kkujansuu / gramps

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Multi-screen computer systems and the FitlerParams dialog #27

Open emyoulation opened 1 year ago

emyoulation commented 1 year ago

This is overly fussy but... do you think the FilterParams window could open on the same screen as the Parent Window?

Right now it spawns to the primary OS screen on a multi-screen system. I usually have Gramps on my second screen because so many apps spawn to the Primary.

kkujansuu commented 1 year ago

This is not a problem in Linux but seems to be in Windows. I think I found a way to fix this. The change will be in the next version.

(the first link above refers to the 'tkinter' toolkit. This is not relevant because Gramps uses Gtk)

emyoulation commented 1 year ago

Could you verify that it looks at the parent?

The tool will be spawned primarily from the Gramps Tools:Isotammi Tools submenu menu. But recently, I've started using the Tool Selection dialog from the toolbar.

The Windoze port has caused Paul no end of headaches due to its window handling idiosyncrasies.

kkujansuu commented 1 year ago

Please test the version 1.1.5. Does it work properly?

emyoulation commented 1 year ago

My internet hotspot will be throttled until Monday. I can post messages but not download. Sorry for the delay.