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Update pylint to 2.6.0 #323

Open pyup-bot opened 4 years ago

pyup-bot commented 4 years ago

This PR updates pylint from 1.6.4 to 2.6.0.

Changelog ### 2.6.0 ``` =========================== Release date: 2020-08-20 * Fix various scope-related bugs in ``undefined-variable`` checker Close 1082, 3434, 3461 * bad-continuation and bad-whitespace have been removed, black or another formatter can help you with this better than Pylint Close 246, 289, 638, 747, 1148, 1179, 1943, 2041, 2301, 2304, 2944, 3565 * The no-space-check option has been removed. It's no longer possible to consider empty line like a `trailing-whitespace` by using clever options Close 1368 * ``missing-kwoa`` is no longer emitted when dealing with overload functions Close 3655 * mixed-indentation has been removed, it is no longer useful since TabError is included directly in python3 Close 2984 3573 * Add `super-with-arguments` check for flagging instances of Python 2 style super calls. * Add an faq detailing which messages to disable to avoid duplicates w/ other popular linters * Fix superfluous-parens false-positive for the walrus operator Close 3383 * Fix `fail-under` not accepting floats * Fix a bug with `ignore-docstrings` ignoring all lines in a module * Fix `pre-commit` config that could lead to undetected duplicate lines of code * Fix a crash in parallel mode when the module's filepath is not set Close 3564 * Add `raise-missing-from` check for exceptions that should have a cause. * Support both isort 4 and isort 5. If you have pinned isort 4 in your projet requirements, nothing changes. If you use isort 5, though, note that the `known-standard-library` option is not interpreted the same in isort 4 and isort 5 (see the migration guide in isort documentation for further details). For compatibility's sake for most pylint users, the `known-standard-library` option in pylint now maps to `extra-standard-library` in isort 5. If you really want what `known-standard-library` now means in isort 5, you must disable the `wrong-import-order` check in pylint and run isort manually with a proper isort configuration file. Close 3722 ``` ### 2.5.4 ``` =========================== * Fix a crash caused by not guarding against `InferenceError` when calling `infer_call_result` Close 3690 * Fix a crash in parallel mode when the module's filepath is not set Close 3564 ``` ### 2.5.3 ``` =========================== Release date: 2020-06-8 * Fix a regression where disable comments that have checker names with numbers in them are not parsed correctly Close 3666 * `property-with-parameters` properly handles abstract properties Close 3600 * `continue-in-finally` no longer emitted on Python 3.8 where it's now valid Close 3612 * Fix a regression where messages with dash are not fully parsed Close 3604 * In a TOML configuration file, it's now possible to use rich (non-string) types, such as list, integer or boolean instead of strings. For example, one can now define a *list* of message identifiers to enable like this:: enable = [ "use-symbolic-message-instead", "useless-suppression", ] Close 3538 * Fix a regression where the score was not reported with multiple jobs Close 3547 * Protect against `AttributeError` when checking `cell-var-from-loop` Close 3646 ``` ### 2.5.2 ``` =========================== Release date: 2020-05-05 * ``pylint.Run`` accepts ``do_exit`` as a deprecated parameter Close 3590 ``` ### 2.5.1 ``` =========================== Release date: 2020-05-05 * Fix a crash in `method-hidden` lookup for unknown base classes Close 3527 * Revert pylint.Run's `exit` parameter to ``do_exit`` This has been inadvertently changed several releases ago to ``do_exit``. Close 3533 * ``no-value-for-parameter`` variadic detection has improved for assign statements Close 3563 * Allow package files to be properly discovered with multiple jobs Close 3524 * Allow linting directories without `__init__.py` which was a regression in 2.5. Close 3528 ``` ### 2.5.0 ``` =========================== Release date: 2020-04-27 * Fix a false negative for ``undefined-variable`` when using class attribute in comprehension. Close 3494 * Fix a false positive for ``undefined-variable`` when using class attribute in decorator or as type hint. Close 511 Close 1976 * Remove HTML quoting of messages in JSON output. Close 2769 * Adjust the `invalid-name` rule to work with non-ASCII identifiers and add the `non-ascii-name` rule. Close 2725 * Positional-only arguments are taken in account for ``useless-super-delegation`` * ``unidiomatic-typecheck`` is no longer emitted for ``in`` and ``not in`` operators Close 3337 * Positional-only argument annotations are taken in account for ``unused-import`` Close 3462 * Add a command to list available extensions. * Allow used variables to be properly consumed when different checks are enabled / disabled Close 3445 * Fix dangerous-default-value rule to account for keyword argument defaults Close 3373 * Fix a false positive of ``self-assigning-variable`` on tuple unpacking. Close 3433 * ``no-self-use`` is no longer emitted for typing stubs. Close 3439 * Fix a false positive for ``undefined-variable`` when ``__class__`` is used Close 3090 * Emit ``invalid-name`` for variables defined in loops at module level. Close 2695 * Add a check for cases where the second argument to `isinstance` is not a type. Close 3308 * Add 'notes-rgx' option, to be used for fixme check. Close 2874 * ``function-redefined`` exempts function redefined on a condition. Close 2410 * ``typing.overload`` functions are exempted from docstring checks Close 3350 * Emit ``invalid-overridden-method`` for improper async def overrides. Close 3355 * Do not allow ``python -m pylint ...`` to import user code ``python -m pylint ...`` adds the current working directory as the first element of ``sys.path``. This opens up a potential security hole where ``pylint`` will import user level code as long as that code resides in modules having the same name as stdlib or pylint's own modules. Close 3386 * Add `dummy-variables-rgx` option for `_redeclared-assigned-name` check. Close 3341 * Fixed graph creation for relative paths * Add a check for asserts on string literals. Close 3284 * `not in` is considered iterating context for some of the Python 3 porting checkers. * A new check `inconsistent-quotes` was added. * Add a check for non string assignment to __name__ attribute. Close 583 * `__pow__`, `__imatmul__`, `__trunc__`, `__floor__`, and `__ceil__` are recognized as special method names. Close 3281 * Added errors for protocol functions when invalid return types are detected. E0304 (invalid-bool-returned): __bool__ did not return a bool E0305 (invalid-index-returned): __index__ did not return an integer E0306 (invalid-repr-returned): __repr__ did not return a string E0307 (invalid-str-returned): __str__ did not return a string E0308 (invalid-bytes-returned): __bytes__ did not return a string E0309 (invalid-hash-returned): __hash__ did not return an integer E0310 (invalid-length-hint-returned): __length_hint__ did not return a non-negative integer E0311 (invalid-format-returned): __format__ did not return a string E0312 (invalid-getnewargs-returned): __getnewargs__ did not return a tuple E0313 (invalid-getnewargs-ex-returned): __getnewargs_ex__ did not return a tuple of the form (tuple, dict) Close 560 * ``missing-*-docstring`` can look for ``__doc__`` assignments. Close 3301 * ``undefined-variable`` can