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RFC: Requirements tracking #774

Open atodorov opened 5 years ago

atodorov commented 5 years ago

Several people have expressed to me verbally or via email the need for requirements tracking functionality without defining that into more details. This is a required feature for development and testing in heavily regulated areas (e.g. medical, aerospace, finance) or more conservative software companies.

Currently we can express requirements documents via Parent-Child test plans and using the extra link/requirements link of test cases. However this is not integrated with reporting or anything else.

RFCs, ideas and examples of how other TMS systems are providing this functionality are welcome. Vote with a :+1: (top-right corner) to boost this issue!

atodorov commented 5 years ago

Here are some standards that govern testing in the aerospace industry:

nuess0r commented 5 years ago

This is an example how far the integration between two tools can go, for Simulink and DOORS:

It's very luxury because one can browse the DOORS requirements directly from Simulink and create links (which are stored in DOORS). So document exports from DOORS will also show this outgoing links.

In the end of the day, our customers expect three documents:

Normally a test report contains tables to show, which test case verified which requirement. For the reporting it would be helpful to select if this table is sorted by test case or by requirement because one test case often verifies several requirements (Also true for the opposite, a requirement like "initial state after reset is ..." is verified in several test cases). This tables is what I would expect that Kiwix generates/handles somewhere in the test planning and reports to be able to trace the requirements.

Optimum is like in the Simulink example, that Kiwi transfers the test status (pass/fail) with date and reference to the report into the DOORS verification module. But this is far down the road :-)

gArtur commented 4 years ago


I think that for start it would be great if requirement tracking will work like this:

Gaket commented 2 months ago

Here is how the requirements traceability implemented in Testrail and in Qase and a small picture in Kuality

petr-nechaev commented 1 week ago

Adding requirements as a separate entiry and making them traceable and versioned would make possible to generate a Requirements Traceability Matrix which is needed for ASPICE automotive process.