kizitonwose / Calendar

A highly customizable calendar view and compose library for Android.
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Help for using a fork on android studio #527

Closed V41ER closed 4 months ago

V41ER commented 5 months ago

Library information:


Hello @kizitonwose ! I'd like to use my fork in another kotlin project in the same way as I already use the main library. The problem is that when I try to do this with the implementation in my kotlin project, it can't find the library.

Here's what I'm adding to my graddle: implementation 'com.Trecobat:Calendar5DaysPerWeek:view:1.0.1'

The link to my repo git :

If anyone can help me simply by using a fork with Android Studio, I'd love it :D !

V41ER commented 5 months ago

Here's the error I found: Could not find com.Trecobat:Calendar5DaysPerWeek:view. Required by: project :app Search in build.gradle files

kizitonwose commented 5 months ago

That is because the fork is not published, you can either publish to maven central or Jitpack (this is easier)

V41ER commented 4 months ago

Hey !

Could you explain how to do it? I haven't found the solution for over a month and the tutorials are pretty vague on the subject.

Or maybe there are tutorials on this subject that you think would be interesting?

kizitonwose commented 4 months ago

This looks straightforward.

kizitonwose commented 4 months ago

I will close this, we can continue the discussion if you need further assistance.

kizitonwose commented 4 months ago

FYI: I needed to quickly publish a library to JitPack today and these were the only changes I needed to make. The first build failed because JitPack builds with Java 8 by default, but after adding a jitpack.yml file with Java 17 specified as the Java version, the build succeeded. Just thought this might help you.