now find undefined loop iterables Close 498 * ``safe_infer`` can infer a value as long as all the paths share the same type. Close 2503 * Add a --fail-under <score> flag, also configurable in a .pylintrc file. If the final score is more than the specified score, it's considered a success and pylint exits with exitcode 0. Otherwise, it's considered a failure and pylint exits with its current exitcode based on the messages issued. Close 2242 * Don't emit ``line-too-long`` for multilines when `disable=line-too-long` comment stands at their end Close 2957 * Fixed an ``AttributeError`` caused by improper handling of ``dataclasses`` inference in ``pyreverse`` Close 3256 * Do not exempt bare except from ``undefined-variable`` and similar checks If a node was wrapped in a ``TryExcept``, ``pylint`` was taking a hint from the except handler when deciding to emit or not a message. We were treating bare except as a fully fledged ignore but only the corresponding exceptions should be handled that way (e.g. ``NameError`` or ``ImportError``) Close 3235 * No longer emit ``assignment-from-no-return`` when a function only raises an exception Close 3218 * Allow import aliases to exempt ``import-error`` when used in type annotations. Close 3178 * ``Ellipsis` is exempted from ``multiple-statements`` for function overloads. Close 3224 * No longer emit ``invalid-name`` for non-constants found at module level. Pylint was taking the following statement from PEP-8 too far, considering all module level variables as constants, which is not what the statement is saying: `Constants are usually defined on a module level and written in all capital letters with underscores separating words.` Close 3111 Close 3132 * Allow ``implicit-str-concat-in-sequence`` to be emitted for string juxtaposition Close 3030 * ``implicit-str-concat-in-sequence`` was renamed ``implicit-str-concat`` * The ``json`` reporter no longer bypasses ``redirect_stdout``. Close 3227 * Move ``NoFileError``, ``OutputLine``, ``FunctionalTestReporter``, ``FunctionalTestFile``, ``LintModuleTest`` and related methods from ``test_functional.py`` to ``pylint.testutils`` to help testing for 3rd party pylint plugins. * Can read config from a setup.cfg or pyproject.toml file. Close 617 * Fix exception-escape false positive with generators Close 3128 * ``inspect.getargvalues`` is no longer marked as deprecated. * A new check ``f-string-without-interpolation`` was added Close 3190 * Flag mutable ``collections.*`` utilities as dangerous defaults Close 3183 * ``docparams`` extension supports multiple types in raises sections. Multiple types can also be separated by commas in all valid sections. Closes 2729 * Allow parallel linting when run under Prospector * Fixed false positives of ``method-hidden`` when a subclass defines the method that is being hidden. Closes 414 * Python 3 porting mode is 30-50% faster on most codebases * Python 3 porting mode no longer swallows syntax errors Closes 2956 * Pass the actual PyLinter object to sub processes to allow using custom PyLinter classes. PyLinter object (and all its members except reporter) needs to support pickling so the PyLinter object can be passed to worker processes. * Clean up setup.py Make pytest-runner a requirement only if running tests, similar to McCabe. Clean up the setup.py file, resolving a number of warnings around it. * Handle SyntaxError in files passed via ``--from-stdin`` option Pylint no longer outputs a traceback, if a file, read from stdin, contains a syntaxerror. * Fix uppercase style to disallow 3+ uppercase followed by lowercase. * Fixed ``undefined-variable`` and ``unused-import`` false positives when using a metaclass via an attribute. Close 1603 * Emit ``unused-argument`` for functions that partially uses their argument list before raising an exception. Close 3246 * Fixed ``broad_try_clause`` extension to check try/finally statements and to check for nested statements (e.g., inside of an ``if`` statement). * Recognize classes explicitly inheriting from ``abc.ABC`` or having an ``abc.ABCMeta`` metaclass as abstract. This makes them not trigger W0223. Closes 3098 * Fix overzealous `arguments-differ` when overridden function uses variadics No message is emitted if the overriding function provides positional or keyword variadics in its signature that can feasibly accept and pass on all parameters given by the overridden function. Close 1482 Close 1553 * Multiple types of string formatting are allowed in logging functions. The `logging-fstring-interpolation` message has been brought back to allow multiple types of string formatting to be used. Close 3361 ``` ### 2.4.4 ``` =========================== Release date: 2019-11-13 * Exempt all the names found in type annotations from ``unused-import`` The previous code was assuming that only ``typing`` names need to be exempted, but we need to do that for the rest of the type comment names as well. Close 3112 * Relax type import detection for names that do not come from the ``typing`` module Close 3191 ``` ### 2.4.3 ``` =========================== Release date: 2019-10-18 * Fix an issue with ``unnecessary-comprehension`` in comprehensions with additional repacking of elements. Close 3148 * ``import-outside-toplevel`` is emitted for ``ImportFrom`` nodes as well. Close 3175 * Do not emit ``no-method-argument`` for functions using positional only args. Close 3161 * ``consider-using-sys-exit`` is no longer emitted when `exit` is imported in the local scope. Close 3147 * `invalid-overridden-method` takes `abc.abstractproperty` in account Close 3150 * Fixed ``missing-yield-type-doc`` getting incorrectly raised when a generator does not document a yield type but has a type annotation. Closes 3185 * ``typing.overload`` functions are exempted from ``too-many-function-args`` Close 3170 ``` ### 2.4.2 ``` =========================== Release date: 2019-09-30 * ``ignored-modules`` can skip submodules. Close 3135 * ``self-assigning-variable`` skips class level assignments. Close 2930 * ``consider-using-sys-exit`` is exempted when `exit()` is imported from `sys` Close 3145 * Exempt annotated assignments without variable from ``class-variable-slots-conflict`` Close 3141 * Fix ``utils.is_error`` to account for functions returning early. This fixes a false negative with ``unused-variable`` which was no longer triggered when a function raised an exception as the last instruction, but the body of the function still had unused variables. Close 3028 ``` ### 2.4.1 ``` =========================== Release date: 2019-09-25 * Exempt type checking definitions defined in both clauses of a type checking guard Close 3127 * Exempt type checking definitions inside the type check guard In a7f236528bb3758886b97285a56f3f9ce5b13a99 we added basic support for emitting `used-before-assignment` if a variable was only defined inside a type checking guard (using `TYPE_CHECKING` variable from `typing`) Unfortunately that missed the case of using those type checking imports inside the guard itself, which triggered spurious used-before-assignment errors. Close 3119 * Require astroid >= 2.3 to avoid any compatibility issues. ``` ### 2.4.0 ``` =========================== Release date: 2019-09-24 * New check: ``import-outside-toplevel`` This check warns when modules are imported from places other than a module toplevel, e.g. inside a function or a class. * Handle inference ambiguity for ``invalid-format-index`` Close 2752 * Removed Python 2 specific checks