kjvarga / sitemap_generator

SitemapGenerator is a framework-agnostic XML Sitemap generator written in Ruby with automatic Rails integration. It supports Video, News, Image, Mobile, PageMap and Alternate Links sitemap extensions and includes Rake tasks for managing your sitemaps, as well as many other great features.
MIT License
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should sitemap show up automatically in google search console? #428

Open jtoy opened 1 year ago

jtoy commented 1 year ago

I run the sitemap with: rake "-s sitemap:refresh" And it says I have 12k pages and that google was pinged. When I look in google search console, I dont see the submitted sitemap, is it supposed to appear there? And then many of my pages don't show up. So I suspect something is wrong.

valscion commented 1 year ago

Sitemaps submitted via ping endpoint do not show up automatically in Google Search Console. You should add your sitemap there manually.

Google is even going to remove the ping endpoint altogether in six months, so you should add your sitemap to Search Console nevertheless: https://developers.google.com/search/blog/2023/06/sitemaps-lastmod-ping

kzkn commented 7 months ago

It looks like the ping endpoint is no longer supported.

$ bin/rake sitemap:refresh
# (snip)
Pinging with URL blahblahblah:
Ping failed for Google: #<OpenURI::HTTPError: 404 Sitemaps ping is deprecated. See https://developers.google.com/search/blog/2023/06/sitemaps-lastmod-ping.> (URL http://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/ping?sitemap=blahblahblah)