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Fix updating of adaptive plugins re: commit 6b6e581. #188

Closed cnuahs closed 2 years ago

cnuahs commented 2 years ago

Commit 6b6e581 modified the adaptive base class to call it's update() method in beforeTrial rather than afterTrial. However, beforeTrial is only called on plugins after beforeTrial is called on the current block/design object. As a result, the design object cannot know the new/updated value that should be assigned to a parameter for the next trial. The design object therefore (re-)assigns the value from the previous trial.

This change calls beforeTrial on any adaptive plugins before calling beforeTrial on the current block/design.

adammorrissirrommada commented 2 years ago

Ahhhh, this is difficult stuff, but this makes sense to me. This is essentially like it was when it was in afterTrial() except that the trial counter has (appropriately) ticked over to the next (current) trial. This solution, like the original one, assumes that the calculation of the new value for adaptivedoes not depend on the current values of other plugins. In other words, the assignment of condition values in the design class doesn't respect c.order.

An alternative solution might be to make a distinct update function in the adaptive class that is called by the design class at the time of assignment of new values for the current trial/condition. That would leave beforeTrial() available for its traditional use and position in the trial loop sequence (i.e. custom behaviour after the condition spec has been fully set out across all plugins).

cnuahs commented 2 years ago

Hmm, ok... effectively renaming the existing beforeTrial() method in the adaptive base class to baseUpdate() or something, have the block object call that in it's beforeTrial() before calling getValue(), and leave the adaptive base class with no beforeTrial() method... child classes being free to add one if appropriate. Calling of beforeTrial() (if defined in a child class) would respect c.pluginOrder. Calling baseUpdate() would occur in whatever order conditions are listed in the block object...

Is that how you picture it?

adammorrissirrommada commented 2 years ago

That's what I had in mind, yep. Whether it is a robust solution or not, not entirely sure. Perhaps @bartkrekelberg can confirm whether he thinks this is OK before we merge it.

bartkrekelberg commented 2 years ago

I like this second solution. If I understand it correctly, by putting the update in the code that sets the specs, it automatically moves before all the other plugins' beforeTrial code. That seems cleaner than rearranging the pluginOrder in the block. beforeTrial code to achieve the same result.