such as ``relative-import``, ``invalid-encoded-data``, ``missing-super-argument``. * Support forward references for ``function-redefined`` check. Close 2540 * Handle redefinitions in case of type checking imports. Close 2834 * Added a new check, ``consider-using-sys-exit`` This check is emitted when we detect that a quit() or exit() is invoked instead of sys.exit(), which is the preferred way of exiting in program. Close 2925 * ``useless-suppression`` check now ignores ``cyclic-import`` suppressions, which could lead to false postiives due to incomplete context at the time of the check. Close 3064 * Added new checks, ``no-else-break`` and ``no-else-continue`` These checks highlight unnecessary ``else`` and ``elif`` blocks after ``break`` and ``continue`` statements. Close 2327 * Don't emit ``protected-access`` when a single underscore prefixed attribute is used inside a special method Close 1802 * Fix the "statement" values in the PyLinter's stats reports by module. * Added a new check, ``invalid-overridden-method`` This check is emitted when we detect that a method is overridden as a property or a property is overridden as a method. This can indicate a bug in the application code that will trigger a runtime error. Close 2670 * Added a new check, ``arguments-out-of-order`` This check warns if you have arguments with names that match those in a function's signature but you are passing them in to the function in a different order. Close 2975 * Added a new check, ``redeclared-assigned-name`` This check is emitted when ``pylint`` detects that a name was assigned one or multiple times in the same assignment, which indicate a potential bug. Close 2898 * Ignore lambda calls with variadic arguments without a context. Inferring variadic positional arguments and keyword arguments will result into empty Tuples and Dicts, which can lead in some cases to false positives with regard to no-value-for-parameter. In order to avoid this, until we'll have support for call context propagation, we're ignoring such cases if detected. We already did that for function calls, but the previous fix was not taking in consideration ``lambdas`` Close 2918 * Added a new check, ``self-assigning-variable`` This check is emitted when we detect that a variable is assigned to itself, which might indicate a potential bug in the code application. Close 2930 * Added a new check, ``property-with-parameters``. This check is emitted when we detect that a defined property also has parameters, which are useless. Close 3006 * Excluded protocol classes from a couple of checks. Close 3002. * Add a check `unnecessary-comprehension` that detects unnecessary comprehensions. This check is emitted when ``pylint`` finds list-, set- or dict-comprehensions, that are unnecessary and can be rewritten with the list-, set- or dict-constructors. Close 2905 * Excluded PEP 526 instance and class variables from ``no-member``. Close 2945 * Excluded `attrs` from `too-few-public-methods` check. Close 2988. * ``unused-import`` emitted for the right import names in function scopes. Close 2928 * Dropped support for Python 3.4. * ``assignment-from-no-return`` not triggered for async methods. Close 2902 * Don't emit ``attribute-defined-outside-init`` for variables defined in setters. Close 409 * Syntax errors report the column number. Close 2914 * Support fully qualified typing imports for type annotations. Close 2915 * Exclude ``__dict__`` from ``attribute-defined-outside-init`` * Fix pointer on spelling check when the error are more than one time in the same line. Close 2895 * Fix crash happening when parent of called object cannot be determined * Allow of in `GoogleDocstring.re_multiple_type` * Added `subprocess-run-check` to handle subrocess.run without explicitly set `check` keyword. Close 2848 * When we can't infer bare except handlers, skip ``try-except-raise`` Close 2853 * Handle more `unnecessary-lambda` cases when dealing with additional kwargs in wrapped calls Close 2845 * Better postponed evaluation of annotations handling Close 2847 * Support postponed evaluation of annotations for variable annotations. Close 2838 * ``epylint.py_run`` defaults to ``python`` in case the current executable is not a Python one. Close 2837 * Ignore raw docstrings when running Similarities checker with `ignore-docstrings=yes` option * Fix crash when calling ``inherit_from_std_ex`` on a class which is its own ancestor Close 2680 * Added a new check that warns the user if a function call is used inside a test but parentheses are missing. Close 2658 * ``len-as-condition`` now only fires when a ``len(x)`` call is made without an explicit comparison The message and description accompanying this checker has been changed reflect this new behavior, by explicitly asking to either rely on the fact that empty sequence are false or to compare the length with a scalar. Close 2684 * Add ``preferred-module`` checker that notify if an import has a replacement module that should be used. This check is emitted when ``pylint`` finds an imported module that has a preferred replacement listed in ``preferred-modules``. * ``assigning-non-slot`` not emitted for classes with unknown base classes. Close 2807 * ``old-division`` is not emitted for non-Const nodes. Close 2808 * Added method arguments to the dot writer for pyreverse. Close 2139 * Support for linting file from stdin. IDEs may benefit from the support for linting from an in-memory file. Close 1187 * Added a new check `class-variable-slots-conflict` This check is emitted when ``pylint`` finds a class variable that conflicts with a slot name, which would raise a ``ValueError`` at runtime. * Added new check: dict-iter-missing-items (E1141) Close 2761 * Fix issue with pylint name in output of python -m pylint --version Close 2764 * Relicense logo material under the CC BY-SA 4.0 license. * Skip `if` expressions from f-strings for the `check_elif` checker Close 2816 * C0412 (ungrouped-import) is now compatible with isort. Close 2806 * Added new extension to detect too much code in a try clause Close 2877 * ``signature-mutators`` option was added With this option, users can choose to ignore `too-many-function-args`, `unexpected-keyword-arg`, and `no-value-for-parameter` for functions decorated with decorators that change the signature of a decorated function. Close 259 * Fixed a pragma comment on its own physical line being ignored when part of a logical line with the previous physical line. Close 199 * Fixed false `undefined-loop-variable` for a function defined in the loop, that uses the variable defined in that loop. Close 202 * Fixed `unused-argument` and `function-redefined` getting raised for functions decorated with `typing.overload`. Close 1581 * Fixed a false positive with ``consider-using-dict-comprehension`` for constructions that can't be converted to a comprehension Close 2963 * Added ``__post_init__`` to ``defining-attr-methods`` in order to avoid ``attribute-defined-outside-init`` in dataclasses. Close 2581 * Changed description of W0199 to use the term 2-item-tuple instead of 2-uple. * Allow a `.