klaussilveira / neo4j-ogm-bundle

This bundle provides a simple integration of the Neo4j PHP Object Graph Mapper into Symfony2.
MIT License
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Documentation and Dependencies #3

Open RedactedProfile opened 9 years ago

RedactedProfile commented 9 years ago

Hi there

While I understand that just through a little digging its easy to notice that this bundle just wraps HireVoice into a configurable service container for Symfony2, and that's fine, but could we update the documentation to make note of that?

Specifically if the Readme at least could say exactly what this bundle is doing and what it's using, as well as a link to HireVoice's documentation that'd be super helpful to newcomers. I was wondering "What exactly does a Neo4j Entity want to look like?" and then I realized that I needed to look at the hirevoice repo's docs instead.

Also the packagist dependencies arent working anymore and need to be updated
