kks32 / phd-thesis-template

A LaTeX / XeLaTeX / LuaLaTeX PhD thesis template for Cambridge University Engineering Department (CUED)
MIT License
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Integratin TCOZ style files into the template #66

Closed awais644 closed 8 years ago

awais644 commented 8 years ago

Dear All,

I downloaded the Ph.D thesis template and I am using it as a template for my Ph.D thesis. I need to integrate some style files (.sty) into the thesis for a language called TCOZ tcoz When I do integrate these style files I am getting too many error like command already defined etc.I have been struggling with this for the past 3 days. I tried using \relax command but still there are too many errors. It would be great if you can help me figure out these errors. Please note that I successfully integrated these style files with spring/ACM journals template and never got into any trouble.

I have attached the minimum working example with the style files. The same can also be downloaded from the google drive. I will greatly appreciate your help. Thanks

phd-thesis-template-2.1 with TCOZ .zip

Download Link:

Note: I have included a sample TCOZ text in chapter1 and TCOZ requires XeLatex.

tabias commented 8 years ago

have you tried compiling it with: latexmk -xelatex -g -f thesis.tex -interaction=nonstopmode it ignores all warnings, so they are not removed but ignored instead.

using your files with the above command, renders the below pdf. I have no reference so hard to tell if it is working or not. thesis.pdf

awais644 commented 8 years ago

Hi Krishna,

Thanks for the help. However when I use the command latexmk -xelatex -g -f thesis.tex -interaction=nonstopmode

The bibliography is not working. Please have a look at the attached screenshot. Also the References page is missing so the bibliography is not printing too. Actually this is the same problem as before. When I compile I get a lot of errors. BTW I am using Texmaker on Mac. I would greatly appreciate your help.Thanks


tabias commented 8 years ago

this is the result compiling your file with an existing bibliography. You are getting a lot of duplicate warnings which is normal because both packages use similar commands.

I've included chapter 1 code with reference to the table and bibliography which I ran with the previously mentioned code.

could you state which version of macTeX you are using?

If it is still undesirable, please include your entire folder as zip so I can look at the source itself.

the result: thesis.pdf

with this code:

%* %*** First Chapter ***** %*

\chapter{Getting started} %Title of the First Chapter

\ifpdf \graphicspath{{Chapter1/Figs/Raster/}{Chapter1/Figs/PDF/}{Chapter1/Figs/}} \else \graphicspath{{Chapter1/Figs/Vector/}{Chapter1/Figs/}} \fi

%\ %First Section ** \section{What is loren ipsum? Title with math \texorpdfstring{$\sigma$}{[sigma]}} %Section - 1.1

\begin{class}{Task}\label{reftest} \begin{sidebyside} \begin{anonschema} resource : 12\ \end{anonschema} \begin{op}{Test} \Delta length\ \where \delta = length\ \end{op} \nextside \begin{init} length > 0 \end{init} \begin{op}{Test2} \Delta length\ \where \delta = lengthy\ \end{op} \end{sidebyside} \zbreak \end{class}

this is a test message reference to table:\ref{reftest} and citing bibliography: ~\citet{Rea85,Ancey1996}

\nomenclature[z-DEM]{DEM}{Discrete Element Method} \nomenclature[z-FEM]{FEM}{Finite Element Method} \nomenclature[z-PFEM]{PFEM}{Particle Finite Element Method} \nomenclature[z-FVM]{FVM}{Finite Volume Method} \nomenclature[z-BEM]{BEM}{Boundary Element Method} \nomenclature[z-MPM]{MPM}{Material Point Method} \nomenclature[z-LBM]{LBM}{Lattice Boltzmann Method} \nomenclature[z-MRT]{MRT}{Multi-Relaxation Time} \nomenclature[z-RVE]{RVE}{Representative Elemental Volume} \nomenclature[z-GPU]{GPU}{Graphics Processing Unit} \nomenclature[z-SH]{SH}{Savage Hutter} \nomenclature[z-CFD]{CFD}{Computational Fluid Dynamics} \nomenclature[z-LES]{LES}{Large Eddy Simulation} \nomenclature[z-FLOP]{FLOP}{Floating Point Operations} \nomenclature[z-ALU]{ALU}{Arithmetic Logic Unit} \nomenclature[z-FPU]{FPU}{Floating Point Unit} \nomenclature[z-SM]{SM}{Streaming Multiprocessors} \nomenclature[z-PCI]{PCI}{Peripheral Component Interconnect} \nomenclature[z-CK]{CK}{Carman - Kozeny} \nomenclature[z-CD]{CD}{Contact Dynamics} \nomenclature[z-DNS]{DNS}{Direct Numerical Simulation} \nomenclature[z-EFG]{EFG}{Element-Free Galerkin} \nomenclature[z-PIC]{PIC}{Particle-in-cell} \nomenclature[z-USF]{USF}{Update Stress First} \nomenclature[z-USL]{USL}{Update Stress Last} \nomenclature[s-crit]{crit}{Critical state} \nomenclature[z-DKT]{DKT}{Draft Kiss Tumble} \nomenclature[z-PPC]{PPC}{Particles per cell}

awais644 commented 8 years ago

Hi Krishna,

Please see this image for my macTeX version. tex-version

I was not able to get bibliography to work. The complete folder is attached here. phd-thesis-template-2.1 with TCOZ .zip

In your attached PDF everything was working so I guess something is wrong at my side. Do I need to update something?

While compiling I get errors no just warnings. Please see this screenshot. errors

Thanks for your help.

tabias commented 8 years ago

the error are redefinements that already are included in the phdclass hence the -interaction=nonstopmode so we don't have to click them.

I do notice your xetex is outdated so odds are, it has to be updated. The below link should give you the correct information on how to install it.


when updated try to run the code again:

%to clean the files latexmk -c %to recompile latexmk -g -f -xelatex -interaction=nonstopmode thesis.tex

awais644 commented 8 years ago

Hi Krishna,

Just updating my MacTex has fixed all my problems. Everything is working fine now. Thanks for your help. I really appreciate it.