` as a prefix for Sphinx name resolution. * Checkers must now keep a 1 to 1 relationship between "msgid" (ie: C1234) and "symbol" (ie : human-readable-symbol) * In checkers, an old_names can now be used for multiple new messages and pylint is now a little faster Caused by 1164. It means if you do a partial old_names for a message definition an exception will tell you that you must rename the associated identification. * Allow the choice of f-strings as a valid way of formatting logging strings. Closes 2395 * Added ``--list-msgs-enabled`` command to list all enabled and disabled messages given the current RC file and command line arguments. ``` ### 2.3.0 ``` =========================== Release date: 2019-02-27 * Protect against `NonDeducibleTypeHierarchy` when calling semi-private `is_subtype` `astroid.helpers.is_subtype` raises `NonDeducibleTypeHierarchy` when it cannot infer the base classes of the given types, but that makes sense in its context given that the method is mostly used to inform the inference process about the hierarchy of classes. Doesn't make that much sense for ``pylint`` itself, which is why we're handling the exception here, rather than in ``astroid`` Close PyCQA/astroid644 * Added a new command line option ``list-groups`` for listing all the check groups ``pylint`` knows about. * Allow ``BaseException`` for emitting ``broad-except``, just like ``Exception``. Close 2741 * Fixed a crash that occurred for ``bad-str-strip-call`` when ``strip()`` received ``None`` Close 2743 * Don't emit ``*-not-iterating`` checks for builtins consumed by ``itertools`` Close 2731 * Fix a crash caused by iterating over ``Uninferable`` in a string formatting check. Close 2727 * Fixed false positives for ``no-self-argument`` and ``unsubscriptable-object`` when using ``__class_getitem__`` (new in Python 3.7) Close 2416 * Support ``Ellipsis`` as a synonym for ``pass`` statements. Close 2718 * ``fixme`` gets triggered only on comments. Close 2321 * Fixed a false positive for ``unused-variable`` and ``nonlocal`` assignments Close 2671 * Added ``load_configuration()`` hook for plugins New optional hook for plugins is added: ``load_configuration()``. This hook is executed after configuration is loaded to prevent overwriting plugin specific configuration via user-based configuration. Close 2635 * Fix missing-raises-doc false positive (W9006) Close 1502 * Exempt starred unpacking from ``*-not-iterating`` Python 3 checks Close 2651 * Make ``compare-to-zero`` less zealous by checking against equality and identity Close 2645 * Add ``no-else-raise`` warning (R1720) Close 2558 * Exempt ``yield from`` from ``*-not-iterating`` Python 3 checks. Close 2643 * Fix incorrect generation of ``no-else-return`` warnings (R1705) Fixed issue where ``if`` statements with nested ``if`` statements were incorrectly being flagged as ``no-else-return`` in some cases and not being flagged as ``no-else-return`` in other cases. Added tests for verification and updated pylint source files to eliminate newly exposed warnings. * Fix false positive with `not-async-context-manager` caused by not understanding `contextlib.asynccontextmanager` Close 2440 * Refactor ``bad-reversed-sequence`` to account for more objects that can define ``__reversed__`` One such object would be an enum class, for which ``__reversed__`` yields each individual enum. As such, the check for ``bad-reversed-sequence`` needs to not differentiate between classes and instances when it comes for checking of ``__reversed__`` presence. Close 2598 * Added ``wrong-exception-operation`` Used when an operation is done against an exception, but the operation is not valid for the exception in question. Usually emitted when having binary operations between exceptions in except handlers. Close 2494 * ``no-member`` is emitted for enums when they lack a member Previously we weren't doing this because we detected a ``__getattr__`` implementation on the ``Enum`` class (and this check is skipped for classes with ``__getattr__``), but that is fine for Enums, given that they are inferred in a customised way in astroid. Close 2565 * Generalize ``chained-comparison`` Previous version incorrectly detects `a < b < c and b < d` and fails to detect `a < b < c and c < d`. * Avoid popping __main__ when using multiple jobs Close 2689 * Add a new option 'check-str-concat-over-line-jumps' to check 'implicit-str-concat-in-sequence' * Fixes for the new style logging format linter. The number of arguments was not handled properly, leading to an always successful check. * Fix false positive ``not-callable`` for uninferable properties. * Fix false positive ``useless-else-on-loop`` if the break is deep in the else of an inner loop. * Minor improvements to the help text for a few options. ``` ### 2.2.2 ``` =========================== Release date: 2018-11-28 * Change the ``logging-format-style`` to use name identifier instead of their corresponding Python identifiers This is to prevent users having to think about escaping the default value for ``logging-format-style`` in the generated config file. Also our config parsing utilities don't quite support escaped values when it comes to ``choices`` detection, so this would have needed various hacks around that. Closes 2614 ``` ### 2.2.1 ``` =========================== Release date: 2018-11-27 * Fix a crash caused by `implicit-str-concat-in-sequence` and multi-bytes characters. Closes 2610 ``` ### 2.2 ``` ========================= Release date: 2018-11-25 * Consider ``range()`` objects for ``undefined-loop-variable`` leaking from iteration. Close 2533 * ``deprecated-method`` can use the attribute name for identifying a deprecated method Previously we were using the fully qualified name, which we still do, but the fully qualified name for some ``unittest`` deprecated aliases leads to a generic deprecation function. Instead on relying on that, we now also rely on the attribute name, which should solve some false positives. Close 1653 Close 1946 * Fix compatibility with changes to stdlib tokenizer. * ``pylint`` is less eager to consume the whole line for pragmas Close 2485 * Obtain the correct number of CPUs for virtualized or containerized environments. Close 2519 * Change ``unbalanced-tuple-unpacking`` back to a warning. It used to be a warning until a couple of years ago, after it was promoted to an error. But the check might be suggesting the wrong thing in some cases, for instance when checking against ``sys.argv`` which cannot be known at static analysis time. Given it might rely on potential unknown data, it's best to have it as a warning. Close 2522 * Remove ``enumerate`` usage suggestion when defining ``__iter__`` (C0200) Close 2477 * Emit ``too-many-starred-assignment`` only when the number of Starred nodes is per assignment elements Close 2513 * `try-except-raise` checker now handles multilevel inheritance hirerachy for exceptions correctly. Close 2484 * Add a new check, ``simplifiable-if-expression`` for expressions like ``True if cond else False``. Close 2487 * ``too-few-public-methods`` is not reported for ``typing.NamedTuple`` Close 2459 * too-few-public-methods`` is not reported for dataclasses created with options. Close 2488 * Remove wrong modules from 'bad-python3-import'. Close 2453 * The ``json`` reporter prints an empty list when no messages are emitted Close 2446 * Add a new check, ``duplicate-string-formatting-argument`` This new check is emitted whenever a duplicate string formatting argument is found. Close 497 * ``assignment-from-no-return`` is not emitted for coroutines. Close 1715 * Report format string type mismatches. * ``consider-using-ternary`` and ``simplified-boolean-expression`` no longer emit for sequence based checks Close 2473 * Handle ``AstroidSyntaxError`` when trying to import a module. Close 2313 * Allow ``__module__`` to be redefined at a class