kiyoon / telescope-insert-path.nvim

Insert file path on the current buffer using Telescope.nvim
MIT License
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Possible to convert windows `\` paths to `/` ? #8

Open avario-cpu opened 2 weeks ago

avario-cpu commented 2 weeks ago

Amazing plugin but afaik it will insert paths with \ on Windows which are basically useless, unless there's an option to replace \ with / I'm unaware of ?

kiyoon commented 2 weeks ago

Hi, currently there's no way to insert path with replacing, but I'm open to review a PR if you wish to implement it.

avario-cpu commented 2 weeks ago

I don't think I'm anywhere near remotely capable for this now. But I did end up implementing a much simpler version of what you've done in my config.

If that's useful to anyone else looking for something similar:

code ```lua local action_state = require("telescope.actions.state") local actions = require("telescope.actions") local telescope = require("telescope") local function convert_path(path) -- Convert backslashes to forward slashes return path:gsub("\\", "/") end local function get_relative_path(path) local relative = vim.fn.fnamemodify(path, ":.") return convert_path(relative) end local function insert_path(prompt_bufnr, use_relative) local selection = action_state.get_selected_entry() if selection == nil then print("No selection") return end local path = selection.path if path == nil then print("No path") return end if use_relative then path = get_relative_path(path) else path = convert_path(path) end actions.close(prompt_bufnr) vim.api.nvim_put({ path }, "", false, true) end local insert_absolute_path = function(prompt_bufnr) insert_path(prompt_bufnr, false) end local insert_relative_path = function(prompt_bufnr) insert_path(prompt_bufnr, true) end telescope.setup({ defaults = { mappings = { n = { ["="] = insert_absolute_path, ["-"] = insert_relative_path, }, }, }, }) -- Set up the Ctrl+t binding for insert mode Telescope call vim.keymap.set("i", "", function() require("telescope.builtin").find_files() end, { noremap = true, silent = true, desc = "Telescope find files" }) ```