klembot / twinejs

Twine, a tool for telling interactive, nonlinear stories
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Various v2.4.0 beta-2 issues and suggestions #1009

Closed HiEv closed 2 years ago

HiEv commented 2 years ago

Rather than making 20+ separate entries (which I don't have the time or energy to do), I'm going to just give you this as one list. Feel free to break it up into separate issues as needed. (Note: All testing was done using the application version of Twine v2.4.0 beta-2 on Windows 10 Pro OS.)

For some reason in the "Preferences" the language defaulted to "Català" instead of "English", despite everything being displayed in English. Apparently if it didn't find the default language properly the "Preferences" window simply goes to the first language in the list? This should probably default to "English" when that happens instead.

Using the "Dark" theme, when I selected the listbox to pick the correct language it was all light grey text on a slightly lighter grey background, and was nearly unreadable. This coloring is also true in all other dropdown lists in the "Preferences" window and in other similar windows (e.g. the "Passage Tags" window).

Having both "Twine" and "View" as a menu title in both of the two top menu bars, and both doing different things, is confusing, and will make referring to them in documentation and the like difficult. They should either be combined or named differently.

Clicking "Help" in the upper-right opened a window in both the Twine editor and also in my browser taking me to the Twine Cookbook, which only refers to the old Twine editor. It should only open in one of those, and the help there will need to be updated.

Since right-clicking apparently doesn't do anything on the "stories" or "passages" windows, could that be used to open the story or passage that's right-clicked on? I'd like that better than having to double-click on everything.

The text editor windows should be sizable horizontally by dragging the left edge of the window, so that the window can be made wider or narrower. I find the default width to be far too narrow. A button to make the text editor window "maximize" would also be nice.

Text editor windows should be able to be dragged by the title/header part to the left of other text editor windows, so that you can see/compare passages side-by-side.

The current "zoom" level should be indicated somewhere, even if it's just briefly shown when changing the zoom.

Some JavaScript and Stylesheet text doesn't become visible at the bottom after the window is expanded after closing another passage's window. To reproduce this, first have a JavaScript or Stylesheet section with a lot of code in it. Now, open a passage, then open the JavaScript or Stylesheet section, and then close the passage. The text at the bottom of the JavaScript or Stylesheet window will be missing until you move the scrollbar. It looks like you'll need to force a refresh after the window is resized to fix that.

If you are scrolled down in the "story" view, open a story and go to the "passage" view, and then hit "<- Back" to go back to the "story" view, the "story" view is scrolled back up to the top. Ideally it should re-open at the same scroll position it left as.

When going back to the "story" view it sometimes shows the default zoom level there, instead of the one you set. However, attempting to change the zoom level there causes it to act like it had been at the custom zoom level set earlier, so you have to zoom out and then zoom back in to get it to show the correct zoom level. (I haven't found a way to consistently reproduce this problem. EDIT: Figured it out. See "Edit 3" below.)

There should be an option to hide the "JavaScript entered here will immediately run when your story is opened in a Web browser." tip at the top of the JavaScript window and the "CSS entered here will override the default appearance of your story." tip at the top of the Stylesheet window. Perhaps a close button for them? I just want to maximize the amount of code that can be visible.

When in the Twine -> Story Formats window, clicking on a link, such as the "Paperthin 1.0.0" "Chris Klimas" link, it takes you to a page and then you have no apparent way to get back to the Twine editor without closing the application and opening it back up.

When trying to add a proofing format, the "+ Add" window says at the top, "routes.storyFormatList.toolbar.addStoryFormatButton.prompt". After I put in a path to the proofing format, then below the textbox it said, "routes.storyFormatList.toolbar.addStoryFormatButton.addPreview".

After adding a proofing format and selecting it, the "Use to Proof Stories" menu option did not become available. This confused me, because there was no visual indicator that, by adding the format, it had become the current default proofing format. Basically, the current default story and proofing formats should have an indicator on their "cards" to show that they're what will be used by default. A gold "star" icon in the upper-right of their cards or something like that would work.

When in the "passage" view for a story, shortcut keys for "Add Passage", "JavaScript", "Stylesheet", "Test", "Play", and "Publish to File", along with a tooltip-reminder of those keys when hovered over, would be appreciated.

The "tw-storydata" line in the published HTML was written out like this:

<tw-storydata name="Test" startnode="1" creator="Twine" creator-version="2.4.0-beta2" format="SugarCube" format-version="2.36.1" ifid="BCBF688F-1541-4945-A393-998D6281AAAA" options=""tags="" zoom="1.9999999999999998" hidden><style role="stylesheet" id="twine-user-stylesheet" type="text/twine-css">/* Main Formatting - Start */

A space is missing between the "options" and "tags" attributes (also, neither appear to be needed). Additionally, the "zoom" attribute's value should probably either be rounded to two or three decimal places or, when possible (such as in the case above), rounded to just an integer.

