kleinerm / Psychtoolbox-3

This is kleinerm's git repository for development of Psychtoolbox-3. Regular end users should stay away from it, unless instructed by him otherwise, and use the official Psychtoolbox-3 GitHub page or distribution system for production releases.
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Screen('DrawDots'): Only apply a margin to non-square dot types. #273

Closed aforren1 closed 3 months ago

aforren1 commented 3 months ago

Only round dots get trimmed in the fragment shader, and so dot_type=4 was left with too much padding from the vertex shader.

Tested on Ubuntu 20.04 + AMD Pro W5500 + Octave with this script: https://gist.github.com/aforren1/31028d18da246db26bae207a009d23b0. The first row of dots is dot_type=0, the second row is dot_type=4, and the third is dot_type=3.

The first image is the old behavior with 10px dots, and the second is the new.

old_10px new_10px

kleinerm commented 3 months ago

Oh, stupido! Yes, that looks right, good catch, thanks!