This is kleinerm's git repository for development of Psychtoolbox-3. Regular end users should stay away from it, unless instructed by him otherwise, and use the official Psychtoolbox-3 GitHub page or distribution system for production releases.
Update the unix('echo $HOME') code to use getenv('HOME') as this is
possibly less fragile and is supported on Octave and MATLAB. THe
codepath for macOS and Linux was the same so I merged them, and just in
case the path doesn't end in filesep before joining to subDir we test
and add if necessary...
Update the unix('echo $HOME') code to use getenv('HOME') as this is possibly less fragile and is supported on Octave and MATLAB. THe codepath for macOS and Linux was the same so I merged them, and just in case the path doesn't end in filesep before joining to subDir we test and add if necessary...
See #221