kjhealy / emacs-starter-kit

NO LONGER MAINTAINED! A drop-in starter-kit for Emacs 24, aimed at social scientists researching and writing in plain text using some combination of LaTeX, R, ESS, Git, Markdown, and Org-Mode.
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Org-uniquify error on Mac OS X #3

Closed nicopresto closed 13 years ago

nicopresto commented 13 years ago

Followed: http://kjhealy.github.com/emacs-starter-kit/

Unable to generate the username.el file due to org-uniquify error:

Error in init file: Symbol's function definition is void: org-uniquify

Using git submodule and .emacs.d/src/make for org mode.

Tried 2 machines with fresh OS installs (OS X 10.6.7), as well as both emacsformac (23.3) and carbon emacs (2010).

It's been a while since I've done a fresh install of the starter kit on a Mac, so I may have missed something.

Any suggestions?


nicopresto commented 13 years ago

This issue seems to be Mac specific and appears if emacs is first launched from the terminal, e.g.

$ emacs

If emacs is instead launched from finder/dock/spotlight, it contacts the ELPA repository to download/install additional packages, as per instruction #7 (http://kjhealy.github.com/emacs-starter-kit/) and does not present an org-uniquify error.

Workaround = launch for the first time from spotlight, dock, or finder (applications).

nicopresto commented 13 years ago

Revisiting this issue, I'd made a path error on my Mac. The command 'emacs' was launching the built-in /usr/bin/emacs. To avoid the problem: 1) install a more recent version of emacs, e.g. emacsformac or carbon emacs, 2) replace /usr/bin/emacs/ or set an alias (e.g. alias emacs23='open /Applications/Emacs.app/') in your shell's profile (e.g. ~/.bash_profile or ~/.tcshrc).