kkondo1981 / aglm

A handy tool for actuarial modeling, which is designed to achieve both accuracy and accountability.
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Implement plot() for numerical and ordered data #12

Closed kkondo1981 closed 5 years ago

kkondo1981 commented 5 years ago

What to plot (candidates) for one variable:

(not to plot)

kkondo1981 commented 5 years ago

sample code

library(devtools) devtools::install_github("kkondo1981/aglm", build_vignettes=TRUE) library(aglm) ​ ########## ​ library(MASS) # For Boston ​

Read data

xy <- Boston # xy is a data.frame to be processed. colnames(xy)[ncol(xy)] <- "y" # Let medv be the objective variable, y. xy <- cbind(logCRIM = log(xy$crim), xy) xy$rad <- as.ordered(xy$rad) ​

Split data into train and test

n <- nrow(xy) # Sample size. set.seed(2018) # For reproducibility. test.id <- sample(n, round(n/4)) # ID numbders for test data. test <- xy[test.id,] # test is the data.frame for testing. train <- xy[-test.id,] # train is the data.frame for training. x <- train[-ncol(xy)] y <- train$y newx <- test[-ncol(xy)] y_true <- test$y ​


set.seed(2018) aglm_CV <- cv.aglm(x, y) aglm_lambda <- aglm_CV$lambda.min aglm_model <- aglm(x, y, lambda = aglm_lambda) aglm_pred1 <- predict(aglm_model, newx = newx, type = "response") cat("RMSE: ", rmse1 <- sqrt(mean((y_true - aglm_pred1)^2)), "\n")

RMSE: 3.082243

aglme_pred2 <- predict(aglm_CV, s = aglm_lambda,

newx = newx, type = "response")


cat("RMSE: ", sqrt(mean((y_true - aglm_pred2)^2)), "\n")



plot(aglm_model@vars_info[[1]]$OD_info$breaks, cumsum(coef(aglm_model)[3:102]), type = "s", xlab = aglm_model@vars_info[[1]]$name, ylab = "Coefficients") ​ barplot(cumsum(coef(aglm_model)[652:660]), names.arg = aglm_model@vars_info[[10]]$OD_info$breaks, type = "h", xlab = aglm_model@vars_info[[10]]$name, ylab = "Coefficients")

iwahiropuzzles commented 5 years ago

The following sample may be better. ##########


library(aglm) ​library(MASS) # For Boston


xy <- Boston # xy is a data.frame to be processed. colnames(xy)[ncol(xy)] <- "y" # Let medv be the objective variable, y. n <- nrow(xy) # Sample size. set.seed(2018) # For reproducibility. test.id <- sample(n, round(n/4)) # ID numbders for test data. test <- xy[test.id,] # test is the data.frame for testing. train <- xy[-test.id,] # train is the data.frame for training. x <- train[-ncol(xy)] y <- train$y newx <- test[-ncol(xy)] y_true <- test$y x$chas <- as.factor(x$chas) x$rad <- as.ordered(x$rad) newx$chas <- factor(newx$chas, levels=levels(x$chas)) newx$rad <- ordered(newx$rad, levels=levels(x$rad))


set.seed(2018) aglmCV <- # CV for LASSO aglm cv.aglm(x, log(y), alpha = 1, lambda = 0.1^seq(1, 3, length.out = 100), add_interaction_columns = FALSE ) aglmLambda <- aglmCV@lambda.min aglmFit <- as.vector(predict(aglmCV, newx = x, s = aglmLambda, type = "response")) aglmDispersion <- var(log(y) - aglmFit) aglm_model <- aglm(x, log(y), alpha = 1, lambda = aglmLambda, add_interaction_columns = FALSE) aglmMu <- predict(aglm_model, s= aglmLambda, newx = newx, type = "response") pred10 <- exp(aglmMu + aglmDispersion / 2) print(rmse10 <- sqrt(mean(((test$y - pred10)^2)[!test$y == 50]))) # 3.078149 plot(test$y, pred10) curve(identity, add = TRUE)


For numeric features

variable <- aglm_model@vars_info[[12]] xbreaks <- variable$OD_info$breaks slope <- coef(aglm_model)[666] type <- ifelse(slope == 0, "s", "l") ybreaks <- cumsum(coef(aglm_model)[666 + 1:77]) + slope * xbreaks plot(xbreaks, ybreaks, type = type, xlab = variable$name, ylab = "Coefficients")

variable <- aglm_model@vars_info[[13]] xbreaks <- variable$OD_info$breaks slope <- coef(aglm_model)[744] type <- ifelse(slope == 0, "s", "l") ybreaks <- cumsum(coef(aglm_model)[744 + 1:100]) + slope * xbreaks plot(xbreaks, ybreaks, type = type, xlab = variable$name, ylab = "Coefficients")

For ordered features

variable <- aglm_model@vars_info[[9]] xnames <- variable$OD_info$breaks UDcoef <- coef(aglm_model)[558 + 1:9] ybreaks <- cumsum(coef(aglm_model)[549 + 1:9]) + UDcoef barplot(ybreaks, names.arg = xnames, xlab = variable$name, ylab = "Coefficients")

kkondo1981 commented 5 years ago

Implemented in #25