level. Close 2451 * ``pylint`` used to emit a ``unused-variable`` error if unused import was found in the function. Now instead of ``unused-variable``, ``unused-import`` is emitted. Close 2421 * Handle asyncio.coroutine when looking for ``not-an-iterable`` check. Close 996 * The ``locally-enabled`` check is gone. Close 2442 * Infer decorated methods when looking for method-hidden Close 2369 * Pick the latest value from the inferred values when looking for ``raising-non-exception`` Close 2431 * Extend the TYPE_CHECKING guard to TYPE_CHECKING name as well, not just the attribute Close 2411 * Ignore import x.y.z as z cases for checker `useless-import-alias`. Close 2309 * Fix false positive ``undefined-variable`` and ``used-before-assignment`` with nonlocal keyword usage. Close 2049 * Stop ``protected-access`` exception for missing class attributes * Don't emit `assignment-from-no-return` for decorated function nodes Close 2385 * `unnecessary-pass` is now also emitted when a function or class contains only docstring and pass statement. In Python, stubbed functions often have a body that contains just a single `pass` statement, indicating that the function doesn't do anything. However, a stubbed function can also have just a docstring, and function with a docstring and no body also does nothing. Close 2208 * ``duplicate-argument-name`` is emitted for more than one duplicate argument per function Close 1712 * Allow double indentation levels for more distinguishable indentations Close 741 * Consider tuples in exception handler for ``try-except-raise``. Close 2389 * Fix astroid.ClassDef check in checkers.utils.is_subclass_of * Fix wildcard imports being ignored by the import checker * Fix external/internal distinction being broken in the import graph * Fix wildcard import check not skipping `__init__.py` Close 2430 * Add new option to logging checker, ``logging_format_style`` * Fix --ignore-imports to understand multi-line imports Close 1422 Close 2019 * Add a new check 'implicit-str-concat-in-sequence' to spot string concatenation inside lists, sets & tuples. * ``literal-comparison`` is now emitted for 0 and 1 literals. ``` ### 2.1.1 ``` =========================== Release date: 2018-08-07 * fix pylint crash due to ``misplaced-format-function`` not correctly handling class attribute. Close 2384 * Do not emit \*-builtin for Python 3 builtin checks when the builtin is used inside a try-except Close PyCQA/pylint2228 * ``simplifiable-if-statement`` not emitted when dealing with subscripts ``` ### 2.1 ``` ========================= Release date: 2018-08-01 * `trailing-comma-tuple` gets emitted for ``yield`` statements as well. Close 2363 * Get only the arguments of the scope function for `redefined-argument-from-local` Close 2364 * Add a check `misplaced-format-function` which is emitted if format function is used on non str object. Close 2200 * `chain.from_iterable` no longer emits `dict-{}-not-iterating` when dealing with dict values and keys * Demote the `try-except-raise` message from an error to a warning (E0705 -> W0706) Close 2323 * Correctly handle the new name of the Python implementation of the `abc` module. Close PyCQA/astroid2288 * Modules with `__getattr__` are exempted by default from `no-member` There's no easy way to figure out if a module has a particular member when the said module uses `__getattr__`, which is a new addition to Python 3.7. Instead we assume the safe thing to do, in the same way we do for classes, and skip those modules from checking. Close 2331 * Fix a false positive `invalid name` message when method or attribute name is longer then 30 characters. Close 2047 * Include the type of the next branch in `no-else-return` Close 2295 * Fix inconsistent behaviour for bad-continuation on first line of file Close 2281 * Fix not being able to disable certain messages on the last line through the global disable option Close 2278 * Don't emit `useless-return` when we have a single statement that is the return itself We still want to be explicit when a function is supposed to return an optional value; even though `pass` could still work, it's not explicit enough and the function might look like it's missing an implementation. Close 2300 * Fix false-positive undefined-variable for self referential class name in lamdbas Close 704 * Don't crash when `pylint` is unable to infer the value of an argument to `next()` Close 2316 * Don't emit `not-an-iterable` when dealing with async iterators. But do emit it when using the usual iteration protocol against async iterators. Close 2311 * Can specify a default docstring type for when the check cannot guess the type Close 1169 ``` ### 2.0 ``` ========================= Release date: 2018-07-15 * `try-except-raise` should not be emitted if there are any parent exception class handlers. Close 2284 * `trailing-comma-tuple` can be emitted for `return` statements as well. Close 2269 * Fix a false positive ``inconsistent-return-statements`` message when exception is raised inside an else statement. Close 1782 * `ImportFrom` nodes correctly use the full name for the import sorting checks. Close 2181 * [].extend and similar builtin operations don't emit `dict-*-not-iterating` with the Python 3 porting checker Close 2187 * Add a check `consider-using-dict-comprehension` which is emitted if for dict initialization the old style with list comprehensions is used. * Add a check `consider-using-set-comprehension` which is emitted if for set initialization the old style with list comprehensions is used. * `logging-not-lazy` is emitted whenever pylint infers that a string is built with addition Close 2193 * Add a check `chained-comparison` which is emitted if a boolean operation can be simplified by chaining some of its operations. e.g "a < b and b < c", can be simplified as "a < b < c". Close 2032 * Add a check `consider-using-in` for comparisons of a variable against multiple values with "==" and "or"s instead of checking if the variable is contained "in" a tuple of those values. * `in` is considered iterating context for some of the Python 3 porting checkers Close 2186 * Add `--ignore-none` flag to control if pylint should warn about `no-member` where the owner is None * Fix a false positive related to `too-many-arguments` and bounded `__get__` methods Close 2172 * `mcs` as the first parameter of metaclass's `__new__` method was replaced by `cls` Close 2028 * `assignment-from-no-return` considers methods as well. Close 2081 * Support typing.TYPE_CHECKING for *unused-import* errors Close 1948 * Inferred classes at a function level no longer emit `invalid-name` when they don't respect the variable regular expression Close 1049 * Added basic support for postponed evaluation of function annotations. Close 2069 * Fix a bug with `missing-kwoa` and variadics parameters Close 1111 * `simplifiable-if-statement` takes in account only when assigning to same targets Close 1984 * Make ``len-as-condition`` test more cases, such as ``len() < 1`` or ``len <= 0`` * Fix false-positive ``line-too-long`` message emission for commented line at the end of a module Close 1950 * Fix false-positive ``bad-continuation`` for with statements Close 461 * Don't warn about `stop-iteration-return` when using `next()` over `itertools.count` Close 2158 * Add a check `consider-using-get` for unidiomatic usage of value/default-retrieval for a key from a dictionary Close 2076 * invalid-slice-index is not emitted when the slice is used as index for a complex