kkapsner / keepassxc-mail

MailExtension to talk to keepassxc
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Add support for Cardbook #25

Closed Ouack23 closed 3 years ago

Ouack23 commented 3 years ago

Hello, Currently, accounts of the extension Carbook does not pick passwords in the KPXC database.

I'm not sure if this is due to KPXC-mail or Cardbook itself though. Please tell me if you need anything on their end and I'll post an issue to them instead.

kkapsner commented 3 years ago

I think I see a way to support it.

mdonz commented 3 years ago

Probably not the right place for a comment but I wanted to say a big Thank You for creating keepasxc-mail as a TB add-on. I have been using the combination of KeePass and KeeBird until recently but have now switched to KeepassXC and KeePassXC-mail which will make the upgrade for Thunderbird to version 78 much easier. I am also using Cardbook hence excited to see that there is planned support for it in the next KeePassXC-mail version.

kkapsner commented 3 years ago

I have problems to get all necessary information to do the proper search in the password database. So I think Cardbook and keepassxc-mail have to work together to get this running. Please open an issue at their repository.

Ouack23 commented 3 years ago

Done : https://gitlab.com/CardBook/CardBook/-/issues/1201

CardBook commented 3 years ago

hi @kkapsner

what do you need ? :)

kkapsner commented 3 years ago

Hi @CardBook

good question... I do not want you to build a hard dependency on keepassxc-mail and to be honest the current way I implemented this is kind of hacky (I use an 'experiment' to hook into the necessary functions). But I see no other good way to do it with a mail-extension.

What I basically need is a way to receive the host (including protocol) and the username that CardBook needs the password for. Best would be if the messaging would be asynchronous but synchronous could also work (I use Services.tm.spinEventLoopUntilOrShutdown to achieve that).

What I tried was to intercept the Services.logins.findLogins call which works (not directly but over the storage-json.js) but then I have no clue about the username and the requested realm is not specific enough to deduce the host. I also tried to hook into cardbookPasswordManager.jsm but this is not working either as you are using it as a sub script and not an import. (This is just a guess but it didn't work.)

So I'm quite open on how to achieve this. Do you have any suggestions? Is there a way for you to detect if keepassxc-mail is installed? I can detect CardBook.

kkapsner commented 3 years ago

The easiest for me would be if you could call requestCredentials or waitForCredentials directly. But I guess I would have to expose them somehow...

CardBook commented 3 years ago


I'm also open to change everything you want in Cardbook but I don't want to add something to detect keepassxc-mail... maybe the easiest way would be to hook with the file cardbookPasswordManager.jsm ? can't you access the function cardbookRepository.cardbookPasswordManager.getPassword() by loading cardbookRepository ?

the addon simple mail redirection uses this :+1:

                registerChromeUrl(context, [ ["content", "cardbook", "chrome/content/"] ]);
                try {
                } catch(e) {
                    console.debug('SMR: cardbook not installed: '+e);
kkapsner commented 3 years ago

by loading cardbookRepository

This was exactly the piece of information I was missing. I tried to load the cardbookPasswordManager.jsm directly which did not work.

Please try keepassxc-mail-

The necessary information for the entry in the password database can be seen in the console (I have very limited access/experience with CardBook): grafik

mdonz commented 3 years ago

Kudos to you who are working together on this subject. Love your professional approach and achieving results. Keepassxc-mail and Cardbook are core, important apps for me and we try to recommend them to our customers for wider use.

CardBook commented 3 years ago

Hi @kkapsner

How do you make it work (I've installed KPXC on my Ubuntu, and created one database, and the above addon in Thunderbird), but this seems not to work....

kkapsner commented 3 years ago

@CardBook: what exactly is not working? Did you follow the instruction in the readme? Any entries in the console?

CardBook commented 3 years ago

oki I've now followed the readme instructions and I'm a bit further :)

so I see entries in the console (but when I open the KPXC standalone program, these entries weren't inserted) :

got credential request: 
​host: "oauth://accounts.google.com"
​login: "myemail@gmail.com"
​<prototype>: Object { … }
Error 15: Aucuns identifiants trouvés keepass.js:1142:13

but when I want to sync a remote account, the sync fails with this : 2021.03.12 14:02:39:131 : cardbookSynchronization.syncAccount error : TypeError: originalGetPassword.get is undefined

kkapsner commented 3 years ago

Oh - my bad (copy/paste at almost midnight is not the best idea...) try this: keepassxc-mail-

CardBook commented 3 years ago

now the sync is OK, all seems OK...

but to understanf where are put all those entries ?... I can't find anything in KPXC...

kkapsner commented 3 years ago

oauth is a little bit complicated to use so I will touch on it later. First on a normal login:

If you see something like got credential request: {​host: "smtp://smtp.host.com", ​login: "myemail@host.com"} you create an entry in KeePassXC with "myemail@host.com" as username, your password and "smtp://smtp.host.com" as URL.

oauth would work similarly BUT you usually don't know your token. So you do the normal steps you would in CardBook to login (keepassxc-mail could help there as well - what is the chrome URL of you overlay where the login is done?) and let it write your token to the Thunderbird password manager (in a next step we could intercept this and store the token directly in the database. I would intercept addPassword for that. Is this the only place you write to the password manager?). Then you can retrieve the token from the password manager, copy it to the database and delete the token in Thunderbird.

CardBook commented 3 years ago

CardBook gets the refresh tokens with these 2 functions for Google : (cardbookRepository.cardbookSynchronizationGoogle.requestNewRefreshTokenForGoogleCarddav() and cardbookRepository.cardbookSynchronizationGoogle.requestNewRefreshTokenForGoogleClassic() and this single function for Yahoo : cardbookRepository.cardbookSynchronizationYahoo.requestNewRefreshTokenForYahoo()

once these refresh tokens are obtained (and stored), the sync is made using access tokens that are asked with the refresh tokens.

I still do not see my Thunderbird passwords coming into the standalone program KPXC, what am I missing ?

CardBook commented 3 years ago

@kkapsner : everything is OK for you ?

kkapsner commented 3 years ago

It's usually the other way round. The passwords are entered in KPXC and then requested by Thunderbird.

Where do you enter passwords in Thunderbird that should be commin gto KPXC?

CardBook commented 3 years ago

the password are added with the function cardbookRepository.cardbookPasswordManager.rememberPassword(), so it is triggered when adding a new address book, when syncing if the password is not correct or known, and a little case in CardBook preferences if you want to open a soft phone with an URL...

mdonz commented 3 years ago

Would like to add here that the move to keepassxc-mail- from previous made the difference with the Cardbook integration and I do not need to store a password for this any longer in Thunderbird. Instead, the password when needed (i.e. during synch operation) is taken from the Keepass-XC database entry. In my case, the contacts are synched to our SOGo backend and my Keepass-XC entry looks like the below (a bit obfuscated): https://sogo.xyz.nz/SOGo/dav//Contacts/personal/

Thanks for your work on this!

kdrobnyh commented 3 years ago

@kkapsner, why don't you add version to releases? The latest version in releases ( still has this issue.

kkapsner commented 3 years ago

Releasing a new version is on my todo list.