kjell / yosemite-upgrade

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Upgrade to Yosemite #1

Open kjell opened 9 years ago

kjell commented 9 years ago

Setting up a new mac

I didn’t install Mavericks because it’s a pain. Today I clean installed Yosemite. (I can’t not think Yo-se-mite. Yo-sem-it-tea)

First things first:

Plug in my backup drive, bootable just in case.

Open Terminal and install home-brew. Fuck typing my password for sudo, sudo visudo and ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL.


But I’m waiting for code-select to download and install the command line tools. Before I get anything going in Terminal.app I need to install iTerm2 and tmux.

I woke up this morning with a song stuck in my head, but with an empty hard drive on my mac I couldn’t listen to it. But I don’t know what it’s called, so I’ll have to wait for cmus.

As long as I’m waiting I can start download the few app store apps I have:

I already have software updates? OK, “Downloading and installing Homebrew”. Like some people can’t live without coffee, I can’t live without caps lock mapped to control. The homebrew git repository is bonkers, it should maybe clone —depth=1?

Kjells-Macbook-Air is not gonna do for machine name, let’s see what I can think of. ‘Taos’ was the first thing to pop into mind, it’s nice and short. From there my brain free-associated: hot springs, gulch, gulley, tire, pound, scrub… I’ll come back to names.

homebrew is ready. So brew install caskroom/cask/brew-cask. Another git repo strewn with endless pull requests. A frustratingly long time later, brew cask install dropbox iterm2. It asked for my password, didn’t I fix that?! There was a % leading the line with my users NOPASSWD, I deleted it, we’ll see?

I’m writing this so far in TextEdit, which I guess is as good as vim in a black on white Terminal.app window. But I now regret the decision to open it up with spotlight thinking of the horror of having to fight with the goddamn OS X save dialog that defaults everything to godforsaken iCloud. Reckoning!

I have a lot of stuff in my Dropbox, so I’ll need to copy that over from the backup drive. My iTerm and tmux config should be there, so I want those before really getting into things.

Back to names. I like scrub, but then I think of the TV show so it’s out. …I got it: ‘taos’ -> ‘oats’. sudo scutil –-set HostName oats. (The drive I formatted to make my bootable backup is ‘dent’ because the enclosure says ‘SABRENT’ so I thought ‘rent’ and liked ‘dent’ better. This computer’s previous incarnation was ‘hopsa’, a type of scandinavian tune/dance.)

I’ll also need to copy over ~/bin from my old machine. I have a silly utility called dotbox that symlinks config files from Dropbox.

I’m a bit worried because KeyRemap4MacBook is now called Karabiner, which means I haven’t upgraded mine in a long time. Probably because it moved up its support to >10.9? I hope it picks up my old preferences. I’ve had it with caps lock, and even when I remember where ‘control’ is I hit ‘fn’, so it’s time for that as soon as my dropbox copies back.

I have a time machine backup going back to 2012 and a bootable rsynced backup from yesterday. I did the fresh backup on an SSD that’s in a USB3 enclosure, but this is a 2012 macbook I think, so it only has USB2. Copying files back over is going to be slow!

That’s right, Keyboa^WKarabiner doesn’t do the caps lock -> control, that’s in System Preferences > Keyboard > Modifier Keys. Done. iTerm + Solarized too. fish is next up, then I’ll be at home in the terminal. […] Except for that I need a font that’s patched for power line now… TODO.

(I need to go volunteer-cook hundreds of sausages for a breakfast. …All right, covered in sausage grease. Time to get my .vim moved over.)

So far the biggest wall I’ve hit is my power line patched font. I don’t remember what it was. I was thinking I’d try M+, but the version I found that’s ‘patched’ to have fancy > and < doesn’t work.

I use fish so I need to sudo cat /usr/local/bin/fish >> /etc/shells. Now that I have tmux and vim, goodbye TextEdit. Now to spellcheck everything that OSX autocorwronged for me.

And ah! That's right. I need Kevlar^WKarabiner to map caps lock to escape when pressed alone and control when pressed with something else. Vital. And I still don't have Quicksilver to launch it grumble grumble.

It's not working. caps lock > 'keycode 80' in Seil.app and 80 > control or escape in Karabiner. But caps lock is firing 'hyper', which should be control, and control is firing control. Goddamn

Next steps

To recap. I have a sort of functioning setup but it's enormously frustrating to not have caps lock mapped to escape and control. Each new shell I open complains about two scripts missing: direnv and rbenv. Easy enough to install those.

sudo launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.locate.plist is nice.

OK. I got the keyboard stuff figured out. Seil isn't necessary for the capslock mapping, just System Preferences > Keyboard > Modifier Keys set caps lock to control. Then Karabiner needs "Control_L to Control_L (+ when you type Control_L only, send Escape)". A working powerline font and I think I'm mostly set?

I need to schlep over lots of files still (I caught myself before trying to send an email a few minutes ago and sent it on my phone). And link preferences where needed. Install apps… But I think I'm done for tonight.

OK, one last thing. In Finder.app, hide 'All Files', the stupidest thing ever invented. Set new windows to open ~ by default. And oh yeah, command option d to hide the dock, what a waste of space.


kjell commented 9 years ago

The day after

Mail is ported over and installed successfully. I just used the laptop for actual work, sshing into a raspberry pi in the lobby at work and adjusting its overscan. Ding ding!

Other things I need to do:

kjell commented 9 years ago

Day 4?

Accomplished a few things this morning. I've been mostly on my work computer (still at 10.8) so far this week.

The powerline font works OK, I just needed to set the same font as 'Non-ASCII Font' in my iTerm profile. QuoteFix works, there are yosemite betas.

Some things I still need to do:

kjell commented 9 years ago

Work work work. Haven't been tooling my home computer much lately. Up next is upgrading my work machine to an SSD and yosemite, which will be fun! I want to have things figured out on this one before I dive in to that project.

Apps I'm missing

OK, I took another swing at things today. Getting closer! The hardest thing was getting peaberry up and running. It's ancient ruby-ware. For some reason the SSL cert I had wasn't working, but regenerating it fixed everything.

I'm a bit worried that my 10.8 keychains don't work in 10.10, I tried importing them and haven't had any luck so far.

I've been using Safari so far on this machine, we'll see if that keeps up. I was a Safari diehard until about 2 years ago, when Chrome finally got me. Lately I've been running Chrome Canary only. I'm just now getting that installed.

I'm having trouble mapping my left control key to "hyper" (control option shift, a super-modifier key). Karabiner has a mapping for fn -> hyper, which will get my by for now. If my finger can retrain itself for that, then maybe I can map control to some kind of super-hyper and have even more dependence on my modified keyboard!