kkrt-labs / cairo-vm-ts

A typescript implementation of the Cairo VM
Apache License 2.0
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epic: CLI #83

Open zmalatrax opened 2 weeks ago

zmalatrax commented 2 weeks ago

Create a CLI that allows to run Cairo programs on the Cairo VM in TS.

The goal is to reach parity with available flags in the VMs in prod (Python/Rust, need to list the different features)

As all functionalities are not available in the project yet (e.g. proof mode, cairo PIE), this issue is about listing features and tracking their implementation in other issues.

zmalatrax commented 2 weeks ago
Flags of the Python VM: Flag Description
-h, --help display help for command
-v, --version output the version number
--program PROGRAM path to the program to execute
--steps STEPS specify the number of steps to execute
--min_steps MIN_STEPS minimum of steps to be executed
--debug_error Stops the execution if there is an error but produce the partial outputs (print memory before leaving)
--no_end No check program successfully ended
--print_memory Print the memory (Address --> Value)
--relocate_prints Print relocated memory (a contiguous segment)
--secure_run Add a few checks at the end of the run (default to true)
-- no_secure_run Negate secure_run
--print_info Print info on the execution of the program: number of steps, number of memory cells used, register values after execution (pc, ap, fp)
--print_output Print the output segment, nothing if empty
--memory_file MEMORY_FILE Export the relocated memory to specified file (binary little-endian encoded)
--trace_file TRACE_FILE Export the trace to specified file (binary little-endian encoded)
--run_from_cairo_pie PIE_FILE Execute a run from the given PIE archive (behaviour to be confirmed)
--cairo_pie_output CAIRO_PIE_OUTPUT Export to an archive in the PIE format (relocated memory, metadata, version, execution_resources, additional_data)
--debug_info_file DEBIG_INFO_FILE Dump debug_info to this file (JSON)
--air_public_input Export the AIR public input to specified file (JSON) (layout, rc_min, rc_max, n_steps, memory_segments, public_memory and dynamic_params)
--air_private_input Export the AIR private input to specified file (JSON) (path to the trace and relocated memory binary files)
--layout Layout to use for the run (different params for usage checks of the builtins)
--cairo_layout_params_file CAIRO_LAYOUT_PARAMS_FILE Read a CairoLayoutParams object at the specified path, only for dynamic layouts
--tracer launch the tracer (visual tool to follow the execution (code source, memory and the 3 registers)
--profile_output PROFILE_OUTPUT Dump profiling data to the specified file (expected format: profile.pb.gz) To be opened with tools like pprof
--proof_mode Run in ProofMode
--show_trace Print the encountered python errors if any
--flavor {Debug, Release, RelWithDebInfo} Specifiy the mode to run the program in (mostly optimization flags), to be confirmed
--allow_missing_builtins Allow missing builtins in the layout compared to the one required by the program
--python_dependencies Output starkware python modules used in program as CMake file
Flags of the Rust VM Flag Description
-h, --help display help for command
-V, --version output the version number
--print_output Print the output segment, nothing if empty
--trace_file TRACE_FILE Export the trace to specified file (binary little-endian encoded)
--memory_file MEMORY_FILE Export the relocated memory to specified file (binary little-endian encoded)
--entrypoint ENTRYPOINT Specify the entrypoint to run the program from (mostly for starknet contracts)
--layout LAYOUT Layout to use for the run (different params for usage checks of the builtins)
--proof_mode Run in ProofMode
--secure_run BOOLEAN Add a few checks at the end of the run (defaults to true)
--air_public_input FILENAME Export the AIR public input to specified file (JSON)
--air_private_input FILENAME Export the AIR privateinput to specified file (JSON)
--cairo_pie_output FILENAME Export to an archive in the PIE format
--allow_missing_builtins BOOLEAN Allow missing builtins in the layout compared to the one required by the program
zmalatrax commented 2 weeks ago
Current flags of the Cairo VM Typescript cli (cairo-vm-ts) (done in #85 #84 ): Flag Description
-h, --help display help for command
-V, --version output the version number
Subcommand run (cairo-vm-ts run <program.json>) Argument Description
Path to Cairo compilation artifacts
Flag Description
--no-relocate do not relocate memory
--offset start address of the relocated memory. StarkWare verifier expects offset to be 1 (default: 0)
--export-trace export the trace, little-endian encoded
--export-memory export the relocated memory, little-endian encoded
--print-trace print the trace
--print-memory print the non-relocated memory
--print-relocated-memory print the relocated memory
--print-output print the output segment
-h, --help display help for command

Layouts have not been implemented yet.

The flags related to the ProofMode will be implemented in another subcommands, called prove.