It came to the situation where, during a download, the Kiwix app crashed. As I restarted it the content was not downloading anymore, but the *part file was still there. I had to delete it manually from the file browser to recover free space. For me it looks like, the downloading of a new file is not correctly saved in the "internal library" at the beginning (or even before ) the download starts. This should probably done, to assure we do not loose track of downloads and downloads file parts.
It came to the situation where, during a download, the Kiwix app crashed. As I restarted it the content was not downloading anymore, but the *part file was still there. I had to delete it manually from the file browser to recover free space. For me it looks like, the downloading of a new file is not correctly saved in the "internal library" at the beginning (or even before ) the download starts. This should probably done, to assure we do not loose track of downloads and downloads file parts.