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Add donation splash screen #99

Open Popolechien opened 7 months ago

Popolechien commented 7 months ago

Mozilla Thunderbird has a one-time (or yearly, according to the URL?) donation CTA to entice users to support the project.

Could we implement this on our platforms, and could we limit this to devices working in selected languages (e.g. in German or Dutch, but not in Arabic or Spanish)?

benoit74 commented 7 months ago

Could we implement this?

I think so, at least some form of it

on our platforms

Do you mean web platforms (,, imager, nautilus, wp1, zimfarm, cms, ...)?

limit this to devices working in selected languages

What do you mean by "working in selected languages"? Decision to display the banner is based on the main language selected by the user for its UI?

Popolechien commented 7 months ago

By platforms I mean Kiwix-Desktop, macOS/iOS and Android. On Kiwix-serve there would have to be limitations (e.g. not on a hotspot as we know that the user base is probably not able to support).

As for language limitations, I would assume that there is a good chance that a native German speaker would, in fact, be able to support Kiwix. A Russian or Amharic one? Probably less so (for a variety of reasons, we're just looking at odds here).

benoit74 commented 7 months ago

I find very weird to implement this CTA in readers. Readers are meant to be used offline, so the donation will be complex (i.e. we will not have to display a button CTA but a URL, the user will have to copy the URL to another device with Internet access ...). And the readers are used by final users ... which are often not the ones who have money to donate.

I still don't get the language limitation. I don't get why a rich native Russian living in New-York and working for a big NGO would have less chance to donate money than a poor native English living in Detroit. Cliche, I have to admit, this is just to emphasize that making the decision based on speaking language makes little sense for my PoV.

Popolechien commented 7 months ago

Well we do provide Kiwix as a browser extension and already have a Support Kiwix menu item on Android, so clearly there are use cases where people can have a modicum of connectivity yet still want to have offline access - we just can not know.

For the language thing it's a numbers game: i.e. how many of our Germans users do have a credit card vs. how many Russians are not living under sanctions that prevent them from doing international payments. There's probably more of the former than the latter. We have a fair number of American users, and even if 0.1% of them decided to support us then that's a lot more than those who currently do.