Hopefully someone can help me with this.
I am connected via a serial-to-ip device, the port is mapped to /dev/ttyr00
NX8V2 with NX584 module, settings are as described in the wiki page.
When I start the server script I get the following:
root@fluke:~# nx584_server --serial /dev/ttyr00 --baud 9600 --debug
2022-11-16 22:04:43,653 main INFO Ready
2022-11-16 22:04:43,657 controller INFO Loaded extensions []
* Serving Flask app "nx584" (lazy loading)
* Environment: production
WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment.
Use a production WSGI server instead.
* Debug mode: off
2022-11-16 22:04:43,659 _internal INFO * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
2022-11-16 22:04:43,706 controller INFO Connected
2022-11-16 22:04:43,950 controller DEBUG Parsing ASCII frame u'0A8A49B9F54800011A0310040D'
2022-11-16 22:04:43,951 controller DEBUG Received: 10 Log Event (data [73, 185, 245, 72, 0, 1, 26, 3, 16])
2022-11-16 22:04:43,951 controller DEBUG Sending ACK
2022-11-16 22:04:43,951 controller ERROR Failed to process message type 10
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/nx584/controller.py", line 838, in controller_loop
getattr(self, name)(frame)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/nx584/controller.py", line 729, in process_msg_10
TypeError: getboolean() got an unexpected keyword argument 'fallback'
2022-11-16 22:04:44,202 controller DEBUG Sending queued [59, 22, 11, 16, 22, 4, 4]
2022-11-16 22:04:44,244 controller DEBUG Parsing ASCII frame u'011E1F20'
2022-11-16 22:04:44,244 controller DEBUG Received: 30 Negative Acknowledge (data [])
2022-11-16 22:04:44,245 controller DEBUG Unsupported frame type 30 (0x1e)
2022-11-16 22:04:44,350 controller DEBUG Parsing ASCII frame u'0A8A4AB9F5C000011A03117EE9'
2022-11-16 22:04:44,350 controller DEBUG Received: 10 Log Event (data [74, 185, 245, 192, 0, 1, 26, 3, 17])
2022-11-16 22:04:44,350 controller DEBUG Sending ACK
2022-11-16 22:04:44,350 controller ERROR Failed to process message type 10
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/nx584/controller.py", line 838, in controller_loop
getattr(self, name)(frame)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/nx584/controller.py", line 729, in process_msg_10
TypeError: getboolean() got an unexpected keyword argument 'fallback'
Is there somebody that can help me point in the right direction?
Hopefully someone can help me with this. I am connected via a serial-to-ip device, the port is mapped to /dev/ttyr00 NX8V2 with NX584 module, settings are as described in the wiki page.
When I start the server script I get the following:
Is there somebody that can help me point in the right direction?
Thank you very much.