kizniche / Mycodo

An environmental monitoring and regulation system
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Problem installing Highcharts dependency #1302

Closed matiasict closed 9 months ago

matiasict commented 1 year ago

Describe the problem/bug

I am trying to install the Highcharts dependency, after installing the dependency and restarting backend and frontend, it asks me to install Highcharts again. It doesn't seem to install.



Please list specific setup details that are involved and the steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to Setup -> Method
  2. Click on Method Type and select Time/Data
  3. Type the name and click on add
  4. see install highcharts-9.1.2.js dependency - Click on Install All Dependencies
  5. after installer, restart backend and frontend
  6. Again go to Setup -> Method
  7. Click on Method Type and select Time/Data
  8. Type the name and click on add
  9. Again requests to install highcharts-9.1.2.js

Expected behavior

Install dependency and be able to add the Time/Data method


image image image

Additional context

  1. Installing from the dashboard does not work either
  2. Run the commands to see if it solves the problem, but it didn't work.
    sudo mycodo-commands update-apt
    sudo mycodo-commands update-dependencies
    sudo mycodo-commands update-pip3
    sudo mycodo-commands update-pip3-packages
    sudo mycodo-commands update-permissions
    sudo mycodo-commands upgrade-master
  3. I tried deleting the .dependency file, but it didn't work.

thank you!

AlexValCar commented 11 months ago

I have the same problem/bug but in a Banana Pi M2 Zero in Armbian 23.05.0-trunk Bullseye with Linux 6.1.24-sunxi, same Mycodo version

kizniche commented 11 months ago

I haven't been able to replicate the behavior, but I do notice you're using different hardware and operating system than the recommended, so it may have something to do with that.

AlexValCar commented 11 months ago

I haven't been able to replicate the behavior, but I do notice you're using different hardware and operating system than the recommended, so it may have something to do with that.

Could there be a way to install the dependencies that are giving us problems over ssh?

AlexValCar commented 11 months ago

I haven't been able to replicate the behavior, but I do notice you're using different hardware and operating system than the recommended, so it may have something to do with that.

Please help me, please!! i need to intall this dependencys: • highstock-9.1.2.js, highcharts-more-9.1.2.js, data-9.1.2.js, exporting-9.1.2.js, export-data-9.1.2.js, offline-exporting-9.1.2.js and I cant

AlexValCar commented 11 months ago

I haven't been able to replicate the behavior, but I do notice you're using different hardware and operating system than the recommended, so it may have something to do with that.

I solved the problem for you..., your code for wget instructions was wrong

wget -nc', 'unzip -d Highcharts-Stock-9.1.2', 'cp Highcharts-Stock-9.1.2/code/highstock.js /var/mycodo-root/mycodo/mycodo_flask/static/js/user_js/highstock-9.1.2.js', 'cp Highcharts-Stock-9.1.2/code/ /var/mycodo-root/mycodo/mycodo_flask/static/js/user_js/', 'sudo cp Highcharts-Stock-9.1.2/code/highcharts-more.js /var/mycodo-root/mycodo/mycodo_flask/static/js/user_js/highcharts-more-9.1.2.js', 'sudo cp Highcharts-Stock-9.1.2/code/ /var/mycodo-root/mycodo/mycodo_flask/static/js/user_js/', 'sudo cp Highcharts-Stock-9.1.2/code/modules/data.js /var/mycodo-root/mycodo/mycodo_flask/static/js/user_js/data-9.1.2.js', 'sudo cp Highcharts-Stock-9.1.2/code/modules/ /var/mycodo-root/mycodo/mycodo_flask/static/js/user_js/', 'sudo cp Highcharts-Stock-9.1.2/code/modules/exporting.js /var/mycodo-root/mycodo/mycodo_flask/static/js/user_js/exporting-9.1.2.js', 'sudo cp Highcharts-Stock-9.1.2/code/modules/ /var/mycodo-root/mycodo/mycodo_flask/static/js/user_js/', 'sudo cp Highcharts-Stock-9.1.2/code/modules/export-data.js /var/mycodo-root/mycodo/mycodo_flask/static/js/user_js/export-data-9.1.2.js', 'sudo cp Highcharts-Stock-9.1.2/code/modules/ /var/mycodo-root/mycodo/mycodo_flask/static/js/user_js/', 'sudo cp Highcharts-Stock-9.1.2/code/modules/offline-exporting.js /var/mycodo-root/mycodo/mycodo_flask/static/js/user_js/offline-exporting-9.1.2.js', 'sudo cp Highcharts-Stock-9.1.2/code/modules/ /var/mycodo-root/mycodo/mycodo_flask/static/js/user_js/', 'sudo rm Highcharts-Stock-9.1.2

kizniche commented 11 months ago

The command works on the recommended hardware and operating system. Please identify the issue rather than merely suggesting something be changed.

zacharyneveu commented 9 months ago

Ran into this on a fresh Pi 3 with Raspbian. Not sure of the cause (looked at the code and none of the shell commands seem problematic), but manually copying the files resolved the issue. Maybe a permissions issue of some kind?

kizniche commented 9 months ago

I looked at this issue again and was able to replicate it. As such, I was able to come up with a fix. The release of v8.15.11 should resolve this issue.

kizniche commented 9 months ago

This issue has been mentioned on Radical DIY Forum. There might be relevant details there: