klemola / foobar2000-web-ui

Control Foobar2000 from a (remote) web browser
MIT License
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Wine/Linux support #27

Open Akinevz opened 2 years ago

Akinevz commented 2 years ago

Hi all,

I'm interested whether if I was to implement a shim to run the inner instance of foobar2000 using Wine, if the changes would be accepted into the repo / would be viewed as sane.

Would anyone be able to provide an overview of how does the inter process communication happen between FB2k and the app?

klemola commented 2 years ago

Hi, thanks for showing interest in this project!

The app communicates with the foobar2000 control server plugin via a socket (see: https://github.com/klemola/foobar2000-web-ui/blob/master/server/ControlServer.ts), so from the communciation perspective there's nothing that would prevent crossing the Wine/linux boundary. What I don't know is whether the plugin works in Wine foobar2000, and some functionality like launching Foobar2000 is tied to the Windows environment. I'll take another look when I can.

I'm not actively working on this project, so pull requests are welcome. If there's some easy change to make that helps you, I'll consider it!