kizniche / Mycodo

An environmental monitoring and regulation system
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Request to add DFRobot i2c DAC output module (0-10v) #1354

Open Nithalik opened 7 months ago

Nithalik commented 7 months ago

Found a awesome DAC from DFrobot, it is the first i2C device that i have found that outputs a 0-10v signal. also has 8 possible i2c addresses. i am a failure at programming so hoping this is universal enough for other people to find useful too.

tons of lighting systems use 0-10v dimming, and this is the easiest way to add it to mycodo without making your own circuit, which is how i am currently doing it, this is just more user friendly


probably somewhat similar to

i envision the output to just have the option to select i2c address and set output voltage, bit simpler then the mcp4728

they also have 6 version of this board with various different outputs

kizniche commented 7 months ago

Do you own one that you can test with?

Nithalik commented 7 months ago

i am ordering one today to test with, just recently found these.

Nithalik commented 7 months ago

don't think it would matter from your side, but i can always order one of their different versions for testing if you are interested in it.

i just dont really understand the use of the (4-20mA) ones, i think there are really just commercial applications, but there are also the PWM ones

kizniche commented 7 months ago

No need to buy others, unless you have a use for it.

Nithalik commented 7 months ago

ok, ordered, should be here within 2 weeks

Nithalik commented 6 months ago

asking here to see if this is even something feasible if this output module gets added to the system

if this output module is added, would it be hard to also add Trigger Configuration: Trigger: Output based on


if this output gets added, would it be hard to add a similar trigger output based on this output device? does not seem like you can trigger things by i2c devices at this point

kizniche commented 6 months ago

It's feasible and wouldn't be too hard to develop. It would act like any other Value Output that allows you to set a value (between 0 and 10) and would work with the current Output Value Action.

Nithalik commented 6 months ago

the parts have arrived. have 2 of 2-Channel I2C DAC Module (0-10V) and 1 1-Channel 15-bit I2C to 0-5V/10V DAC Module

silverhawk1983 commented 4 months ago

that could open some options for both Lights, Fan Control, Valves, VFD and some more hope we can test some soon with those chips

silverhawk1983 commented 4 months ago

It's feasible and wouldn't be too hard to develop. It would act like any other Value Output that allows you to set a value (between 0 and 10) and would work with the current Output Value Action.

0-1000 would be more suited for that kind of output in relation to 0.00v to 10.00v so we could send for 6.34v - 634 as value internally would be higher due to 12/15bit conversion internally

realworld 0.00-10.00v Mycodo 0-1000(equal to 0 to 1000mV) module 12bit - 0-4.095 (0x000-0xFFF) / 15bit 0-32767 (0x0000-0x7FFF)

silverhawk1983 commented 4 months ago

i got 2 2ch 15bit 0-10v modules today in the mail did we have by any chance some code to test with them

Nithalik commented 4 months ago

no code from me, am in the middle of a move

kizniche commented 4 months ago

Yes, I have a module that you can test. I'll push the code later when I have access to my development system.

kizniche commented 4 months ago

I just committed an untested module. Give it a test and let me know if there are any issues.

silverhawk1983 commented 4 months ago

will try it hope it will work with the 15bit to

silverhawk1983 commented 4 months ago

So i try use the new module with the 15bit thats not working but throws no error

so then i did a modifiy of the module code for the GP8413 the 15bit one value_p8413_dac_0_10_vdc.txt could not find a lib for the 8413 gone for the 8403 but it trows mycodo.outputs.output_gp8413_dac_0_10_vdc_a3f3677f - Cannot manipulate Output a3f3677f-482a-4ada-9f5d-934557eb22d1: output channel doesn't exist: 0

missing the 5V/10V selection

missing Name field for each Channel

silverhawk1983 commented 4 months ago

could that be used

kizniche commented 4 months ago

Have you tested the hardware the module was designed for? Let's stick to the original issue before bringing in other hardware into the discussion. I also don't see any links to the product you're referring to, so I wouldn't be able to even reference a datasheet.

silverhawk1983 commented 4 months ago

sure your right i have only the 15bit Version but the Control is the same for all of those

only dif is the internal command for the value in Case of 12 or 15 bit etc showed that last week in a post the pip-pi lib is only to hard coded only for the 8403 the DFrobot lib instead has them all in it.

Produkt Overview shop

Produkt Overview wiki (

Link to Datasheets 8403


Joe2824 the lib you used linked to Pypi

DFRobot Github Lib

my Old reply to one of your replys

It's feasible and wouldn't be too hard to develop. It would act like any other Value Output that allows you to set a value (between 0 and 10) and would work with the current Output Value Action.

0-1000 would be more suited for that kind of output in relation to 0.00v to 10.00v so we could send for 6.34v - 634 as value internally would be higher due to 12/15bit conversion internally

realworld 0.00-10.00v Mycodo 0-1000(equal to 0 to 1000mV) module 12bit - 0-4.095 (0x000-0xFFF) / 15bit 0-32767 (0x0000-0x7FFF)

kizniche commented 4 months ago

And does the code you linked to work?

kizniche commented 4 months ago

I don't think your library is a good solution. For one, it uses RPi.GPIO, which A) is not supported in Pi 5s, and B) is a terrible way to conduct I2C communication due to it changing the I2C pins to inputs and other issues that conflict with other libraries, such as smbus2.

silverhawk1983 commented 4 months ago

I don't think your library is a good solution. For one, it uses RPi.GPIO, which A) is not supported in Pi 5s, and B) is a terrible way to conduct I2C communication due to it changing the I2C pins to inputs and other issues that conflict with other libraries, such as smbus2.

that´s true i linked that only for comparison

silverhawk1983 commented 4 months ago

And does the code you linked to work?