object. We only use a handful of known objects (list, set and friends) to figure out if we should emit invalid-slice-index when the slice is used to subscript an object. * Don't emit `unused-import` anymore for typing imports used in type comments. * Add a new check 'useless-import-alias'. Close 2052 * Add `comparison-with-callable` to warn for comparison with bare callable, without calling it. Close 2082 * Don't warn for ``missing-type-doc`` and/or ``missing-return-type-doc``, if type annotations exist on the function signature for a parameter and/or return type. Close 2083 * Add `--exit-zero` option for continuous integration scripts to more easily call Pylint in environments that abort when a program returns a non-zero (error) status code. Close 2042 * Warn if the first argument of an instance/ class method gets assigned Close 977 * New check `comparison-with-itself` to check comparison between same value. Close 2051 * Add a new warning, 'logging-fstring-interpolation', emitted when f-string is used within logging function calls. Close 1998 * Don't show 'useless-super-delegation' if the subclass method has different type annotations. Close 1923 * Add `unhashable-dict-key` check. Closes 586 * Don't warn that a global variable is unused if it is defined by an import Close 1453 * Skip wildcard import check for `__init__.py`. Close 2026 * The Python 3 porting mode can now run with Python 3 as well. * `too-few-public-methods` is not emitted for dataclasses. Close 1793 * New verbose mode option, enabled with `--verbose` command line flag, to display of extra non-checker-related output. It is disabled by default. Close 1863 * `undefined-loop-variable` takes in consideration non-empty iterred objects before emitting Close 2039 * Add support for numpydoc optional return value names. Close 2030 * `singleton-comparison` accounts for negative checks Close 2037 * Add a check `consider-using-in` for comparisons of a variable against multiple values with "==" and "or"s instead of checking if the variable is contained "in" a tuple of those values. Close 1977 * defaultdict and subclasses of dict are now handled for dict-iter-* checks Close 2005 * `logging-format-interpolation` also emits when f-strings are used instead of % syntax. Close 1788 * Don't trigger misplaced-bare-raise when the raise is in a finally clause Close 1924 * Add a new check, `possibly-unused-variable`. This is similar to `unused-variable`, the only difference is that it is emitted when we detect a locals() call in the scope of the unused variable. The `locals()` call could potentially use the said variable, by consuming all values that are present up to the point of the call. This new check allows to disable this error when the user intentionally uses `locals()` to consume everything. Close 1909. * `no-else-return` accounts for multiple cases The check was a bit overrestrictive because we were checking for return nodes in the .orelse node. At that point though the if statement can be refactored to not have the orelse. This improves the detection of other cases, for instance it now detects TryExcept nodes that are part of the .else branch. Close 1852 * Added two new checks, `invalid-envvar-value` and `invalid-envvar-default`. The former is trigger whenever pylint detects that environment variable manipulation functions uses a different type than strings, while the latter is emitted whenever the said functions are using a default variable of different type than expected. * Add a check `consider-using-join` for concatenation of strings using str.join(sequence) Close 1952 * Add a check `consider-swap-variables` for swapping variables with tuple unpacking Close 1922 * Add new checker `try-except-raise` that warns the user if an except handler block has a ``raise`` statement as its first operator. The warning is shown when there is a bare raise statement, effectively re-raising the exception that was caught or the type of the exception being raised is the same as the one being handled. * Don't crash on invalid strings when checking for `logging-format-interpolation` Close 1944 * Exempt `__doc__` from triggering a `redefined-builtin` `__doc__` can be used to specify a docstring for a module without passing it as a first-statement string. * Fix false positive bad-whitespace from function arguments with default values and annotations Close 1831 * Fix stop-iteration-return false positive when next builtin has a default value in a generator Close 1830 * Fix emission of false positive ``no-member`` message for class with "private" attributes whose name is mangled. Close 1643 * Fixed a crash which occurred when `Uninferable` wasn't properly handled in `stop-iteration-return` Close 1779 * Use the proper node to get the name for redefined functions (1792) Close 1774 * Don't crash when encountering bare raises while checking inconsistent returns Close 1773 * Fix a false positive ``inconsistent-return-statements`` message when if statement is inside try/except. Close 1770 * Fix a false positive ``inconsistent-return-statements`` message when while loop are used. Close 1772 * Correct column number for whitespace conventions. Previously the column was stuck at 0 Close 1649 * Fix ``unused-argument`` false positives with overshadowed variable in dictionary comprehension. Close 1731 * Fix false positive ``inconsistent-return-statements`` message when never returning functions are used (i.e sys.exit for example). Close 1771 * Fix error when checking if function is exception, as in ``bad-exception-context``. * Fix false positive ``inconsistent-return-statements`` message when a function is defined under an if statement. Close 1794 * New ``useless-return`` message when function or method ends with a "return" or "return None" statement and this is the only return statement in the body. * Fix false positive ``inconsistent-return-statements`` message by avoiding useless exception inference if the exception is not handled. Close 1794 (second part) * Fix bad thread instantiation check when target function is provided in args. Close 1840 * Fixed false positive when a numpy Attributes section follows a Parameters section Close 1867 * Fix incorrect file path when file absolute path contains multiple ``path_strip_prefix`` strings. Close 1120 * Fix false positive undefined-variable for lambda argument in class definitions Close 1824 * Add of a new checker that warns the user if some messages are enabled or disabled by id instead of symbol. Close 1599 * Suppress false-positive ``not-callable`` messages from certain staticmethod descriptors Close 1699 * Fix indentation handling with tabs Close 1148 * Fix false-positive ``bad-continuation`` error Close 638 * Fix false positive unused-variable in lambda default arguments Close 1921 Close 1552 Close 1099 Close 210 * Updated the default report format to include paths that can be clicked on in some terminals (e.g. iTerm). * Fix inline def behavior with ``too-many-statements`` checker Close 1978 * Fix `KeyError` raised when using docparams and NotImplementedError is documented. Close 2102 * Fix 'method-hidden' raised when assigning to a property or data descriptor. * Fix emitting ``useless-super-delegation`` when changing the default value of keyword arguments. Close 2022 * Expand ignored-argument-names include starred arguments and keyword arguments Close 2214 * Fix false-positive undefined-variable in nested lambda Close 760 * Fix false-positive ``bad-whitespace`` message for