Open kkauraiims opened 7 months ago
%% This is code conducts stroop task in psychtoolbox % KK- March, 2024 % revised- April, 2024
%------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Preliminary Set-up %------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Clear the workspace close all clearvars sca;
%------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Build a GUI to get subject number %------------------------------------------------------------------------- prompt = {'Subject Number'}; % what information do we want from the subject? box = inputdlg(prompt,'Enter Subject Info'); % build the GUI
p.date_time_start = clock; % record time and date of the start of the sesssion !!
if length(box) == 1 % check to make sure something was typed in p.subNum = str2num(box{1}); else return; % if nothing was entered or the subject hit cancel, bail out end
%------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Build an output directory & check to make sure it doesn't already exist %------------------------------------------------------------------------- p.root = pwd; % make an output dir for the subject mkdir(strcat(p.root,'/Subject_Data',filesep,box{1}));
%------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Set-up Psychtoolbox %-------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Setup PTB with some default values PsychDefaultSetup(2);
% Seed the random number generator rng('shuffle')
% Set the screen number to the external secondary monitor if there is one % connected screenNumber = max(Screen('Screens'));
% Define black, white and grey white = WhiteIndex(screenNumber); grey = white / 2; black = BlackIndex(screenNumber);
% Open the screen [window, windowRect] = PsychImaging('OpenWindow', screenNumber, grey, [], 32, 2);
% Flip to clear Screen('Flip', window);
% Query the frame duration ifi = Screen('GetFlipInterval', window);
% Set the text size Screen('TextSize', window, 60);
% Get the centre coordinate of the window [xCenter, yCenter] = RectCenter(windowRect);
% Set the blend funciton for the screen Screen('BlendFunction', window, 'GL_SRC_ALPHA', 'GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA');
% Set maximum priority level topPriorityLevel = MaxPriority(window); Priority(topPriorityLevel);
%---------------------------------------------------------------------- % Timing Information %----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Interstimulus interval time in seconds and frames isiTimeSecs = 1; isiTimeFrames = round(isiTimeSecs / ifi);
% Numer of frames to wait before re-drawing waitframes = 1;
%---------------------------------------------------------------------- % Keyboard information %----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Define the keyboard keys that are listened for. We will be using the left % and right arrow keys as response keys for the task and the escape key as % a exit/reset key escapeKey = KbName('ESCAPE'); leftKey = KbName('LeftArrow'); rightKey = KbName('RightArrow'); downKey = KbName('DownArrow');
%---------------------------------------------------------------------- % Colors in words and RGB %----------------------------------------------------------------------
% We are going to use three colors for this demo. Red, Green and blue. colorList = ['red';'green';'blue']; rgbColors = [1 0 0; 0 1 0; 0 0 1];
colortable = table(colorList, rgbColors);
%---------------------------------------------------------------------- % Import the condition matrices %----------------------------------------------------------------------
stroop_condMatrix_pract = readtable ('/Users/neelbazro/Desktop/BBSRC_project/psych_scripts/StroopTrialTypes2.xlsx', 'ReadVariableNames', true); stroop_condMatrix_1 = readtable ('/Users/neelbazro/Desktop/BBSRC_project/psych_scripts/StroopTrialTypesA.xlsx', 'ReadVariableNames', true); stroop_condMatrix_2 = readtable ('/Users/neelbazro/Desktop/BBSRC_project/psych_scripts/StroopTrialTypesB.xlsx', 'ReadVariableNames', true); stroop_condMatrix_3 = readtable ('/Users/neelbazro/Desktop/BBSRC_project/psych_scripts/StroopTrialTypesC.xlsx', 'ReadVariableNames', true); stroop_condMatrix_4 = readtable ('/Users/neelbazro/Desktop/BBSRC_project/psych_scripts/StroopTrialTypesD.xlsx', 'ReadVariableNames', true);
% create a structure from the condition matrices condMatrix(1).data = stroop_condMatrix_1; condMatrix(2).data = stroop_condMatrix_2; condMatrix(3).data = stroop_condMatrix_3; condMatrix(4).data = stroop_condMatrix_4;
%---------------------------------------------------------------------- % Make a master condition and response matrix %----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Define the number of trials % this trial contains four blocks of each condition matrix type numTrials = height(condMatrix(1).data);
% set the number of blocks, in this experiment they were set to 4 numBlocks = 4;
