klattimer / LGWebOSRemote

Command line webOS remote for LGTVs
MIT License
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setTVChannel #71

Open grrosminet opened 3 years ago

grrosminet commented 3 years ago


I've a LG TV model :

   "product_name":"webOSTV 3.0",

getTVChannel returns this data :

      "channelTypeName":"Terrestrial Digital TV",

I have tried several channelId with setTVChannel

lgtv TV setTVChannel 1
lgtv TV setTVChannel 6_1537_8442
lgtv TV setTVChannel 1_29_1_1_6_1537_8442

But I still have the same error :

   "error":"500 Application error",
      "errorText":"invalid channel id"

Any idea what's wrong ?

bjornreppen commented 2 years ago
❯ lgtv stue setTVChannel 3_9_17_17_4_7227_70
DEBUG:root:{'id': '0', 'type': 'request', 'uri': 'ssap://tv/openChannel', 'payload': '{"channelId": 3917174722770}'}

From the log it looks like the client is stripping out the underscores before sending it to the TV.

bjornreppen commented 2 years ago

A workaround that seems to work is to change one of the underscores to a dash:

❯ lgtv stue setTVChannel 3-9_17_17_4_7227_70
DEBUG:root:{'id': '0', 'type': 'request', 'uri': 'ssap://tv/openChannel', 'payload': '{"channelId": "3-9_17_17_4_7227_70"}'}
klattimer commented 2 years ago

Thanks for this bug report, I honestly have the opinion (and I've looked it through about a dozen times), that this is entirely LG's fault. In API terms, having a value intended to be sent back in a different form that it was provided is just absurd. I imagine they have a "reason" and I suspect it's laziness.

klattimer commented 2 years ago

That's not to say I won't accept a pull request - if someone wants to make one - it should be as simple as modifying the set channel method to strip the - characters out. str.replace('-', '')

rogual commented 2 years ago

It looks like the underscores are being stripped out by parseargs in __init__.py. It calls int on the argument to see if it's a number, but Python's int is quite permissive:

>>> int('1_2_3')
Tone866 commented 9 months ago

It looks like the underscores are being stripped out by parseargs in __init__.py. It calls int on the argument to see if it's a number, but Python's int is quite permissive:

>>> int('1_2_3')

Thanks for your workaround, it worked for me for me long time, but now I had to new install the program and the fix seems to be no longer working. Do you have an idea what could be the issue now?

TheRoam commented 8 months ago

Hi, I just faced the same issue. The underscores are still being stripped, so you need to fake the string to make it a more evident string, like concatenating some of its elements with separate string. E.g.:

lgtv myTv setTVChannel "1"+"_22_2_0_1016_578_8916"

That worked for me!

clownbreath commented 3 months ago

My solution works, if the command is setTVChannel skip the changing to int type

if command == "setTVChannel":
    # ILB
    f = int(argv[i])
    argv[i] = f

file: lib64/python3.10/site-packages/LGTV/init.py function: parseargs() line: ~45

klattimer commented 3 months ago

Can you make this a PR?

clownbreath commented 3 months ago

I don't know what that is. I have had a sheltered career of working on projects with myself or a crack team that handled GIT.

If you tell me what to do I'll be happy to do it.

klattimer commented 3 months ago

Meh, it's easy.

Hit the fork button - then you'll have a copy of the repository in your repositories.

Change the file or files you want to merge into the project.

Commit, push, then a create pull request button will appear for you, press it, fill out the form and you're good. Then I'll check it here, press the merge button, and you earn a merit badge from GitHub :)

clownbreath commented 3 months ago

I'll do it. As soon as I'm able to get all the other functions to work. Can't have regression tests yet. I can use pause/play/stop but can't send buttons like ENTER or LEFT.

I can start Youtube videos. Lot's of functionality left to verify.

clownbreath commented 3 months ago

Screenshot from 2024-04-02 08-00-52

I can add a little bash testing script as well if you'd like

clownbreath commented 2 months ago

Done :)