typing annoatations with ellipses in them Close 1992 * Broke down "missing-docstrings" between "module", "class" and "function" For this to work we had to make multiple messages with the same old name possible. Closes 1164 ``` ### 1.9 ``` ========================= Release date: 2018-05-15 * Added two new Python 3 porting checks, `exception-escape` and `comprehension-escape` These two are emitted whenever pylint detects that a variable defined in the said blocks is used outside of the given block. On Python 3 these values are deleted. * Added a new `deprecated-sys-function`, emitted when accessing removed sys members. * Added `xreadlines-attribute`, emitted when the `xreadlines()` attribute is accessed. * The Python 3 porting mode can now run with Python 3 as well. * docparams extension allows abstract methods to document what overriding implementations should return, and to raise NotImplementedError without documenting it. Closes 2044 * Special methods do not count towards `too-few-methods`, and are considered part of the public API. * Enum classes do not trigger `too-few-methods` Close 605 * Added a new Python 2/3 check for accessing `operator.div`, which is removed in Python 3 Close 1936 * Added a new Python 2/3 check for accessing removed urllib functions Close 1997 ``` ### 1.8.1 ``` =========================== Release date: 2017-12-15 * Wrong version number in __pkginfo__. ``` ### 1.8 ``` ========================= Release date: 2017-12-15 * Respect disable=... in config file when running with --py3k. * New warning `shallow-copy-environ` added Shallow copy of os.environ doesn't work as people may expect. os.environ is not a dict object but rather a proxy object, so any changes made on copy may have unexpected effects on os.environ Instead of copy.copy(os.environ) method os.environ.copy() should be used. See https://bugs.python.org/issue15373 for details. Close 1301 * Do not display no-absolute-import warning multiple times per file. * `trailing-comma-tuple` refactor check now extends to assignment with more than one element (such as lists) Close 1713 * Fixing u'' string in superfluous-parens message Close 1420 * `abstract-class-instantiated` is now emitted for all inference paths. Close 1673 * Add set of predefined naming style to ease configuration of checking naming conventions. Closes 1013 * Added a new check, ``keyword-arg-before-vararg`` This is emitted for function definitions in which keyword arguments are placed before variable positional arguments (\*args). This may lead to args list getting modified if keyword argument's value is not provided in the function call assuming it will take default value provided in the definition. * The `invalid-name` check contains the name of the template that caused the failure Close 1176 * Using the -j flag won't start more child linters than needed. Contributed by Roman Ivanov in 1614 * Fix a false positive with bad-python3-import on relative imports Close 1608 * Added a new Python 3 check, ``non-ascii-bytes-literals`` Close 1545 * Added a couple of new Python 3 checks for accessing dict methods in non-iterable context * Protocol checks (not-a-mapping, not-an-iterable and co.) aren't emitted on classes with dynamic getattr * Added a new warning, 'bad-thread-instantiation' This message is emitted when the threading.Thread class does not receive the target argument, but receives just one argument, which is by default the group parameter. Close 1327 * In non-quiet mode, absolute path of used config file is logged to standard error. Close 1519 * Raise meaningful exception for invalid reporter class being selected When unknown reporter class will be selected as Pylint reporter, meaningful error message would be raised instead of bare ``ImportError`` or ``AttribueError`` related to module or reporter class being not found. Close 1388 * Added a new Python 3 check for accessing removed functions from itertools like ``izip`` or ``ifilterfalse`` * Added a new Python 3 check for accessing removed fields from the types module like ``UnicodeType`` or ``XRangeType`` * Added a new Python 3 check for declaring a method ``next`` that would have been treated as an iterator in Python 2 but a normal function in Python 3. * Added a new key-value pair in json output. The key is ``message-id`` and the value is the message id. Close 1512 * Added a new Python 3.0 check for raising a StopIteration inside a generator. The check about raising a StopIteration inside a generator is also valid if the exception raised inherit from StopIteration. Close 1385 * Added a new warning, ``raising-format-tuple``, to detect multi-argument exception construction instead of message string formatting. * Added a new check for method of logging module that concatenate string via + operator Close 1479 * Added parameter for limiting number of suggestions in spellchecking checkers * Fix a corner-case in ``consider-using-ternary`` checker. When object ``A`` used in ``X and A or B`` was falsy in boolean context, Pylint incorrectly emitted non-equivalent ternary-based suggestion. After a change message is correctly not emitted for this case. Close 1559 * Added ``suggestion-mode`` configuration flag. When flag is enabled, informational message is emitted instead of cryptic error message for attributes accessed on c-extensions. Close 1466 * Fix a false positive ``useless-super-delegation`` message when parameters default values are different from those used in the base class. Close 1085 * Disabling 'wrong-import-order', 'wrong-import-position', or 'ungrouped-imports' for a single line now prevents that line from triggering violations on subsequent lines. Close 1336 * Added a new Python check for inconsistent return statements inside method or function. Close 1267 * Fix ``superfluous-parens`` false positive related to handling logical statements involving ``in`` operator. Close 574 * ``function-redefined`` message is no longer emitted for functions and methods which names matches dummy variable name regular expression. Close 1369 * Fix ``missing-param-doc`` and ``missing-type-doc`` false positives when mixing ``Args`` and ``Keyword Args`` in Google docstring. Close 1409 * Fix ``missing-docstring`` false negatives when modules, classes, or methods consist of compound statements that exceed the ``docstring-min-length`` * Fix ``useless-else-on-loop`` false positives when break statements are deeply nested inside loop. Close 1661 * Fix no ``wrong-import-order`` message emitted on ordering of first and third party libraries. With this fix, pylint distinguishes third and first party modules when checking import order. Close 1702 * Fix ``pylint disable=fixme`` directives ignored for comments following the last statement in a file. Close 1681 * Fix ``line-too-long`` message deactivated by wrong disable directive. The directive ``disable=fixme`` doesn't deactivate anymore the emission of ``line-too-long`` message for long commented lines. Close 1741 * If the rcfile specified on the command line doesn't exist, then an IOError exception is raised. Close 1747 * Fix the wrong scope of the ``disable=`` directive after a commented line. For example when a ``disable=line-too-long`` directive is at the end of a long commented line, it no longer disables the emission of ``line-too-long`` message for lines that follow. Close 1742 ``` ### 1.7.1 ``` =========================== Release date: 2017-04-17 * Fix a false positive which occurred when an exception was reraised Close 1419 * Fix a false positive of ``disallow-trailing-tuple`` The check was improved by verifying for non-terminating newlines, which should exempt function calls and function definitions from the check Close 1424 ``` ### 1.7 ``` ========================= Release date: 2017-04-13 * Don't emit missing-final-newline or trailing-whitespace for formfeeds (page breaks). Close 1218 and 1219 * Don't emit by default no-member if we have opaque inference objects in the inference results This is controlled through the new flag ignore-on-opaque-inference, which is by default True. The inference can return multiple potential results while evaluating a Python object, but some branches might not be evaluated, which results in partial inference. In that case, it might be useful to still emit no-member and other checks for the rest of the inferred objects. * Added new message `assign-to-new-keyword` to warn about assigning to names which will become a keyword in future Python releases. Close 1351 * Split the 'missing or differing' in parameter documentation in different error. 