kjdev / php-ext-brotli

Brotli Extension for PHP
MIT License
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brotli doesn't work after one request #28

Open jonathanernst opened 4 years ago

jonathanernst commented 4 years ago

I've activated brotli.output_compression = On brotli.output_compression_level = 4

With nginx upstream with keepalive

With a static php-fpm pool of php7.4 behind nginx, I can make one successful request with brotli and then my pool is dead.

If I have a pool with two nodes, I can make two request and get br content and then my pool is unresponsive.

With nginx upstream without keepalive

With a static php-fpm pool of php7.4 behind nginx, I can make one successful request with brotli and then the next request is uncompressed.

If I have a pool with two nodes, I can make two request and get br content and then the next request is uncompressed.

Test with php-fpm 7.2 gives the same result.

Test with curl through nginx and php-fpm : $ curl -vvv 'https://redacted/phpinfo.php' -H 'accept-encoding: br' 2>&1 | grep content-encoding < content-encoding: br

$ curl -vvv 'https://redacted/phpinfo.php' -H 'accept-encoding: br' 2>&1 | grep content-encoding [nothing]

Test directly to php-fpm:

HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING=br SCRIPT_NAME=/phpinfo.php SCRIPT_FILENAME=/home/redacted/phpinfo.php QUERY_STRING=full REQUEST_METHOD=GET cgi-fcgi -bind -php7.2-fpm.jernst.sock [compressed content]

HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING=br SCRIPT_NAME=/phpinfo.php SCRIPT_FILENAME=/home/redacted/phpinfo.php QUERY_STRING=full REQUEST_METHOD=GET cgi-fcgi -bind -php7.2-fpm.jernst.sock [uncompressed content]

Thanks for your help and best regards.

kjdev commented 4 years ago


I tried to adjust it.

Could you please check the operation?

uok commented 5 months ago

Thanks for creating this extension! :+1: I hope one day brotli support will be fully integrated into PHP like gzip

Unfortunately it does not work correctly (PHP v7.4, brotli.output_compression = 0 in ini-file, brotli-1.0.6-3, php-brotli-0.14.2-1) and the error described above still exists. When reloading the script it switches between compressed and uncompressed in random order. I also created a simple script with only echo str_repeat('abcd ', 1000); and to my surprise also this content sometimes is compressed (although it should not be!)

Please fix, thanks!

kjdev commented 5 months ago

Will not work unless Accept-Encoding: br is sent as well as zlib.output_compression

uok commented 5 months ago

Thanks for the quick response! I don't have any default compression on my server so output is only compressed if added to PHP script.


extension = brotli.so
;brotli.output_compression = 0
;brotli.output_compression_level = -1

My browser sends Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br I installed extension, restarted Apache and made these tests. I reload page every second and check developer tools

1) Compression I replaced

if (substr_count($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING'], 'gzip')) ob_start('ob_gzhandler');
echo "My content";

at the beginning of my script with

if (substr_count($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING'], 'br')) ob_start('ob_brotli_handler');
echo "My content";

Expected: data is always compressed (it has worked with gzip 100% for years) Result: sometimes data is not compressed

Also sometimes there is error: ob_start(): output handler 'ob_brotli_handler' cannot be used twice but is not used anywhere else

2) No compression I created script with only echo str_repeat('abcd ', 1000); as code

Expected: data is never compressed Result: sometimes data is compressed - content length changes from 5000 (uncompressed, correct) to 19 (compressed, wrong)

What am I missing here? Thanks for any pointers!

kjdev commented 5 months ago

I have confirmed that ob_brotli_handler causes an error and would like to fix it.