klein0r / ioBroker.lametric

Send notifications and other important information to your LaMetric time
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My Data (DIY) - LaMetric displays only the string, not the data value #35

Closed j0hu closed 3 years ago

j0hu commented 3 years ago

Hello Matthias,

I'd like to show the outdoor temperature onto my LaMetric device.

Therefore I install and configure the LaMetric- and Simple API adapter exactly as shown into your youtube video :-)

After I saved my settings and restarted both adapter, my LaMetric only display the value as string/text: {hm-rpc.1.000ED709B282BC.1.ACTUAL_TEMPERATURE}, but not the value itself (for example: -1 °C) !?

Here's my config...

From my LaMetric-Adapter "My Data (DIY)" tab:

Icon Text i2355 {hm-rpc.1.000ED709B282BC.1.ACTUAL_TEMPERATURE} °C

My Simple API url replay this in browser: {"frames":[{"text":"{hm-rpc.1.000ED709B282BC.1.ACTUAL_TEMPERATURE} °C","icon":"i2355"}]}

Do I something wrong? Thank's in advance


TschiepTschiep commented 3 years ago


same problem...

LaMetric Adapter Version: 1.2.0 SimpleAPI: 2.5.2 Node.js: 12.20.1 HomeMatic RPC: 1.14.24 Sensor: Homematic Temperature Sensor -> works fine in browser. Result "-4.4"

LaMetric Output: "{hm-rpc.0.LEQ0030029.1.TEMPERATURE}"

Regards, TschiepTschiep

DirkEickhoff commented 3 years ago

Hi Matthias,

I'm joining with another example.

LaMetric Adapter Version: 1.2.0 SimpleAPI: 2.5.3 Loxone Miniserver: 2.1.0 Java Skript Engine Version: 5.0.14

If I want to display {loxone.0.WeatherServer.Actual.weatherType-text} on web: HTTP://IP:Port/getPlainValue/loxone.0.WeatherServer.Actual.weatherType-text "raining" is returned correct.

Lametric displays only the frame itself: {loxone.0.WeatherServer.Actual.weatherType-text}

Other data from same loxone object is read and displayed correctly. e.g. on frame: {loxone.0.WeatherServer.Actual.temperature} Lametric displays the Value correctly. e.g. 6.4

Thank you.

BR Dirk

NovalisVonHardenberg commented 3 years ago

A known problem. There is a maximum character length. From a certain value onwards, only the string is displayed, e.g. ✅ {0_userdata.0.Testschalter} ❌{0_userdata.0.TestschalterTestschalterTestschalterTestschalterTestschalterTestschalter}

Solution: Create your own states with a short number of characters. Create a script that writes the value from the long state to the short state. image image

klein0r commented 3 years ago

@DirkEickhoff Please check version 1.2.1 or later @NovalisVonHardenberg Unable to reproduce the issue. There is no length limitation in regex.