I'm not sure if it matters, but in Twine v2.3.x a "backquote" (the accent mark on the tilde key) in a passage was written to the HTML as "&#96;", while in Twine v2.4.0 beta-2 it's simply written out as a backquote.

Overall it looks nice, though I'm not a fan of having to toggle between toolbars, when it seems like you could just show all toolbars that are relevant at the same time. It just seems like it unnecessarily adds extra clicks.

Edited to add: When creating a new story, the box to rename the story should pop open automatically.

When renaming a story or passage, hitting the ENTER key while in that textbox should act the same as clicking "OK".

When you select a passage and click Passage -> Rename, the name in the textbox is the last text you entered in that textbox. Instead, the text there should be the selected passage's current name.

Empty passages say, "Tap this passage, then the pencil icon to edit it." I don't see any "pencil icon" either when tapping on the passage "block" or when tapping on that text in the passage's editor window.

When working in the JavaScript text window, it doesn't properly respect TAB indentation after hitting ENTER. It de-indents the new line by two spaces and uses spaces for indentation, instead of using the same number of TAB indents as the previous line and using TABs for indentation. Also, putting a colon after a case within a switch statement causes the line to become un-indented the same way. Editing your code like that shouldn't change existing indentation.

Similarly, attempting to indent or un-indent selected blocks of text in the JavaScript window by using TAB and SHIFT+TAB, respectively, does not cause them to become indented or un-indented by one TAB as expected.

Edit 2: If you open a story and then go back to the main list of stories, the title of the last story you opened remains in the title bar instead of reverting to "Twine" or "## Stories" as you'd expect.

It would be nice if CTRL+MouseWheel controlled zooming in and out when in the "passage" and "story" views.

While in a text editor window, hitting the END key should take you to the far-right edge of the text in the editor window on that same row of text, rather than taking you the end of that potentially line-wrapped string of text, which could be several rows down. This behavior is decidedly non-standard when compared to most other text editors. I also consider this behavior rather annoying in the pre-v2.4.0 versions of the Twine editor as well.

Zooming in and out while in the "passage" view should keep the zoom centered at the same location in the view whenever possible. Currently, when zooming in, it almost feels like it's random where you end up in the view.

Edit 3: If you're in the "passage" view and you give focus to another fullscreen application, and then return focus to the Twine editor, the zoom level incorrectly changes, both in the "passage" and "story" views. If you go back to the "story" view, give focus to another fullscreen application, and then return focus to the Twine editor, the zoom corrects itself back to what it should be.

If you're in the "story" view and you delete a story, and click OK on the confirmation dialog, it just changes to Are you sure you want to delete ""? It will be moved to the trash. with the story name removed from inside the quotes, instead of the confirmation dialog going away.

If you click Library -> Import, the dialog appears on the opposite corner of the Twine window. The dialog should appear right under the menu bar so you don't have to move the mouse that far.

If you're importing a single story, there's no need for a confirmation dialog where you pick from the list of stories (especially with it defaulting to "no stories"), unless there's a copy of that story already in the editor.

If you try to select a name in a dialog box, such as the passage "Rename" dialog box, and you end your selection (let go of the mouse button) when the mouse is outside of the dialog box, the dialog box closes/cancels. It shouldn't close from that, since that just makes accidentally doing that rather frustrating and confusing. It's also fairly easy to do this accidentally if you select the text from right to left (like I usually do), since the left edge of the textbox is fairly close to the left edge of the dialog box.

Twine version number

v2.4.0 beta-2

Does this problem occur with the web version of Twine or the desktop app?

Desktop app

What operating system does this problem occur on?

Windows 10 Pro

Presubmission checklist

HiEv commented 2 years ago

Added a few more items above in the "Edited to add:" section.

HiEv commented 2 years ago

Added a couple more minor issues in the "Edit 2:" section.

HiEv commented 2 years ago

A few more issues added in the "Edit 3:" section, including explaining what causes the zoom levels to change when they shouldn't (as mentioned in the original text).

klembot commented 2 years ago

This is a lot of useful feedback. I've tried to put the immediately addressable stuff as notes in the beta 3 project. I need to close this issue, though, because

If there are specific things you'd like to talk about further that you don't see on the project board, please feel free to open separate issues with a copy/paste.