% This is a ... row matrix % the first row will record the word we present, % the second row the color of the word it is written in, % the third row the key participant respond with % fourth row is the time they took to make there response. % The fifth row is the presentation time of the ISI % 6th row is the time stmap- start time of the trial % 7th row is the time stamp- End of ISI interval, start of the cue presentation time % 8th row is the time stamp- time of key press by the participant
for n= 1: numBlocks respMat_stroop(n).data = cell(8, numTrials); end
%---------------------------------------------------------------------- % Experimental loop %----------------------------------------------------------------------
% begin Block Loop for b= 1: numBlocks
% extract conditions table for the given block condMatrix_block = condMatrix(b).data;
% begin trial loop for t = 1:numTrials
% The color word and the color it is drawn in theWord = condMatrix_block{t,1}; theColor_word = condMatrix_block{t,2}; % find the corresponding rgb value for the color word color_idx = find(colortable{:,1}== string(theColor_word)); theColor = colortable{color_idx,2}; % Cue to determine whether a response has been made respToBeMade = true; % If this is the first trial we present a start screen and wait for a % key-press if t == 1 DrawFormattedText(window, 'Name the color \n\n Press Any Key To Begin',... 'center', 'center', black); Screen('Flip', window); KbStrokeWait; end % Flip again to sync us to the vertical retrace at the same time as % drawing our fixation point Screen('DrawDots', window, [xCenter; yCenter], 10, black, [], 2); vbl = Screen('Flip', window); % Make a note of the time stamp iStart = vbl; % Now we present the isi interval with fixation point minus one frame % because we presented the fixation point once already when getting a % time stamp. We use the waitframes functionality to do this without % the need of a loop % Draw the fixation point Screen('DrawDots', window, [xCenter; yCenter], 10, black, [], 2); % Flip to the screen vbl = Screen('Flip', window, vbl + ((isiTimeFrames - 1) - 0.5) * ifi); % Get the presentation time of the ISI iEnd = vbl; isiRecDuration = iEnd - iStart; % Now present the word in continuous loops until the person presses a % key to respond. We take a time stamp before and after to calculate % our reaction time. We have used the function getsecs here to achieve % the same. % % The person should be asked to respond to either the written word or % the color the word is written in. They make their response with the % three arrow key. They should press "Left" for "Red", "Down" for % "Green" and "Right" for "Blue". % % % Additionally, we poll the keyboard each time we update the screen. We % could alternatively flip to the screen once, then loop over purely % the keyboard polling and clear the screen once a button is pressed. while respToBeMade == true % Draw the word DrawFormattedText(window, char(theWord), 'center', 'center', theColor); % Check the keyboard. The person should press the [keyIsDown,secs, keyCode] = KbCheck; if keyCode(escapeKey) ShowCursor; sca; return elseif keyCode(leftKey) response = 1; responseTime = GetSecs; % Record time of key press respToBeMade = false; elseif keyCode(downKey) response = 2; responseTime = GetSecs; % Record time of key press respToBeMade = false; elseif keyCode(rightKey) response = 3; responseTime = GetSecs; % Record time of key press respToBeMade = false; end % Flip to the screen vbl = Screen('Flip', window, vbl + (waitframes - 0.5) * ifi); end % Record the reaction time, calculated by the use of flip timestamps rt = vbl - iEnd; % Record the trial data into out data matrix respMat_stroop(b).data{1, t} = string(theWord); % record the word which was presented respMat_stroop(b).data{2, t} = char(theColor_word); % record the corresponding color it was presented in respMat_stroop(b).data{3, t} = response; % the key the participant responded with respMat_stroop(b).data{4, t} = rt; % reaction time respMat_stroop(b).data{5, t} = isiRecDuration; % presentation time of the ISI respMat_stroop(b).data{6, t} = iStart; % time stamp- start time of the trial respMat_stroop(b).data{7, t} = iEnd; % time stamp- End of ISI interval, start of the cue presentation time respMat_stroop(b).data{8, t} = responseTime; % time stamp- time of key press by the participant
% End of experiment screen. We clear the screen once they have made their % response DrawFormattedText(window, 'Experiment Finished \n\n Press Any Key To Exit',... 'center', 'center', black); Screen('Flip', window); KbStrokeWait; sca;
%% This is code conducts stroop task in psychtoolbox % KK- March, 2024 % revised- April, 2024
%------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Preliminary Set-up %------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Clear the workspace close all clearvars sca;
%------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Build a GUI to get subject number %------------------------------------------------------------------------- prompt = {'Subject Number'}; % what information do we want from the subject? box = inputdlg(prompt,'Enter Subject Info'); % build the GUI
p.date_time_start = clock; % record time and date of the start of the sesssion !!
