klassm / andFHEM

Manage your FHEM home automation server via Android.
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Support ReadingsGroup-devices #1323

Closed mwllgr closed 4 years ago

mwllgr commented 5 years ago

Hey there, it would be nice if ReadingsGroup devices were supported. Here's an XMLLIST.

        <readingsGroup name="RGroup.Heizung" state="Initialized" sets="visibility:toggle,toggle2,show,hide" attrs="alias comment:textField-long eventMap:textField-long group room suppressReading userReadings:textField-long verbose:0,1,2,3,4,5 disable:1,2,3 style timestampStyle commands:textField-long mapping:textField-long nameIcon:textField-long cellStyle:textField-long nameStyle:textField-long valueColumn:textField-long valueColumns:textField-long valueFormat:textField-long valuePrefix:textField-long valueSuffix:textField-long valueIcon:textField-long valueStyle:textField-long separator nolinks:1 noheading:1 nonames:1 notime:1 nostate:1 firstCalcRow:1,2,3,4 alwaysTrigger:1,2 sortDevices:1 sortFn visibility:hidden,hideable,collapsed,collapsible setList setFn:textField-long headerRows sortColumn cmdIcon devStateIcon devStateIcon:textField-long devStateStyle deviceType icon mac manufacturer model serialNr sortby webCmd webCmdLabel:textField-long widgetOverride userattr">
            <INT key="DEF" value="Heizr.Steuerung:Temp-Aussen
            <INT key="FUUID" value="5c433671-f33f-fbef-cfc0-2154459118cdc436"/>
            <INT key="NAME" value="RGroup.Heizung"/>
            <INT key="NR" value="102"/>
            <INT key="NTFY_ORDER" value="50-RGroup.Heizung"/>
            <INT key="STATE" value="Initialized"/>
            <INT key="TYPE" value="readingsGroup"/>
            <INT key="mayBeVisible" value="1"/>
            <ATTR key="alias" value="Uebersicht Heizung"/>
            <ATTR key="group" value="Heizung"/>
            <ATTR key="mapping" value="{
    'Temp-Aussen' =&gt; 'Aussentemperatur',
    'Temp-Aussen-1h' =&gt; 'Aussentemperatur (Stunde)',
    'Temp-Aussen-24h' =&gt; 'Aussentemperatur (Tag)',
    'Ww-Temp' =&gt; 'Warmwasser',
    'Hz-Temp-BasisSoll' =&gt; 'Basistemperatur',
    'Hz-KlSteilheit' =&gt; 'Steilheit',
    'Temp-Vorlauf' =&gt; 'Vorlauf',
    'Temp-Ruecklauf' =&gt;  'Rücklauf'
            <ATTR key="notime" value="1"/>
            <ATTR key="room" value="Heizraum"/>
            <ATTR key="valueFormat" value="{
    'Temp-Aussen' =&gt; &quot;%.1f &amp;deg;C&quot;,
    'Temp-Aussen-1h' =&gt; &quot;%.1f &amp;deg;C&quot;,
    'Temp-Aussen-24h' =&gt; &quot;%.1f &amp;deg;C&quot;,
    'Ww-Temp' =&gt; &quot;%.1f &amp;deg;C&quot;,
    'Hz-Temp-BasisSoll' =&gt; &quot;%.1f &amp;deg;C&quot;,
    'Hz-KlSteilheit' =&gt; &quot;%.1f %&quot;,
    'Temp-Vorlauf' =&gt; &quot;%.1f &amp;deg;C&quot;,
    &quot;Temp-Ruecklauf&quot; =&gt; &quot;%.1f &amp;deg;C&quot;


klassm commented 5 years ago


well, yes, this is an open issue for years now. Unfortunately, this is quite hard to implement:

As far as I currently see it the readingsgroup module is completely optimized towards FHEMWEB. I am really not sure whether the whole implementation effort would be just worth it, especially incl. the maintenance afterwards.

What actually should happens is something like a rendered HTML as reading, that can be used to display the content in external apps. But I guess this won't happen for quite some time...

I guess this does not really help ...


mwllgr commented 5 years ago

Hi Matthias, thanks for the reply - I already thought of that as a problem.

I just don't understand why they can't just implement a web interface which suits today's web standards (e.g. no \<table> for everything?) and which is responsive. Guess we can't change that.

~ M

klassm commented 5 years ago
