kiwix / operations

Kiwix Kubernetes Cluster
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Week 47 routine #146

Closed kiwixbot closed 7 months ago

kiwixbot commented 7 months ago






Note: this is an automatic reminder intended for the assignee(s).

benoit74 commented 7 months ago

@rgaudin your turn ;) (but I can take it if you need time)

rgaudin commented 7 months ago
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
bastion        37G  7.6G   28G  22% /
stats        233G   91G  131G  41% /
services        456G  200G  233G  47% /
storage         33T   19T   13T  61% /

OK then you can do it. Can you please upgrade kiwix-serve as well in There are two. There are comments about varnish ; let me know if you want to do it together. We'll see if it requires more documentation that those comments

benoit74 commented 7 months ago


benoit74 commented 7 months ago

Oups, I almost forgot kiwix-serve update ...

benoit74 commented 7 months ago

Upgrade kiwix-serve to 3.6.0 + renamed library-demo to library-data to try (🤣) to avoid confusions ; varnish restarted to reload its configuration, no need to purge cache indeed