Open regainOWO opened 2 years ago
line 18 change it to:
.input(source, fflags='nobuffer',flags='low_delay')
I hope it works
@safaATcurrus Thank you for your advice. i found the memory cost is much small than before, but the cpu cost in my laptop likely abou 9%, the example is here:
import ffmpeg
import numpy as np
import cv2
def main(source):
args = {
"rtsp_transport": "tcp",
"fflags": "nobuffer",
"flags": "low_delay"
} # 添加参数
probe = ffmpeg.probe(source)
cap_info = next(x for x in probe['streams'] if x['codec_type'] == 'video')
print("fps: {}".format(cap_info['r_frame_rate']))
width = cap_info['width'] # 获取视频流的宽度
height = cap_info['height'] # 获取视频流的高度
up, down = str(cap_info['r_frame_rate']).split('/')
fps = eval(up) / eval(down)
print("fps: {}".format(fps)) # 读取可能会出错错误
process1 = (
.input(source, **args)
.output('pipe:', format='rawvideo', pix_fmt='rgb24')
while True:
in_bytes = * height * 3) # 读取图片
if not in_bytes:
# 转成ndarray
in_frame = (
.frombuffer(in_bytes, np.uint8)
.reshape([height, width, 3])
# frame = cv2.resize(in_frame, (1280, 720)) # 改变图片尺寸
frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) # 转成BGR
cv2.imshow("ffmpeg", frame)
if cv2.waitKey(1) == ord('q'):
process1.kill() # 关闭
if __name__ == "__main__":
# rtsp流需要换成自己的
camera_ip = "" # 摄像头ip
camera_login_user = "admin"
camera_login_pwd = "admin123"
camera_channel = 0 # 选择主码流,还是辅码流
alhua_rtsp = f"rtsp://{camera_login_user}:{camera_login_pwd}@{camera_ip}/cam/realmonitor?channel=1&subtype={camera_channel}"
line 18 change it to:
.input(source, fflags='nobuffer',flags='low_delay')
I hope it works
After applying this method, the latency has been reduced from 1.5s to 0.1s. Thank you very much. 😊
@regainOWO To use GPU, just change args as: args = { "rtsp_transport": "tcp", "fflags": "nobuffer", "flags": "low_delay", "vcodec": "h264_cuvid" # or “hevc_cuvid” for H.265 source }
i have check out the demo here, the specificd location is in title (Process video frame-by-frame using numpy) . because i want to just read and convert it to numpy array, no save, so i change it, my demo is
when i run the code at first time at local , I use my compute directly connected to camera, the delay is small than the camera its own web. As time goes on, i seen the console is counting the nb_frame, and the frame dup num is growth, the frame read become slow. I think there is frame cache in memory. Could you help me fix it?