kjems / uversioncontrol

Version Control for Unity using SVN
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Need basic build/compile instructions #2

Closed Olliebrown closed 5 years ago

Olliebrown commented 5 years ago

I'm eager to build the latest version of this package as the one that's available in the asset store is at least one major revision behind and does not work with Unity 2018. I found the old Bitbucket repo which has some instructions on how to compile/build the package from source but the project was structured differently in that repo and included a visual studio solution that is not available in this latest form.

If you can add some simple compiling/building instructions that would take a user from the source code (available here) to using the package in Unity that would be super helpful! Doesn't have to be comprehensive, you can assume anyone who winds up here is a seasoned programmer and may just need a nudge in the right direction (or maybe a link to some documentation on the Unity site somewhere that is relevant to these types of packages).

Olliebrown commented 5 years ago

I've found a way to get it to compile enough to debug and work through some issues. Here's what I did:

To edit the source and see your changes, it appears you have to quit the unity editor and restart it (this is what triggers re-compiling of the editor scripts).

Still not sure this is the best way of doing things but it seems to work! Note that I am using the latest 2018 verison of Unity (2018.2.7f1 at the time of writing).

kjems commented 5 years ago

Hi Ollie,

I will use some of your description for setting up UVC.

Thanks, Kristian