So i try use the new module with the 15bit thats not working but throws no error

so then i did a modifiy of the module code for the GP8413 the 15bit one value_p8413_dac_0_10_vdc.txt could not find a lib for the 8413 gone for the 8403 but it trows mycodo.outputs.output_gp8413_dac_0_10_vdc_a3f3677f - Cannot manipulate Output a3f3677f-482a-4ada-9f5d-934557eb22d1: output channel doesn't exist: 0

missing the 5V/10V selection

missing Name field for each Channel

but i think the problem lies in the pypi Lib witch is only written for the 8403

kizniche commented 4 months ago

Did you set the right sda & scl pins when you tested the code?

silverhawk1983 commented 4 months ago

Tested Your Code in my dev system on Raspi 5 but like i sad no error and no output but like i said the 8413 not the 8403 8413_1 8413_2

Nithalik has the 8403

did you look in the lib you used

could it be the reason for that no output that the range setting is missing all modules of that kind have hat 5/10V to set the range

silverhawk1983 commented 4 months ago

Did you set the right sda & scl pins when you tested the code? i dont tested the DFRobot Lib

I2C ist working fine with all other modules i have is set to gpio 2/3

61 is SCD30 5F is GP8413 5A is MLX not shoing in overview some how both the scd30 and the Mlx workling fine

kizniche commented 4 months ago

Rasp 5

SInce the library uses Rpi.GPIO, it is not compatible with Pi >= 5, as indicated in the Output module:

I2C ist working fine with all other modules i have is set to gpio 2/3

This doesn't directly answer the question of whether you set the same pins with the example code you posted. Also, see the note above about any library using RPi.GPIO, you need to use a Pi <= 4.

To work with a Pi 5, the library needs to be refactored to use smbus2 or similar, with all use of RPi.GPIO removed.

silverhawk1983 commented 4 months ago

that statement was not in the first try 2 days ago i re downloaded today the module for the test and the pictures the only other pi i have is an old zero thats on full throttle with mycodo not realy usefull

so it would be wise to get the original DFRobot Lib ubgraded for the pypi and without RPi.GPIO

but my python skills are not at a point to take that on im happy that i can read and half way understand whats written there

Joe2824 commented 3 months ago

@silverhawk1983 I will try to update the pypi repository. The problem is that the chip is using a non i2c standard to save values to the chip. Or I have to delve further into the smbus2 library. I will try to adopt the DFRobot_GP8XXX. But right now I'm a limited with my time.

silverhawk1983 commented 3 months ago

@Joe2824 yeah happy to hear i will test the GP8413 as soon as posible Thanks for the invest! @kizniche here is Joes new Lib hope that helps with a more universal implemention so we can test the three modules that @Nithalik and i have on hand!

kizniche commented 3 months ago

I just added a new Output module to test.

Joe2824 commented 3 months ago

@kizniche perfect thank you. I found some bugs in my module and also in your code. I will start a pull request when I'm done.

Is it possible to hide the channel1 when I add a custom option like this:

'custom_options': [
            'id': 'chip_select',
            'type': 'select',
            'options_select': [
                ('0', 'GP8503'),
                ('1', 'GP8211S'),
                ('2', 'GP8512'),
                ('3', 'GP8413'),
                ('4', 'GP8403'),
                ('5', 'GP8302'),
            'name': 'Device',
            'phrase': 'Select your GP8XXX device'

For example GP8512 only support channel0.

kizniche commented 3 months ago

I haven't done anything except copy the other closely-related module and add the code to use only GP8403. The number of channels is hard-coded in the module, so a different module will need to be created for any device variant that has a different number of channels.

Joe2824 commented 2 months ago

@silverhawk1983 I created a pull request #1375. Could you help me to test?

silverhawk1983 commented 2 months ago

@Joe2824 sure i ty your lib on the weekend with the 8413 and some example code for the 8403 i cant test i dont have that one

Joe2824 commented 2 months ago

@silverhawk1983 no worries I have the 8403 and this worked as intended.

silverhawk1983 commented 2 months ago

tested the 8413 just seams to work getting output testet with your example file on RPI5

only the autorange in your expample dont work
py3 auto i took it out and it works with no error

Joe2824 commented 2 months ago

@silverhawk1983 I made a mistake with the GP8431 data sheet and thought it only supported 0-10V. v0.0.4 should now have solved the problem.

silverhawk1983 commented 2 months ago

did it can be that the channels are switched around channel 0 gives at Out2 out and channel 1 at Out1

Joe2824 commented 2 months ago

You have three options 0 for channel 0, 1 for channel 1 and 2 for channel 0 & 1.

silverhawk1983 commented 2 months ago

sorry all fine my wires did have a twist in it :) allfine works good and as it should

silverhawk1983 commented 2 months ago

@Joe2824 did you could test the 8403 with mycodo did all works!

@kizniche for the Module would be nice to set names for each channel!

Joe2824 commented 2 months ago

@silverhawk1983 Yes, my 8403 has been running for about 5 days without any errors in production.