klarna-incubator / gram

Gram is Klarna's own threat model diagramming tool
Apache License 2.0
257 stars 12 forks source link

Feature: Support for plugins that extend the UI #101

Open 4naesthetic opened 2 months ago

4naesthetic commented 2 months ago

I would like to be able to write plugins that extend the API and UI together. One example could be a plugin that allows models to be exported in a particular format, which would include a new button or menu item on the front end in addition to new APIs.

Apologies if this is already possible - it wasn't clear to me how to achieve this without modifying the frontend.

Tethik commented 2 months ago

You're not wrong, currently this is not possible besides some minor changes from config/ where you can add menu items or changing the app/ code itself. It would be cool to have UI controlled by plugins, but I expect it's pretty hard to implement.

Tethik commented 2 months ago

That said, exporting threat models to other formats for downloading is also something that could be implemented in Gram itself as a feature.