kkdai / blog

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go-line-notify/ #53

Open kkdai opened 3 years ago

kkdai commented 3 years ago

[Golang][Line][教學] 如何快速建置一個 Line Notify 的服務


kkdai commented 3 years ago

comment written by Luffy Mchd, created at 14 Aug 19 09:44 UTC,

補充一下heroku本身具備postgres sql

kkdai commented 3 years ago

comment written by Frank Ouyang, created at 15 Aug 19 13:54 UTC,

對不起,打擾了~我是一個菜鳥~~~我嘗試依據您的流程希望可以建立notify 自動傳訊息.可是卡關了~來求救~~~~
我依照您的gihub上的流程走,但是走到第3點(3. Fork this project and add git remote to heroku.)不知道該如何走下去~
目前~我的line notify已經可以收到[與 test notify 連動完成] 還有[test notify] test1

我的line ID: frank.ouyang

kkdai commented 3 years ago

comment written by Eric Ho, created at 18 Oct 19 14:06 UTC,

我有沒有辦法一次群發 line notify