Hello, first of all thanks for creating and sharing for free this awesome keyboard project.
Now straight to the problem, in Greek language punctuation can appear in capital but also in minuscule. It is not so often used but there is an exception where when it is not used the letter "Η" means "the"(for feminine-like "die" in german) but when punctuation is present, like " Ή" it will mean "or". While the letter with the punctuation can be found in minuscule it can't be found when typing in capitals forcing the user to switch to minuscule and back to capitals again.
Ps Like i said punctuation in capital letters is really rare but still allowed to be used, so i can understand(and respect the time he spend to understand the reason) why the developer doesn't allow punctuation to be used while in capitals.
Hello, first of all thanks for creating and sharing for free this awesome keyboard project. Now straight to the problem, in Greek language punctuation can appear in capital but also in minuscule. It is not so often used but there is an exception where when it is not used the letter "Η" means "the"(for feminine-like "die" in german) but when punctuation is present, like " Ή" it will mean "or". While the letter with the punctuation can be found in minuscule it can't be found when typing in capitals forcing the user to switch to minuscule and back to capitals again.
Ps Like i said punctuation in capital letters is really rare but still allowed to be used, so i can understand(and respect the time he spend to understand the reason) why the developer doesn't allow punctuation to be used while in capitals.