kkujansuu / gramps

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Relabel in FilterParams tool titlebar? #12

Open emyoulation opened 1 year ago

emyoulation commented 1 year ago

Hi Kari,

Could you relabel this add-on so the titlebar does not read "gramps.exe" ?

How about calling it the "Custom Filter Tuner" ? (That should help avoid confusion with the built-in Custom Filter Editor.)

Tuner as in someone or something that adjusts an instrument or tool to more more correctly. Related to the process when a mechanic does a tune-up on an automobile.

emyoulation commented 1 year ago

It used to have a custom name and would appear in the Windows menu list.

Now it seems to have lost those. And it is possible to run multiple instances of the Tool. Shouldn't it just pop the open instance to front if selected from the Tools menu (or from Tool Selection dialog from the toolbar)?

emyoulation commented 1 year ago

The tool window is now correctly showing a title of "Filter Parameters - Gramps".

Parameters is still a "programmer friendly" label rather than "end-user friendly".

Is "Filter Tuner" an acceptable alternative? This implies a complimentary functionality to the "<object type> Filter Editor" menu item. (That menu actually does not open the editor. Instead it open a Selector that supports 5 actions: + Add, Edit, Clone, Test, - Delete.)

The only feature where your FilterParams does not provide a comparable feature is the "Clone"

kkujansuu commented 1 year ago

In my mind "tuning" (in software context) refers to making something to work faster and more efficiently. This tool does not change the behaviour of filters so "tuner" doesn't feel appropriate. But English is not my native language so I am probably wrong!

And the tool does more than "tune" existing filters. It can add and delete filters and perform "test runs". I intend to add the cloning function also.

How about simply "Filter Manager" (or "Custom Filter Manager")? Yes - it is a bit boring term and doesn't much describe what the tool is doing either!

emyoulation commented 1 year ago

If the "plugin namespace" of "Manager" was used, I'd expect to see some organizational features. (Some of which probably can't exist yet.)

Like with SuperTool where you can Save/Load externally stored Scripts. But instead of scripts, read & write in the CustomFilter.xml format.

And possibly, some way of organizing a catalogue/library of such things. (The short list of Scripts maintained by Patrice already feels limited by the "organize by meaningful filename" method.)

I'm hoping Gramps will expand that direction in the future. So it would better if that "Filter Manager" namespace was left available.

Tuner may have too much "baggage". I wasn't thinking so much in terms of a programmer (or other professional) ... who tunes for efficiency and perfection.

Rather, I was thinking like a User... who is granted a VERY restricted amount of adjustability to give a sense of power & choice. Like a consumer is given a radio but it is limited to certain bands within which they may 'tune'. They feel powerful with their restricted AM/FM tuner. But radio spectrum for a licensed radio operator includes MANY other bands.