klangman / CassiaPanelLaunchers

An application launcher applet for the Cinnamon desktop environment
1 stars 1 forks source link

Please consider publishing to Cinnamon Spices directory #2

Open wiserweb opened 1 year ago

wiserweb commented 1 year ago

This launcher is perfect and a big time saver. Thank you for creating it!

At the time of writing the entry, this feature: Quickly launch applications with a single click on a panel icon, is missing from ALL Cinnamon Window list applets.

There is a request for a launcher option for the Grouped Windows List applet (link) which includes environment variables. Otherwise, it seems there aren't any menu bar launching capabilities on the horizon for Cinnamon desktop environment.

Please consider publishing your applet to the Cinnamon Spices directory. Also propose to include keywords such as 'panel launcher' and 'window list' so it can be more easily found alongside the existing options for this genre.

klangman commented 1 year ago

Maybe I don't understand the specific feature you are referring to, but even the standard panel launcher that ships with Cinnamon allows you to launch (a new instance of) an application with a single click. In fact that's the only thing it does really. Maybe you are referring to the feature of restoring an existing window (rather then launching a new instance) when one is already running? If not please clarify which feature you are referring to.

To be honest, I was considering retiring this Applet since I have integrated much of what this applet does into my other applet (CassiaWindowList, https://github.com/klangman/CassiaWindowList). You can configure an applet instance of CassiaWindowList to be in "Launcher" mode under the "Window list behaviour style" drop down list in the applet configuration window and then that CassiaWindowList instance will only show pinned buttons which works almost exactly like CassiaPanelLaunchers does. I run my systems with two instances of CassiaWindowList, one configured as a standard window-list and one as a panel-launcher.

Now this does not address your main ask "publishing to Cinnamon Spices directory", since I have yet to publish CassiaWindowList to the spices github either. This is mainly because I keep thinking up new features and fixes that I would like to implement before publishing, but I do think that soon I should just commit what I have since I think it works well enough as it is.