klandaghi / oni-neko_rp

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Instructions for helping crims learn to crim. #26

Open klandaghi opened 2 years ago

klandaghi commented 2 years ago

Various robbery steps are too complicated for a FAFO environment.

Faedelity commented 2 years ago

I am thinking this could be part of the various IC/OOC documentation I want to make. Essentially, if something is "here is how to use X game function", like shift-S to swim up, we need clear OOC docs for that. People shouldn't have to rely on word of mouth for how to operate their body. Same would go for anything comparable for crim stuff.

For in-world crim knowledge, like "these are the components needed to make X drug" or "these are the steps to a robbery", we can either have underground publication like the original Anarchist's Cookbook or the memoirs of prominent criminals, worded so as to give hints about which parts shouldn't be taken literally.