kjhealy / emacs-starter-kit

NO LONGER MAINTAINED! A drop-in starter-kit for Emacs 24, aimed at social scientists researching and writing in plain text using some combination of LaTeX, R, ESS, Git, Markdown, and Org-Mode.
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Merge starter-kit-stats.org back to eschulte's starter-kit? #10

Open michelk opened 11 years ago

michelk commented 11 years ago

I've seen that you implemented starter-kit-stats.org. I'm using eschulte's starter-kit and looking for proper ESS support.

I was wondering if you might merge back starter-kit-stats.org into eschulte's repository.

kjhealy commented 11 years ago

I don't think I'd have any particular objections but I don't know if it would fit with Eric's view of his own starter kit. The complication would be actually having ESS installed, and also auto-complete. I suppose a self-contained version of starter-kit-stats.org could check for ESS and install it if necessary.