klakegg / docker-hugo

Truly minimal Docker images for Hugo open-source static site generator.
MIT License
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klakegg/hugo:ext-alpine libstdc++.so.6 symbol not found #35

Closed lacrimal closed 3 years ago

lacrimal commented 3 years ago

Hi, Having some troubles with getting to work klakegg/hugo:ext-alpine with asciidoctorjs from npm on gitlab

it was always finalized with:

npm i -g --save asciidoctor
Error relocating /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6: __fprintf_chk: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6: __strftime_l: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6: __cxa_thread_atexit_impl: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6: __sprintf_chk: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/node: _ZNSt7__cxx1119basic_ostringstreamIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEC1Ev: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/node: _ZNSt19_Sp_make_shared_tag5_S_eqERKSt9type_info: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/node: _ZNSt7__cxx1118basic_stringstreamIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEC1Ev: symbol not found

my only solution is now:

  - apk del libstdc++
  - set -x && apk add --force-overwrite --no-cache --update libc6-compat libstdc++
  - /usr/glibc-compat/sbin/ldconfig

It is strange because you can't install libc6-compat only, you also need to remove then install with force both libc6-compat and libstdc++.

herei is full build stage:

  stage: build
    name: klakegg/hugo:ext-alpine
    entrypoint: [""]
  - docker
  #- private
  - apk del libstdc++
  - set -x && apk add --force-overwrite --no-cache --update libc6-compat libstdc++
  - /usr/glibc-compat/sbin/ldconfig
  - hugo version
  - git submodule update --init --recursive
  - apk add npm
  - npm i -g --save asciidoctor
  - npm i -g --save @asciidoctor/core
  - npm i -g --save asciidoctor-kroki asciidoctor-html5s
  - mv /usr/bin/asciidoctor /usr/bin/asciidoctor_org
  - printf '#!/bin/sh\n# This is a bash comment inside the script \n/usr/bin/asciidoctor_org -r asciidoctor-kroki -r asciidoctor-html5s -b html5  -a kroki-fetch-diagram=true -a icons=font "$@"\n' > /usr/bin/asciidoctor
  - chmod 775 /usr/bin/asciidoctor
  - hugo -v -D --destination ./public
    - public
  - master

Is there more elegant solution ?

klakegg commented 3 years ago

Thank you for reporting this.

I've made a fix, and you may test is using klakegg/hugo:edge-ext-alpine.

lacrimal commented 3 years ago

Thanks! Can confirm it works now without before_script commands. Should I stay on edge-ext-alpine ?

klakegg commented 3 years ago

Images prefixed with edge- includes functionality to become released when we see the next Hugo release. If the image does the job, I'd suggest to use it until Hugo version 0.75.2 or 0.76.0 is released.

lacrimal commented 3 years ago

Ok, once again thanks, great job :-)