klaudiosinani / hyper-pokemon

Tailor-made Pokémon themes for your Hyper terminal
MIT License
1.04k stars 61 forks source link

Issue: Plugin Load Error #7

Closed bntzio closed 6 years ago

bntzio commented 7 years ago

I'm getting this Hyper error when following the installation steps:


Also, in the dev console I get this:


Here's my hyper.js config file:

module.exports = {
config: { 
// default font size in pixels for all tabs
fontSize: 12,

// font family with optional fallbacks
fontFamily: 'Menlo, "DejaVu Sans Mono", Consolas, "Lucida Console", monospace',

// terminal cursor background color and opacity (hex, rgb, hsl, hsv, hwb or cmyk)
cursorColor: 'rgba(92,230,205,0.8)',

// `BEAM` for |, `UNDERLINE` for _, `BLOCK` for █
cursorShape: 'BLOCK',

// color of the text
foregroundColor: '#5ce6cd',

// terminal background color
backgroundColor: '#000',

// border color (window, tabs)
borderColor: '#000',

// custom css to embed in the main window
css: '',

// custom css to embed in the terminal window
termCSS: '',

// set to `true` (without backticks) if you're using a Linux setup that doesn't show native menus
// default: `false` on Linux, `true` on Windows (ignored on macOS)
showHamburgerMenu: '',

// set to `false` if you want to hide the minimize, maximize and close buttons
// additionally, set to `'left'` if you want them on the left, like in Ubuntu
// default: `true` on windows and Linux (ignored on macOS)
showWindowControls: '',

// custom padding (css format, i.e.: `top right bottom left`)
padding: '12px 14px',

// the full list. if you're going to provide the full color palette,
// including the 6 x 6 color cubes and the grayscale map, just provide
// an array here instead of a color map object
colors: {
  black: '#000000',
  red: '#ff0000',
  green: '#33ff00',
  yellow: '#ffff00',
  blue: '#0066ff',
  magenta: '#cc00ff',
  cyan: '#00ffff',
  white: '#d0d0d0',
  lightBlack: '#808080',
  lightRed: '#ff0000',
  lightGreen: '#33ff00',
  lightYellow: '#ffff00',
  lightBlue: '#0066ff',
  lightMagenta: '#cc00ff',
  lightCyan: '#00ffff',
  lightWhite: '#ffffff'

// hyper-pokemon config
pokemon: 'random',
pokemonSyntax: 'dark',
unibody: 'true',

// the shell to run when spawning a new session (i.e. /usr/local/bin/fish)
// if left empty, your system's login shell will be used by default
// make sure to use a full path if the binary name doesn't work
// (e.g `C:\\Windows\\System32\\bash.exe` instad of just `bash.exe`)
// if you're using powershell, make sure to remove the `--login` below
shell: 'zsh',

// for setting shell arguments (i.e. for using interactive shellArgs: ['-i'])
// by default ['--login'] will be used
shellArgs: ['--login'],

// for environment variables
env: {},

// set to false for no bell
bell: 'SOUND',

// if true, selected text will automatically be copied to the clipboard
copyOnSelect: false,

// if true, on right click selected text will be copied or pasted if no
// selection is present (true by default on Windows)
// quickEdit: true

// URL to custom bell
// bellSoundURL: 'http://example.com/bell.mp3',

// for advanced config flags please refer to https://hyper.is/#cfg

// hyperterm-overlay settings
// overlay: {
//   alwaysOnTop: false,
//   animate: false,
//   hasShadow: false,
//   hideDock: false,
//   hideOnBlur: false,
//   hotkeys: ['Cmd+Space'],
//   position: 'top',
//   primaryDisplay: false,
//   resizable: true,
//   startAlone: false,
//   startup: false,
//   size: 0.5,
//   tray: true,
//   unique: false
// },

// a list of plugins to fetch and install from npm
// format: [@org/]project[#version]
// examples:
//   `hyperpower`
//   `@company/project`
//   `project#1.0.1`
plugins: [// 'hyper-electron-highlighter',
// 'hyperterm-hipster',
// 'hyperambient',
// 'hyperline',
// 'htyt',
// 'hyper-transparent-bg',
// 'hyperterm-tabby',
// 'hyper-always-on-top',
// 'hyper-pane',
// 'hyperterm-overlay',
// 'hyperborder',
'hyperminimal', 'hyperlinks', 'hypercwd', 'hyperterm-alternatescroll', 'hyper-snazzy', 'hyperterm-tab-numbers', 'hyper-tabs-enhanced', 'hyper-dark-scrollbar', "hyper-pokemon"],
// in development, you can create a directory under
// `~/.hyper_plugins/local/` and include it here
// to load it and avoid it being `npm install`ed
localPlugins: []

OS MacOS Sierra v10.12.5

What could be wrong? Thanks! 😄

bntzio commented 7 years ago

Oh, never mind! I got it working now, I just closed Hyper and opened it again, the error is gone now, fantastic themes btw! 👍

codeofsumit commented 7 years ago

same error but restart doesn't help :( I get it with every restart

fromthemills commented 7 years ago

I solved this by setting the pokemon, pokemonSyntax & unibody props in the ~/.hyper.js file. See the Usage section

codeofsumit commented 7 years ago

my problem was related to this: https://github.com/zeit/hyper/issues/191

so nothing with hyper-pokemon I guess

bnb commented 7 years ago

Also having this - funnily enough, I filed https://github.com/zeit/hyper/issues/191 and don't know how to fix it 😅

klaudiosinani commented 7 years ago

Indeed, it's something that we have also noticed. Some reliable & possible solutions atm are:

Edit: More new successfully proven solutions have been proposed and implemented:

~These three ways are the only ones, to our experience, sometimes solve the issue on MacOS Sierra 10.12.5, but they do not completely prevent it from re-appearing.~ We will keep testing them, though it seems more like a hyper related issue than a hyper-pokemon one, since it also appears on other hyper plugins too. If anything new comes up, we will let you all know as soon as possible. Thank you all for dropping by and sharing your thoughts : )

We will keep this issue as Open until a ~more~ fully credible solution is established

awaisabir commented 7 years ago

I was getting the same error, however I fixed it by simply using yarn instead of npm. Simply cd C:\Users\%USERNAME%\.hyper_plugins and run yarn install. That should do the trick, In my opinion it is a better option than downgrading your npm version.

Cheers! :beers:

georgebax commented 7 years ago

Wow, this does seem like a pretty good fix! We will be testing the theme on various OS configurations and will close this issue if the error doesn't find its way back... :robot:

awaisabir commented 7 years ago

@georgebax The problem is that when you use npm to install the dependencies it creates the package-lock.json file which somehow makes hyper act in a weird way, and reject the plugin. Hyper is defaulting to your npm version and installing the plugins. This is very troublesome. Hyper should default to yarn. This issue is a problem with hyper itself, and not with your plugin...

georgebax commented 7 years ago

Yes we have encountered numerous problems with npm ourselves, it can be really buggy sometimes, especially along with hpm-cli. Anyway, should you encounter any other issues / have any tips, feel free to contact us!

beilunyang commented 7 years ago

i don't use hpm install it. try these cmd:

cd ~/.hyper_plugins 
vim package.json
add "hyper-pokemon": "latest" in the dependencies
sudo npm install

finally, resolved the problem successfully.

klaudiosinani commented 6 years ago

Issue considered solved since Hyper@1.4.0