kjk / edna

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Add metadata 'create daily entry` boolean setting to make any page like daily page #25

Open m1k3s0 opened 6 days ago

m1k3s0 commented 6 days ago

Currently, renaming the current "daily journal" note prevents the new date block from being added. Perhaps in settings a journal note could be specified.

kjk commented 6 days ago

Maybe a per-page setting to auto-create daily block, with daily note getting it by default.

Have it persisted in metadata so will survive renames.

Could then extend that to more per-page settings.

m1k3s0 commented 6 days ago

Might be able to extend this to being able to add page templates too.

kjk commented 4 days ago

@m1k3s0 for the page template idea please create a new issue with more elaborate explanation of proposed feature.

kjk commented 4 days ago

Potential UI: context menu this note / Edit metadata and shows a dialog like Settings.

It would be cute to make metadata editing like note editing i.e. show a note system: metadata of <note name> with some customized UI for editing key / value items. VS Code does this for settings, also 10x editor.

But it's a bit harder to implement (need CodeMirror code).

kjk commented 2 days ago

Another idea to implement this without UI: if there's a block with first line:

// metadata

and of type yaml, it would be a metadata, in yaml syntax, for the page. That way user could add any metadata he wants, in addition to metadata values understood by Edna itself.

I don't particularly like yaml, so maybe the metadata should be in a simple key: value format, i.e.:

// metadata
daily_entry_template: # YYYY-MM-DD Monday
tags: foo, bar
author: chris
description: This is a note about my investing

But then the question is what lang should this block be. Maybe add a new lang Edna Metadata.

Also, it kind of pollutes the note. Maybe could have an option to hide metadata block and commands Edit metadata, Hide metadata.