kleinlee / DH_live

752 stars 161 forks source link

front.mp4 and back.mp4 files are missing? not seen in repo, did I miss anything? #74

Open zeushera140 opened 5 days ago

zeushera140 commented 5 days ago

windows conda env.

[in#0 @ 0000017e6dd8a200] Error opening input: No such file or directory Error opening input file ./data/front.mp4. Error opening input files: No such file or directory

zeushera140 commented 5 days ago

修改了一下代码,OK了 def CirculateVideo(video_in_path, video_out_path, export_imgs = False): front_video_path = "C:\Users\zeush\DH_live\data\front.mp4" back_video_path = "C:\Users\zeush\DH_live\data\back.mp4"

# Quote the paths to handle spaces
ffmpeg_cmd = 'ffmpeg -i "{}" -r 25 -an -loglevel quiet -y "{}"'.format(video_in_path, front_video_path)
print("Running command:", ffmpeg_cmd)  # Add this to debug