kkebo / DevToys.swiftpm

DevToys for iPad (WIP)
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Replace Kitura's swift-html-entities with Zyphy #57

Open kkebo opened 7 months ago

kkebo commented 7 months ago

Zyphy has been developing APIs for HTML character references since https://github.com/kkk669/zyphy/pull/35. swift-html-entities is no longer maintained. So I would like to replace it with Zyphy.

To do that, I have to split Zyphy into a few packages because Swift Playgrounds doesn't support macro targets yet.

kkebo commented 3 months ago

Zyphy is only supports Swift 6.0 or later for now because it uses the CodeItem macros.

So I have two options.

  1. Wait until the Swift Playgrounds supports Swift 6.0
    • However, the production release of Swift 6.0 may remove the CodeItem macro feature.
  2. Create a separate package that only contains the HTMLEntites module.