimental:      true

  Version:          20.10.21
  API version:      1.41 (minimum version 1.12)
  Go version:       go1.19.9
  Git commit:       v20.10.21
  Built:            Tue Jan  1 00:00:00 1980
  OS/Arch:          linux/amd64
  Experimental:     false
  Version:          v1.6.18
  GitCommit:        v1.6.18
  Version:          1.1.4
  Version:          0.19.0
kiwimato commented 1 year ago

Digging into the DB error, this seems very similar error to what we get around database] : Failed to init db client: Error: Connection terminated unexpectedly:

kiwimato commented 1 year ago

It could be that Postgres is too slow when running in an emulator like this one? That's the reason I had to increase the timeouts for the services as well, but I don't see an easy way to increase the postgresql connection timeouts from the nodejs app because it's obsfucated here /usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js

What kind of CPU are you using in the host? It could be that I didn't have this issue because I'm using a 16 core machine.

gurkburk76 commented 1 year ago

it's on a vm with 8 cores of X5675 @ 3.07GHz + 12 gigs, i guess that could be it, but it's not THAT slow still :)

kiwimato commented 1 year ago

ok, so definitely not that, you have a beefy machine

kiwimato commented 1 year ago

I tried running it on a Ryzen 16 core Manjaro vm with Docker 23 version, and it also works fine, so most definitely the version doesn't seem to matter. I will try to run it with only a few cores and see if that affects it in any way

kiwimato commented 1 year ago

I ended up giving less resources to the container using Docker, and it seems I was able to replicate the error, however it's ridiculously slow, I think it's nowhere close to what you experience, but it seems to be the same error.

Jun 09 22:35:56 manticore node[5933]: 2023-06-09T20:35:56.157Z - [database] : Failed to init db client: Error: Connection terminated unexpectedly
Jun 09 22:35:56 manticore node[5933]:     at Connection.<anonymous> (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/pg/lib/client.js:132:73)
Jun 09 22:35:56 manticore node[5933]:     at Object.onceWrapper (node:events:627:28)
Jun 09 22:35:56 manticore node[5933]:     at Connection.emit (node:events:513:28)
Jun 09 22:35:56 manticore node[5933]:     at Socket.<anonymous> (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/node_modules/pg/lib/connection.js:107:12)
Jun 09 22:35:56 manticore node[5933]:     at Socket.emit (node:events:525:35)
Jun 09 22:35:56 manticore node[5933]:     at endReadableNT (node:internal/streams/readable:1358:12)
Jun 09 22:35:56 manticore node[5933]:     at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:83:21)
Jun 09 22:35:56 manticore node[5933]: 2023-06-09T20:35:56.228Z - [database] : Running migrations...
Jun 09 22:35:56 manticore node[5933]: 2023-06-09T20:35:56.313Z - [database] : Failed to run migrations: TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'migrate')
Jun 09 22:35:56 manticore node[5933]:     at Object.a [as runMigrations] (/usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:99:1436)
Jun 09 22:35:56 manticore node[5933]:     at /usr/share/unifi-core/app/service.js:101:911
Jun 09 22:35:56 manticore node[5933]:     at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)
Jun 09 22:36:20 manticore systemd[1]: unifi-core.service: State 'stop-sigterm' timed out. Killing.
Jun 09 22:36:20 manticore systemd[1]: unifi-core.service: Killing process 5933 (node) with signal SIGKILL.
Jun 09 22:36:20 manticore systemd[1]: unifi-core.service: Main process exited, code=killed, status=9/KILL
gurkburk76 commented 1 year ago

Hmm strange, i'm also running my vm's of ssd so should be fine there speedwise. I have some other hardware i can test with during the weekend i guess. I'll get back to you.

kiwimato commented 1 year ago

The main problem is not about SSD, but the overhead that comes with emulation from X86 to ARM64. I finally got a chance to also test it myself, since I got some cameras and wired it to the Unifi Protect. Unfortunately I noticed it crashes more often than expected, sometimes the system load went to 86, even thought I have 16 physical cores, that's not encouraging.

I originally thought it will be more reliable and less overhead than this, but I think it's unmanageable unless we run this thing on Raspberry PI or something that has arm64 on it, otherwise it can be quite unstable. And that's the last thing you want in an NVR, to crash randomly.

Here's some discussions on emulators:

If someone makes it work faster, please teach me, for now I'll give up because I don't have the time to invest in it.

gurkburk76 commented 1 year ago

Well thankfully i kinda thought of this and ordered something equal or slighty better and at a much better price than a rasp 4 a week ago or so, let's hope that works better. Thanks for the help :)

kiwimato commented 1 year ago

@gurkburk76 can I ask what device did you order? I had a RPI 4 and I'm playing with it, but still having some issue. However I can clearly see the difference in speed, initial setup takes ~ 30 seconds vs 5 minutes on my emulated x86 to aarch64 16 core machine. And my main problem is how to attach a disk other than USB. I looked into Orange PI 5 and other alternative SBCs, but they're soo expensive, for that price I could just order a Unifi Cloud Key gen 2 plus and get done with it :)

gurkburk76 commented 1 year ago

I have this on the way + i'll plugin a ssd via usb and hopefully be done with it.

bkchaw commented 1 year ago

@gurkburk76 can I ask what device did you order? I had a RPI 4 and I'm playing with it, but still having some issue. However I can clearly see the difference in speed, initial setup takes ~ 30 seconds vs 5 minutes on my emulated x86 to aarch64 16 core machine. And my main problem is how to attach a disk other than USB. I looked into Orange PI 5 and other alternative SBCs, but they're soo expensive, for that price I could just order a Unifi Cloud Key gen 2 plus and get done with it :)

@kiwimato you can try Quartz64 It comes with a SATA port

kiwimato commented 1 year ago

@bkchaw thanks for the suggestion! I already had a Pi 4 laying around and found a cheap Argon Eon case and so far love it! It only has some small issues with cooling airways, but i already improved it, it's not a big deal.