Open JoeNoonan opened 1 month ago
Hi Joe, I'm in the process of updating the panel data due to another issue; the missingness labels have been causing trouble there too. I'll try to see if there's a good solution. (Labeled values—not just the missing ones—make converting the data to long format significantly more error-prone and awkward.) It may be that the answer will be to convert all the NA codes to factor values alongside the regular responses.
Hi! Thanks so much for your work on this, it has saved me an insane amount of time.
I have a research question where I am looking at Don't Know responses as the dependent variable. In the panel datasets these, DK are just labeled as NAs along with true missing data and Other.
Is there a way to get the DK values?
Created on 2024-11-01 with reprex v2.1.1