'differing-param-doc' covers the differing part of the old 'missing-param-doc', and 'differing-type-doc' covers the differing part of the old 'missing-type-doc' Close 1342 * Added a new error, 'used-prior-global-declaration', which is emitted when a name is used prior a global declaration in a function. This causes a SyntaxError in Python 3.6 Close 1257 * The protocol checks are emitting their messages when a special method is set to None. Close 1263 * Properly detect if imported name is assigned to same name in different scope. Close 636, 848, 851, and 900 * Require one space for annotations with type hints, as per PEP 8. * 'trailing-comma-tuple' check was added This message is emitted when pylint finds an one-element tuple, created by a stray comma. This can suggest a potential problem in the code and it is recommended to use parantheses in order to emphasise the creation of a tuple, rather than relying on the comma itself. * Don't emit not-callable for instances with unknown bases. Close 1213 * Treat keyword only arguments the same as positional arguments with regard to unused-argument check * Don't try to access variables defined in a separate scope when checking for ``protected-access`` * Added new check to detect incorrect usage of len(SEQUENCE) inside test conditions. * Added new extension to detect comparisons against empty string constants * Added new extension to detect comparisons of integers against zero * Added new error conditions for 'bad-super-call' Now detects ``super(type(self), self)`` and ``super(self.__class__, self)`` which can lead to recursion loop in derived classes. * PyLinter.should_analyze_file has a new optional parameter, called `is_argument` Close 1079 * Add attribute hints for missing members Closes 1035 * Add a new warning, 'redefined-argument-from-local' Closes 649 * Support inline comments for comma separated values in the config file Closes 1024 * epylint.py_run's *script* parameter was removed. * epylint.py_run now uses ``shell=False`` for running the underlying process. Closes 441 * Added a new warning, 'useless-super-delegation' Close 839. * Added a new error, 'invalid-metaclass', raised when we can detect that a class is using an improper metaclass. Close 579 * Added a new refactoring message, 'literal-comparison'. Close 786 * arguments-differ takes in consideration kwonlyargs and variadics Close 983 * Removed --optimized-ast. Part of 975. * Removed --files-output option. Part of 975. * Removed pylint-gui from the package. * Removed the HTML reporter. Part of 975. * ignored-argument-names is now used for ignoring arguments for unused-variable check. This option was used for ignoring arguments when computing the correct number of arguments a function should have, but for handling the arguments with regard to unused-variable check, dummy-variables-rgx was used instead. Now, ignored-argument-names is used for its original purpose and also for ignoring the matched arguments for the unused-variable check. This offers a better control of what should be ignored and how. Also, the same option was moved from the design checker to the variables checker, which means that the option now appears under the ``[VARIABLES]`` section inside the configuration file. Close 862. * Fix a false positive for keyword variadics with regard to keyword only arguments. If a keyword only argument was necessary for a function, but that function was called with keyword variadics (\**kwargs), then we were emitting a missing-kwoa false positive, which is now fixed. Close 934. * Fix some false positives with unknown sized variadics. Close 878 * Added a new extension, check_docstring, for checking PEP 257 conventions. Closes 868. * config files with BOM markers can now be read. Close 864. * epylint.py_run does not crash on big files, using .communicate() instead of .wait() Close 599 * Disable reports by default and show the evaluation score by default As per discussion from issue 746, the reports were disabled by default in order to simplify the interaction between the tool and the users. The score is still shown by default, as a way of closely measuring when it increases or decreases due to changes brought to the code. * Disable the information category messages by default. This is a step towards making pylint more sane, as per the discussion from issue 746. * Catch more cases as not proper iterables for __slots__ with regard to invalid-slots pattern. Closes issue 775. * empty indent strings are rejected. * Added a new error, 'relative-beyond-top-level', which is emitted when a relative import was attempted beyond the top level package. Closes issue 588. * Added a new warning, 'unsupported-assignment-operation', which is emitted when item assignment is tried on an object which doesn't have this ability. Closes issue 591. * Added a new warning, 'unsupported-delete-operation', which is emitted when item deletion is tried on an object which doesn't have this ability. Closes issue 592. * Fix a false positive of 'redundant-returns-doc', occurred when the documented function was using *yield* instead of *return*. Closes issue 984. * Fix false positives of 'missing-[raises|params|type]-doc' due to not recognizing keyword synonyms supported by Sphinx. * Added a new refactoring message, 'consider-merging-isinstance', which is emitted whenever we can detect that consecutive isinstance calls can be merged together. Closes issue 968 * Fix a false positive of 'missing-param-doc' and 'missing-type-doc', occurred when a class docstring uses the 'For the parameters, see' magic string but the class __init__ docstring does not, or vice versa. * `redefined-outer-name` is now also emitted when a nested loop's target variable is the same as a target variable in an outer loop. Closes issue 911. * Added proper exception type inference for 'missing-raises-doc'. * Added InvalidMessageError exception class to replace asserts in pylint.utils. * More thorough validation in MessagesStore.register_messages() to avoid one message accidentally overwriting another. * InvalidMessageError, UnknownMessage, and EmptyReport exceptions are moved to the new pylint.exceptions submodule. * Unk
coveralls commented 4 years ago

Coverage Status

Coverage decreased (-65.03%) to 0.0% when pulling 6027ab8046545f7d2d504cfef1685fdc13baed77 on pyup-update-pylint-1.6.4-to-2.6.0 into c1f071e9f557693bc90f6acbc314994985dc3b77 on develop.