kizitonwose / Calendar

A highly customizable calendar view and compose library for Android.
MIT License
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Jerking when scrolling the calendar #522

Closed KamilKhametov closed 4 months ago

KamilKhametov commented 5 months ago

Library information:

Describe the bug**

when scrolling through the calendar, there is a jerking, watch the video recording

Expected behavior (if applicable)

Smooth calendar scrolling, no twitching

Screenshots? (if applicable)

Additional information

below the code of the fragment in which this calendar is implemented

kizitonwose commented 5 months ago

Your binding logic looks fine, does the flash still happen if you just initialize the calendar without showing any information on it? Also, does it happen if you put it in a full fragment instead of a dialog fragment?

KamilKhametov commented 5 months ago

Your binding logic looks fine, does the flash still happen if you just initialize the calendar without showing any information on it? Also, does it happen if you put it in a full fragment instead of a dialog fragment?

Yes, before that I implemented it without logic and in a full fragment, and it still jerking

kizitonwose commented 5 months ago

I have no idea why this would happen because the sample project looks line. Can you share a minimal sample project where I can reproduce the issue?

kizitonwose commented 4 months ago

I will close this, feel free to reopen it if you have more questions.