Uses changelogger, with all versioned files formatted to use changelogger
Adds changelogger note to the PR template.
Addresses SFCC CI tickets:
NOTE I've added tags to this project so we conform to semantic versioning. This allowed me to update the links properly without breaking any comparisons to previous versions. I left the old tags for historical purposes, but they tag the same version.
Manual Testing Steps
Passing pre-commit run --all-files.
Passing changelogger manage check.
Pre-Submission Checklist:
[ ] You've updated the CHANGELOG following the steps here
note to the PR template.Addresses SFCC CI tickets:
NOTE I've added tags to this project so we conform to semantic versioning. This allowed me to update the links properly without breaking any comparisons to previous versions. I left the old tags for historical purposes, but they tag the same version.
Manual Testing Steps
pre-commit run --all-files
.changelogger manage check
.Pre-Submission Checklist: