Open johnwtt opened 2 months ago
Hello, I'm trying to make a Indoor Positioning System using your project and it seems like I'm having irregular output when trying to run your code.
st:0x1 (POWERON_RESET),boot:0x1b (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT) configsip: 0, SPIWP:0xee clk_drv:0x00,q_drv:0x00,d_drv:0x00,cs0_drv:0x00,hd_drv:0x00,wp_drv:0x00 mode:DIO, clock div:2 load:0x3fff0030,len:1184 load:0x40078000,len:13232 load:0x40080400,len:3028 entry 0x400805e4 DEVICE ID: deca0302 �␌␀�␌␀␌␄��␀� ␀␂�␀␆�␄␄�␁␀�␀␌� ␌�␀␀� ␌�␁␀␎� ␌�␁␅␂�␁ ␎�␀␅� ���␀␎�␀␌�␁␂�␁␄�␁␄�␅␄� �␀␆␀␌� ␏␌� ␀�␁␇�␀␌�␁␏␇�␀␌� ␀� ␌�␀␎␀�␀ �␁ � ␀� ␀�␀␀�␁␌�␂� ␌�␁␃␀␄�␌␌�␅ � ␌␆�␅␄␄�␀␀�␀␄��␁␀␀�␁␀�␄␂�␆�␁␀� ␀�� ␄�␁␇␇�␀␀� ␂� �␁ ␄� ␄␇� �␀␄�␀␀� ␀� ␎�� �␁␂�␀␄� ␂�␀␆�␌␌� � ␄� �␀␀� ␂␄�␁␂� ␌�� ␀�␀␎�␀ ��␄␀� ��␌␌�␁␀�␁␀� ␌�␅␀�␀␀�␁␀�␁␀� ␀�␁�␁␀��␌␌� ␌�␀␀�␀␂�␀␆��␁␃␌� ␆�␄␌� ␄�␁␅�␀␂␀� ␀� ␀␌� ␌� �␁␌� ␄� � ␂�␀ ␂�� ␌� ␌␄␄� ␌� �␁␅��␌␌�␅���␁␀�␄␌�␁␄��␀␅� ␌� ␌� �␅␀� ␀�␀␀� ␄� ␂�␁␌� ␌� �␌�␀␆� ␄�␁␀�␀␌�␀␀␄� ␆�␅␄� ␌�␁␀�␀ �␀␀� �␁␂�␄␅�␌␌␂�␁␇�␀␀� ␀� ␌�␁␀�␁ ␆�␁␄� ␀�␁␃�␄␁� � ␂�␅␏�␄␌� ␄� ␀�␀␂�␌ � ␇␀� ␆�␀␄�␁␀� ␋�␀␀�␅␀�␁ � ␌�␁␅� ␀�␅␌␁� �␌ ��␌␅� �␅␌�␁␀� ␌␀�� ␀�␀␀� ␌␎␅�␀ �␁␀��␁␀�␁␌�␁ ␄�␁␌� ␌� �␁␀�␁␀� ␅�␅ �␁␂�␀␌�␅␌�␁␌�␀␄�␌�␄␆�␅␌�␄�␁␂� ␂�␁␂�␀␂�␀␆�␄␎�␁␂�␁␀�␄␀�␅␎� ␂�␁␎␌␄�␁␀�� ␌�␅␄�␀␌�␅␀�␁␄� �␁␁�␁␄�␁␋�␁␌�␄ �␁␄�␄␌�␁␄� ␂� ␄� ␀␀�␀␀��␁␀� ␎␄�␄␀␂�␁␄� ␄␄�␀␃␌�␄␌�␁␀� ␏�␀␎� ␌�␀␆� ␀� ␂�␀␅�␅␀�␄␂�␀ ␀�␁␅��␁␄␏�␀␆�␁␄�␂�␀␀␀�␅␌�␁␀�␅�␀␅␌�␎���␁␎␁�␅␀�␁␅�␄� ␀�␁␁� ␌�␁␄�␅ �␁␄� ␌� ␌�� ␌�␅␀�␁␀␀�␁␀� ␂�␁␋�␁␀�␀␄� �␁␎�␅␄� ␀␀�␅␀� ␀� ␀� ␃�␅␀�␁␄� ␀␄� ␆� ␅� ␄�␀␆�␁␀� ␌�␀␆� ␄� ␄␌␁�␁␎� �␅␌�␁␌� ␂�␅␂␎� ␀�␅␄␌�␁␄� ␀␌␀� �␀␄��␀␅�␀�␀␀� ␀�␀␀�␁␎�␀ �␅␌� ␃␂� ␀�␁␀�␁␌� ␀�␀␂�� ␀�␌␌�␁␄�␁␌�␅␂␌␌� ␇�� ␄�␀␂�␄␀�␌␁␀� ␆�␅␌�␀ ��␅␂�␅␂�␄��␁␂�␀␂␀�␅␄�␁ �␂�␁���␎�␌␀�␅␀�␁␌�␌�␄␌␀��␀␄�� ␀� ␌␂�␀␆�␀␌�␀␀��␀␄␌␀�␁␀�␁ �␁␌␂�␁␀� ␂��␌␄�␀␌�␀␆� ␏� ␀� �␁␌� ␄� ␄␌���␀␆�␇��␁␂���␄�␄␀�� ␂�␃�␆␄�␋�␄␀� ␄�␁␌�␁␎�␀␀�␁␀�␁␎�␁␌␌�␀␀�␀� ␀�␅␎�␀␆� ␌�␀␌� � ␀␆␀� ␌� ␀� ␌␂�␀␄�␀␌�␁␇�␁␂�␄␀�␄ �␀␄�� ␄�␁␇�␀␀�␀␁␅�␌� ␀�� ␌� ␂�� ␀�␀ ␀�␀␀� ␆� � ␋␌␀� ␄�␁␏�␁␌�␁ �␅␌�␁␌��␀␂�␆�␀␎�␌����␁␄�␎�␁␀␌�␀␌� ␂␀� ␌�␁␂�
Do you have this problem and can I have an example output
I haven't met a similar issue. which ranging protocol did you use? could you manually add Serial.println("xxx") to check whether the output is correct or not? try to set the serial monitor baud rate at 115200
Hello, I'm trying to make a Indoor Positioning System using your project and it seems like I'm having irregular output when trying to run your code.
st:0x1 (POWERON_RESET),boot:0x1b (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT) configsip: 0, SPIWP:0xee clk_drv:0x00,q_drv:0x00,d_drv:0x00,cs0_drv:0x00,hd_drv:0x00,wp_drv:0x00 mode:DIO, clock div:2 load:0x3fff0030,len:1184 load:0x40078000,len:13232 load:0x40080400,len:3028 entry 0x400805e4 DEVICE ID: deca0302 �␌␀�␌␀␌␄��␀� ␀␂�␀␆�␄␄�␁␀�␀␌� ␌�␀␀� ␌�␁␀␎� ␌�␁␅␂�␁ ␎�␀␅� ���␀␎�␀␌�␁␂�␁␄�␁␄�␅␄� �␀␆␀␌� ␏␌� ␀�␁␇�␀␌�␁␏␇�␀␌� ␀� ␌�␀␎␀�␀ �␁ � ␀� ␀�␀␀�␁␌�␂� ␌�␁␃␀␄�␌␌�␅ � ␌␆�␅␄␄�␀␀�␀␄��␁␀␀�␁␀�␄␂�␆�␁␀� ␀�� ␄�␁␇␇�␀␀� ␂� �␁ ␄� ␄␇� �␀␄�␀␀� ␀� ␎�� �␁␂�␀␄� ␂�␀␆�␌␌� � ␄� �␀␀� ␂␄�␁␂� ␌�� ␀�␀␎�␀ ��␄␀� ��␌␌�␁␀�␁␀� ␌�␅␀�␀␀�␁␀�␁␀� ␀�␁�␁␀��␌␌� ␌�␀␀�␀␂�␀␆��␁␃␌� ␆�␄␌� ␄�␁␅�␀␂␀� ␀� ␀␌� ␌� �␁␌� ␄� � ␂�␀ ␂�� ␌� ␌␄␄� ␌� �␁␅��␌␌�␅���␁␀�␄␌�␁␄��␀␅� ␌� ␌� �␅␀� ␀�␀␀� ␄� ␂�␁␌� ␌� �␌�␀␆� ␄�␁␀�␀␌�␀␀␄� ␆�␅␄� ␌�␁␀�␀ �␀␀� �␁␂�␄␅�␌␌␂�␁␇�␀␀� ␀� ␌�␁␀�␁ ␆�␁␄� ␀�␁␃�␄␁� � ␂�␅␏�␄␌� ␄� ␀�␀␂�␌ � ␇␀� ␆�␀␄�␁␀� ␋�␀␀�␅␀�␁ � ␌�␁␅� ␀�␅␌␁� �␌ ��␌␅� �␅␌�␁␀� ␌␀�� ␀�␀␀� ␌␎␅�␀ �␁␀��␁␀�␁␌�␁ ␄�␁␌� ␌� �␁␀�␁␀� ␅�␅ �␁␂�␀␌�␅␌�␁␌�␀␄�␌�␄␆�␅␌�␄�␁␂� ␂�␁␂�␀␂�␀␆�␄␎�␁␂�␁␀�␄␀�␅␎� ␂�␁␎␌␄�␁␀�� ␌�␅␄�␀␌�␅␀�␁␄� �␁␁�␁␄�␁␋�␁␌�␄ �␁␄�␄␌�␁␄� ␂� ␄� ␀␀�␀␀��␁␀� ␎␄�␄␀␂�␁␄� ␄␄�␀␃␌�␄␌�␁␀� ␏�␀␎� ␌�␀␆� ␀� ␂�␀␅�␅␀�␄␂�␀ ␀�␁␅��␁␄␏�␀␆�␁␄�␂�␀␀␀�␅␌�␁␀�␅�␀␅␌�␎���␁␎␁�␅␀�␁␅�␄� ␀�␁␁� ␌�␁␄�␅ �␁␄� ␌� ␌�� ␌�␅␀�␁␀␀�␁␀� ␂�␁␋�␁␀�␀␄� �␁␎�␅␄� ␀␀�␅␀� ␀� ␀� ␃�␅␀�␁␄� ␀␄� ␆� ␅� ␄�␀␆�␁␀� ␌�␀␆� ␄� ␄␌␁�␁␎� �␅␌�␁␌� ␂�␅␂␎� ␀�␅␄␌�␁␄� ␀␌␀� �␀␄��␀␅�␀�␀␀� ␀�␀␀�␁␎�␀ �␅␌� ␃␂� ␀�␁␀�␁␌� ␀�␀␂�� ␀�␌␌�␁␄�␁␌�␅␂␌␌� ␇�� ␄�␀␂�␄␀�␌␁␀� ␆�␅␌�␀ ��␅␂�␅␂�␄��␁␂�␀␂␀�␅␄�␁ �␂�␁���␎�␌␀�␅␀�␁␌�␌�␄␌␀��␀␄�� ␀� ␌␂�␀␆�␀␌�␀␀��␀␄␌␀�␁␀�␁ �␁␌␂�␁␀� ␂��␌␄�␀␌�␀␆� ␏� ␀� �␁␌� ␄� ␄␌���␀␆�␇��␁␂���␄�␄␀�� ␂�␃�␆␄�␋�␄␀� ␄�␁␌�␁␎�␀␀�␁␀�␁␎�␁␌␌�␀␀�␀� ␀�␅␎�␀␆� ␌�␀␌� � ␀␆␀� ␌� ␀� ␌␂�␀␄�␀␌�␁␇�␁␂�␄␀�␄ �␀␄�� ␄�␁␇�␀␀�␀␁␅�␌� ␀�� ␌� ␂�� ␀�␀ ␀�␀␀� ␆� � ␋␌␀� ␄�␁␏�␁␌�␁ �␅␌�␁␌��␀␂�␆�␀␎�␌����␁␄�␎�␁␀␌�␀␌� ␂␀� ␌�␁␂�
Do you have this problem and can I have an example output