if length(box) == 1 % check to make sure something was typed in p.subNum = str2num(box{1}); else return; % if nothing was entered or the subject hit cancel, bail out end
%------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Build an output directory & check to make sure it doesn't already exist %------------------------------------------------------------------------- p.root = pwd; % make an output dir for the subject mkdir(strcat(p.root,'/Subject_Data',filesep,box{1}));
%------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Set-up Psychtoolbox %-------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Setup PTB with some default values PsychDefaultSetup(2);
% Seed the random number generator rng('shuffle')
% Set the screen number to the external secondary monitor if there is one % connected screenNumber = max(Screen('Screens'));
% Define black, white and grey white = WhiteIndex(screenNumber); grey = white / 2; black = BlackIndex(screenNumber);
% Open the screen [window, windowRect] = PsychImaging('OpenWindow', screenNumber, grey, [], 32, 2);
% Flip to clear Screen('Flip', window);
% Query the frame duration ifi = Screen('GetFlipInterval', window);
% Set the text size Screen('TextSize', window, 60);
% Get the centre coordinate of the window [xCenter, yCenter] = RectCenter(windowRect);
% Set the blend funciton for the screen Screen('BlendFunction', window, 'GL_SRC_ALPHA', 'GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA');
% Set maximum priority level topPriorityLevel = MaxPriority(window); Priority(topPriorityLevel);
%---------------------------------------------------------------------- % Timing Information %----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Interstimulus interval time in seconds and frames isiTimeSecs = 1; isiTimeFrames = round(isiTimeSecs / ifi);
% Numer of frames to wait before re-drawing waitframes = 1;
%---------------------------------------------------------------------- % Keyboard information %----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Define the keyboard keys that are listened for. We will be using the left % and right arrow keys as response keys for the task and the escape key as % a exit/reset key escapeKey = KbName('ESCAPE'); leftKey = KbName('LeftArrow'); rightKey = KbName('RightArrow'); downKey = KbName('DownArrow');
%---------------------------------------------------------------------- % Colors in words and RGB %----------------------------------------------------------------------
% We are going to use three colors for this demo. Red, Green and blue. colorList = ['red';'green';'blue']; rgbColors = [1 0 0; 0 1 0; 0 0 1];
colortable = table(colorList, rgbColors);
%---------------------------------------------------------------------- % Import the condition matrices %----------------------------------------------------------------------
stroop_condMatrix_pract = readtable ('/Users/neelbazro/Desktop/BBSRC_project/psych_scripts/StroopTrialTypes2.xlsx', 'ReadVariableNames', true); stroop_condMatrix_1 = readtable ('/Users/neelbazro/Desktop/BBSRC_project/psych_scripts/StroopTrialTypesA.xlsx', 'ReadVariableNames', true); stroop_condMatrix_2 = readtable ('/Users/neelbazro/Desktop/BBSRC_project/psych_scripts/StroopTrialTypesB.xlsx', 'ReadVariableNames', true); stroop_condMatrix_3 = readtable ('/Users/neelbazro/Desktop/BBSRC_project/psych_scripts/StroopTrialTypesC.xlsx', 'ReadVariableNames', true); stroop_condMatrix_4 = readtable ('/Users/neelbazro/Desktop/BBSRC_project/psych_scripts/StroopTrialTypesD.xlsx', 'ReadVariableNames', true);
% create a structure from the condition matrices condMatrix(1).data = stroop_condMatrix_1; condMatrix(2).data = stroop_condMatrix_2; condMatrix(3).data = stroop_condMatrix_3; condMatrix(4).data = stroop_condMatrix_4;
%---------------------------------------------------------------------- % Make a master condition and response matrix %----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Define the number of trials % this trial contains four blocks of each condition matrix type numTrials = height(condMatrix(1).data);
% set the number of blocks, in this experiment they were set to 4 numBlocks = 4;
% This is a ... row matrix % the first row will record the word we present, % the second row the color of the word it is written in, % the third row the key participant respond with % fourth row is the time they took to make there response. % The fifth row is the presentation time of the ISI % 6th row is the time stmap- start time of the trial % 7th row is the time stamp- End of ISI interval, start of the cue presentation time % 8th row is the time stamp- time of key press by the participant
for n= 1: numBlocks respMat_stroop(n).data = cell(8, numTrials); end
%---------------------------------------------------------------------- % Experimental loop %----------------------------------------------------------------------
% begin Block Loop for b= 1: numBlocks
% begin trial loop for t = 1:numTrials
% End of experiment screen. We clear the screen once they have made their % response DrawFormattedText(window, 'Experiment Finished \n\n Press Any Key To Exit',... 'center', 'center', black); Screen('Flip', window); KbStrokeWait; sca;