kking117 / RoR2-kking117Mods

Mods I've worked on for Risk of Rain 2.
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[bug] in multiplayer clients receive thousands of calls #8

Closed notjac0b closed 2 years ago

notjac0b commented 2 years ago

the following shows up thousands of times in the log

[Info : Unity Log] (-22.3, 0.0, -12.1) [Warning: Unity Log] [Server] function 'System.Void RoR2.CharacterMaster::SetLoadoutServer(RoR2.Loadout)' called on client [Warning: Unity Log] [Server] function 'System.Void RoR2.MinionOwnership::SetOwner(RoR2.CharacterMaster)' called on client [Warning: Unity Log] [Server] function 'System.Void RoR2.Inventory::GiveItem(RoR2.ItemDef,System.Int32)' called on client [Error : Unity Log] SpawnObject for TitanGoldAllyMaster(Clone) (UnityEngine.GameObject), NetworkServer is not active. Cannot spawn objects without an active server. [Warning: Unity Log] [Server] function 'RoR2.CharacterBody RoR2.CharacterMaster::Respawn(UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Quaternion)' called on client [Error : Unity Log] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object Stack trace: AurelioniteStuck.MainPlugin.gAddTitanInventory|17_11 (RoR2.CharacterMaster titan, System.Int32 seeds) (at <69227fc5ed69498db1bbb69579ea2bea>:IL_0050) AurelioniteStuck.MainPlugin.gCreateTitanGoldCombatSquad|17_9 (RoR2.TeamIndex team, System.Int32 SeedCount) (at <69227fc5ed69498db1bbb69579ea2bea>:IL_00AF) AurelioniteStuck.MainPlugin.b__17_1 (On.RoR2.Run+orig_FixedUpdate orig, RoR2.Run self) (at <69227fc5ed69498db1bbb69579ea2bea>:IL_009C) DMD<>?-1892111616.Hook?1350699520 (RoR2.Run ) (at :IL_0014) DMD<>?-1892111616.Trampoline?-605538304 (RoR2.Run ) (at :IL_0020) ThinkInvisible.ClassicItems.HitList.On_RunFixedUpdate (On.RoR2.Run+orig_FixedUpdate orig, RoR2.Run self) (at :IL_0000) DMD<>?-1892111616.Hook?-1240170624 (RoR2.Run ) (at <51b28806842e4625a33f8ef751d13373>:IL_0014)

Clients dropped to 1 frame per second host was fine. also this line repeats many times: [Warning: Unity Log] Trying to send command for object without authorit be warned massive 23MB log. LogOutput.log y.

kking117 commented 2 years ago

I have no way to test this in multiplayer and admittedly have no idea on how to network things correctly in the slightest. I will keep this problem in mind when I do update the mod, but I can't really promise much.

kking117 commented 2 years ago

I've done a quick test with a friend and may have fixed the client call issue. I've updated the mod on the store. I'd suggest testing it with DebugToolKit to confirm for yourself quickly.